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Prestressed Concrete Hashemite University

The Hashemite University

Department of Civil Engineering

Lecture 9 – Footings

Dr. Hazim Dwairi

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Footings Definition

• Footings are structural members used to support

columns and walls to transmit and distribute their
loads to the soil in such a way that the load
bearing capacity of the soil is not exceeded,
excessive settlement, differential settlement, or
rotation are prevented and adequate safety
against overturning or sliding is maintained.
• Since the soil is generally weaker than concrete
columns and walls, the contact area between the
footing and the soil is much larger than between
the supported members and footing.
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Types of Footings

a) Strip or Wall Footing

b) Spread Footing (Single or Isolated)

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Types of Footings

c) Spread Footing (Stepped)

d) Spread Footing (Tapered)

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Types of Footings

e) Pile Cap
f) Combined Footing

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Types of Footings

g) Cantilever or Strap Footing

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Types of Footings

h) Mat or Raft Footing

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Distribution of Soil Pressure

• When the column load
P is applied on the
centroid of the footing, a
uniform pressure is
assumed to develop on
the soil surface below
the footing area.
• However the actual distribution of the soil is not
uniform, but depends on may factors especially
the composition of the soil and degree of
flexibility of the footing.
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Distribution of Soil Pressure

Soil pressure distribution Soil pressure distribution

in cohesionless soil. in cohesive soil. (Sand)
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Design Considerations

Footings must be designed to carry the column

loads and transmit them to the soil safely while
satisfying code limitations.
1. The area of the footing based on the allowable
bearing soil capacity
2. Two
Two--way shear or punch out shear.
3. One
One--way shear
4. Bending moment and steel reinforcement

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Design Considerations

Footings must be designed to carry the column

loads and transmit them to the soil safely while
satisfying code limitations.
1. Bearing capacity of columns at their base
2. Dowel requirements
3. Development length of bars
4. Differential settlement

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Eccentrically Loaded Footing

Locate column within the
Kern of footing to prevent
developing tension
stresses in the soil
underneath the footing

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Gross and Net Bearing Capacity

0.6m 10.8kN/m2
0.6m 15.0kN/m2
γ s=18kN/m

qnet = q gross − Ws − W footing

Ws = weight of soil

15.0kN/m2 W footing = weight of footing


Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Size of Footing

• The area of footing can be determined from the

actual external loads such that the allowable soil
pressure is not exceeded.
Service Load

Total load (including selfweight )

Area of footing =
Gross allowable soil pressure
qall =
FS = Factor of safety in the range
of 2.5 to 3.0
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Design for Two-

Two-way Shear

• For Slabs and footings, Vc is the smallest of a, b

and c:

bo = perimeter of critical section
β = ratio of long side of column to short side < 2
αs = 40 for interior columns, 30 for edge columns and
20 for corner columns.
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Design for Two-

Two-way Shear

The shear force Vu acts at a

section that has a length
b0 = 4(c+d
4(c+d)) or 2(c1+d) + 2(c2+d)
where d is the effective depth
the section is subjected to a
vertical downward load Pu and
vertical upward pressure qu.
For Square column:
Vu = Pu − qu (c + d ) 2
For Rectangular column:
Vu = Pu − qu (c1 + d )(c2 + d )
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Design of One-
One-way Shear

For footings with bending

action in one direction the
critical section is located a
distance d from face of
column. L
Vc = 0.17 f bd c

L c
Vu = qu b( − 1 − d ) c2 b
2 2
d c1
Vc = 0.17 f Ld c
b c
Vu = qu L( − 2 − d )
2 2
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Flexural Strength and Footing

The bending moment in
each direction of the footing
must be checked and the
appropriate reinforcement
must be provided.

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Flexural Strength and Footing

• Mu = 1/8 x qu x (L – c)2
As =
 a
φf y  d − 
 2
• Minimum area of steel
– Grade-
Grade-40 As,min = 0.002bh
– Grade
Grade--60 As,min = 0.0018bh
– Maximum spacing, S, is the
smallest of (3h or 450mm)
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Flexural Strength and Footing

• The reinforcement must be
distributed across the entire
width of the footing.

long side of footing

short side of footing

Reinforcement in band width 2

Total reinforcement in short direction β + 1

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Bearing Capacity of Column at

• The column applies a concentrated load on
footing. This load is transmitted by bearing
stresses in the concrete and the stresses in the
dowels crossing the joint.
• Maximum bearing load on the concrete is given
as: (ACI sec. 10.17)

N = φ 0.85 f c' A1 ) A2
≤ φ 1.70 f c' A1( )
φ = 0.65 for bearing
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Bearing Capacity of Column at


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Dowels Reinforcement

• A minimum steel ratio ρ = 0.005 of the column

section as compared to ρ = 0.01 as minimum
reinforcement for the column itself. The number
of dowel bars needed is four which may be
placed at the four corners of the column. The
dowel bars are usually extended into the footing,
bent at the ends, and tied to the main footing
reinforcement. The dowel diameter shall not
exceed the diameter of the longitudinal bars in
the column by more than 4.0 mm.

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Dowels Reinforcement

Larger of (Compression
development length for
#8 bar OR compression
Lap-splice for #7 bar)

development length
for #7 bars

0.24 f y d b
ldb =
f c'
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Example 1 – Wall Footing

Design a plain concrete footing to support a 400

mm thick concrete wall. The load on the wall
consist of 230 kN
/m dead load (including the self-
weight of wall) and a 146 kNkN/m
/m live load. The base
of the footing is 1200 mm below final grade. fc’ =
21 MPa,
MPa, fy = 420 MPa,
MPa, the gross allowable soil
pressure = 240 kN /m2 , and the soil density is 18
kN /m3.

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 1 – Wall Footing

1) Estimate the size of the footing and the

factored net pressure.

assume depth of footing = (1 ~ 1.5) × wall thickness

= 1.25 × 400 = 500mm
WFooting = γ c h = (25)(0.5) = 12.5kN / m 2
Wsoil = γ s hs = (18)(1.2 − 0.5) = 12.6kN / m 2
(qall )net = 240 − 12.5 − 12.6 = 214.9kN / m 2

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Example 1 – Wall Footing

Calculate total service load :
Pservice = DL + LL
= 230 + 146
= 376
Estimate footing width (consider 1 - m strip) :
P 376
b = service = = 1.75m ⇒ USE b = 1.80m
(qall )net 214.9
1.2 × 230 + 1.6 × 146
qu = = 283.1kN / m 2
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 1 – Wall Footing

2) Check one
one--way shear
Estimate d = 500 − 75 − 12.5 = 412.5mm
 1.80 − 0.40 
Vu @ d = 283.1 − 0.4125  × 1.0m = 81.40kN
 2 
φVc = 0.75 × 0.17 × 21 × 1000 × 412.5 = 241.0kN
Vu < φVc ⇒ OKAY !

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Example 1 – Wall Footing

3) Design flexural reinforcement

283.1  1.80 − 0.40 


Mu = ×  = 69.40kN .m
2  2 
φM n = φAs f y (d − a / 2)
 As × 420 
69.4 ×106 = 0.9 × As × 420 ×  412.5 − 
 0.85 × 21×1000 
⇒ As = 451mm 2 ; Amin = 0.0018 ×1000 × 412.5 = 742.5mm 2
USE 5φ14 / m OR 5φ14 @ 200mm
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 1 – Wall Footing

4) Check development length

9 f y d b 9 × 420 ×14
ld = = = 1155mm
10 f c' 10 × 21
1800 − 400
ld = 1155mm > l = = 700mm
⇒ USE 900 HOOK
0.24 f y d b 0.24 × 420 ×14
ldh = = = 308mm < 700mm
f c' 21

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Example 1 – Wall Footing

700 mm

168 mm 500 mm

1800 mm

φ14@200mm φ14@200mm

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 2 – Single Footing

Design a square footing to support a 450 mm-

square tied interior column reinforced with 8φ
bars. The column carries an unfactored axial
dead load of 1000 kN and an axial live load of
900 kN. The base of the footing is 1200 mm
below final grade and allowable soil pressure is
240 kN /m2. Use fc’ = 28 MPa and fy = 420 MPa.
kN/m MPa.

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Example 2 – Single Footing

1) Estimate the footing size and the factored net

soil pressure.
Assume footing depth h = 600mm
W footing = 0.6 × 25 = 15kN / m 2
Wsoil = (1.2 − 0.6) ×18 = 10.8kN / m 2
Effective (Net) Allowable Soil Pressure :
(qall )net = 240 − 15 − 10.8 = 214.2kN / m 2

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 2 – Single Footing

Service Load = P = DL + LL
= 1000 + 900 = 1900kN
Factored Load = Pu = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
= 1.2(1000) + 1.6(900) = 2640kN
Area of footing = = 8.87 m 2
USE 3.0m × 3.0m
qu = = 293.3kN / m 2
3× 3
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Example 2 – Single Footing

2) Check thickness for two

two--way shear
Average d = 600 − 75 − 1.5 × 25 = 487.5mm
Perimeter bo = 4(450 + 487.5) = 3750mm
  2 '
 0.171 +  f c bo d = 0.51 f c bo d

  β
 α d 
Vc = smallest of 0.083 s + 2  f c' bo d = 0.59 f c' bo d
  bo 
 0.33 f c' bo d

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 2 – Single Footing

φVc = 0.75 × 0.33 × 28 × 3750 × 487.5 = 2394.2kN
Vu = 2640 − 293.2 × (0.9375) = 2382.3kN

Vu < φVc Two - way shear OKAY

3) Check one
one--way shear
3 0.45
Vu = 293.3 × ( − − 0.4875) × 3 = 692.9kN
2 2
φVc = 0.75 × 0.17 × 28 × 3000 × 487.5 = 986.7kN
Vu < φVc One - way shear OKAY

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Example 2 – Single Footing

4) Design the flexural reinforcement
Calculate ultimate moment at the edge of column :
 3.0 − 0.45 
M u = 293.3 ×   × 3 = 1121.9kN .m
 2 
 As × 420 
1121.9 ×106 = 0.9 × As × 420 ×  487.5 − 
 2 × 0.85 × 28 × 3000 
⇒ As = 6325mm 2
As,min = 0.0018 × 3000 × 600 = 3240mm 2
3000 − 2 × 75
USE 13φ 25 = 6370mm 2 ; s = = 237.5mm
13 − 1
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 2 – Single Footing

5) Design column
column--footing connection
Check Bearing Stress :
A1 = 0.45 × 0.45 = 0.203m 2
A2 = (1.2 + 0.45 + 1.2 ) = 8.123m 2

N1 = 1.7 × 0.65 × 28 × 0.203 = 6,281kN

N 2 = 0.85 × 0.65 × 28 × (0.203) = 19,865kN > N1
⇒ N = 6,281kN
Pu = 2640kN < N = 6281kN ⇒ OKAY
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Example 2 – Single Footing

In case N > Pu :
∴ Area of dowels required = ;φ = 0.65
φf y
Area of dowels > 0.005(450 × 450) = 1013mm
USE 4φ 20 = 1256mm 2
Development length of dowels
0.24d b f y
ldc = > 0.044d b f y

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 2 – Single Footing

0.24 × 20 × 420
for φ 20 → ldc = = 381mm > 0.044 × 20 × 420 = 370mm
0.24 × 25 × 420
for φ 25 → ldc = = 476mm > 0.044 × 25 × 420 = 462mm
Development length for footing reinforcement φ 25 :
9 f y d b 9 × 420 × 25
ld = = = 1786mm
10 f c' 10 × 28
3000 − 450
Available l = − 75 = 1200mm < 1786mm
Provide 90o Hook :
0.24 × 25 × 420
ldh = = 476mm < 1200mm OKAY
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Example 2 – Single Footing

450 mm


4φ20 476 mm

381 mm
600 476
mm mm

3000 mm

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 3 – Combined Footing

Design a rectangular footing to support two square

columns. The exterior column (I) has a section
400 x 400 mm, which carries DL of 800 kN and a
LL of 530 kN. The interior column (II) has a section
of 500 x 500mm, which carries a DL of 1100 kN
and a LL of 620 kN. The base of the footing is
1500 mm below final grade and allowable soil
pressure is 240 kN /m2. Use fc’ = 28 MPa and fy =
420 MPa
MPa.. The distance between column is 5.0 m
center to center (cc).

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Example 3 – Combined Footing

DL = 1900 kN
LL = 1150 kN
DL = 800 kN DL = 1100 kN
LL = 530 kN LL = 620 kN

2820 mm 2820 mm
5000 mm

3250 mm 3250 mm

lmin = 5000 + 200 + 200 = 5400mm

USE l = 6500mm

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 3 – Combined Footing

Pservice = 1900 + 1150 = 3050kN
Pu = 1.2 ×1900 + 1.6 × 1150 = 4120kN
Assume depth of footing h = 1000mm
(qall )net = 240 − 25 ×1 − 18 × 0.5 = 206kN / m 2
Area of footing = = 14.81m 2
B= = 2.3m ⇒ USE B = 2.5m
qu = = 254kN / m 2
6.5 × 2.5
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Example 3 – Combined Footing

6500 mm

3250 3250

mm 1300 1400

1080 1400

230 400 4550 500 820

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 3 – Combined Footing

Average d = 1000 − 75 − 25 = 900mm
Two - way shear for column I :
Vu = (1.2 × 800 + 1.6 × 530) − 254 × (1.08 ×1.3)
= 1451kN
bo = ( 2 ×1080 + 2 ×1300) = 4760mm
φVc = 0.75 × 0.33 × 28 × 4760 × 900 = 4284kN > Vu OK!
Two - way shear for column II :
Vu = (1.2 ×1100 + 1.6 × 620) − 254 × (0.5 + 0.9) 2
= 1814kN
bo = 4 × (500 + 900) = 5600mm
φVc = 0.75 × 0.33 × 28 × 5600 × 900 = 5040kN > Vu OK!
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Example 3 – Combined Footing

1808 kN 2312 kN

633.8 kN/m2 1633.53

2.42 m
Vu, kN

1535.47 678.47

Mu, kN.m

16.8 103
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 3 – Combined Footing

One - way shear :
Vu @ d = 1633.53 − 633.8 × (0.25 + 0.9) = 904.7kN
φVc = 0.75 × 0.17 × 28 × 900 × 2500 = 2250kN > Vu
M u+ve = 1800kN .m
 As × 420 
1800 ×106 = 0.9 × As × 420 ×  900 − 
 0.85 × 28 × 2500 
⇒ As = 5406mm 2
USE 15φ 22 ⇒ As = 5702mm 2
As ,min = 0.0018 × 2500 ×1000 = 4500mm 2 ⇒ 12φ 22
Dr. Hazim sDwairi
, min = 0.0018 × 6500 ×1000 = 11700mm 2 ⇒ 31φ 22
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Example 3 – Combined Footing

230 400 4550 500 820


31φ φ22
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example 3 – Combined Footing

• Things still need to be checked:

√ Cases of loading
√ Bearing stresses under columns
√ Development length
√ Dowel bars if needed

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