Pituitary Gland (Applied) (Book Snippet)

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Applied Physiology

384 Section 6 Endocrinology

Action in Males iv. Pituitary tumor also causes visual disturbances.

[ Pituitaryd ]
ejaculation. It facilitates release of sperm into urethra
leading to bitemporal hemianopia (Chapter

reproductive tract, particularly vas deferens.

2. Acromegaly
Mode of Action of Oxytocin Acromegaly is the disorder characterized by the
enlargement, thickening and broadening of bones,
Acromegaly is due to hypersecretion of GH in adults
OF PITUITARY GLAND after the fusion of epiphysis with shaft of the bone.
Disorders of pituitary gland are given in Table 66.1. Hypersecretion of GH is because of tumor of acidophil
cells in the anterior pituitary.
Signs and symptoms
1. Gigantism
i. Acromegalic or gorilla face: Face with rough
Gigantism is the pituitary disorder characterized by features such as protrusion of supraorbital
ridges, broadening of nose, thickening of lips,
thickening and wrinkles formation on forehead
and prognathism (protrusion of lower jaw) (Fig.
Gigantism is due to hypersecretion of GH in childhood ii. Enlargement of hands and feet (Fig. 66.7)
or in pre-adult life before the fusion of epiphysis of bone
with shaft. Hypersecretion of GH is because of tumor of thoracic spine)
acidophil cells in the anterior pituitary. iv. Thickening of scalp. Scalp is also thrown into
Signs and symptoms folds or wrinkles like bulldog scalp
v. Overgrowth of body hair
i. General overgrowth of the person leads to vi. Enlargement of visceral organs such as lungs,
the development of a huge stature, with a thymus, heart, liver and spleen
vii. Hyperactivity of thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal
disproportionately long glands
ii. Giants are hyperglycemic and they develop viii. Hyperglycemia and glucosuria, resulting in
glycosuria and pituitary diabetes. Hyperglycemia diabetes mellitus
of Langerhans in the pancreas and release of
(bitemporal hemianopia).
Langerhans in pancreas leads to degeneration
3. Acromegalic Gigantism
ultimately, diabetes mellitus is developed
iii. Tumor of the pituitary gland itself causes Acromegalic gigantism is a rare disorder with symptoms
constant headache of both gigantism and acromegaly. Hypersecretion of GH
TABLE 66.1: Disorders of pituitary gland

Parts involved Hyperactivity Hypoactivity

Anterior pituitary Acromicria
Acromegalic gigantism
Simmond disease
Cushing disease
Posterior pituitary Syndrome of inappropriate hypersecretion of ADH (SIADH) Diabetes insipidus
Anterior and posterior pituitary Dystrophia adiposogenitalis
Chapter 66 Pituitary Gland 385

FIGURE 66.6: Acromegaly (Courtesy: Prof Mafauzy Mohamad)

Usually, the disorder due to the pituitary cause is

called Cushing disease and when it is due to the adrenal
cause, it is called Cushing syndrome.
Details of this condition are given in Chapter 70.



by the stunted growth.

FIGURE 66.7: A. Normal hand; B. Acromegalic hand
Reduction in GH secretion in infancy or early childhood
(Courtesy: Prof Mafauzy Mohamad)

in children, before the fusion of epiphysis with shaft of
i. Tumor of chromophobes: It is a non-functioning
the bones causes gigantism and if hypersecretion of
tumor, which compresses and destroys the normal
GH is continued even after the fusion of epiphysis, the
cells secreting GH. It is the most common cause
symptoms of acromegaly also appear.

4. Cushing Disease
by hypothalamus
It is also a rare disease characterized by obesity.
iv. Atrophy or degeneration of acidophilic cells in
the anterior pituitary
Cushing disease develops by basophilic adenoma of iv. Panhypopituitarism: In this condition, there is
adenohypophysis. It increases the secretion of adreno- reduction in the secretion of all the hormones
corticotropic hormone, which in turn stimulates the
is associated with other symptoms due to the
386 Section 6 Endocrinology

Signs and symptoms ii. Atrophy or degeneration of acidophilic cells in

the anterior pituitary
i. Primary symptom of hypopituitarism in children
iii. Tumor of chromophobes: It is a non-functioning
tumor, which compresses and destroys the
height of anterior pituitary dwarf at the adult age
normal cells secreting the GH. This is the most
is only about 3 feet
common cause for hyposecretion of GH leading
ii. But the proportions of different parts of the body to acromicria
are almost normal. Only the head becomes
iv. Panhypopituitarism: In this condition, there is
slightly larger in relation to the body a reduction in secretion of all the hormones of
iii. Pituitary dwarfs do not show any deformity and anterior pituitary gland. Acromicria is associated
their mental activity is normal with no mental
retardation other anterior pituitary hormones.
iv. Reproductive function is not affected, if there is
Signs and symptoms
pituitarism, the dwarfs do not obtain puberty due
(hands and feet) are the major symptoms in
ii. Acromicria is mostly associated with
GH hypothyroidism
insensitivity. It occurs due to the presence of abnormal iii. Hyposecretion of adrenocortical hormones also
growth hormone secretagogue (GHS) receptors in is common in acromicria
liver. GHS receptors become abnormal because of the iv. The person becomes lethargic and obese
mutation of genes for the receptors.
GH secretion is normal or high. But the hormone
cannot stimulate growth because of the abnormal GHS 3. Simmond Disease
Simmond disease is a rare pituitary disease. It is also
emotional deprivation or stress. The short stature is It occurs mostly in panhypopituitarism, i.e. hyposecretion
of all the anterior pituitary hormones due to the atrophy
or degeneration of anterior pituitary.
i. A major feature of Simmond disease is the
Dystrophia adiposogenitalis or Fröhlich syndrome is rapidly developing senile decay. Thus, a 30-
years-old person looks like a 60-years-old
develops in children. person. The senile decay is mainly due to

anterior pituitary, i.e. the thyroid gland, adrenal

Panhypopituitarism is the pituitary disorder due to
reduction in secretion of all anterior pituitary hormones. ii. There is loss of hair over the body and loss of
These dwarfs do not attain puberty. teeth
iii. Skin on face becomes dry and wrinkled. So, there
2. Acromicria is a shrunken appearance of facial features. It is
Acromicria is a rare disease in adults characterized by the most common feature of this disease.


Syndrome of Inappropriate Hypersecretion
of Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH)
secretion of GH decreases in the following conditions:
SIADH is the disease characterized by loss of sodium
hypothalamus through urine due to hypersecretion of ADH.
Chapter 66 Pituitary Gland 387

Causes reabsorbed from the renal tubule and collecting

duct, leading to loss of water through urine.
SIADH occurs due to cerebral tumors, lung tumors and
ii. Polydipsia:
lung cancers because the tumor cells and cancer cells
polydipsia. Because of polyuria, lot of water is
secrete ADH.
lost from the body. It stimulates the thirst center
In normal conditions, ADH decreases the urine
in hypothalamus, resulting in intake of large
output by facultative reabsorption of water in distal
quantity of water.
convoluted tubule and the collecting duct. Urine that is
iii. Dehydration: In some cases, the thirst center in
formed is concentrated with sodium and other ions. Loss
the hypothalamus is also affected by the lesion.
of sodium decreases the osmalarity of plasma, making
Water intake decreases in these patients and
it hypotonic. Hypotonic plasma inhibits ADH secretion
loss of water through urine is not compensated.
resulting in restoration of plasma osmolarity.
So, dehydration develops which may lead to
However, in SIADH, secretion of ADH from tumor
or cancer cells is not inhibited by hypotonic plasma. So
there is continuous loss of sodium, resulting in persistent Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
plasma hypotonicity.
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is a genetic disorder
Signs and symptoms due to inability of renal tubules to give response to ADH.
It is caused by mutations of genes of V2 receptors or
1.Loss of appetite
aquaporin 2.
2.Weight loss
3.Nausea and vomiting
5.Muscle weakness, spasm and cramps
6.Fatigue Dystrophia Adiposogenitalis
7.Restlessness and irritability.
In severe conditions, the patients die because of Dystrophia adiposogenitalis is a disease characterized
convulsions and coma. by obesity and hypogonadism, affecting mainly the
adolescent boys. It is also called Fröhlich syndrome or
Diabetes Insipidus
Dystrophia adiposogenitalis is due to hypoactivity of
Diabetes insipidus is a posterior pituitary disorder
both anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary. Common
cause of this disease is the tumor in pituitary gland and
hypothalamic regions, concerned with food intake and
Causes gonadal development. Other causes are injury or atrophy
of pituitary gland and genetic inability of hypothalamus
to secrete luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone.
which occurs in the following conditions:
i. Lesion (injury) or degeneration of supraoptic Symptoms
and paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus
Obesity is the common feature of this disorder. Due to
ii. Lesion in hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract the abnormal stimulation of feeding center, the person
iii. Atrophy of posterior pituitary overeats and consequently becomes obese. Obesity is
iv. Inability of renal tubules to give response to ADH accompanied by (failure to develop
hormone. Such condition is called nephrogenic
diabetes insipidus (see below). occurs if the disease starts in growing age. In children,
it is called infantile or prepubertal type of Fröhlich
Signs and symptoms
i. Polyuria: This disease develops in adults also. When it occurs
urine, with increased frequency of voiding is in adults, it is called adult type of Fröhlich syndrome. In
called polyuria. Daily output of urine varies adults, the major symptoms are obesity and atrophy of
between 4 to 12 liter. In the absence of ADH, the
epithelial cells of distal convoluted tubule in the Other features of this disorder are behavioral
nephron and the collecting duct of the kidney changes and loss of vision. Some patients develop
become impermeable to water. So, water is not diabetes insipidus.

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