Group 1 Questions To Ponder

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Group 1 Questions to Ponder: Awareness, Personality Development, and the Filipino Society

1. Which aspect of self do you take care of least? How should you rectify that?

2. Name one instance that you practice self-care for each aspect of self.

3. What is a self-concept?

4. Why do we have to develop self-awareness?

5. How Do We Develop Self-Awareness?

6. What part of the Johari Window is it when you have some trauma in your past that has
been forgotten?

7. What is Values Development?

8. What are the four clusters of good citizenship values that are reflected in the Preamble of
the 1987 Philippine Constitution?

9. What values are you being proud of as a Filipino?

10. What is the significance of creating a step, a plan, a goal, and a date in your success?

11. Explain the concept of a PDP.

12. What are the 7 steps in creating a PDP?

13. Enumerate the 10 roots of the Filipino character.

14. Which root of the Filipino characters tackles about how the people we look up to have an
effect on us?

15. What is mass media?

16. How would you differentiate Patriotism and Nationalism?

17. How can you show the sense of nationalism and patriotism?
18. After knowing the 2 concepts of how we must love our country, what should we be a
Nationalist or Patriotic?

19. How can we be a good Filipino?

20. Why is peace important?

21. In your opinion, why is it that a justice delayed is a justice denied?

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