Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

1.1 Background

The hydropower field visit was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering , Everest
Engineering College in order to acquire the practical knowledge about the hydropower
project. The hydropower tour was held on 12th to 14th Poush, 2079.

1.2 Objectives

The main objectives of our field visit were:-

 Study about various Components of Hydropower Projects and their Functions

 Study about various types of Hydropower

1.3 Introduction

Hydroelectric power, also called hydropower, electricity produced from generators driven

by turbines that convert the potential energy of falling or fast-flowing water into mechanical
energy. In the early 21st century, hydroelectric power was the most widely utilized form
of renewable energy; in 2019 it accounted for more than 18 percent of the world’s total power
generation capacity.

In the generation of hydroelectric power, water is collected or stored at a higher elevation and
led downward through large pipes or tunnels (penstocks) to a lower elevation; the difference
in these two elevations is known as the head. At the end of its passage down the pipes, the
falling water causes turbines to rotate. The turbines in turn drive generators, which convert
the turbines’ mechanical energy into electricity. Transformers are then used to convert the
alternating voltage suitable for the generators to a higher voltage suitable for long-distance
transmission. The structure that houses the turbines and generators, and into which the pipes
or penstocks feed, is called the powerhouse.
1.4 Field Visit Area

Mainly during the trip, we visited three places to enhance the knowledge of Hydropower
projects. These three places are:-

a) Seti Hydropower Project, Nadipur-3, Pokhara

b) Tanahu Hydropower Project, Tanahu

c) Fewa Hydropower Project, Kaski

1.5 Types of Hydropower Plant Based on Head, Storage Capacity

1) Classification Based on Head

Different country classify differently based on head of water. The Classification of
Hydropower project based on head is given below ;
a) Low Head Plant: <15m
[Axially flow turbine is used Eg, Kaplan Turbine]
b) Medium Head Plant: 15 m to 50 m
[Mixed flow turbine is used. Eg, Francis]
c) High Head Plant: >15m
[High turbine is used. Eg, Pelton]

2) Classification based on Capacity

In case of Nepal, following classification is adopted for hydropower projects
a) Micro-Hydropower: up to 100 kW
b) Mini Hydropower Project: 100 kW-1000 kW
c) Small Hydropower Project: 1 MW- 25 MW
d) Medium Hydropower Project: 25 MW-100 MW
e) Large Hydropower Project: >100 MW

3) Based on Hydraulic Features

a) Conventional Hydro-Plants
 These plants utilize the normally available hydraulic energy of the flowing
water of river.
b) Pumped Storage Plants
 Such Plants utilize the concept of recycling the same water by using pumping
c) Tidal Power Plants:
 Only a few plants like ‘La Rance’ in France have been in operation using tidal
energy of sea water.
d) Depression Power Plants

4) Based on Constructional Feature

a) Valley Dam Plants
Eg, Three Gorges Project(24000 MW)
Karnali- Chisapani Project(10800 MW)
b) Diversion Canal Plants
 The distinguishing feature of the diversion canal Plants is that the water of the
river are diverted away from the main channel through a diversion canal
referred as a power canal.
 A power house is provided at a suitable point along the stretch of the canal.
 After the water flows through the powerhouse, it is conveyed back to the parent
 Diversion canal Plants are generally low head to medium head plants.
c) High Head Diversion Plants
 The main distinguishing features of such plant is the development of high head
resulting from the diversion of water.

5) Based on storage capacity

a) Run Of River (ROR) Plants
 Those Plants which do not regulate the hydrograph of the river by one or more
 Utilize the minimum flow in a river having no appreciable pondage on its u/s.
 In this type of plant, weir or barrages construct across a river, simply to rise
and maintain the water level at certain height.
 Limited storage is used to meet hourly or weekly function of flow.
 Eg, Khimti(60 MW), Bhotekoshi ( 36 MW)
Fig 1: Layout of ROR Projects(Source:

b) Peaking run of river plants (PROR)

 The increased load during peak hours, ROR plants may be constructed with
pondage which can regulate daily or weekly hydrograph to run the plant under
full capacity. This type of Plant is known as peak run of river plant.
 Eg, Marsyangdi (69 MW), Middle Marsyangdi (70 MW).

c) Storage Plant
 Those plants which can regulate the hydrograph of the river by one or more
seasons are termed as storage plants.
 Dam is constructed to create a storage reservoir that develops the necessary
head for the powerhouse.
 Powerhouse is located at the foot of the dam or away from the dam.
 Water is carried through tunnel to powerhouse.
 Carry over from monsoon to dry storage.
 Suitable from medium to high head project.
 Eg, Kulekhani (60 MW), 2(32 MW), 3(14 MW).
Fig 2: Layout of Storage Type Projects(Source:

d) Pump Storage Plants

 Plants having water reservoir at u/s as well as d/s of powerhouse, which
collects water in the u/s reservoir by pumping water from d/s reservoir using
cheaper energy.

1.5 Components of ROR, PROR and Storage Type Projects

The hydropower components of PROR, ROR and Storage type projects and their functions

a) Diversion Weir
 It is type of structure place across the river to divert a part of river flow(water) to
the various water conveyance systems through the intake.

b) Intake
 It is a structure to divert water into a conduit leading to the power plant or simply
defined as a structure to divert water to a waterway.
 Trash Rack screen are provided entry of floating debris and coarse bed load into
the water conveyance system.
 It is well equipped with a control gate to regulate flow down the conveyance

c) Gravel Trap
 A gravel Trap shall be required to flush out bed sediments that enter the
approach canal back into the river.
 The necessity of a gravel trap may arise awing to faulty design of the river
 The gravel trap is constructed close to intake in order to prevent gravel from
getting into the approach channel.
 The main function of the gravel trap is to collect the bed load, smaller than the
trash rack opening size, entering through it to the approach canal.

d) Settling Basin
 It is the structure to remove suspended sediments from the conveyance water
for Power plant.
 It shall be designed to ensure that the water entering the water conveyance
system is free from sediments that can damage the penstock and turbines
runner due to abrasion.
 This can be achieved by reducing the turbulence level in the water flow to
allow suspended sediments particles to settle out from water body and deposit
on the bottom of the basin.
 The settled sediment is subsequently discharge back into the river through a
flushing arrangement consisting of flushing gate and canal.

e) Headrace Conveyance
 Usually, a canal or tunnel or Pipe or a combination of these for the purpose of
delivering design flow to the forebay or surge tank with a minimum energy
f) Forebay
 The structure located at the beginning of the penstock shaft satisfying the
function of supply required flow to the turbine during start up, accommodate
the reject flow during shut down, reduce water hammer effect is called
 The forebay is equipped with a time screen/trash rack to prevent floating
debris into the penstock pipe and ultimately to the turbines.
 It serves as a secondary settling basin as well and a sediment sluice to remove
settle suspended particles

g) Surge Tank
 It is located between the headrace pressure conduit and the steeply sloping
penstock pipe.
 In some instances, Surge tanks are applied both upstream of the penstock and
downstream of the powerhouse.
 It is generally a cylindrical storage reservoir which is connected to a penstock
pipe close as possible to the turbine.
 The main function of surge tank is to protect the long pressure tunnel and
penstock pipe from high water hammer effect caused due to sudden
acceptance and rejection of loads and to use or to receive or store water when
the turbine is decreased.

h) Penstock
 It is a pipe that conveys the flow from the forebay or surge tank to the turbine
that are designed to carry water to the turbines with the least possible loss of
head consistent with the overall economy of the project.

i) Anchor Blocks
 An anchor block is an encasement of a penstock designed to restrain the pipe
movement in all durations.
 These structure prevent the pipe from sagging and becoming overstressed.
j) Powerhouse
 It is the structure complex where all the equipments for providing electricity
are suitably arranged.
 Two basic requirements for powerhouse planning are functional efficiency and
aesthetic beauty.

k) Tailrace
 It disposes the design flow discharged by hydraulic turbine after power

1.6 Status of Hydropower in Nepal

Nepal’s electricity consumption is among the lowest in the world. Only 14 per cent of the

population has electric lighting at home. In rural areas, less than five per cent of the
population has access to electricity, but a number of large-scale hydro power projects are
currently under construction.

Governmental policies have stressed the potential for microhydro schemes to provide
economically productive mechanical and electrical services for the people living in the hilly
regions. Although the country has the potential of generating 43,000 megawatts of
hydropower, only 327 megawatts have been developed thus far. The government has put into
place a number of legal and institutional provisions to encourage hydro power development.
These provisions have been successful in legalizing and standardizing the facilities, subsidies
and cooperation to be provided to the private sector. This strategy has been adopted to ensure
that smaller schemes come on line at regular intervals and provide a better match between
growths of supply and demand. In the mid-1990s, the government reinstated the policy of
providing a direct subsidy of 50 per cent(in remote mountain regions 75 per cent) for
electrical components used in micro hydro systems. This subsidy is equivalent to about 20
per cent of the total cost, which is typically $1,600 per kilowatt. Credit is also available for
micro hydro schemes from the Agricultural Development Bank of Nepal, including a line of
credit available for rural development from the Asian Development Bank. (NEA, 2016)

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