IMO Class 8

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IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Exam Date : 9" February 2020 Center of exam : As assigned by SOF on your admit card. Kindly coordinate with your school coordinator for exact information about exam. Write to for any enquiry. Mode of exam : IEO/NSO/IMO level 2 for academic year 2019-20 will be a paper-pen objective test. Pattern of the exams : NATIONAL SCIENCE OLYMPIAD Cee Pe en Cen Science 30 1 30 3t04 Achievers Section 5 2 10 Grand Total 35 40 Science 45 1 45 5to 10 Achievers Section é 3 16 Grand Total 50 60 Physics & Chemistry 25 1 25 Achievers Section 5 3 15 ‘Walid 12° |lietiemalicslecbbay 20 1 20 Grand Total 50 60 INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS OLYMPIAD ol SC) NOM ot Cce mel el Mee IE _ Mathematics 30 1 30 3to4 Achievers Section 5 2 10 Grand Total 35 40 Mathematics 45 4 45 Sto 12 Achievers Section 5 3 15, Grand Total 50 60 INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH OLYMPIAD Class olf i OMe CMC UCe se ll MC BCC Word and Structure 1 30 3104 Knowledge, Reading Achievers Section 5 2 10 Grand Total 36 40 vou a ene 45 , 4s jowledge, Reading cme Achievers Section 5 3 15 Grand Total | 50 60 Copyright@2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) IMO - Level-2 (2014) IMO - Level-2 was an online exam. (2015) IMO - Level-2 (2016) IMO - Level-2 (2017) IMO - Level-2 (2018) IMO - Level-2 (2019) Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) = SCIENCE OLYMPIAD FOUNDATION Pee LEVEL - 2 Year 2013-14 LOGICAL REASONING ‘Two rows of numbers are given, The resultant number in each row is to be worked out separately based on the following rules and the question below the rows of numbers is to be answered. The operations of numbers progress from left to right. Rules I. Ian odd number is followed by a two-digit even number then they are to be added. TL Ian odd number is followed by a two-digit odd ‘umber then the second number is fo be subtracted fiom the first mumber, IML Ifan even number is followed by a number which is a perfect square of a number then the second umber is to be divided by the first number IV. Ifaneven number is followed by a two-digit even umber then the first mmber is to be multiplied by the second number. 8 16 16 14 13M 12 144 What is the difference between the resultant of the first set of numbers and the second set of numbers? A 10s B.S ©. 210 D._ 222 A set of figures carrying certain characters, is given Assuming that the characters in each set follow a similar pattern, find the character which would replace the question mark (?), 1 4 6 262 ns xl al 226 282) 440) 136 aA4 1NA9 2NAL 6 8 4 206 poe Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below Fonr players P, Q. R and are holding 4 cards each. Each of them has an Ace, a King. a Queen and a Jack. All of them have all the suits (spade, heart club and diamond), I. Phas Ace of spade and Queen of diamond. TL Qhas Ace of club and King of diamond. IIL R has Queen of club and King of spade. IV. Shas jack of club. Ace of diamond is with AP BOR CQ DS Count the minimum number of straight lines required to make the given figure. A 8 B. 10 c 12 pou Select the option which will exactly make up the key figure (X), Figure (0) A square transparent sheet with a pattern is given, Select an option as to how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded along the dotted line. ‘Transparent sheet The post office is to the east of the school while my house is to the south of the school. The market is to the north of the post office. If the distance of the market from the post office is equal to the distance of my house from the school, in which direction is the market with respect to my school? A. North B. East C. North-east D. South-west Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) ‘TIMO | Class-8 | Level 2 3 8, Awatch reads 4.30. If the minute hand points East, ‘12. There is a certain relationship between the figures, in what ditection will the hour hand point? (i and (i) & (ii) and Gi), Identify the relationship A Neat and find the missing figure. B. North-west a ~ aT ©. South-east, a o#e6uG, D._ Northeast Oe ie 9, Select a figure which will continue the same series oO aye as cstdblished by the five Problem Figures al = A S| B. a Problem Figure oe os do oo F se 5 5 ©. = D. fal ope ons 13, Three different positions X, Y and Z of a dice are r 2 oom shorn inthe ies piven bow. Answer the following ‘question which is based upon these figures. K KE pled keys c D. $3 $ x et Sum of top and bottom faces in position ¥. A. More than 5 10. Find the missing figure in the given figure BS mate ©. Less than 5 D. Cannot be determined 14. If> denotes *; < denotes —;+ denotes +; ~ denote = denotes Tess than’: andx denotes ‘greater than’ then Which of the following is INCORRECT statement? ai A 34254 x9+3<2 Bo 3>2>4x1843<1 - C. 3>2<4xer4 D. 3+2<4x9+3<3 Q c SE) Decommtnaali ight, ioyainfig fel x 415, Deepanshn said toNamaa, "That boy playing football is the younger of the two brothers of the daughter of amy father’s wile.” How is the boy playing football related to Deepanshu? P| A. son B. Brother c D. C._ Cousin D._Nephew 16. There is a series of seven figures. First and last ered fi the beginning and end of series. 11. Rewrite the word VOCALIST in the mmerie form chaz wfaieatee weriesea cates ie sean naan by writing its first four letters in the reverse order and then the next four letters in the reverse order by substituting I by 7, 0 by 1, Z by 3, Tby 6, Fby 5, S by 8, 4 by 9 and C by 2, A. 92156873 B. 92157683 92516783 D. 92156837 One of the five numbered figures does not fit into the series. Identify the figure need to be replaced. a ho ap duet 1 2 3 4 5 por Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 18, 21. 2. 23, Read the following information carefully to answer the question given below A person is asked to put in a basket one apple when ordered ‘One’, one guava when ordered "Two', one orange when ordered ‘Three’ and is asked to take out from the basket one apple and one guava when ordered ‘Four’ and ‘Five' respectively. 44545345314531245453453 If8 of each type of fiuits are already in the basket then, how many apples will be there in the basket at the end of the above order sequence? A B. ¢ D. Read the following information carefully to answer the question given below: The sum of the incomes of 4 and B is more than that of C and D taken together. The sum of the incomes of 4 and C is the same as that of B and D taken together. Morcover, 4 cams half as much as the sum of the incomes of B and D. If 4's income be % 80,000 per anmum and the difference between the incomes of B and D be the MATHEMATICAL REASONING Simplify xa} pomp Find the area of the shaded region in the following figure. A 28.45 B. C. 59.854. cm <— em —> Which of the following is a possible net for the solid? 19. 20. 24. T*IMO | Class-8 | Level 2 sme as 4's income, B's income is A. 40,000 B. 760,000 c. & 80, 000 D._%1,20,000 Inaclass of 46 students, 18 played football, 17 played cricket including 6 who played football, 16 stdents played hockey including 4 who played cricket, but nat football. Five students played carrom but no outdoor games. Which of the following figures represents these oe PP ORO Count the number of faces in the given solid. A 17 B. 18 ca 19 D. None of these c. A D. Finda +b+c +d +e+fin the given figure if, 40D, BOE and FOC are straight lines. FY a o A 360° B. 540° c. 420° D. 120° Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) ‘TIMO | Class-8 | Level 2 25. 26. 21. 28. 29. Ay2 Ie x= then find the value of v2+1 A(e3 24) v2 = 22 A 2 p W2+8v3/s cE >. sso ‘Three friends distributed their total property, The ratio of total property, share of first friend and share of second friend is 24: 7 : 8. Find the central angle of sector, which represents the share of the third fiend. A nk B 13s 2 ° ok © 1s Dd. 6S In the figure below, PORS is a square, ISR is an ‘equilateral triangle. Find the value of x+y + = KT \y 3 P ° A 0° Bor Cc 10s Doo An unbiased dice is thrown two times having first six consecutive odd numbers on each six faces. Find the probability of getting even sum, Al BO 1 © 6 a 36 2 F In an Atlas, a map occupies [th of a page with dimensions 25 em and 30 em respectively. If the real area of the map is 10800 sq. m, the scale to which the map is drawn, is A. 1lom=36m B. © lem=3m D. lom=6m 30. 31 33, 34 35. 5 Q and R borrowed €26000 and 25000 respectively, for a period of 2 years. Q paid simple interest at the rate of 2% p.a.. while R paid compound interest at the same rate, compounded annually. Who paid more interest and by how much? A. Rpaid more than Q by 740 B. R paid more than O by 230 C. Qpaid more than R by 740 D.__ OQ paid more than R by %30 IEP: Q:R=6:5:4 and P'+ Q' + R’= 192500, then find (P+O-8) 2 A Ws BL 165 c. 18s D. 200 Iea= (27-29, b= 24-24) and = (2 - then find the value of 3ade. A B. The volume of a hemispherical ball is given by the v= 2g where iste voameand isthe a tnd he dames ofthe emispoe whose ome 152, 2 2m re 33m 44m poe Factorise (=a + 206-9 ty) ab +H Hy AL (av— ds) (ax + by) B. (art by) (be +a) ©. (ar—ay + be + by) (ax—ay + bx + by) D. (art ay + dx + dy) (ax—ay + dx + by) Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) aS Oy VAN LU Ue} 36. Ravi borrowed 245000 from Sahil. A part of the sum 41. In a company, the average salary of male employees is borrowed at 10% pa. under simple interest for 4 is % 9200 and that of female employees is @ 8200. ‘years and the remaining part at 11% p.a. under simple If the average salary per employees is € 8900, the inmccntiond pans iteeoneliomecaromadiy percentage of female employees of the total employees SM eTIDibatdienitmendeas rate A. 10000, 35000 ae B. 25000, 20000 Goo ¢. 18000, 30000 D. 25 Dr 5000, 49000 42. A test consists of questions each carrying 3 mark, 4 37. In an office, the ratio of the salary of an officer to mark and 6 marks inthe ratio 2:2: 1. Ifthe maximum that of a cletk is 30 : 7. If the salary of the clerk is marks in the exam is 100, then find the number of 14375 less than that ofthe officer, then what is the questions of each type, salary of the officer? A. 20,20, 10 A 215600 B. 10.10, eee ©. 15,15, 30 Sid D._ 15,15, 10 38. Ina Winter sale offer a shopkeeper allows a discount 4A fountain pen with a cylindrical barrel of diameter 1s $e EUR NAS Explitu Rlézouet a Rees 8 3 emand height 14 em filled with ink, can write 3600 RutSaE 6905 TRARAELVNONNEG wR WCRRT SBE St ‘words. How many words can be written with that pen ‘marked at ®5000. Find the cost price of this sweater Seng al Fated c=) for the shopkeeper A. 6000 A. % 5000 B. 5000 B. 4000 ©. 7000 c. % 4250 D. 8000 D._& 5250 44. One day, the ratio of the number of first class and 39, ‘The age of Sarthakis one-fifth ofthe age of his mother second lass passengers who travelled were in the and the sum of the ages of the son and the mother crsii S01 Matin thas saat Teeeeaas eset SL ries tie ae fares is 3 : 1. The total amount collected from the sum of the ages of the som and his mother will be lhl passengers that day was %66000. Find the amount anzesofisatiak, mtbprondlfithar respec collected from the first class passengers (in 8). & eT A 3000 B. 2:10:10 B, 76000 © 1:5%6 ©. & 9000 D.2:8:9 D._% 12000 40, Twenty two men can complete a piece of work in 17 45. A man purchased a plot which is in the shape of a days. They work for 2 days. How many more men should now be employed so as to complete the work in another 10 days. Au B 2 cB D, None of these square. The area of the plot is 12 hectares 3201m" Find the length of each side of the plot (in cm). A. 34900 B. 35100 cc. 35900 D. 36100 Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 46. ACHIEVERS SECTION Let s, m and f denote the respective time taken by 48. son, mother and father to complete the work, il, i! and <4 255, mf 36 © respectively f 2. A 1s 3 Bie iad Tad” 148 ss 6 32a 16" 144" Ta 148 D._ None ofthese Study the statements and selet the correct option 30. Statement 2 : | of“ IK 2 A. Statement | is truc and statement 2 is false B. Sttement 1 and 2 are tue C. Statement 1 and 2 ae false D. Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Fill in the blanks Cubes of the numbers for which the digits in the units place are 2, 8 and 3,7 end in and___ respectively. AL 4,60nd2.7 B. 2,3and7,3 C8 2and7,3 D. 5,4 and3,7 In the given figure, m||2|\nand PF || OR. ‘If ZTUV =x, ZORS=y and ZOVW = =, then Which of the following is necessarily true? AL x>y B. x 4, The total number of girls in colleges D and E together are approximately what per cent of the total number of girls in colleges A. B and C together? AL 87% B. 75%, C. 70% D. 88% What is the respective ratio of the number of boys in college D to the number of boys in college B? A 5:4 B. 8:9 4:5 D. 9:8 In the given figure (not drawn to scale), AFGB, CFE and CGD are straight lines. Find y. D y22° i, € A. 90° B. 86° c. Me D, Select the correct statement. A, Acuboid has 4 faces. B. A cylinder has 2 flat faces. ©. Acphere bas 1 vertex. D._Accone has no vertex. Which of the following figures do not satisty any of the following properties? ~All sides are equal, ~All angles are right angles. Opposite sides are parallel. An fe eee onet “Three unbiased coins are tossed. What isthe probability of getting at least two tails? 1 AG 1 B 2 8 & | 1 Ds I ith) 80 cia 55 | Level? Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 10, 12. 1 4 —— 2 IMO Cless-8 | Level 2|SUF Iftwo quantities x and y vary directly with each other, A. remains constant. y B. ¥~y remains constant. Cs D, x+y remains constant smains constant then find the value of x. D. ‘The perimeters of a square and a rectangle are equal. If their areas are respectively A m? and Bm, then which of the following is a true statement? A. ASB B ASB c ASB D._ None of these 311-3 341 $+) isan example to show tat A. Addition of rational numbers is commutative. B. Rational numbers are closed under addition, C. Addition of rational numbers is associative. D. Rational numbers are distributive under addition, Inthe given figure (not drawn to scale), ABCand CDE are straight lines, ZACE is aright angle, DF\| GBH. Find y. 4 rH c a F ‘so —Ft £ A B 28° c D. 38° 15. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. au By what least number 25920 be divided to obtain a ‘umber which is a perfect cube ? A 3S B. 25 c. 15 D. 5 The greatest among (y7 — V5), (V5 - 3), (v9 - V7) and (Jil - v9) is A W7-V5) B. W5-v3) Cc. (ova) Dd. @il-v9) 2 ‘The value of B56*167) + 856-167)" 5, equal to 856x856 + 167x167 Al B 2 Cc. 689 D. 1023 Ifx + 0=0 += x, which is rational number, then called A, Identity for addition of rational numbers B. Additive inverse of x C. Multiplicative inverse of D._ Reciprocal of x Solve for x: 3-2 xe 3-1 A. 10 B12 8 D. 9 If two quantities p and q vary inversely with cach other, then A. remains constant. 4 B. p+ q remains constant. C. px q remains constant D._ pq remains constant. Which of these is equal to (33-4. ard a 2 x a 2 uw ot 20 eee 770 Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 22. 23 24. 25, 26. Yo@ nF 0? EGO ony The value of =O (e+2P 9? ° 1 v2 poeE ‘The length of a rectangular field is 11 m more than its width. If the length is decreased by 12 m and the width is increased by 10 m, the area decreases by 24:m?. Find the original length and width of the field respectively. A. 18m7m Bo OmSm Cc Tm sm D. msm In the given figure (not drawn to scale), ABCD is a trapezium with 48 parallel to DC, ADE is an isosceles triangle with AD = 4B. Find ZAEB and ZEAB respectively. 2 © 4 o A 10s; 34° B. 105°; 41° C. ate; 108° D._ 105°; $4 Two dice are thrown simultaneously. Find the probability of getting a multiple of 4 as the product of numbers. 1 Ag a BoD a & 2 bp 2 The compound interest on a sum at 12% p.a. for 2 years is Z 1590, What will be the simple interest ‘on this sum? A. ©1500 B. 71540 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 c. &1470 D. €1530 A machine was sold at a gain of 10%. Had it been sold at € 80 less, the seller would have lost 10%. What was the cost price of the machine? A, © 350 B. 2400 c. &450 D. 2520 ‘The areas of three adjacent faces of a cuboid are in the ratio 2 : 3: 4 and its volume is 9000 em*, The smallest side has a length, . A. 10cm B. 15cm Cc. 20cm D. 30cm Which of the following is NOT the net of a solid? A Which of the following statements is true? @ Points (3, 4) and (4, 3) represent the same point ‘on the graph. (ii) The y coordinate of any point lying on the x axis will be 0. only @) Only Gi) Both (j) and (i) Neither (i) nor (ii) pap> Arrange the given steps in CORRECT order while constructing a rhombus 48CD in which diagonal AC = 66 em and 4B = Sem. 1. Join AB, BC, CD and Da. 2. Again with Cas centre and radius equal to S em, draw two ares one above the line segment AC and another below the line segment AC cutting the first two ares at point D and B respectively. I ith) 80 clas s-5 | Level? Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 3. With 4 as centre and radius equal to 5 em, draw an arc above the line segment AC and another below AC. Draw AC = 6.6 cm. ‘Then, ABCD is the required shombus, 132333455 293345195 332513455 493925195 pow> Direction (32 and 33) : The given pie chart shows the break-up of the cost of construction of a house. Assuming that the total cost of construction is ® 600000, answer the questions given below. 32. The amount spent on cement is A. % 200000 B. % 160000 ©. © 120000 D. 100000 33. The amount spent on cement, steel and supervision is what percent of the total cost of construction? A. 40% B. 45%, C. 50% D. 55% 34, The figure shows a solid. Which of the following is a net of the given solid? A c od D. None of these 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Simplify : 3xy(@xy + 14x) — 278y? + 428y A 0 BL 84x"y C. S442 D1 Identify the INCORRECT step while constructing a quadrilateral ABCD, given that AB=43 cm, BC=5 em, CD=4.5 em, 2B=60° and ZC = 120°. Steps of Construction 1. Draw 4B= 43 em 2. AtB, draw ZYBA = 60°. 3. With B as centre and radius equal to 5 em, draw an arc cutting BY at C. 4. At C draw ZYCB = 120°. 5. With Cas centre and diameter equal to 4.5 em, draw an are cutting CY at D, 6. Join 4D. ABCD is the required quadrilateral, A, Step 3 B. Step 4 c. Step 5 D. Both A and C A grocer buys 80 kg of rice at 13.50 per ke and mixes it with 120 kg of rice available at ® 16 per kg. At what rate per kg should he sell the mixture to gain 20% on the whole? A e12 B. ts c. ts D. %16 Accylinder has a diameter of 14 cm and the area of its curved surface is 220 sq. em. The volume of the cylinder is A, 70cm? B. 1000 cm? C. 1540 em? D. 6622 em? ‘The point (3, 4) is at a distance of A. 3:units from both the axis B. 4 units from both the axis C. 4 units from the axis and 3 units from y axis, D. 3 units from x axis and 4 units fiom y axis A rectangular block 6 em x 12 cm x 15 em is cut into exact number of equal cubes. The least possible ‘number of cubes will be A 6 Bo Cc. 33 D. 40 10 | Chass | Level 2 | SF Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 41. In the given figure (not drawn to scale), ABCD is a A 124 parallelogram and GBEF is a rectangle. Find x and BL 126 y respectively. cig Dus 44. The perimeters of a circular field and a square field bey ‘ate equal. Ifthe area of the square field is 12100 m*, ic the area of the circular field will be A. 15300 m? , ly B. 15400 m? fn ©. 15200 m? D._ 15300 m? A. 30°,27° B. 30°, 23: 45. In the given graph, the coordinates of point x are ©. 23°, 30: D._30%, 21° 6. s 42, Factorise : 4x? + 12xy + 99? — 8x — 129 A. @r—31) Qx—3y-4) 2 . B. @x+3y) Gx +3y-4) i ©. Qx-3y) Gr + 3y-2) ° D._Qx+3y) Gr+2v-4) aS Gil A. 0,2) 43. Megha plants 15376 mango trees in her garden and B @3) arranges them so that there are as many rows as there : are mango trees in each row. The number of rows SO is D. (3.0) ACHIEVERS SECTION 46. Find the area of the following polygon, if 48. The given questions followed by two statements. You AL= 10 cm, AM=20 em, AN= 50 em, AO = 60 cm, have to sindy the question and the two statements given AD=90 em, FM=20 em, EO=60em, CN=40 em and to decide which of the statement(s) is/are required to BL = 30cm. ‘answer the question, What is the area of the right-angled triangle? 1. Length of the hypotenuse is 10 em. A IL Perimeter of the triangle is four times its base A. Only! A. 3375 cn? B. Only It i; Shea ©. Both I and IL ©. $500 em? D._Data inadequate D._ 3050 cm? 49, The following statements are true about triangle XYZ. 47. Quotient and remainder when x*—3x°y—8xy3 + 8x9? + 8y+ is divided by x? + 2y2 —xy is A. xt=2ny+4y and 0 B. x?— day + Sy? and 2 2— Gxy + 4y? and -2 + 2ey—4y? and 0 v z ‘The measure of each angle is evenly divisible by 12. SOF |9"IMO| Class-8 | Level2 — Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) © The measure of angle Z is greater than the (i) A fan is listed at € 1500 and a (b) 15% measure of angle F discount of 20% is offered on © The measure of angle Y is greater than the the list price. What additional ‘measure of angle X, discount must be offered to the + The measure of angle X'is greater than 40°. customer to bring the net price Which of the following is true for all four has a0 statements for angles X. Y and 2? (iii) Aretailerbuysa sewing machine (c) 8% at a discount of 15% and sells it for & 1955. Thus, he makes 1 profit of 15%, The discount he get is @ ©). Gi) - ), Gi) - (© @- 0), Gi) - ©, Gi) - (@) @ - ©. Gi) — (@, ii) - (0) ©). Gi — @, Gil) - (©) mZX = 72°, mZ¥ = 60°, mZZ= 84° mZX = 48°, MZY = 60°, MLZ = 84° mZX = 50°, mZY = 60°, mZZ = 70° 18°, mLY = 60°, mZZ= 72° youp mZX 50. Match the columns. Column 1 Column I @ — Ashopkeepergivestwo successive (a) % 300 discounts on an article marked © 450. The first discount given is 10%. If the customer pays 344.25 forthe article, the second poop discount given is, ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 10 | Chass | Level 2 | SF Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) = SCIENCE OLYMPIAD FOUNDATION Pee LEVEL - 2 Year 2016-17 MATHEMATICS: 2. Observe the given number line and find the value of P+Q+R+S. Q s 3. How many digits are required for numbering the pages of a book having 300 pages? A. 299 B. 492 c. 789 D. 792 4. Which of the following statements is incorrect? A, To construct a unique quadrilateral, four sides and one diagonal should be given. B. To construct a unique quadrilateral, three sides and both the diagonals should be given. C. To construct a unique quadrilateral, two adjacent sides and three diagonals should be given. D, Toconstruct a unique quadrilateral, two adjacent sides and three angles should be given. 5. Solve 1 2a( 1165 54] Ga+8(9a— a+ + \aa+ 165) | a +8190 ners x} » a . } 7 as+a(o-t}(S+2}0 ~4) +24] A @=1 B. a=0 c. D. 6 10. Sam has 3 identical squares. He places one square ‘on top of 2 squares as shown in the figure. What is the area of the overlap? (6m, Som, |3.em SF S ap> 9 if 0.014 J0.0064 A. 139 B. 139 C. 039 D. 03 ‘What must be subtracted from x4 — togtdtstte 1 A, t-28—se49 B tots says C. estat D. xt x4 4r-8 ‘Number of prime factors in (3) (354 <(5)!° (4)? is 8)? x2nT A 3 B 4 © 5 D. 15 Given below consists of a question followed by three statements. You have to study the question and the statements and decide which of the statements is/are necessary to answer the question. In how many years will a sum of money put at simple interest triple itself? 1. The interest eamed in 4 years is half the sum. TL. The rate of interest is 121%. TL. The sum doubles itself in 8 years at simple interest A. Any one of the three B. Any two of the three C. AIL Wand IT D. and I only I 6) 10 80 cia s-5 | Level? Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 12, 1 14. In the given figure (not drawn to scale), ABCD is a parallelogram. BFE and CDE are straight lines and BF = CF. Find the values of m and 7 respectively. AW 118, 110° Bo US, 116° c.175, 110° D. 17°, 116" Givenbelow are the steps of construction of a quadrilateral PQRS, where PQ=5.5 em, QR=8.5 em, 2P=75°, 2Q= 105°, ZR = 120°. Which of the following is a ‘wrong step? @ Draw PQ = 5.5 em. Gi) Draw ZXPQ=75° at P and ZPQY = 105° at Q (ii) With Q as centre and radius QR = 5.5 em, draw an arc to intersect QY at R. Gy) AUR, daw 2PSR ~ 120° such dat RT meets PX aS. PORS is the required quadrilateral A. Gii) only B. Gi) & Gv) only Gi) & Gv) only D._ (iv) only Both w and v vary inversely with each other, when is 15, vis 5. Then, which of the following is not a possible pair of corresponding values? A. 2Sand3 B. 10and 7.5 C 1Sand4 D. 30and 2.5 Which of the following statements is correct? A, There are finite rational numbers between any two rational numbers. B. The additive inverse of the rational number * is -1 and vice-versa 2 C. The rational number 1 is additive identity of rational numbers, D. Rational numbers are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication. 15, Solve 42-257 #28459, 1ox* —625y* A, CxSyNA? 45: 2x +5y=1 iB 2x—Sy+l (4x? —25y?)2x+5y) a ax—Sy+l (4x? +257 2x -5y) 2x51 (e+ 5y7)Ox4+5y) (Direction 16-18): The given pie-chart gives the marks scored in an examination by a student in Science, Social Studies (S.St.), General Knowledge (G.K.), Mathematies and English, If the total marks obtained by the student is 720, then answer the following questions. 16, Total marks obtained by the student in English and ‘Mathematics is A. 300 B. 160 c. 400 D. 280 17. Difference between the highest and lowest marks obtained, by the student is A, 300 B. 200 c. 500 D. 180 18. Marks obtained in General Knowledge and Science is what percent of total marks? A. 23.52% B. 30.64% c. 31.94% D._ None of these 19. What least value must be given to * so that the number 42573* is exactly divisible by 722 4 Dore 6 a, 10 1M | Clase | Level 2 SPP EF Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 20. ai. 22. 23 24. Find the ratio of the area of a square to that of the 25. square drawn on its diagonal A 12 Bo: 3 © 21 D. v2:1 The sum of two mumbers is 15. Ifthe sum of their reciprocal is (3} then find the difference between 26 the numbers A 6 B3 co Ds Which of the following statements is/are correct? () point whose y-coordinate is zero and.x-coordinate is non-zero will lic om y-axis. point whose -coordinate is zero and y-coordinate is 7 will lie on y-axis. Gi ii) The coordinates of the origin are (0, 0). A. only @) B. Both (ji) and (iii) ©. Only Gi) D._ @, Gi) & Gi) ‘The value of 28. 1197+ Y760+/556+ (385+ (2064361 is Fifth multiple of 5 Fifth multiple of 7 Seventh multiple of 6 Fourth multiple of 5 voep ‘The area of the given rectangle ABCD is 180 cm? EF divides the rectangle into two equal parts. If DP = PQ=QC, find the ratio of the area of triangle DFQ to the arca of triangle DEF. A B If the difference between simple and compound interest (compounded annually) on a sum of money for 2 years at 10% per annum is & 65, then the sum is A. % 6500 BL % 6565 cc. 65065 D, ‘The total cost price of two watches is € $40. One is sold at a profit of 16% and the other at a loss of 12%. There is no loss or gain in the whole transaction. ‘The cost price of the watch on which the shopkeeper gains, is A. %360 B. %370 c. %380 D. &390 If 12 men or 18 women can do a piece of work in 14 days, how long will 8 men and 16 women take to finish the work? A. 9 days B. 10 days C17 days D. 14 days A covered wooden box has the inner dimensions as 115 em, 75 em and 35 em and the thickness of wood is 2.5 cm. The volume of the wood is A, 81000 cu, em B. 81775 cuem C. 82125 cu. em D. None of these ‘The average of marks of 28 students in Mathematics ‘was 50; 8 students left the school and then the average increased by 5. What is the average of marks obtained by the students who left the school? A, 37.5 matks B. 42.5 marks C.45 marks D. 50.5 marks 2 30. In the given figure O and Q, are the centre of the bigger circle of radius 3 cm and the smaller circle of radius 1.5 cm respectively and O, is the centre of the semi-circle of radius 1 cm, all lying on diameter AB, Find the area of shaded region. ap reroute — Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 31 32. 33 A. 92/7 em? BL 88/7 cm? C. 89/21 em? D. 19/7 ca? Participants of a Maths quiz obtain at least a certain score in the first round to qualify for the second round. There were 180 participants in the first round and the table shows the number of participants for each In the given figure, PQRS is a rectangle. QS = QT. ZQTS = 50°, Find ARST and ZRQT. J woo 8S T A 5,35" BIS 15" Cc. 10°, 35° D._ 10°, 30° oes 35. Estimate, correct to 1 significant figure, the value ‘Score ‘Number of Participants of Seater 0 is eG i 10 a 8 7 a B31 ; a. ©. 03 7 ae D._None of these Seems, ao 36. 1f6 of the interior angles of nonagon are x* each and 25% ofthe participants did not qualify for the second the remaining interior angles are each 174°, find the ronnd From the table, what wns the lowest score for value of ¥ a participant who qualified for the second round? A 120° AS B2 : as C3 D4 cs The given table shows the number of books read by D. 183° each student in a class of 30 students. One of the afocabces rE Rabe! 37. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order. ‘Number of books read | 0 8 = 0.031,1,0.31, 314% by each student 31 u Number of students [io [15 __[5 10 The average number of books read by the students A 008103131 ay in the class is 6. What is the missing: mumber? B03, 14%, 031 A ab n n BIS wate 10 ©. 031, 31h, am © 2 11 0031 3) D8 5 D. %, 0.31, 2, 00m Ata fiuit stall, the price of a peat is Sth the price a of an orange. The price of an apple is half the price 38. The largest four digit number exactly divisible by of a pear, What is the ratio of the price of an orange to the price of a pear to the price of an apple? AL 6:5:3 B. 10:3:3 C. 6:3:5 D. 10:6:3 ‘each of 12, 15, 18 and 27 is A. 9690 B. 9720 cc. 9930 D. 9960 10 IMO | Clase | Love 2 SPP EF Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 39. Find x if (39% of 640) + (x % of 590) = 414.8. Boom Au c. @+m B28 D._ in) ci at 43. Which greatest number will divide 3026 and $053 ps leaving remainders 11 and 13 respectively? 40, The weiaht of Eathis 5983000000000000000000000 ka. AIS Express it in standard form. B. 30 A. 5983 x 10 c. 45 B. 598.3 = 10% D._ 60 GSEs 10% 44, © 1300 are divided among A, B, C and D in such a D._ 5.983 = 10% seay: tad 41, The smallest fraction which should be subtracted from As dace _ Wiabice _ Cie efit sie vamtas}2, ol e.7.4) ga” winaxetie seat eae (Gate (Dea 2 eras What is A's share? ih ie rset A ee as B. ¥240 7 c. 160 Boo D._ 140 c 45, Astar is 8.1 « 10” km away ftom the earth, Suppose light travels at the speed of 3.0 « 10° kum per second. 5 How long will it take from star to reach the earth? AL 7.5% 108 hrs x 108 42. Ifthe average of m numbers is n¢ and that of 1 numbers ae is m?. then the average of (1 1) numbers is C. 2.7% 10 see A (=n) D. 27» 108 sec ACHIEVERS SECTION 46, Match the following: ‘The sum of ll interior angles of sided polygon Column 1 Column 11 is Qn—4) » sight angle. PYRE YPIOXYExYEO- @ 2 1umwy Q 2 -133-1B= (i) 140 AFT TTT (046 +4157)? +(94 5 BOF T TF F Re oaexoaseistxist HD 2100 c TF TTE S. (64)? —G6)?=20%x, then y= (iv) 10296 Bo em A. P> Gil: Q> (i: R>@ 58> GD 48, Find the values of P, Q and R B. P+ Gv); Q> Gi): R4@ ; $3 GH) Principal] Rate of | Time | Differencebenween c : Q + GER > Gi) S > GD. Interest C1esI D. Q> Gi): R3 W383 0 35000 | 10% pa. | 3 years |

None of these Shikha folded the three comers of a triangle, She ‘managed to measure four of the angles as shown below before breaking her protractor. Help her to find f, g and h respectively. AL 92°, 449, 47° BL 44°, 52°, 47° c. 48°, 479, 54° D. 84°, 47°, 48° Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 23, 24. 25. 26. ‘The rectangular tank below, not drawn to seale, is made of stainless steel. It has steel measuring 6 cm thick all around. The outer measurement of the tank is 38 cm by 29 cm by 16 cm. What is the volume of steel used to cast the tank? 6 on Wan A. 10272 em? B. 11020 cm? C1312 em? D. 15864 cm? ‘The given pie chart shows how Prisha divides her monthly income of € 1500. This year, she receives, a pay raise of 500. She keeps the distribution ratio of her income the same. How much money does she hhave for clothes and entertainment now? pose Which of the given properties of a rhombus is necessary ‘0 construct it? A. All the four sides B. Opposite angles C. Length of diagonals bisect each other at right angles D._Allof these ‘Add the result of (a) and (b) and find the coefficient of x2 (a) Subtract 3x3 + x? — 4x + 5 from x3 — 2x? + Or (b) Subtract 4x2 + 6x2 $ from x? — dy +3. A 9 B. c D. 27 28. 29. 30. 31 Let E=3, B= 7 and A=4. Find the other digits in the sum given below out of the given options, BASE + BALL GAMES A $=3,L=0,M=8 B. G=1,8=0, M=8 C. G=2,8=3,L=0.M=8 D. G oM=8 Ifx +y +2= 6 and z is an odd digit, then the three- digit number xyz is A. An odd multiple of 3 B. Odd multiple of 6 C. Even multiple of 3 D,_Even multiple of 9 IF the height of a eytinder becomes ofthe original height and the radius becomes half, then which of the following will be true? A, Curved surface atea ofthe cylinder wil be ¢ of the original curved surface area B. Curved surface area of the cylinder will remain halved, C. Curved surface area of the cylinder will be unchanged. ee ee curved surface area te Store 4 and Store B both charge & 750 for a video game. This week the video game is on sale for % 600 at Store B and for 25% off at Store 4. At which store is the game less expensive? AL Store 4 B. Store B C. Same at both stores D. Cannot be determined In 2014-2015, the number of students appeared for class VIII examination was 1,15,332 and in 2015-2016, the number was 1,26.054. If 98,151 students pass the examination in 2014-2015 and 1,13,804 students in 2015-2016. What is the increase or decrease in pass % of class VIII results ? A, Decrease, 85.1% B. Increase, 5.18% C. Decrease, 34.18% D. Increase, 3.18% ih cs-8 | Love 2 Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 32, By what number should (-15)"! be divided so that A LD... the quotient may be equal to (5? B B.4,23.0,0.45 A) 33 C 2.4,63.20.49 a D. 24).6.3).0, 0.6.5) 1 cy 37. If $6x322 is divisible by 18, then find the least value dD oy ofx. 33. Ina blueprint of a room, an architect has shown the A 2 height of the soom as 30.48 em. If the actual height Bo4 of the room is 10 feet, then the scale used by her is c. 0 D3 ae 38. Two cylinders 4 and B are formed by folding a Bt elo rectangular sheet of dimensions 30 cm * 20 em along C. 1:100 its length and also its breadth respectively. Then D. 13 volume of A is of volume of B 34, LetO and Prepresent the numbers 0 and 3 respectively A. 3/2 times on the number line. Points Q, R and S are between O B. 2/3 times and P such that OO = OR = RS = SP. What arc the C2 times rational numbers represented by the points Q. & and $ D. 1/4 times respectively? 39. Count the number of cubes in the given figure, » ale vie ale D. None of these 35. A basketball court is in rectangular shape and its dimensions ate directly proportional to the dimensions of the rectangular park shown here, Find the width Ste cont A 106 1 B10 +) Baskett ©. 120 4g] Moon [268 Pak D._None of hese =i | Sa nen 40. A walks ata uniform rate of 4 km an hour and 4 hours <+— 196 m—> after his start, B cycles after him at the uniform rate A osam of 10 km an ho ow fa fom the starting point B 32m will B catch A? dim A. 167 km 8. 186im Dobe ¢.215km D.267km 36. Find the coordinates of the vertices 4, B, C, D 41. Find the area of the shaded part of the given figure. respectively of the given figures, ( ‘ke 2) > 7 | D lem sh Z ) WS al 4 2 ea 2 fe : A. 238 cm? B. Oiaa d be C. 469 cm? D. m= IMO | Class-8 | Level 2| SUF Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 42. The table shows the number of questions done by some children in 20 minutes. What percentage of the children had done 4 questions? If Mr Gupta worked from Tuesday to Sunday and received © 220, then how many hours of overtime did he work? Number of children 64 [2 |2 A. 6hrs Number of questions done_|4 [3 |2_ | 0 B. 8 hrs i Cc. 3 hrs A 1BI% B. 25% D. 4hrs l Cc. 30% D. 65% 45. In the given figure (not drawn to scale), ABC kines is a right-angled isosceles triangle, in which 43. Acube has the shapes AA, C1. O, © ana O AC || DE, 2Bd1 = 58° and ZG/H = 71°. Kind on its 6 faces. Here are thuee different views of the DEG same cube. a / sie leo he ak LL a Ba © @ c A oO \ E 44, The table shows the rate of payment in a factory. a Monday — Saturday © 30.00 per day a, ie ™ Sunday 40.00 B c. 32° vente 5.00 pes how Be ee ACHIEVERS SECTION 46. Read the statements carefully and select the correct ee @ option A 5% 72m Statement-1: € 6400 are divided among three workers a ie, ie inthe ratio 2:2: 5, The share of the second worker c. 6% Shem in 83006, D. 10% atm Statement-2 : If A exceeds B by 40% and B is less 48. Which of the following statements is true? than C by 20%, then A: C = 28 : 25. A. Both the statements are true. B. Both the statements are false. C.Statement-1 is true but Statement-2 is false, D. Statement-1 is false but Statement is true 47. Fill in the blanks. + At _()_ rate of interest will ® 20.000 becomes 24,200 after 2 years when interest is compounded. annually, 1 + A tree increases annually by , of its height By (Q cm will it increase after 2 years if it stands today 64 em high. A. Ifthe ratio of an interior angle to an exterior angle ofa regular polygon s 7:2, then the number of sides ofthe polygon is 8 B. Ione ofthe interior angles ofa egular polygon is equal to 2 of Gach intetior angle of a regular hexagon, then the mimber of sides ofthe polygon is7 C. If the sum of all interior angles of a regular polygon is twice the sum of all its exterior angles, then the polygon is a hexagon D. If each exterior angle of a regular polygon is 40°, then the number of sides of the polygon is 10. ith 110 5-5 | Love 2 Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 49. Ifa die is rolled two times, then find the probability A. > @: G) + ©} Gi) + (©: Ci) + @) of getting BL (i) + ©: Gil) + @; (itt) + @: Gv) > &) a a, Na CO @: Gi) + ©; Gi) > &): Gv) > @) (i) Multiple of 2 on first 1 D. @) > ©: @ > @: Gi) > @: GW) > @ die and multiple of 4 on @® = 5 POO OF OG > OMT second die. 50. The length of a room is half more than its breadth. (Sum of number obtained on *§ The cost of carpeting the room at € 3.25 per mis, both the die asmuttiple of 3. ©) 7 % 175.50 and the cost of papering the walls at @ 1.40 ee leuarses ame fs per mis € 240.80. If 1 door and 2 windows occupy fii) Number on the first dic is 1 uf, then find the dimensions of the room. divisible by mamberonsecond ©) = Gy Sm eactet e ee tie A. Sm,6m,7m (iv) Sum of the mumbers 7 B. 9m,7m,6m on both die is divisitle @ 75 Cc. 9m,6m,6m by the number on second die. D. 9%, 8a, 6mm [SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK MO | Cla 5-8 | Level 2| SOF —— Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) SCIENCE OLYMPIAD FOUNDATION ee LEVEL - 2 Year 2018-19 1 MATHEMATICS In the given figure (not drawn to scale), if AB || CD, then find the value of x. 56° 55° pow Acertain sum invested at 4% per annum compounded semi-annually amounts to & 7803 at the end of one year, Find the sum. A. ©5600 B. = 7800 c. & 7500 D. % 9000 If © 2505 are distributed among three persons 4, B and C so that their shares be diminished by @ 5, & 10 and @ 15 respectively, then the remainder shall be in the ratio 2:3: 4, The share of Cis A es B. &875 c. %905 D. @uis Factorise : 24(x—3)? — 32 (r-y)? A 4@e—y) (P+ y4) B. 8(v—s) Gx-y~2) C. 8(r—y)? Gr-3y—4) D._None of these The thickness of a hollow metallic cylinder is 2 em, It is 70 em long with outer radius of 14 em Find the volume of the metal used in making the cylinder, assuming that it is open at both the ends Also find its weight ifthe metal weighs 8 g per em? Take n=22 7 10440 em, 91250 g 13440 em?, 90000 11440 em?, 91520 g None of these vows The average age of 10 men is increased by 5 years when two of them whose ages are 20 years and 84 years are replaced by two new men. The average age of the two new men is 10, A, 52 years B. 77 years C. 32 years D. 40 years An unbiased dice is thrown two times having first six consecutive odd numbers on each six faces. Find the probability of getting the sum 15. x © is B. . le glee D. A courier person cycles froma town to a neighbouring sub-urban area at a distance of 22 km to deliver a parcel to a merchant. His distance from the town at different times is shown by the following graph. x Distance fnk)—> 2 a x nan dim dim moon ‘Time How much time did the person take to reach the place of merchant? A. 3.3 hows B. 2 hours C. 15 hours D. 3 hours The length of a rectangle exceeds its width by 7m. If the width is decreased by 3 m and the length is decreased by 10 m, then the area is decreased by 95 sq. m, Find the dimensions of the rectangle. A 1Sm,6m B. iSmsm c. 10m, 6m D. 20m, 7m ‘The diagonals of an isosceles trapezium A. Are unequal B. Are equal C. Intersect at right angles D. None of these I it 810) cass 3 Lovet 2 Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 11, Find the area of the given figure (not drawn to scale) A. 100° A B10 c. 120° jn D._ 130° ‘4 16. ‘The least number to be subtracted from 16800 to «Sz make it a perfect square, is A. 380m? A 249 B. 250m? BL 159 2 or ae wie c. 169 cone of these Dou 12, Find the value of 5.76 + V0.0576 +V0,000576 + /0.00000576 17. Two partners A and B together lend 2523 at 5% compounded annually. The amount A gets at the end A 3.225 of 3 years is the same as B gets at the end of $ years. BBLS Find the share of 4. a a ti20 — B. €1323 13. There is one number which is formed by writing one ct 1563 digit 6 times (example 111111, 222222....). Such a sutsbicr iyabways divisible by. ee A 7 18. Which of the following is possible number of faces, Q 2 edges and vertices respectively of a polygon? A 59,7 D._ All of these B. 818.12 14, The value of 4 ~ is e Sat D. None of these 19. Which of the following statements is correct? A. If the diagonals of a quadrilateral are a * perpendicular to each other, then it is always at a square. a 4 B. A quadrilateral in which two pairs of adjacent 5 sides are equal, is a kite at ©. ‘The measure of each angle ofa regular hexagon 8 is 150°. 3 D._None of these Do 20. Ifx=G?-39),y= 9-3-4 and 15. Inthe figure given below, PTUs a straight line, Find Seer tear peel the value of x. 2 oS, 2187 2 Bima o1 © Gist 61 D>. imaT me IMO | Class-8 | Level 2| SUF Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 21. A rectangular cubical piece of metal of dimensions 2 em * 3 cm * 4 em is melted. Some more metal is co added and it is made into a cube. The cube has integral c. D. measures for its sides. What is the minimum amount of metal that is added and what is the side of this cube? A Wcmdam SOEUR EEE REEDS B. 3cm?’, 3m 26, If.xis a rational number and y is an irrational number © Mem’, 3 em then D. 4em?, 3 cm ‘A. Both x +y and xy are necessarily itrational. eres ne beeen B. Both. + y and xy are necessarily rational. 22. | Whibhantfie telkineing:atabamentsiaitnes? C. xy is necessarily irrational, but x + y can be (Points (2, 3) and (5, 6) represent the same point either rational or itrational on the graph. D. x+y is necessarily irrational, but xy can be (i) The x-coordinate of any point lying on the y either rational or irrational A Gag. en a7, __SA2X6+542«24 54%6,54-3.46 3.46 32.71 x32.71-27.29%27.29 | 3.08x543.08 x45 B. Only (i) oe is equal to ©. Both (i) and Gi) a D._ Neither (i) nor Gi) Bo 23. Given below are the steps of construction to construct Cc. 07 a quadrilateral ABCD where AB = 4 em, BC=5 em, D. 25 CD=35 em, AD=55 emand 44 the following steps is incorrect? St. Which of! 58, The LCM. and H.C.E. 6F two polyaouildls are respectively (2a ~ 5)? (a+ 1) and (2a ~ 5). If one of Step- Draw and conetmet /RAY= 75° the polynomials is Aa? 20a + 25, the other one ia Step-2 : With 4 as centre and radius = 5.5 cm, cut A 4a4200-45 off AD = 5.5 em along AX. Bo 42-25 Step-3 : Join BD. With D as centre and radius = 5 em, C at+3a—5 Sere D. 2a*-3a-5 Step-4 : With B as centre and radius = $ om, draw) 9©|©|§ an arc to cut the arc drawn in above step 29. An integer is chosen at random from first 50 positive at C. Join BC, CD to obtain the required integers. What is the probability that the chosen integer quadrilateral ABCD. is divisible by 5? A. Only Step-1 al B. Only step-2 6 ©. Only Step3 i D. Only Step-t Bo 24, The point (6, 5) is at a distance of a. 2 ‘A. 6 units from both the axis. 5 B. 5S umits from both the axis. 3 C. $ units from the x-axis and 6 units from y-axis, Be iS D. 6 units from x-axis and 5 units from y-axis. ere eo 30. Ifa pipe can fill a tank in 3 hours and another pipe 25. Which of the following is not the net of a solid? can fill it in 4 hours, then what part of the tank will be filled in 1 hour if they both work together? a 2 A B, A 1 e ale 1 DG 0 | 0) Chass-8 | Level 2 Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 2,2 3 35. a2 + 7a») gy, AEN GON coat 36. 32 37. 33. * 38 34. The given fignre is made up of 2 equal squares of side 7 em. Each square has a quadrant. Caleulate the area of the shaded part A. Wem? BL 28cm ® c. 30cm D. 32cm? DIRECTION (35 — 36) : The given pic chart shows the percentage of different coloured pens in a box Study the pie chart carefully and answer the following ‘questions, Total number of pens in the box ~ 500 » —— 10 | Class | Level 2|SUF How many more black pens were there in the box than the blue pens? A. 120 B c. 240 D, 140 100 Find the ratio of total number of green and red pens together to the total number of pens. A, 3:20 B. 8:25 Cc. 25:8 D. 20:3 A shopkeeper sold shirts at 252 each after giving 10% discount on labelled price. If he had not given the discount, he would have eamed a profit of 25% ‘on the cost price. What was the cost price of each shirt?) A. %224 B. %250 c. 270 D._ None of these If 4 and B can do a piece of work in & days, B and C in 4 days and A and C in 6 days. Find the required saimiher af Heys, Hf they-wntie linger tn finiaithe ‘work 10 A. 337 days 3 4 BL 25> days c days D. days Which of the following is true about a trapezium to ‘construct it? A. One pair of opposite sides of a trapezium should be parallel and unequal should be given. B. Two non-parallel sides should be given. Cc. Both A and B D. None of these Monthly salary of a person is € 15000. The central angle of the sector representing his expenses on food ‘and house rent on a pie chart is 60°. The amount he spends on food and house rent is A. %5000 B. %2500 c. € 6000 D. % 9000 Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 41, ‘The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 12. A. 5 times If the new number formed by reversing the digits is B. 18 times aveater than the original number by 54, then find the C. 12 times original number. D._ 17 times A 9 ee ae 44, In an examination, 4 got 10 % marks less than B. coe B got 25 % marks more than C. C got 20 % marks less than D. If 4 got 360 marks out of $00, then the 38 of marks obtained by D was 42. Which property of rational numbers is shown by the following statement? G4) 34 Ze Ss )375 ee rAd assbculise Proper etc adniiks 45, A-sudent represents his scores in Mathematics, Statistics B. Commutative property of mutiplication and Economies in a pie-chart. The central angle for C. Associative property of multiplication Mathematics is 120°. He scored 96 in Statistics and D. _Closuce property of multiplication 84 in Economics. The central angle for Statistics is 43. The length, breadth and height of a euboid are in the A Me ratio 1:2: 3. they are increased by 100 %, 200 % B Hae and 200 % respectively, then compared to the original a, 192) ‘volume, the increase in the volume of the cuboid will be D. 212° ACHIEVERS SECTION 46. Read the given statements carefully and select the correct option. Statement-I : The profit eared by selling an article for € 900 is double the loss ineurred when the same article is sold for ® 450. Then the article should be sold at % 750 to make 25 % profit Statement-I: Asum of money is lent out at compound interest compounded annually atthe rate of 20 % per annum for 2 years. It would give € 2410 more, ifthe interest is compounded half yearly. Then the principal sum is 120000. ‘A. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are true B. Statement-1 is true but Statement is false C.Statement-1 is false but Statement-II is true D. Both Statement-I and Statement-II ate false. 47. Match the division of polynomials given in Colum-1 with their corresponding quotients given in Colum-I. Column Column-It @ @-3 @ (ox? +3x- 27) + @x-3) Gi) 28+) © G@+4e-2+6+7 — Cid @-4) © @e- e+ 12)+@r—-3) Gv) Get 9) (©) Ay" + 8y4) + 499 I it 810) cass | Lovet 2 A. > W&):@> Gi); © O:) > Gi) B. &) 4G): @+0:@ > Gi) (9) +) © O?-@:@O>&):0> 0:0 > Gi) D. ©) > @: @ > Gi): @ > G) : > Git) 48, State T for true and F for false and select the correct option (0) Therational numbers > and —? ie on the right side of 0 on the number line. (i) Ifa, band c are rational numbers, then a(b —¢) = ab—ac (i) The negative of a rational number is always negative (iv) If x, y, z be rational numbers such that x > y and y >=, then x >< o @ at ww AT £ F F BOF F F if c.f F T F DF oy F T Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 49. The given graph shows the number of books sold by (i) On which day Nitin sold the maximum number Nitin in a week. Study the graph carefully and answer of books? the following questions. o w y A. 7:20 Monday B 8:55 Tuesday he Cc. 9:56 Friday 3! D. 9:32 Saturday : Pe Satay de 50. Using Euler's formula, find the values of P. Q. R and Bi S respectively. zs Faces 6 @ 5 5 24 Vertices 8 10 R 6 ; Edges ep [ifs [os Mon Tie Wed Tin Fi Sst Sin A ELEE ass B. 12,7,5,9 (Find the ratio of number of books sold on Tuesday : to the total mumber of books sold during the GAS week. D. ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK MO | Cla5-8 | Level 2 | SOF Copyright©2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) PNoOmeons SBSBRAeA ANSWER KEYS 0) 3 8 4 © 5&5 (© 6 (© (A) 10 (@) 1 (A) 12 «(B) 13 (A) () 17 @) 1 (@) 1% () 2% (©) (C) 24 (A) 25. (A) 26. (B) 27, (A) (0) 31 @) 32 () 33 (A) 34) D) (0) 38 @) 39% (C) 40 (A) 41. A) (8) 45. (8) 46 (@) 47 «(Ay 48 (©) Copyright@2019. Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) 49. 50. IMO 2014 1 () 9 @&) 17 8 2% © 3% (© 4. @ 49. (©) 2 (C) 10 (A) 18 (A) 26 (A) 34 (0D) 42 (8) 50 @) 2 @ 1%. © 1%. @ 2. @) 35 (8) 43. A) 4 (A) 12 () 2 () 2 @) 3 (C) 4 ©) 5 © 8B A 2 0 2 © 7 B® 4 © 6 (©) 14 (A) 22 () 30 @) 38 (A) 46 (Dd) 7 @) 1% (C) 2 @ 31. ©) 32 (©) 47. A) 8 (A) 16 () 2% @) 32 () 4. 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