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Please note that the information provided will be treated as confidential material. DO NOT write
your personal details or anything thereof which may lead to your identification.
Read each item carefully and enter your responses and tick where it is applicable
1. General information.
Company name_________________________________________________________
Job Title _________________________________________________________
Department_______________________ Reports To_____________________

2. Summary (write a brief summary of the job)

3. What essential duties and Responsibilities does the job holder perform
4. Qualifications: Indicate the minimum level of qualifications generally necessary to
effectively handle the position’s essentials.
Educational Qualifications

Professional Qualifications
Personal Attributes (physical characteristics, personality traits, special aptitudes, etc.)

5. Experience: Indicate the minimum level of work-related experience needed to effectively

perform the position’s responsibilities. (check only one box)

One to two years

three to four years

five to six years

6. Are the working conditions favorable


7. Describe briefly tools, equipment or work aids the holder works with on the regular

8. Please list any specific physical makeups that are necessary for this job position
9. What are the challenges you are facing in your work

10. What are the recommendations to address the challenges mentioned above
The statements in this questionnaire are intended to describe the duties, responsibilities,
requirements, challenges faced and the recommendations of the position. This is not necessarily
an exhaustive list of all responsibilities and requirements of the position.

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