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Craniofacial Deformity in Patients with

Uncorrected Congenital Muscular Torticollis:

An Assessment from Three-Dimensional
Computed Tomography Imaging
Chung-Chih Yu, M.D., Fen-Hwa Wong, Ph.D., Lun-Jou Lo, M.D., and Yu-Ray Chen, M.D.
Taipei, Taiwan

Congenital muscular torticollis is caused by idiopathic patients with uncorrected torticollis, while the facial bone
fibrosis of the sternocleidomastoid muscle that restricts deformity occurred in childhood stage. The cranial and
movement and pulls the head toward the involved side. facial deformity became more severe with age. Early re-
Deformation of the craniofacial skeleton will develop if lease of the muscle restriction is advised to prevent cranio-
the restriction is not released and result in aesthetic and facial deformation. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 113: 24, 2004.)
functional problems. The purpose of this study was to use
three-dimensional computed tomography imaging for
qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the craniofacial
deformity in a series of patients with uncorrected con- Torticollis, a twisting of the neck to one side,
genital muscular torticollis, and to assess age as a precip- is one of the most common congenital anom-
itating factor for severity of the deformity. A total of 14 alies. Patients with congenital muscular torti-
patients from 1 month to 24 years of age were included. collis present with tilting of the head toward
The skull images were rotated into standard orientation
and reconfigured for evaluation of the cranium, endocra-
the affected side with a fibrotic and shortened
nial base, and facial skeletal structures. The midlines of sternocleidomastoid muscle. Skull and facial
cranial base and facial bone, angle of midline deviation, asymmetry or plagiocephaly may occur in the
width of each hemicranium and hemiface, and the orbital presence of prolonged uncorrected head tilt
index were defined and measured. The results showed (Fig. 1). The characteristic appearance associ-
that the cranium and cranial base deformation took place
as early as in infant stage, with the most prominent change ated with torticollis includes recessed eyebrow
occurring in the posterior cranial fossa. Facial bone asym- and zygoma, deviation of the chin point and
metry started to appear after 5 years of age, at which time nasal tip, inferior orbital dystopia on the af-
the mandibular and occlusal abnormalities were observed. fected side, commissural canting toward the
The deformity of the orbits and maxilla occurred at an affected side, inferiorly and posteriorly posi-
older age, characterized by the deviation and decreased
vertical height on the affected side. The severity of the tioned ipsilateral ear, and distorted craniofa-
observed deformities increased with age. The angle of cial skeletal structures.1– 4 Comprehensive eval-
midline deviation was 2.48 ⫾ 1.68 degrees in the cranial uation and quantitative measurement of the
base and 3.26 ⫾ 3.28 degrees on the facial bone. Both of craniofacial skeletal deformity are difficult us-
the midline deviations were significantly correlated with
age. Compared with the contralateral side, the width of
ing conventional methods such as cephalome-
the ipsilateral posterior hemicranium was longer (54.36 ⫾ try because of the complexity in identifying
6.72 mm versus 50.81 ⫾ 6.55 mm), and the width of the anatomical landmarks and overlapping struc-
ipsilateral lower hemiface was shorter (35.30 ⫾ 7.27 mm tures in two-dimensional medical imaging.3 In
versus 43.49 ⫾ 11.34 mm). Both differences were statis- this study, three-dimensional computed to-
tically significant. Measurement of the orbital index dem-
onstrated a significantly flatter orbit on the ipsilateral side mography imaging was applied for qualitative
(89.48 ⫾ 0.11 versus 92.74 ⫾ 0.08). This study showed that and quantitative morphological assessment of
the cranium and cranial base deformity occurred early in the craniofacial osseous structures, including
From the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, and the Institute of Public Health, National
Yang Ming University. Received for publication December 30, 2002; revised March 17, 2003.
DOI: 10.1097/01.PRS.0000096703.91122.69

FIG. 1. A 24-year old female patient with left torticollis. Three-dimensional computed
tomography images demonstrate dysmorphology of the soft tissue (rendered transpar-
ent) and the underlying skeletal structures.

the endocranial base, in a group of patients Computed Tomography Data Acquisition and
with uncorrected torticollis. The extent of the Processing
craniofacial deformation and the effect of age Spiral computed tomography scans were
upon the magnitude of the deformity were performed according to a standard craniofa-
evaluated. cial protocol.5 An oral sedative was given if the
patient was too young to cooperate during the
PATIENTS AND METHODS procedure. The computed tomography data
were reconstructed to create continuous slices
Selection of the Patients at 1.5 mm thickness and transferred to a med-
Patients with untreated congenital muscular ical imaging laboratory. A Windows 2000 per-
torticollis who presented to the Plastic and Re- sonal computer running Analyze software (ver-
constructive Surgery Clinic at Chang Gung Me- sion 4.0; Biomedical Imaging Resource, Mayo
morial Hospital for evaluation and manage- Foundation, Rochester, Minn.) was used to
ment were included in the study. Careful process the data and reconstruct three-
history and physical examination were per- dimensional images.6 – 8 The size of the voxel in
formed. Presence of a shortened and fibrotic the reformatted images was set at 0.6 ⫻ 0.6 ⫻
sternocleidomastoid muscle was confirmed. In- 0.6 mm for all scans. For convenience in ob-
formed consent was obtained for computed servation and measurement, the torticollis side
tomography scans to evaluate the craniofacial was set to the right side; i. e., for those with left
deformity. Patients with craniofacial synostosis torticollis, the images were reformatted by flip-
or previous history of facial trauma were ex- ping the x coordinate. Patients’ heads were
cluded from this study. scanned with heads tilted in their resting state.
To facilitate assessment, measurement, and symmetry. From the skull base view, the crista
comparisons, the heads were rotated into a galli, foramen magnum, lesser wing of sphe-
standard orientation using the Frankfurt hori- noid, petrous process, and the anterior, mid-
zontal and bilateral orbital landmarks (Fig. 2, dle, and posterior cranial fossae were observed
left).5 The image rotation was carefully per- (Fig. 2, right). The midline of the anterior cra-
formed to set the Frankfurt horizontal from nial fossa was defined by the crista galli, and
both lateral views, the nasion landmark in the the midline of the posterior cranial fossa was
median sagittal plane, and the inferior orbital defined by the opisthion and basion points.9
rims at the same horizontal level from the an- The angle formed by intersection of these two
terior view. When the best position was ob- midlines was defined as the cranial base mid-
tained, the data were then reformatted, re- line deviation. For a symmetrical skull base, the
aligning the x, y, and z axes to this standard midline deviation angle should be 0 degrees.
orientation, using the Analyze matrix transfor- The relationship between the midline devia-
mation function. Grayscale thresholding was tion angle and patient’s age was tested by re-
used to remove soft tissue, leaving the osseous gression analysis. From the endocranial view, a
structures for evaluation. point LWO was defined at the junction of a
curve continuous from the ridge of lesser wing
Evaluation and Measurement of sphenoid bone to the inner surface of pari-
After standard orientation, evaluation and etal bone, and another point PPO was defined
measurement were performed on three- at the junction of the superior ridge of petrous
dimensional volume-rendered osseous images. process to the inner surface of the occipital
The skull was rotated for inspection, landmark bone.10,11 The distance from point LWO to the
identification, definition of midlines, and mea- midline of anterior cranial fossa was defined as
surement. The calvarial vault was clipped for the width of anterior hemicranium. The dis-
assessment of the endocranial base from the tance from point PPO to the midline of poste-
standard top view (Fig. 2, right). rior cranial fossa was defined as the width of
The cranium was observed for shape and posterior hemicranium. The widths were mea-

FIG. 2. Reorientation of the three-dimensional skull image for standard evaluation and measurement. The
landmark points, midlines, and the widths were marked as described in the text. (Left) Frontal view and (right)
endocranial base view. Za, zygomatic arch; Go, gonion; N, nasion; ANS, anterior nasal spine; Ms, mandible symphysis;
Cg, crista galli; Ba, basion; Op, opisthion; LWO, point at the junction of a curve continuous from the ridge of lesser
wing of sphenoid bone to the inner surface of parietal bone; PPO, point at the junction of the superior ridge of
petrous process to the inner surface of the occipital bone.
sured using a two-dimensional distance tech- side in eight patients and on the left side in six
nique from the standard cranial base view and patients. The patients ranged in age from 39
compared using paired t test between the ipsi- days to 24 years (Table I). Thoracolumbar
lateral and contralateral sides. spine scoliosis was noted in one patient (case
Morphological assessment was also per- no. 14).
formed for the shape and symmetry of the
facial skeletal structures (Fig. 2, left). Land- Skull and Cranial Base Dysmorphology
marks were identified at nasion, anterior nasal
spine, lowest point of mandible symphysis, wid- In this group of patients, the cranial sutures
est point of zygomatic arch, and gonion (Fig. 2, were normal in appearance and timing of clo-
left). The middle facial midline was defined by sure (Figs. 3 and 4). There was deformational
a line connecting nasion and anterior nasal plagiocephaly with posterior displacement of
spine points. The lower facial midline was de- the frontal and occipital bones on the ipsilat-
fined by a line connecting anterior nasal spine eral side. Asymmetry of the skull base could be
and mandible symphysis points. The angle observed in patients as early as 1 month of age
formed by the intersection of these two lines (case 1). The deformity was more apparent on
was defined as facial midline deviation. For a the posterior cranial fossa. The ipsilateral pos-
symmetric face, the midlines should be vertical terior cranial fossa was wider and longer on the
with a deviation angle of 0 degrees. The rela- cranial base view. The petrous process of tem-
tionship of age to facial midline deviation an- poral bone was longer on the lesion side, and
gle was tested by regression analysis. The width the ipsilateral middle cranial fossa appeared
of the anterior hemiface was defined. The dis- more distorted correspondingly. In older pa-
tance from the zygomatic arch to the middle tients, the lateral boundary of the middle cra-
facial midline was defined as the width of mid- nial fossa protruded less on the lesion side.
dle hemiface. The distance from the gonion to The anterior cranial fossa was relatively sym-
the midline of the lower facial midline was metrical bilaterally. The deformity in the ante-
defined as the width of lower hemiface. The rior cranial fossa was not apparent in young
widths were measured by two-dimensional dis- patients but was observed in older patients.
tance on standard frontal view and compared The deformity was characterized by ipsilateral
using a paired t test. The height and width of recession and contralateral protrusion of the
the orbit were likewise measured, and the or- anterior boundary, creating shorter anteropos-
bital index was calculated (100 ⫻ height/width of terior dimension on the ipsilateral anterior cra-
orbit).12 The difference between both sides was nial fossa. The extent of deformation on the
also compared by paired t test. anterior cranial fossa was less prominent than
In the study, the authors carefully evaluated that on the posterior cranial fossa. The overall
the three-dimensional osseous images of all skull and cranial base deformities were more
patients for the dysmorphology and landmark apparent in older patients.
identification. A single investigator (Yu) who is
a craniofacial surgeon identified the land- TABLE I
marks and took the measurements. The land- Patients with Untreated Congenital Muscular Torticollis
marks were identified and marked before the
three-dimensional osseous image was rotated
Side of
to standard frontal or cranial basal view for Patient Sex Age at CT Scanning Torticollis
measurement. A second test revealed that the 1 Female 1 month Right
differences were within 5 percent. 2 Female 2 months Left
3 Female 5 months Left
RESULTS 4 Female 7 months Right
5 Male 8 months Right
A total of 15 patients with uncorrected con- 6 Female 2 years, 10 months Right
7 Male 5 years, 1 months Left
genital muscular torticollis underwent three- 8 Female 9 years Right
dimensional computed tomography scanning. 9 Female 10 years, 8 months Left
There was no craniosynostosis in this series. 10 Male 10 years, 10 months Right
11 Male 16 years, 9 months Right
One patient was excluded due to previous zy- 12 Male 19 years, 7 months Left
goma fracture, leaving 14 patients for the 13 Male 19 years, 8 months Right
study. There were six male patients and eight 14 Female 24 years, 7 months Left
female patients. The lesion was on the right CT, computed tomography.

FIG. 3. Standard orientation of the cranial bases of the entire patient population. The numbers indicate
the patients listed in Table I.

FIG. 4. Standard orientation of the frontal views of entire patient population. The numbers indicate
the patients listed in Table I.
dental occlusal plane was tilted due to con-
stricted growth of the ipsilateral facial bones.
Mandibular asymmetry was most consistently
present and the most significant of all the facial
bones, with the chin point shifting toward the
lesion side. The ipsilateral hemimandible was
retrusive. The facial deformities were more
prominent in older patients.

Quantitative Measurement and Comparisons

The angle of cranial base midline deviation
was 2.48 ⫾ 1.68 degrees (range, 0.62 to 6.04
degrees). The angle showed a close correlation
with age. The regression line was Y ⫽ 0.0129␹
⫹1.299, r ⫽ 0.696 (Fig. 9, above, p ⫽ 0.006).
The posterior hemicranium was wider on the
lesion side than on the contralateral side
(54.36 ⫾ 6.72 mm versus 50.81 ⫾ 6.55 mm;
Table II, p ⫽ 0.05).
FIG. 5. Case 6. Female patient at 2 years of age with right- The facial midline deviation angle was 3.26
sided torticollis.
⫾ 3.28 degrees (range, 0.00 to 9.14 degrees).
The angle was similarly tested with age, and a
Facial Deformity high correlation was obtained. The regression
Gross facial deformity was not observed in line was Y ⫽ 0.0243␹⫹0.73, r ⫽ 0.765 (Fig. 9,
patients until age 5 years (Figs. 5 to 8), at which below, p ⫽ 0.001). Comparing the width of the
time jaw dysmorphology and occlusal tilting hemiface between the two sides using the
became apparent and worsened with age. The paired
ipsilateral orbit appeared slightly smaller with t test showed no difference on the middle
decreased vertical height in patients 19 years of hemiface but significantly narrower lower
age and older (Fig. 8). The contralateral orbit hemiface on the lesion side (35.30 ⫾ 1.94 mm
appeared round in shape. The maxilla was versus 43.49 ⫾ 3.03 mm; Table II, p ⫽ 0.016).
retruded and vertically short on the lesion side. The orbital index was significantly smaller
In relation to the level of the two orbits, the on the ipsilateral than on the contralateral or-

FIG. 6. Case 7. Male patient at 5 years of age with left-sided torticollis.


FIG. 7. Case 11. Male patient at 16 years of age with right-sided torticollis.

bits (Table II, p ⫽ 0.025), indicating a flatter craniofacial structures.9,12–14 Such evaluation is
orbital shape on the side with the restricting informative and may affect treatment strategy.
sternocleidomastoid muscle. When considering a group of patients with the
head tilt characteristic of this deformity, de-
DISCUSSION scription and measurement are greatly facili-
Three-dimensional computed tomography tated by orienting the images in a similar fash-
imaging is an accurate method for comprehen- ion before analysis.
sive in vivo assessment and measurement of the Torticollis is a common congenital anomaly

FIG. 8. Case 12. Male patient at 19 years of age with left-sided torticollis.
with varied incidence, ranging from 0.3 per- TABLE II
cent to 1.3 percent of new births.15,16 The inci- Measurement of the Width of Hemicranium and Hemiface
dence has been reported to be higher in the and Comparisons between the Ipsilateral and Contralateral
Chinese population, with male dominance.16 Sides*
Patients usually come to the clinic with com-
plaints of restricted neck mobility and head Mean p
tilting. Clinical evaluation should be carefully Width of the anterior hemicranium
performed to rule out ophthalmologic or neu- Ipsilateral 51.08 ⫾ 5.29 0.180
rological conditions, cervical spine problems, Contralateral 49.25 ⫾ 6.42
Width of the posterior hemicranium
muscular imbalance, and posterior fossa tu- Ipsilateral 54.36 ⫾ 6.72 0.05
mor.4,16,17 A shortened and fibrotic sternoclei- Contralateral 50.81 ⫾ 6.55
domastoid muscle is the most common clinico- Width of the middle hemiface
Ipsilateral 53.63 ⫾ 11.09 0.712
pathological finding in torticollis. The Contralateral 54.07 ⫾ 12.05
pathology is confirmed by physical examina- Width of the lower hemiface
tion and sonography. The exact pathogenesis Ipsilateral 35.30 ⫾ 7.27 0.016
Contralateral 43.49 ⫾ 11.34
is not clear but could be associated with breech Orbital index
presentation, birth trauma, or forceps use dur- Ipsilateral 89.48 ⫾ 0.11 0.025
ing delivery. Treatment for congenital muscu- Contralateral 92.74 ⫾ 0.08
lar torticollis includes stretching exercises for * The p value was determined from the paired t test; p ⱕ 0.05 indicates a
significant difference. The mean width is in millimeters, and the orbital index
is a ratio.

release of the muscle and a helmet orthosis for

abnormal head shape.15,18 Surgical division or
resection of the affected sternocleidomastoid
muscle is considered only if rehabilitative man-
agement fails. Careful monitoring and aggres-
sive treatment are necessary to prevent skull
and facial deformity.19,20
The deformities observed in this study in-
volved both the skull contour and cranial base
and could be observed as early as the neonatal
stage. The phenotypic clinical presentation of
synostotic plagiocephaly is not always clearly
different from that of deformational plagio-
cephaly.21 Differentiation can be achieved with
the help of computed tomography images.9
Unicoronal or unilambdoid synostosis pro-
duces overt localized distortion and increased
cranial base midline deviation angle. By con-
trast, patients in this study had a rhomboid
cranial shape and a smaller midline deviation
angle. The calvarial and endocranial base mor-
phologies are similar in deformational plagio-
cephaly (i.e., nonsynostotic plagiocephaly) for
patients with and without associated torticollis.
Deformational plagiocephaly may be caused by
fetal intrauterine head constraint, static or un-
changing neonatal or infant head position, su-
pine sleep position, or torticollis.18,22–25
FIG. 9. (Above) The cranial base midline deviation angle The facial deformity developed later than
and correlation with patient age. A significant correlation was the cranium/cranial base deformity. The facial
found with a regression line: Y ⫽ 0.0129␹⫹1.29, r ⫽ 0.696, deformity in torticollis has been reported to
and p ⫽ 0.006. (Below) The facial midline deviation angle and
correlation with patient age. The correlation was significant include deviation and flattening of the face on
with a regression line: Y ⫽ 0.0243␹⫹0.73, r ⫽ 0.765, and p ⫽ the affected side with recessed eyebrow and
0.001. zygoma, inferior displacement of the orbit and
ear on the affected side, and deviation of the sponded to treatment. They also observed that
chin point and nasal tip.1– 4 Ferguson described patients with cord-like muscular torticollis and
it as “subcranial torsional rotation of face to- severe head rotation were more likely to need
ward the affected site.”2,3 However, after stan- an operation. Orthotic and nonorthotic treat-
dard reorientation of the three-dimensional ment has been reported to be effective in pa-
images and careful observation (Fig. 4), our tients younger than 1 year of age with the
study did not demonstrate gross facial asymme- cranial deformity.15,18,22,28,29 On the basis of
try and deformity until 5 years of age. The these reasons, we recommend early physical
lower face deformity (mandible) appeared therapy and orthotic treatment for torticollis
first, followed by the maxilla, and finally the infants and consider surgical release of the
orbits. In older patients, the restriction of the restricting muscle before 1 year of age for pa-
ipsilateral facial bone development was obvi- tients with poor response to conservative man-
ous, with decreased maxilla and orbit heights agement, severe torticollis, or a prominent re-
as well as significant narrowing of the lower stricting fibrotic band. The purpose is to
hemiface on the lesion side. The restriction of restore free neck movement as early as possible
the ipsilateral facial bone development was to stop and reverse the skull base deformity
likely caused by limited mobility from the fi- and to prevent facial asymmetry. For patients
brotic and shortened sternocleidomastoid with established craniofacial deformities, surgi-
muscle. The contralateral deformity was influ- cal corrections, which may include craniotomy,
enced by a compensatory growth, creating a orbital osteotomy, and orthognathic surgery,
curvilinear facial appearance from the frontal are complicated and cumbersome and have
view. The dental occlusal plane was canted due less predictable results.1–3,22,23,26,30
to the asymmetric development of the facial
bones. The occlusal plane and orbital plane CONCLUSIONS
were not parallel (Fig. 4), which came closer
on the affected side of the face. This study examined the craniofacial defor-
A treatment plan for patients with congenital mity in a series of 14 patients with untreated
muscular torticollis should include early phys- congenital muscular torticollis. The results
ical therapy with stretching of the restricting showed that the deformity appeared on the
muscle, molding helmet therapy for the plagio- cranium and cranial base at an early period of
cephaly, and surgical release of the involved life, and the facial deformity occurred at a later
muscle if rehabilitation fails.15,16,18,20 Early ag- stage. Although this was not a longitudinal
gressive management to free the head tilt is study, it was found that the severity of cranial
recommended to terminate the deformational and facial deformity was correlated with age.
process and, it is hoped, to reverse the defor- The correlation was also demonstrated from
mity by neurocranial growth. Nonoperative in- measurement of endocranial and facial mid-
tervention has been reported to be highly suc- line deviation angles. Early correction of torti-
cessful in patients younger than 1 year of age.27 collis is mandatory, and if conservative man-
Surgical intervention should be performed be- agement fails, we recommend that surgical
fore the craniofacial deformity becomes signif- release be performed before 1 year of age to
icant and/or permanent, which can be difficult prevent and reverse the craniofacial deformity.
to determine. Wolfort et al.27 recommended Lun-Jou Lo, M.D.
that the operation be delayed until the patient Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
is 1 year old, but it should probably be com- Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
pleted before the patient is of school age. How- 199 Tun Hwa North Road
ever, reversal of the craniofacial asymmetry Taipei, Taiwan 105
should best be achieved at an earlier age, when
there is high growth and remodeling potential.
Cheng and Au16 reviewed a large group of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
patients with infantile torticollis and found The study was supported by a grant from the National
that 97 percent of all infantile torticollis cases Science Council, NSC 90-2314-B-182A-142. The authors
resolved with conservative treatment, active thank Richard A. Robb, Ph.D., Biomedical Imaging Resource,
Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota, for collaboration
stimulation, and a passive stretching program, and for providing the Analyze program; Dr. Alex A. Kane for
and a mean treatment period of less than 6 manuscript revision and comment; and Miss Meng-Chen Wu
months was needed for those patients who re- for technical support in the medical imaging laboratory.
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