Constitutional Design

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Delhi Public School, Rewari

Subject: Social Science (Civics)

Class- IX
Name………... Roll no……


Q.1 What is Constitution?

Ans It is a body of well defined laws of rules to govern a state . The constitution determines the rights
of citizens, the powers of the government and how the government should function.

Q.2 “India is a secular country”. Justify.

Ans India is a secular state because all the religions here are treated equally. The Indian Government
treats all the religious beliefs and practices with equal respect.

Q.3 Why is India called a Secular State?

1) There is no official religion of the state.
2) No discrimination is ever made against any individual because of his/her religion.
3) Everybody is equal before law and enjoys equal rights no matter to which faith, caste, colour
or creed he or she belongs.

Q.4 India is called a Republic ? Why?

Ans India is called a republic because the head of the state is elected by the people for a particular

Q.5 India has Parliamentary form of Government . Explain.

1) In India head of the state (President) is nominal head of the state. All his powers which are
given to him are exercised by the Primeminister and council of ministers.
2) The Council of ministers is collectively responsible to the Parliament. They remain in office
as long as they enjoy the support of majority in Lok Sabha.
3) Lok Sabha enjoys the power to remove the ministers by passing a vote of no confidence
against them.

Q.6 What do you mean by Apartheid?

Ans It was the policy of racial segregation under which all people were classified and separated on the
basis of race. Many restrictions were imposed on the Blacks who formed more than 80% of the

Q.7 Why do we need a constitution?

We need a constitution because
1) It generates a degree of trust, and co- ordination that is necessary for different kind of
people to live together.
2) It specifies how the government will be constituted , who will have power to take which
3) It lays down limits on the powers of the government and tells us what the rights of the
citizens are.
4) It expresses the aspirations of the people about creating a good society.
Q.8 Define Preamable. What is its importance?
Ans The Preamble is an introduction of the constitution which contains the ideals and basic principles
of the Indian Constitution.
Importance : -
1) It contains the philosophy on which the entire constitution has been built.
2) It provides a standard to examine and evaluate any law and action of the government, to find
out whether it is good or bad.

Q.9 India is a sovereign country. Explain.

Ans People i.e, the Government has the supreme right to make decisions on internal as well as external
matters. No external power can dictate the Government of India.

Q.10 Why should we accept the constitution made by the Assembly more than fifty years ago?
1) Over the last half a century, several groups have questioned some provisions of the
constitution itself. This is an unusual achievement for any constitution.
2) The Constituent Assembly represented the people of India . There was no universal adult
franchise at that time.
3) As the constituent of assembly represented the people of India, it legitimacy has never been

Q.11 What are the guiding value of Indian constitution? Write in detail.
Ans The guiding value of Indian constitution are given below-
1) Sovereign – People have supreme right to make decisions on internal as well as external
matters. No external power can dictate the government of India.
2) Socialist - Wealth is generated socially and should be shared equally by society.
3) Secular - Citizens have complete freedom to follow any religion. Government treats or
religious beliefs and practices with equal respects.
4) Democratic – India has a form of government where people enjoy equal political right, elect
their rulers and hold them accountable .
5) Republic – The head of the state is an elected person and not a hereditary elected.

Q.12 What is the significance of the Preamble of our Constitution?

Ans The Preamble of our constitution contains the philosophy on which the entire constitution has
been built. It provides a standard to examine and evaluate any law and action of the government,
to find out whether it is good or bad. It is the Soul of the Indian constitution.

Q.13 How does the Constitution lay down the institutional arrangement in India?
1) The constitution describes the institutional arrangements in a very language. Like any
constitution, the Indian constitution lays down a procedure for choosing persons to govern the

2) It defines who will have how much power to take which decisions.

3) It put limits to what the government can do by providing some rights to the citizens that cannot
be violated.

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