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Fact sheet Ministry for Foreign Affairs September 2015

Ministry for Foreign Affairs:

the Budget Bill for 2016
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is responsible for all or part of three expen-
diture areas in the central government budget – International cooperation,
International development cooperation, and Industry and trade.

cooperation security-building operations other things, the Swedish
The objective of expenditure area within the framework of the EU, Institute’s Baltic Sea cooperation
‘International cooperation’ is to the UN, the OSCE, the Council and environment, human rights
secure Sweden’s interests in its of Europe or other bilateral or and democracy initiatives in
relations with other countries. intergovernmental bodies. Two Russia.
agencies come under this expend-
Most of the expenditure area is iture area: the Swedish Institute The increasingly complex
used to finance the compulsory and the Inspectorate of Strategic situation in the world and the
contributions Sweden pays Products. Grants are also pro- related foreign and security
as a member of the UN, the vided to the Swedish Institute of policy challenges place greater
Council of Europe, the OSCE, International Affairs (UI) and demands on independent
the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Stockholm International research and policy analysis in
the OECD, etc. Support to Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). foreign policy operations.
organisations that Sweden is a Special funds are available for
member of is central to Swedish Nordic cooperation. To promote It is therefore proposed that
foreign policy. Furthermore, via integration and cooperation appropriations to UI and SIPRI
other appropriations, Sweden around the Baltic Sea, special be increased by SEK 1 million
may support concrete peace- and funds are available for, among from 2016.
Expenditure area 5 – International cooperation
Appropriations in SEK thousands
Contributions to international organisations 1 328 554
Peace- and security-building activities 140 072
Nordic cooperation 13 595
Financial support to individuals abroad and various costs for the judicial system 3 826
Swedish Inspectorate of Strategic Products 29 015
Research, inquiries and other action relating to security policy, disarmament and non-proliferation 45 808
Grant to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) 25 402
Grant to the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) 16 675
Swedish Institute 98 066
Information about Sweden abroad 15 475
Cooperation in the Baltic Sea region 188 715
Total 1 905 203

International was introduced in September the Kyoto Protocol represent a

development cooperation 2014 (ENS 2010), the develop- double commitment for Sweden
The objective of expenditure ment cooperation framework and other industrial countries:
area 7 ‘International develop- corresponds to 0.98 per cent. reducing our own emissions and
ment cooperation’ is to create Sweden uses both models to financing emissions reductions
opportunities for better living report to the OECD/DAC, and and adaptation to a changed
conditions for people living in it is the Government’s ambition climate in developing countries.
poverty and oppression. This to achieve 1 per cent under the
aid also contributes to the new GNI model during this In addition to the climate, the
objective of Shared responsi- electoral period. Government considers that
bility: Sweden’s policy for global greater effort needs to be put
development, which is a whole- The funds under expenditure into two other global develop-
of-government responsibility area 7 are mostly used to finance ment issues – gender equality
based on policy coherence for the activities of the Swedish and peacebuilding and state-
development. International Development building. These perspectives
Cooperation Agency (Sida) will be reinforced through a
In the Budget Bill for 2016, the and multilateral organisations systematic methodology in the
development cooperation frame- in low- and middle-income form of conflict, gender equal-
work will increase by nearly countries. In 2016, the Govern- ity, environmental and climate
SEK 3 billion due to increased ment will deliver major climate analysis. Greater emphasis will
GNI and additional funding of change investments, including be placed on these areas in
SEK 886 million. This means SEK 500 million to climate strategies that govern develop-
that the development cooper- financing in developing coun- ment assistance to individual
ation framework totals SEK tries. The environment and cli- countries, thematic areas and
43.4 billion, which equates to mate perspective will also be a via multilateral organisations.
1.02 per cent of GNI according key starting point for all deve- Efforts to achieve a coherent
to the model used until Septem- lopment cooperation. The United policy for sustainable and equit-
ber 2014 (ENS 1995). Under Nations Framework Conven- able global development will
the new GNI model, which tion on Climate Change and also be strengthened.
The Government intends to • Climate: The additional percentage increase – from SEK
increase contributions in the SEK 886 million includes SEK 735 million to SEK 1.07 billion.
countries affected by the Syr- 500 million for climate finan- • It is proposed that the
ian crisis, while at the same cing in developing countries. allocation for Africa be increased
time raising the humanitarian In addition, Sweden’s develop- by 7 per cent (SEK 357 million)
appropriations globally. The ment financier Swedfund will from SEK 4.819 billion to SEK
Government will also work for be given a capital injection of 5.176 billion.
a stronger United Nations that SEK 400 million to enable • It is proposed that the
can meet the challenges of global investments in the area of en- allocation for Asia be increased
development and large-scale vironment and climate. by 26 per cent (SEK 360 mil-
humanitarian needs. • Humanitarian: Humani- lion) from SEK 1.37 billion to
tarian assistance is expected to in- SEK 1.73 billion.
The global humanitarian situ- crease by SEK 485 million from • It is proposed that the
ation is grave, and millions of SEK 4.85 billion to SEK 5.34 allocation for Latin American
people are fleeing from war and billion. The additional funds be increased by 18 per cent
oppression. The need for asylum will go to UN bodies and to (SEK 90 million) from SEK 510
is extensive. The costs associated Sida’s humanitarian operations. million to SEK 600 million,
with receiving refugees falling Support to the UNHCR, for and that the appropriation for
within the development cooper- example, is expected to increase reform cooperation in Eastern
ation framework are expected by SEK 75 million. Europe, the Western Balkans
to decrease, from 8.9 billion • Country strategies: and Turkey be increased by
in 2015 to 8.2 billion on 2016. Sweden’s strategy-based bilateral 12 per cent (SEK 120 million)
These are costs that are defined cooperation with countries in from SEK 1.042 billion to SEK
as development cooperation in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the 1.162 billion.
accordance with the OECD Middle East and North Africa,
Development Assistance Com- and Eastern Europe is expected
mittee (DAC) guidelines. to increase.
• It is proposed that the
The increase in expenditure area allocation for the Middle East
7 includes the following priori- be increased by 45 per cent
ties: (SEK 335 million) – the largest

Expenditure area 7 International development cooperation

Appropriations in SEK thousands
Development cooperation 31 120 825
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) 1 050 445
Nordic Africa Institute 14 464
Folke Bernadotte Academy 105 475
Swedish National Audit Office: International development cooperation 50 000
Evaluation of international development cooperation 16 265
Total 32 357 474

Production: MFA, Communications Department

Telephone: +46 8405 10 00
Website: www.
Article no: 15.034

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