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Q- What measures can countries take to identify vulnerable communities (e.g.

, migrants, minority
communities, hard-to-reach populations) that are particularly affected by health misinformation and
take appropriate strategies to support resilience?

Q- The global community can guidance from Japan which has had a much more effective policy than the
United States and European countries. Can the Japanese delegation elaborate on the same? "

Q- As being mentioned by the delegate of Austria, the country known for having one of the best medical
facilities around the world. According to your country’s model plans, how can institutional coherence
and welfare maximization be promoted within the health sector for marginalized groups, especially in

Q- As per the reports, WHO has already phrased the actions that are required to address the impacts of
the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and service delivery systems. But throughout the discussions,
those clauses weren’t discussed. How will you like to justify it?

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