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Safe Services

Test Results of Soil Samples


Sample Total Disolved Total Sulphates Total Chloride Organic

Sr. No. Description of Sample pH Value
Type Salts (%) Contents (%) Contents (%) Matter (%)
BH # 01 , UDS-1,
1 Soil 0.05 0.01 0.01 7.6 4.9
Depth 2.50-3.00
BH # 03 , UDS-1,
2 Soil 0.04 0.01 0.01 7.4 1.5
Depth 3.00-3.30
BH # 04 , UDS-1,
3 Soil 0.07 0.02 0.02 7.8 4.7
Depth 1.0-1.30
BH # 05 , UDS-1,
4 Soil 0.02 Traces Traces 7.3 1.0
Depth 6.00-6.70
BH # 11 , SPT-3,
5 Soil 0.04 0.01 0.01 7.4 2.0
Depth 3.00-3.25
BH # 13 , UDS-1,
6 Soil 0.30 0.07 0.06 8.3 2.2
Depth 2.50-3.00
BH # 15 , UDS-1,
7 Soil 0.05 0.01 0.01 7.5 3.5
Depth 2.50-3.00
BH # 19 , UDS-1,
8 Soil 0.13 0.03 0.02 7.9 2.4
Depth 3.50-4.00
BH # 23 , UDS-1,
9 Soil 0.14 0.03 0.04 8.1 2.6
Depth 2.50-3.00

Specificatons of Soil 0.50 0.24 6.00-9.00 4

for Construction Purposes (Maximum) (Maximum) (Maximum)
Safe Services
Test Results of Water Samples


Total Sulphates
Total Disolved Salts Total Chloride Contents
Sr. No. Description of Sample pH Value
ppm (%) ppm (%) ppm (%)

1 Water BH # 02 693 0.07 100 0.01 200 0.02 7.6

2 Water BH # 08 623 0.06 100 0.01 200 0.02 7.5

3 Water BH # 19 316 0.03 50 Traces 100 0.01 7.3

4 Water BH # 21 891 0.09 300 0.03 300 0.03 7.8

5 Water BH # 23 677 0.07 200 0.02 200 0.02 7.9

6 Water BH # 25 805 0.08 200 0.02 300 0.03 7.8

Specificatons of Water 1500 0.15 360 0.036 600 0.06

for Construction Purposes (Maximum) (Maximum) (Maximum) (Maximum) (Maximum) (Maximum) 6.00-8.00
Safe Services
Internal Data Sheet

Test Total Dissolved Salts & pH value


Reading on
TDS Meter
Sample (A) Correction Determined Total
Sr. No. Description of Sample Taken Factor Disolved Salts pH Value
(ml) (B) (C) (%)
Readings units

BH # 01 , UDS-1,
1 Soil 100 128 ppm 0.0001 0.05 7.6
Depth 2.50-3.00
BH # 03 , UDS-1,
2 Soil 100 103 ppm 0.0001 0.04 7.4
Depth 3.00-3.30
BH # 04 , UDS-1,
3 Soil 100 179 ppm 0.0001 0.07 7.8
Depth 1.0-1.30
BH # 05 , UDS-1,
4 Soil 100 58 ppm 0.0001 0.02 7.3
Depth 6.00-6.70
BH # 11 , SPT-3,
5 Soil 100 109 ppm 0.0001 0.04 7.4
Depth 3.00-3.25
BH # 13 , UDS-1,
6 Soil 100 747 ppm 0.0001 0.30 8.3
Depth 2.50-3.00
BH # 15 , UDS-1,
7 Soil 100 131 ppm 0.0001 0.05 7.5
Depth 2.50-3.00
BH # 19 , UDS-1,
8 Soil 100 333 ppm 0.0001 0.13 7.9
Depth 3.50-4.00
BH # 23 , UDS-1,
9 Soil 100 348 ppm 0.0001 0.14 8.1
Depth 2.50-3.00
10 Water BH # 02 100 693 ppm 0.0001 0.07 7.6

11 Water BH # 08 100 623 ppm 0.0001 0.06 7.5

12 Water BH # 19 100 316 ppm 0.0001 0.03 7.3

13 Water BH # 21 100 891 ppm 0.0001 0.09 7.8

14 Water BH # 23 100 677 ppm 0.0001 0.07 7.9

15 Water BH # 25 100 805 ppm 0.0001 0.08 7.8

Note For Tds Calculations

(i) if reading is in ppm, B = 0.0001 A *4* B = C
(ii) if reading is in ppt, B = 0.1 A * 4*B = C
Safe Services
Internal Data Sheet

Test Total Sulphates Contents


Type of samples Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil
BH # 01 , BH # 03 , BH # 04 , BH # 05 , BH # 11 , BH # 13 , BH # 15 , BH # 19 , BH # 23 ,
UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, SPT-3, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1,
Description of Samples Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth
2.50-3.00 3.00-3.30 1.0-1.30 6.00-6.70 3.00-3.25 2.50-3.00 2.50-3.00 3.50-4.00 2.50-3.00

Determined Total
Sulphates Contents 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.006 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.03 0.03
(W3 = W3 * 0.235984) (%)
Mass of Residues (g)
0.04 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.04 0.30 0.04 0.13 0.13
(W3 = W2 - W1)
Mass of Filter Paper +
1.42 1.41 1.46 1.42 1.42 1.66 1.43 1.50 1.52
Residues (g) (W2)
Mass of Filter Paper (g)
1.38 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.38 1.36 1.39 1.37 1.39

Type of samples Water Water Water Water Water Water

Description of Samples BH # 02 BH # 08 BH # 19 BH # 21 BH # 23 BH # 25

Determined Total
Sulphates Contents 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.030 0.02 0.02
(W3 = W3 * 0.235984) (%)
Mass of Residues (g)
0.04 0.04 0.02 0.13 0.08 0.08
(W3 = W2 - W1)
Mass of Filter Paper +
1.45 1.48 1.44 1.54 1.51 1.49
Residues (g) (W2)
Mass of Filter Paper (g)
1.41 1.44 1.42 1.41 1.43 1.41
Safe Services
Internal Data Sheet

Test Total Sulphates Contents


Type of samples Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil
BH # 01 , BH # 03 , BH # 04 , BH # 05 , BH # 11 , BH # 13 , BH # 15 , BH # 19 ,
UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, SPT-3, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1,
Description of Samples Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth
2.50-3.00 3.00-3.30 1.0-1.30 6.00-6.70 3.00-3.25 2.50-3.00 2.50-3.00 3.50-4.00

Mass of Filter Paper (g)

1.38 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.38 1.36 1.39 1.37
Mass of Filter Paper +
1.42 1.41 1.46 1.42 1.42 1.66 1.43 1.5
Residues (g) (W2)
Mass of Residues (g)
0.04 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.04 0.3 0.04 0.13
(W3 = W2 - W1)
Determined Total
Sulphates Contents 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.03
(W3 = W3 * 0.235984) (%)
Safe Services
Internal Data Sheet

Test Total Chloride Contents


Type of samples Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil

BH # 01 , BH # 03 , BH # 04 , BH # 05 , BH # 11 , BH # 13 , BH # 15 , BH # 19 ,
UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, SPT-3, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1,
Description of Samples Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth
2.50-3.00 3.00-3.30 1.0-1.30 6.00-6.70 3.00-3.25 2.50-3.00 2.50-3.00 3.50-4.00

Sample Taken (ml) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Determined Total
Chloride Contents 0.01 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09
(W3 = W3 * 2.474) (%)

Mass of Residues (g)

0.00 1.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
(W3 = W2 - W1)

Mass of Filter Paper +

1.62 2.58 2.00 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.02
Residues (g) (W2)

Mass of Filter Paper (g)

1.62 1.58 1.57 1.59 1.61 1.68 1.65 1.63
Safe Services
Internal Data Sheet

Test Total Chloride Contents


Type of samples Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil

BH # 01 , BH # 03 , BH # 04 , BH # 05 , BH # 11 , BH # 13 , BH # 15 , BH # 19 ,
UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, SPT-3, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1,
Description of Samples Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth
2.50-3.00 3.00-3.30 1.0-1.30 6.00-6.70 3.00-3.25 2.50-3.00 2.50-3.00 3.50-4.00

Sample Taken (ml) 50 50 50 50

Mass of Filter Paper (g)

1.621 1.614 1.617 1.626
Mass of Filter Paper +
1.657 1.622 1.629 1.639
Residues (g) (W2)
Mass of Residues (g)
0.036 0.008 0.012 0.013
(W3 = W2 - W1)
Determined Total
Chloride Contents 0.09 0.02 0.03 0.03
(W3 = W3 * 2.474) (%)
Safe Services
Internal Data Sheet

Test Organic Matter

Type of samples Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil

BH # 01 , BH # 03 , BH # 04 , BH # 05 , BH # 11 , BH # 13 , BH # 15 , BH # 19 , BH # 23 ,
UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, SPT-3, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1,
Description of Samples Depth 2.50- Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth
3.00 3.00-3.30 1.0-1.30 6.00-6.70 3.00-3.25 2.50-3.00 2.50-3.00 3.50-4.00 2.50-3.00

Container No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4.9 1.5 4.7 1.0 2.0 2.2 3.5 2.4 2.6

Organic Matter 4.90 1.50 4.70 1.00 2.00 2.20 3.50 2.40 2.60
(W5 = W4 / W2 * 100) (%)
Difference (W4 = W4 - W3) 0.49 0.15 0.47 0.10 0.20 0.22 0.35 0.24 0.26
Safe Services
Internal Data Sheet

Test Organic Matter

Type of samples Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil

BH # 01 , BH # 03 , BH # 04 , BH # 05 , BH # 11 , BH # 13 , BH # 15 , BH # 19 , BH # 23 ,
UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, SPT-3, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1, UDS-1,
Description of Samples Depth 2.50- Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth
3.00 3.00-3.30 1.0-1.30 6.00-6.70 3.00-3.25 2.50-3.00 2.50-3.00 3.50-4.00 2.50-3.00

Container No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mass of Container (g)

35.44 27.72 30.66 26.79 27.78 11.51 14.27 11.58 8.60

Sample Taken (W2) (g) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Mass of Container + Sample

45.44 37.72 40.66 36.79 37.78 21.51 24.27 21.58 18.60
(Before Iginition) (W3 = W1 + W2)

Mass of Container + Sample (After

44.95 37.57 40.19 36.69 37.58 21.29 23.92 21.34 18.34
Iginition) (W4)

Difference (W4 = W4 - W3) 0.490 0.150 0.470 0.100 0.200 0.220 0.350 0.240 0.260

Organic Matter 4.90 1.50 4.70 1.00 2.00 2.20 3.50 2.40 2.60
(W5 = W4 / W2 * 100) (%)

4.9 1.5 4.7 1.0 2.0 2.2 3.5 2.4 2.6

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