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A Ku-band low noise dawaconyerter Lor satellite TV recegtion a btvoduction The frequency bawd between APSEGHe and ADBGHe is allocated os a dowrlink band for many different satelite serinces. The subbard from AB.35 GHz to AMTGHe awh in particular the tuo segments from HB.35 to ALDGH and from AAAS to AATGHs ave allocated as the Jownliek bands for international satellite communications including, Lath telephone civeuits and international television distribution. The eabbond between AATGH: and A25GHe will probably be used by the powerful direct broadcast felewsion satellites. Finally the seg- ment from A2,5GH2 to ALTE GHe is again being usted for nation and international satelite communications including telephone circu its , dota transmissions and television distribution Communications satellites are usually launched into geostationnry orbits abet 266@pkm above the earth's equator. The distance from user dations accessing the satellite is therefore in the 49008 ken range. Present satellites only carry rather weak tyansrnifters | the out- put power per chonnel ranges from 5 to 40W for communica tions satellites and will reach 250W for high power dived broad cask satellites. Of course weak satellite signals requive large re- ceiving, antennas. Fortunately satellites transmitting in the Ku -band usu ally use high gain spst beam antennas of just a few degrees total beamwidth to cover populated areas on the globe Like western Europe, where mock user stations are located. Television transmissions coming from Wuese satellites cam be received with moderate sive antennas , usually paraaic dishes of less than 3m diameter, ond are being used to feed large cable TV networks In amateur conditions an excellent noise-free pichure can be ob- tained with parabetic dishes of less than 2m diameter even from low poner communications satellites carrying ADW o 26W transnit- fees like the Intelsat Vand LA satellite series, ECS- Cutelal satellite series and Telecom 4 satellite series. A satellite TV receiving only station inclades @ parabolic dish antenta, a suitable receiver amd an ordinary TV set or monitor, The first receive downconverter is equipped with a low noie preamplifier and is usually installed directly behind the antenna feed to avoid lossy and expensive micronave tearsmission lines. The remaining compontats ofa satellite TW receiver ore usually installed indoor and elude a second , funalle converter for channel selection , a second IF amplifier and FH video demodulator, a sound \F and demodulator, an AN modulator to genera te a standord TV signal and a power supply for the complete rece. iver. 2.Block diagram of the downconverter The block diagram of the Ku-band low noise downconverter is thom on fig. A together with the other outdoor component , a para alice vefledar antenna with a suitelle feed for operation in the Ku-band Mok available Ku~bank salellite TV transmissions require a parabolic di of AD to ARm diameter for noise free reception iq western Europe depending on the particular satellite transmitter outpal power, antenna patlern and transforder mode of operation (bal{/full). Most avoilalle dashes , either new or surplus, have a focal to dicwneter (F/B) votio of $35 to 4A suitable feed for this [/D ratio is 0 ciralar waveguidehorn with a corrugeled flange for improved illumination ef Ficieny. Since in the prackeal contruction ond alignment the feedhorn is a functional part of the downconverter, it wall also be describel in this article The low: moise downconverter includes {ere modules a lowancise amplifier for ADSS =AATGHe , a Weck downconverter AB35=4A oh,/ PRE=AGGHe and on IF amplifier for 6.86 *4.6 Glo. The two stage low-noise amplifier uses two P.Spm gale length gatliam arsenide FETs CFY A8-23 wounted on a Gemm thick glassfiber - teflon laminate The black downconverter module includes a ficed tuned FET oscillotor at MPAGH2 , a single ended active mixer stage using an Anum gate length gallium arsenide FET CFYAS and am IF preamplifier stage, The block downconverter module is alo built on a Dbmm thick glessfiber ~ teflon larainate The IF amplifier module includes three amplifier stages sing silicon bipslar wnicrowave transistors and a +5VBC supply regulator for the other two modules equipped with GaAs FETs All the Ku-band connections are made with short lengths of RE-AGA 3.6mm diameter semirigid cable and SMA connedors BNC connectors are used in the IF frequerey range The low oie downcomeder requires a supply vallage of tAZVDC. A prackeat solution is te feed the supply voltage through the same conriol cable feeding the IF signal to the indoor unit. The some salu: Kion is being used with almost all commercially available low noise, downconverters, Tre low noite downconverter was originally designed for the AG.96 =A.) GHe satellite band since most satellites transmit in this frequency range The circust can also be modified to operate in the A2S+AZ.15 GHe satellite band and the necessary modifications will be described Later in this article. All the values given on the cie cuit diagrams and the dimensions given on the drawings however appy to the standard 4035 + A1.1GH2 version | aGorrugated horn feed The corrugated horn feed shown on fig 2 is made of a short length of circular waveguide, whose open end acts as the horn ape ture, a waveguide to coax transition and an odjurtable corrugated, flonge To acheive a good illumination efficiency the feed horn should laminate the parabsic dish surface as uniformly as possible with little spillover. Of course the beamwidth of the feed should be weatdned to tke ocak aperture angle of the parabolic dish used This angle is im turn determined by the dish focal to diameter ratio. The beamwidth ofa circular waveguide horn feed is mainly determined by the internal diameter of the waveguide. The dimensions shown on fig. 2. are suitable for parabolic reflectors having a f/D ratio between $35 and O46 The corrugsted flange improves the illumination uniformity and decreases the sidelobes of the horn feed The illumination efficiency may exceed 75% and this brings an improvement of between 0.5 and AdB in the overall antenna gain In the case of space communications , a decrease of the effective antenna temperature due to the reduced spillover shoul also be noted. A very simple explanation of the principle of ope- vation of a corrugated surface (flange) is as follows: the corragated surface enforces two boundary conditions: the tangential electric fie Smould be zero due to the conductive rims and the tangential magnetic field should also be zero dve to the Ya deep corrugations. between the rims. The combined effed of botlh boundary conditions is thot the Field inkensity aust fall to rer on the Flange surface. This produ ces a rotationally symmetrical flat topped beam with very low side lebes thak > ideal for the illumination of parabslic reflectors A. corrugeted surface is also called a scalar surface inthe lis ferobure since it behaves exactly in the same way for beth magee- tic and electric Fields. Correspondingly corrugated horns are abo called scolar horns The position of the corrugated flange along the waveguide should be adjecked for best rents. Usnally he distance between the open end af the waveguide and the surface of he corrugated flange ranges between zero ant Ma A cveular waveguide horn can receive and/or transmit arbitrarily polarized waves , including two independent orthogonally polarized. waves at the same time. The actual polarization of the horn feed there- foce only depends on the waveguide mode launcher used ~ the coax to waveguide transition, Since most low power satellites ase, Linear polarization , either in a single plane or in two ortinegonal planes for Frequency reuse purposes , & linearly polarized feed is required A suitable mode launcher is a simple Af probe inserted in the waveguide wall about Ag/t from the waveguide shorted end, where Ag i the wavelensth inside the waveguide. Of course the medhania support ctructure must allow a smooth “and easy adjustment of the feed polarization plane High power direct broadcast satellites wall probably use circular polarization, both right hand and left hand, between AAT GH: and. ALS GH, Circular polarization cam simply be obtained fron a, linearly polarized mode inside a circular waveguide by inserting a few Kuning serews at 45° with respect to the polarization plane of the linearly polarized mode. flow noise amgtfier The woin function of the low-noise RF amplifier (see fig.3.) is to improve the overall downconverter aise figare. Beside having a low noise figure it should also have sufficient gain to prevent the overall noise figure being degraded by the noise geneaked in the following mixer stage Onby gallium arsenide FETS con provide useable gain values at frequencies above AD GHe. The main parameter of a GaAs FET that influences its microwave performance is the gate length. dum gate length FETs cam still provide about 648 of gain at A2GHe with an associated novse figure of about 448. BSam gate length FETs are much better abouk AB AB of gain can be obtained with a noise figure of about 2.548. G.25um gote length FETs are of course even better, but they are also very expensive and vot yet regularly available on tae warlet The CFY A transistors used in this projed are O5um gate length FETs packaged in the economical “miceaX" package and are ma aufactured by Siemens. Other manufacturers also supply similar transistors with similar wricrowave performances and at similar i The parasitic reactamces of a transistor package have a consi- derable effed on the transistor performance in the microwave frequen cy range. To improve the performances of their products manufacturers usually try to use these unevodable parasitics to partially compensa te the parasites of the transistor chip at least im the frequency bands where the transistor will most Likely be used. It is therefore easier to natch a packagedhtransistor in the AZGHe frequeny band. than at freercies below 26H! The difference between optimum noise math and optimaen gai match is seal at A2GH2 : a CFY AB matched for maximum gain will only show a AdB degradation of its noise figure. It is interes ting to wetice that the source refledion coefficients for optinainn noise eat ond maximum gain math have a similar phase, the magni- tude of the optimum noise figure matd source reflection coefficient being much sranller than the wmacimum gaia source repledion coef ficient. The above js also valid for other similar transistors epera- fing in the ALGH: frequency range However , the specified transistor performance can only be ob- tained if the teansittor (s correctly installed into aq suitable circuit. Numost all wiicrowave transiters are packaged in cases suilale for instolttion into a microdeip ciecuit. AE Ku-band frequencies only teflon based lominates cam be ceasidered as substrate materials , since aluming quarts and other suitable waaterals can wot be handled by amateur foals. The preamplilier is built on a B.Gmm thick glassfiber - teflon laminate having an €,=26 so that all the circuit elements have reasonable dimensions It is especially important to provide good source grounding/de- coughing if the specified gain is to be obtained and other problems tobe awided Each FET has two source leads and each source lead is bypased by a leadless ceramic disc capacitor inctalled ino hole punched in the ellen laminate (ig.6). Since these capacitors ace made of high Er cermimic material, the, behave practically as metal dises at ku band freqs- ences The two stage amplifier uses a SOM etched microstrip Line and shot capacitive tuning stubs made of thin copper foil to match the teoFEl The tuning is necessary since the transistors ond the laminate have ble rances and the amplifier has to be matched toa real world antenna feed and to the following mixer stage, which ove not ideal 502 loads A further advantage of this design approach is thet the same prin- ted circuit board pattern can be used belween AD and ASCH with just repositioning the tuning dubs. The approsimate ponitions of the tuning, stubs for the frequency range APIS = ATGH are indicated on fig 3 The supply veltage is fed through A/4 chokes and is first bypassed by Low value “printed” capacitors 50 hat low frequency resonances of the. supply network are dompened by the 562 resitors If the amplifier is aligned to cover the AP96 te AATOHe band it will provide about 2248 of gain at the band center awh about ARAB ak the band edges 5. Block downconverter module Beth silicon scbotthy diode and Gas FET wixers ove practical, at Ka-band frequencies. The advantages of a schutthy diode mixer are alow waive figure, © to BAB,and little Local oxcillater deve power required — about AmW ger diode, Gas FET mixers using 4am gate length FETs acheive a Ally higher noise Figure betwern Ad and AZAB and require @ higher Local oscillalor rive power, abouk ABmW per Gads FET Unfortanekey ‘the crate, diode mixer noise figuse lie depends to a large extent on the wise figure of the IF amplifier used. The excellent woe figure specifi. cations are usually obtained with narrowband ow noise (4.548) IF avaplifiers. Since a satellite downconverter requires a broadband \F amplifier (85 to AG Gil) the noise figure of the Latter can hardly be teld below SdB across the whsle IF bandwidth and the overall performance of a schottley diode miner approaches that of a GaAs FET miter, On the cthee hand a FET mixer has a swall conversion gain {leat is sufficient to make its noise figure almost independent of the fallowing IF amplifies Packaged wniner diodes have high parasitic veactances that can hardly be tuned out over a wider bandwidth. On the other hand , beam lead dickes only have small parasitic reactances but are very difficult te handle due to their small phisical size. Finally, a Gas FET is actualy cheager and easite to use than a set of suibable diodes The block downconserter module shawn on fig. 4. uses o single ended Gads FET mixer in a grounded source configuration Both RF and LO signals are applied to the gate of an duw gate length FET CFY AS and the IF signal i taken [rom the drain. Note that the actual squere low mining process is acually a vertical process inside the FET statue awh is therefore vot dependent on the FET gate length The latter only influences the output IF signal frequency response To enlrance the rixer performance the gate network should have a low impedance for the outpad IF signal ond the drain network shed have a low impedance for the input RF and LO signals. The gate nc- work is a branching [:lter to couple both LO and RF signals te the waiter gate The branding network uses tuned M4 open stubs te reject the unwanted Grequencies = Une AF signal path indudes a LO signal trop and the LO signal path jvcludes a RF signal trap. The traps are. locakd at Ma {row the branching point to reduce Yweiv influence on Ve desired, sigeal paths. Four A/s dwkes are used to reject signals a the IF freuen cy vange and provide a low j resonance Free impedance ok the AF Gregus. The mixer deain stub operates in a 3/4 A mode at RF and LO Frequencies to enhance the conversion efficiency. For IF frequencies ib behaves as a capacitor and builds together with Ly a low pars filler and an innpedance matching network to deorease the mixer output inpedonce The bandwidth occupied by a frequency modulated TV signal tran smaithed through q satellite transponder is usually between 25 and BG tHe A receiver frequency stability of a few MMe is therefore re wired and this Cam simply be wet by a free running microstrip FET cxcilltor at ADAGHs. An Aura gote length Gars FET CFYAS cam pro- vide bath the required stability and sufficient output power to feed the miter stage. To wake oscillate a Gaks FET at frequencies around ABGHe an esternal feedback signal yatin has to be provided from the drain to te gate . Considering the S parameters of a packaged transistor this can be easily acheived by insulating from ground the source leads using two Na chobes. The oscillation frequency is mainly determined by the gete chub which operates in the "4A mode inclading the internal reactances af the Aramsittor chip and package. The drain stubs are required to pre- vide a table impedence ino wie Frequency range and thus prevent cscilotions at unwaaked frequencies The supply voltage is fed through a Ye choke and is bypessed by a “printed” capacitor similarly as in the low-noise amplifier stages The block downconverter modube includes an IF amplifier stage using a BFQ 63 silicon bipdar wicrowove trantistor The supply velase for the wiver and IF amplifier stages is fed through IF dhokes Ly and Ly. Again Low value resistors ace being used to avid parasitic resonan ces. GIF ompifier O25 = AG Gr and 4 SVDC regulator The IF amplifier includes three stages equipped with silicon bipslar Ag - microwave transishors Csee fig. 5.). Since the gain of bipslar transis Accreases rapidly with imereasing frequency im the low microwave region, the broadband IF omplifice should contain suitable wotworks {to compen. sate the gain rise at low frequencies. A simple solution is to conned: the callecors of the teansistors fo indudive loads (Ly,Le and Le) and coule the signal to the following stage through @ small capaator, In ts way the ovaglifier al have a reasowably flat gxin of aboot 15 AB in the bawd center and falling about 5 AB at band edges. If more gain is requiced, for instance to feck a longer cable to the indeor unit, Ty and Te can be replaced by the better BFQGY type transistors increasing Une overall gain by about 5 dB. On the other hand , ot least one stage can be deleted if the coaxial cable to the indoor unit is very short, The IF amplifier receives the FAZVDC supply voltage through the same coaxial cable from the indoor unit , decoupled by the choke Ly and a feedthrough capacitor, The supply voltage of VDC for the Gahs FET equipped stages is obtained using a T8D5 voltage regulator integebel circuit Its input and output ore bypassed by 4uF multilayer ceramic capacitors to preverk unwanted oscillations, The IF amplifier is wot built ona printed circuit board , the compenents are directly installed into a suitable metal case. The “T8B5 vallage regulator 1C is installed together with te two bypass capacitors on a Small piece of umetdned PCB laminate, which also ads as a cooling fin for the 7805. Note that although the currest droin ot EV is below ABPmA itis recomended to use an AA rega- lolor ina TO-22G package to ovoid the thermal deift of the BV supply voltage anh as a consequence a drift of the APA GHz oxillator! 1 Contraction ond assembly of the downconverter The low-noise RF amplifier awk the block downconverter modules — are constructed on two double sided printed circuit boarks made of G.G mm Enc — glassfiber ~ teflon tawinate having an €r~ 2.6. The cor~ responding upper side masters ave shown on fig. & The lower side should wot be ethed since it acts as a ground plone for the ricrateip transmission Lines. Other teflon laminates of the same thickness con also be used: the mot standard & = 2.55 lominate without any modi- fications while other lower Er laminates with jst a slight repositioning of the tuning stubs The teflon printed circuit boards have te be first carchully dried as shown on fig:3. Since teflon is a very soft material only shorp (new!) points ace to be used at low speed. Small Amm diameter holes for the soucce bios resistors are net shown om fig. 3.) in any case these resisters com alto be soldered to the walls of the case housing the civeuit (fig. 48.) The AdBnF bypass capacitor in the block downconverter is installed in the center of the strip ured as a spport for Ye #5V supply. The other lead is of course grounded through an Amm diameter hale inthe printed circuit board The My chokes are grounded through or 25 men holes using, small pieces of thin copper foil cak to the same width ar the wie trips ko be grounded and wrapped around the lnole ebge to prow uide the shortet possible grounding patle. Then there bales way be lapped using small square pieces of finned copper foil (see fig.) The leadless source bypass disc capacitors should be pressed. into the respeciive Binmif bales « Both the copptr cladding around hese capacitors and Ye copper foil te be added should be well tinned to ensure good salder welling and therefore a low grounding, inbuctivity (see fig. 6.) The ASpF coupling capacitors are small rectangles of thin teflon lawinate as shown in fig. Duc te the small thickness of the insulation these capacitors should be immediately dnedied for chorts after installation At a bond frequencies the virtua capacitive value of these capacitors lage is larger due to resovanece effects, The remaining components can now be installed Of course the GaAs FETs will be installed last. GaAs FET manufacturers generally state that Aen product way be damaged by improper handling during installation, due to electrostatical discharges through the very small area junctions The handling procedures they suggest are however usually not very clever nor sufficient te protect the delicate microwave semiconductors. Grounding anesel{'s body might be fatal for an operator if there i an accidental fault im the electrical installation of the laboratory! Tevefore Lam going to describe here a simple and safe procedure, bath for the GaAs FETs and for the operator: «Work on an ordinary wooden fable sithing on a woolen chair, Wood is an \wsulaking materiol however its conductivity is sufficedt to prevevt he bid up of large sledtionatic charges 2 Disconnect the soldering iron from maing when soldering even if you ace using a separation trovsformer since electrostatic charges are directly propertional to the capacities of the charged bodies. 3. Before each soldering operation touch with your finger beth the tip of the soldering iron anh the ground plane of the printed circuit board to equalize the potentials Following these simple rules Vhave met yat destroyed even a single Gas FET althougy | have saldered more than twenty GaAs transistors. ducing the developement of the described downconverter, Hany of these have even been seldered several times since the original prototypes did riot work satisfactorily Of course any scldering operahion should only be done witle Khe DC pomee switched off and the civeuit disconnected from other civeuits and /or tert equipment. Electrical equipment that produces induced daarges Like CRT displays or induced ysttage oF cucrent spikes should also be switched off during the intallation of Gas FETs. Following the assembly the Low -woise amplifier printed circuit board can be immediately installed in a suitable metal box as shown on fig, 40. - 4B The block downconverter printed circuit board should be first roughly aligned , especially the oscillator Frequency, before installation in a suitable metal case. The walls of the housing are 22mm wide strips of thin brass plate, the cover is made from $5 mm thick aluminuvn plate and the bottom is the same printed circuit board. Feedthrough capacitors ase sadered into lnoles made in the walls of the metal case The BVG AW overveltage protection zener diodes ore installed externally, Eadh module requires its own zener diode since voltage spikes can alo be induced in the SV supply wiing for example die to accidents short circuits. J piece of absorber foam has to be installed below the cover fo dampen the unwarted parositic resonances of the housing, Ku-band frequencies require SMA connectors. SMA connedors ave usually wsed Logether with short lengths of 2.6 mmB semirigil cable To increase the mechanical strength of the assembly a N& brass nut is serewed onto the cable end ond then soldered to the case. The internal diameter of the M4 thread has to be slightly enlarged with the aid ofa small round file to fit the outer jacket of the semirigid cable. If suitable SMA connectors ave available these can also be direchy soldered onto the case BNC comnedors are suitable for the IF frequency range between 0.86 and AGGH2. Femole BNC commedors can be diredly soldered omte the mackel cases as shown on fig. AA The components of the IF amplifier ove installed in a 55 mm long LP we wide and AS mam high box made of thin brass sheet (see figAt and fig A2.) 2. Mignynert and testing _ of the downconverter There ore many different possitle alignment proceduces depending om the instrumentation available. Sine most amateurs only have little micronave iacheumestation aimee, an alignment procedure thak requires a minimum — Ab = amount of professional instruments will be shown , using simple home- made instruments Like a wideband noise generator and equipment an ama tear already hos Like a A2IGMI converter and a receiver with a disconnected AGC for noise figuee / gain measurements The three stage IF amplifier does not require any adjustment Reasovable yalues of DC currents Caround ASmA) flowing through the transitors Ty, Tr and Te already ensure that the amplifier is operating coreectly The *5VDC wltage regulator should also be chedhed before connecting the two modules with Ga bs transistors The block “downconverter wodule should now be connected . The peeation of the ADA GHz FET oscillator should be checked ant the Frequency aligned to the desired value When Ts is oscilating correctly, its current drain ghoul be ovound ASmA (to be wacasured as & vole tage fall on the source bias resistor). Touching the drain and gate stubs at the same time with your finger should block the oscillations fond the current drain should fall to about AOmA. If similar values are not obtained (tolerances of 129% ave allowed) then the value of the rominally APD 2 source bias resivtor should be modified. Note that o wide spread of the transfer curve lds © [(Ugs) is normal for GaAs transistors The frequency of the orillater can be adjarted by the Ts gate hub length. Ks eteled onthe teflon printed circuit board this stub is lightly eo long and the oscillation frequency is generally 208 te 490 Hitz too low. The grounding strip should be carefully removed and the gate dub dhartenel using @ small file producing a Bmam wide cuk im the laminate, Since the gate of the FET is ret connected dur ving this operation obseeve oll the handling precautions 95 when solde- ring the Gas FETs. The gate stub should be shortened by about A to ASmm 40 obtain ADAGH:, Fine Freprency corrections can be made by a. small capacitive tuning stub ~ a small piece of thin copper fail galdered about in the center of the gate stub. Unfortunately it ts wot easy to meosure the frequency of the local as - oscillator with amateur instruments. The ideal solution is a spectrum analyser or a sensitive microwave frequency counter conneded to the input of the module If the signal is not sufficient , then the LO trap reio~ vrator has to be temporarily detuned but this will alse shift the oscilla: tor frequency by about £50 ne Alternatively a sehettley gunn module, well known from the early amateur microwave activity , can be used to downconvert the FET oscillator signal to the VHF [low UNF range where it can be monitored easily Even the fomous Lecher wires, although spaced by Acin , are still very accurate at AQGH: , but ao cheap and sensitive detector is not readily availatie. Absorption resonaten are also accurate , but Chey neck a sensitive detector too Rekually ik is sufficivat to bring the oscillater frequency to within TDD Me, fine odjustmrents can be done later. The block downconverter prie ted civeutt cam now be installed in a suileble case os shown on fig Ah The vallage onthe source of Ty (miter transistor) should now be checked on the miner tet point, With the LO deve signal applied the current toraugh Ty should be within Tand AB mA to obtain the best mixer mise figure Disabling the oscillator os described earlier the Te source voltage should fall by about 5OdmV, The source voltage increase in an active FET mixer when applying the LO Ace signal ha» precisely the same weaning as the rectified current of diode miners: it does provide an insight ive the nonlinear wixer operakion avd an estimate of the mixer efficiency The mixer and the low-noise amplifier should wow be aligned for he marimum available gain in the desired frequency band between A035 and AATGHE. A simple noise generator can be used as the signal source Aa inversely polarized B-E junction ofa BFQG3 transittor is o simple and efficient noite source i at AIGRe it can supply over 3HdB ENR with a zener currert of about SmA. Since many suitable designs were already pallihed im this and other waagacines ; the contruction of a woise source will not be discussed here ~ 16 - [fa woise generator is being used as the sigual source then a sensitive feceiver is required To detect the signal at the (F output of the black downconverter module. A suitable IF valve is AZSONHe since falls alot in the center of the IF passband 0.85 to 4,6GH2 and con- vertess are veadlly available for this frequency. The A296 Nite converter should be connected to a ( possibly widebard) receiver equipped with o Linear detector and the AGC disconnected A noise figure measaremnent set veceiver is ideal for this purpose. Of course, the receiver should be equipped with a manual gain control Cottenuator) fo adjust the signal level to obtain a suitable output indicotion on the Semler Ifo wideband noise generator is used as a signal generator, care should be taken not to tune the bw- noise amplifier and the block dows converter to the image frequency. A foal proof solution is to build two horn feeds (see fig.2., the corrugated flanges ace not yet necessary). One horn is connested to the ingut of the low-noise amplifier or Wack downconverter te be aligned and the ther is connested to the oudput of the noise generser The lowek cutoll frequency of the waveguide (mode TEy) is around 3:756He, for the given internal diameter of the horn This is of course below The wanted Frequency range ABI5 + AAT GHe but above the image frequency range 85+ 3.25 GHz. Therefore the horn feed is a simple and very effi- cient image rejection Filter The noise generator signal level cam easily be adjuted by the dishuce Letucen the two hora agertuces. The low-noise preamplifier can be tuned to he actucl horn feed impedence since the overall system aise figure is the only important parameter As first the adjustment of the block downconverter module alone should be suitable instrumentation is available the LO signal trap should be tuned for minimum LO leakage at the input connedor: Otherwise it should mst be touched since ib & already etdeed very dose to the required dimensions. Then the noise generator signal should be fed te the inpat as Aeseribed above and the position of the tuning stub should be an found. The tuming stub is a small piece of copper foil , about 2+2vnmé fe be moved olong and across the 5@2 microdeip using a thin rod of insulating woteriol and finally soldered in the position that gives the maximam conversion gain. This operation may beth shift the oscilletor Frequency by ad few ten MHz omd dightly increase the wltage of the mixer test point. However botle these effects hove almost no influence on the performance of the converter Now the lownmoise amplifier can be inserted between the horn feed and the block downconverter module The source bias resistors should be adjusted to obtain a Avain current of about AS mA. Without any tuning a goin of Ad te AFB can be expeded from the S parameters of the transistors. As first the ivlerstage rmalch should be optimized for maximum gain Then the output match should also be optimized for maximmurn gain, Finally the position and length of the input tuning stubs for Ye rraxionsn gain should be found. The input tuning stuls ave however wet yet selderd in Yhis position, since we actually want the optimum noise rnalch . This can simagly be obtained leaving the tuning stubs in the same position and shortening them to get Ate 248 less gain. Alternatively the effect of a tuning stub can be decreased by bending up the open end of the copper fol The CFY AB transistors are seleced by the manaladurer according to the moise figure indicated by two numbers The CFY A823 selection is specified to have 0 23-48 noise figure at ALGH:. Considering the con- Kribution of the following stages a 348 noise Figure is the theoretical miniemurn Various losses between the born feed and the fint transistor will increase the noise igure to about 448 in the band canter and a few Aeribels more at band edges. The above estimate was found in god agreerment with practical cacriee to woise ratio measurements on satelite signals, corsteving the satellite EIRP, the free space insertion lois and the receiving amttnna gain A tuned low moive amplifier las some seledivity. This is useful te ~ AR prevent the noise figure degradation due to amplifien noite in the iaage Frequency range, since the mixer input metwork is not very selective. On the other hand , sometimes it way be necessary to optimize the align~ meat later to cover the whale AQ.95 = ALTGH2 band better Of course the waveguide thorn feed provides a very high imange rejection if te waveguide is nat too short. Although the Length of the waveguide horn is not critical , 78 to 8B mm is a practical value g.Modifications for other frequency ranges and other semiconductor companerts Although the described low-noise downconverter was designed for the AD.35 to ANTGHe segment ik can be tuned for almost any Ku-band ta- fallite downlink seqment. The IF frequency bam can herdly be changed, Whe choice P95 to AG Ge representing The best compromise considering a vailable semicondactors , reesonably priced cables , connectors and standardized indoor units. The oscillator frequency has to be tuned to the required value. first Chy adjusting the gate aah length). The drain stubs should not be shortened by more than Avmm each otherwise there is danger of parasitic cxcillations in the 8 to IGHe range. Then the LO signal trap should be adjusted the RF signal trap and finally , after positioning the turing stub, alse the short compensation stub should be corrected. The low-noise amplifier can be adjusted im the same way as explained earlier how ever the positions of the tuning stubs will be quite different fom those indicated on fig. 3 As a practical experiment | heve tamed a protety pe for the 425 to ANS Ga frequency band to rective the two french Telecom AA ond AB satellite, Beside a slightly lower gain due to the lnigher frequency of operation wo cther problems were noted Of course the horn feed bad to be redivnensioned :aA6 wim inner diameter tube was used, the probe length was reduced to 4. mm while the spacing from the shorted waveguide enh remained A2mmf see fig-2:) A number of manufadurers actually supply suitable Gahs FETs, As = bath 95pm gate length and dum gate length types with similar S- ~ parameters as the CFYAB and CFYAS types. Although these were net yet practically tried, no major problems should be expected except for the obvious repositioning of the tuning stubs. Of course the FETs should be packaged in suitable microwave packages. Ceramic packages still offer a better performance {te price ratio thon plastic packages , which are ale moore sensitive to improper handling and high temperatares encountered during the soldering operations Ag Conclusion Ku-band downconverters for small television receive-only satellite cart tations are already a sawtard product on the professional enriprrent market These downconverters usually use the some IF band, generally between 30H and ANOH MHe (E ApH) The input connector ot Ku-band Frequencies is o wavegtite Flange and a suitable horn feed is usually supplied separately To decrease the effect of the feed mismatch on the noise figure of the low noise preamplifier , a low loss circulator with one port terminated with a watched (ood Cisslator) is usually inserted between the waveguide to mist transition ond the first amplifier stage, A circulator is a di alk to get and an eapensive item but fortunately in aimatear conditions car converter cam be individually aligned and a emall degradation of its performances will only be noticed at Land edges Professional Ku-band downconverters abo use oscillators stabilized with — dictedtrical resonators. These are some orders of magnitude wore stble than the free running oscillator shown im this orticle. Suda a high stability is vequied in coble elevision headend stations , where a number of receivers must operate unattended reliably for months. An onatear receiver is uslly hand tuned and any downconverter deift can immediately be corrected. In the practical use it was difficult to matice this instability , since it follows the ambient day /wight tempersture cycle while the receiver was usally tuned [vom one dhanncl to acter wuda more frequentiy. The receiverwas - 1 - ‘rok equippel with an AFC circuit! AW the Kurkand downcowverters have a fixed tuned local esol: lator amd conyert ak Ye same time the whole Ku-band segment down to the velotively wide IF frequency band A tunable downconver ker would be a beter technical solution for single channel reception, Trovever ik seems that suitable components to build Ku-band VCOs are not yeadily available Although the antenna gain and the downconverter noise figure are considered the most important parameters of a satellite receiving station , the performance of the IF circuits ond in parkicular the wideband FM demodulator is equally important. waters usually only hove small oueanas, Regardless of the size of thee available antenna there will always: be some signals af the margin of the system sensitiity. Since the satelite wideband FH video signal contains Lok of redundancy itis possible te extend the treshald of a FH demodulator even beyond the theoretical values. Therefore a suitable IF tuner /demodulotor, usually referred as the indoor unit, wil also be described ta a future article, including a tresheld erteasion demadulater adaptable te different signal to woise ratios, fa tunable audio IF to receive most of the standards used and of course a motulatar te feed the signal divedly fo the antenna connedor of a PAL or SECAM TV set sym aoopyno woxyoys hwo onaoar jy ayypys Pog-ny ayy fo amo omg _—y by masye andy ene md yorsso oy g/t srr Ty aeHeP sep ep oegeed swewaiy mw “prin aig weymdos genase woe wpa omits ray 29. sta 31699 “Oy en Goal foul’ SoMrye Sp yuh TR “aplorbosemey AH” WLS yap a Wt HOLY °F s6OV soupy) pen ey prea EY ay S80ug apna sof pao} soy payebnuuoy — ZY yas 309 opr a : sopanen ys sea} Crrvan) rae phan gouges ned soa neo abi} payobinae> ayeoont ape sosauinig fp ape 2H LW = ser 2%} aMfywo ssn mop —E “By t Jor TT Be Ange yo 1 hit “hopin, wy mS as, mas co 7H V+ 58H %} MOL Vs SEY —-4B{4AAVODWMOP poy] —y BI Joo Tm Den al 7 i ; Seed oc 95, 7 os a 7} ‘deo pred, me * e rE x 3 B [~ ie Ve fe veel, F I sy _-was% +005 %| Fapenaos he meus wat /he ee Ee ba vaov imyrm0 //JE oe ey BL 7 87 i sub, 0 ri ~oyeyrbos Jonge PHO HOD = SEG salfydmw 4) _g “Hy vetria vyevad oO 9039 bein ~ 40g) apse — 00 abot - $0 4} majnng HE i SAD soma} ONG 1 i Ayddes 09 ATW pe doy by %: ns o ws] » ons] » Rae “IA | source bias censtor Sam dink cap. ul Installation of tuamplifier / mixer GaAs FETs(T,T and le) hcp fl wilde ld Otentiskeggrfl er Installakion of the oscillator GaAs FET (1) Fig. G - Installation of the GaAs FETs and corres ponding source bypass capacitors base oreallecer lend ——‘SSmbedrllaln the laminae N, trast tb foy Laine nites Installation of the AIF amp transistor (Ts) sddee ease carpe eg HtSenB de aber ctalon lamin / ‘older Otmatickog fl Grounding shorted stubs bom tee ewe dip TE He te hie SOR np atehad 508 aiodip _geser- tell aminabe Installation of the ABpF coupling capacitors Fig. 7 Installation details of other componer’ Fig. 3 - PCB masters, upper side. Lower side wot etched, D.bmm thick glassfiber teflon , Ep = 2.6 Byron ase Fig. 9. - PCB drilling plan. Numbers indicate hole diameters in mm covers OSmmthick AL plate Fig. AA Construction of the 0.854664: |Fanplitier A Yetuen of PE mmf Cu wire Ly Tedein sb Anf cap boTo base é Note that La is soldered about Simm (Ad at AAGH2) [rom the open end of the miker drain sted La Ls and by Lalgand Ly are IF Ya chokes Total wire lente = 65 wn The crac number of turns (about AG) is not important Le, ls and Le Lojls and le are straight lines soldered between the trams toe collector terminals and the feedthrough capacitors Fig. AL. ~Construction details of Ly to ly Fig. A. ~ The SOc diameter dish pointed to Intelsot YA at 27.5°W. Fig, 2. ~The “outdoor” unit, The polorization of the feed is adjusted to receive “CNN Fig. 3. - Detail of the feed , preamplifier and first downconverter. Fig. 4. ~ Inside of the downconverter Camether prototype)

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