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A Research Proposal

Presented to Mrs. Jasmin I. Garcia

Davao Doctors College

Davao City

Practical Research 1


Roneth Nicole Obeso

Roxanne Limboy

Shahanie Panonce

Kathleen Panilag

John Wayne Padilla

February 2020


Background of the Study

The use of social media applications has become a widespread phenomenon among all

age groups. This appears more widely the case among teenagers and young adults.

They can make and share the content, comment on anything they wish to connect and

chat with their friends as well as make modern friends. Social media can too be utilized

as an educational tool for learning among students. Students can interface with their

teachers or classmates online if they confront any issue related to their studies. This

will offer assistance them to connect with their teachers and classmates in another way

giving flexibility in learning. As per the study conducted by Apeanti and Danso (2014),

students felt that their grades would be better if they can contact professors openly

through social media to get their doubts clarified. However, there is also a darker side

associated with the social media use amongst students and how it can effect them.

Many students start losing concentration in classes due to their addiction to social

media use and this results in a fall in their overall academic performance. It has been

observed that social media use is prevalent even during lectures amongst students.

They do not pay attention to what is being taught and told in the class and instead chat

with their friends on social networks or waste time reading some unnecessary stu ff on

social media. As a result, they might miss some important information being shared in

the class related to study, assignments or even exams. Thus, it can be concluded that

impact of social media on students’ academic performance is two-way. This means that
if used smartly and judiciously social media can have positive e ffect on academic

performance of students, while if used carelessly and without awareness, it can a ffect

students’ overall academic performance, thus endangering their future.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the effects of social media to online classes. This study

sought answers to the following questions:

1. Does use of social media has any negative impact on student’s academic
2. Does use of social media has any positive impact on student’s academic
3. How do social media affect the student’s academic performance?

4. Is there any difference in academic performance on a particular course

between students who use social media and those who don’t?

Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the teachers and students. This study will help the

teachers of the school to know the influence that social media has on their

students, so as to assist them to enlighten and create awareness to the students

on the possible influence it has on them.

Students-This study is to inform the participant about Effects of using social

media while online classes including better communication, timely information,

socializing online, learning, enhancing skills, making a career among others had

“fewer academic behaviours, such as completing homework and attending class,

lower academic confidence and more problems affecting their school work, like

lack of sleep and substance abuse.

Teachers- This study may help the teachers to determine the students who

are involve in this case They typically demonstrate lower academic performance,

attend smaller quantity of lessons, submit their assignments late, subsequently

they have lower self-confidence and help them to avoid further more using social

media while online class.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of our study is finding how social media effects while online classes.

This study is delimited only for students who’s currently taking online classes. The main

purpose of our study is to indicate the effects of using social media while on-going

Class. Determining how social media had become a major distraction to students,

causing the overall performances of students decline. This study only focuses on

social media and its effects on academic performances of the students.


Theoretical Framework

Review of Related Literature

Effects of Social Media in Education

Social media in today’s world is becoming a driving factor. The world is getting smaller

and through the use of technology such as social media, the way we deliver instructions

is changing. The technology referred to here really transpires just social media

technologies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snap chat. The definition of social media

is “the relationship that exist between network of people” (Walter & Riviera, 2014) Social

media networking is sharing and generating knowledge, and all of these features are

great value in the context of higher education. Social media plays an important role in

the field of education and student’s life. It is easier and convenient to access

information, provide information and communicate via social media. Teachers and

students are connected to each other and can make use of these social media

platforms for the working of their education. Social media sites have their advantage,

they also have their drawback. Everybody should be mindful of online assaults such as

cyber bullying which has contrarily influenced a number of victims of all ages,
particularly youth. ‘Traditional' bullying and cyber bullying are different, but not separate

(Chen and Luppicini, 2017) Spending as well much time on the internet has a negative

down side, it can be affected to the study time of students. Students may be addicted to

social media because of its popularity and good entertainment. In this manner, the

academic performance of students can be influenced in a negative way, it may fail. The

student's behaviour can also influence by social media and it's either good or bad that's

why each parent is worried about their children who studying.

Schill (2011) states that the social media sites encourage negative Behaviours for teen

students such as procrastination (catching up with friends), and they are more likely to

drink and drug. However, every day, many students are spending countless hours

immersed in social media, such as Facebook, MySpace, World of Warcraft, or Sim City.

Psychological Factors

To explain things that are mainly mental or emotional, the term psychological is used,

but it can also be used when referring to the field of psychology. Since this pattern of

expanded social media usage can only continue, more scholars are entering the field in

our continuously linked society to study and understand the psychology of social media.

What this means is that when social media users are excluded from online groups,

chats, or events, the brain reacts in these specific regions directly. Second, students do

not passively touch, see, or hear; they actively sense, look, and listen. At any given

time, students cannot attend to all the environmental information bombarding them; their

ability to collect and comprehend incoming information is minimal. Students select

information for consideration through automatic and controlled processes. They are
trying to explain what they feel by from the bottom up and by adding current concepts

and preconceptions from the top down, piecing bits of knowledge together. Students

may experience increased tiredness, headaches, lack of motivation,

avoidance/procrastination, inadequate time management, feelings of alienation due to

restricted in-person socialization, decreased knowledge and comprehension of others

generated by in-person dialogues.

Physical Factors

Social media can be utilized by teenagers to investigate subjects that intrigued them or

to even seek fellowship, through the use of communicative features. This can be very

valuable, but at the same time, the substance that the youngsters are seeing may affect

fundamental spaces of their development. One of the spaces that social media can ruin

would be an adolescent’s physical development, which would incorporate any

viewpoints of the human body that one can see. Body image is the dynamic recognition

of one’s body. It includes how the body looks, feels, and moves, and is shaped by

perception, emotions, physical sensations, and is not static, but can change in relation

to mood, physical experience, and environment (Croll, 2005). It can also lead to

exposure of cyber bullying having harmful, false, or private content about them posted

on social media. According to the study, which was published in the journal Lancet, 27

percent of the teens who frequently used social media reported high psychological

stress. For teens who used social media less frequently, only 17 percent reported high

psychological stress. Too much using social media can cause eyestrain which can
include blurred vision and dry eyes, Eyestrain may also lead to pains in other areas of

the body, such as the head, neck, or shoulders. Additionally, a study of teenagers aged

15–16 found that those who had high digital media use had an increased chance of

developing symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Review of Related Studies

Using technology to accommodate students different learning styles is not novel. The

strength of social media applications is that they offer an assortment of tools that

learners can mix and match to best suit their individual learning styles and increase their

academic success. Social media tools and networking sites encourage students to

engage with each other and to express and share their creativity. Such personal

interactions are vital to creating and sustaining a sense of belonging. Accessing too

much of networking site may create an eyesight problem, back pain because of sitting in

same position for long hours and many more. Use of Social media is being swiftly

increasing during last few years. It is not only being used by the working people but also

there is heavy rise in the use of social media by the students or we can say in education

society. Use of social media has been created a positive impact on the society. With the

help of Internet all the social site and various applications are available which can be

access easily, also allow users to converse and interact with each other, to create, edit

and share new forms of textual, visual and audio content. It has a vital influence on our

live as it helps a lot in every field of life such as political field, economic field and

educational field. According to Junco al et (2010), social media are a collection of

internet websites, services, and practices that support collaboration, community

building, participation, and sharing”. The growing dimension of the use of social media

among the youth of today cannot be over emphasized. Over the years, social

networking among second cycle students has become more and more popular. It is a

way to make connection to the teachers and internet classmates. The popularity of

social media sites has been steadily increasing over the last few years, and over 70 %

of online adults are now using a social networking site of some kind. Many users of

social networking sites have more than one account, and check these accounts several

times daily. But even as social media has been widely adopted by many users, its use

for higher education has also been questioned by educators. Although faculty in higher

education often utilizes social networking sites in a professional context, many are

reluctant to use social networking sites for teaching and learning. Moreover, even

though computing faculty members may have more experience with the technology,

their adoption of social media for teaching purpose has been at a lower rate comparing

to faculty in other fields such as Humanities and Arts, Professions and Applied

Sciences, and Social Sciences.

Social media networking is sharing

and generating knowledge, and all of
these features are of great value in the
context of higher education. Social
media plays an important role in the
field of education and student’s life. It
easier and convenient to access the
information, provide information and
communicate via social media.
Teachers and students are connected to
each other and can make use of these
social media platforms for the
working of their education
Theoretical Framework

This endeavour is targeted at finding the results of social media on students’

performance. Therefore, the literature review discusses the relevant analysis that's

helpful to the objectives of this scientific research. many analysis studies work the

subject below review square measure found to be terribly recent. Since most of the

innovative options offered by social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

and lots of others aren't that recent and therefore the development of the utilization of

those media has boosted recently with the introduction of revolutionary options and
platforms, a volume of recent analysis on its effects on students’ tutorial performance is

offered. Most of the studies chosen are revealed within the past four to 5 years.

Tess (2013) presents a very comprehensive literature review paper regarding the role of

social media in higher education virtual and real classes. The review has consulted

almost every popular research database around the world to make this review rich in

terms of covering almost every aspect of explaining the role of different social media in

higher education classes.

Assumptions of the Study

The effect of social media while using it on online class to the phsysical and mental

health of a student has a negative and positive side in the positive side of it; social

media usage affected their everyday lives, students claimed that it gave them more self-

confidence, improved their relationships, and even made them more socially conscious.

in the negative side of it, Students who are using the social networking sites on a

regular basis tend to have more stomach aches, besides sleeping problems, as well as

anxiety and depression. Poor Academic Performance: Students, who attempt to multi-

task, checking social media sites while studying, show reduced academic performance.

Their ability to concentrate on the task at hand is significantly reduced by the

distractions that are brought about by YouTube, Facebook or Twitter and some physical

problems like obesity because some of the students are lack of physical activity there

are only sitting, eating and not doing some recreational activities or exercise to have a

healthy lifestyle. Too much use of Social Media can have adverse effects on students'
minds and they may also be exposed to bad posture, eye strain, physical and mental

stress. Use of social media sites with sheer negligence can have mental as well as

physical effects on one’s health. Students do not take their meals on time, do not take

proper rest and by continuously being on phone or laptop can also have adverse effects

on their eyes. Such acts make students lazy and unmotivated to study or even go out

and meet people. It is advisable for parents as well as to keep an eye on what their

children are doing while using the internet. Too much use of Social Media can have

adverse effects on students’ minds and they may also be exposed to bad posture, eye

strain, physical and mental stress. So the effects of using social media in class have a

more effect to mental health and physical health of a student.

Definition of Terms

Social media - websites and applications that enable users to create and share content

or to participate in social networking.

Phenomenon - a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one

whose cause or explanation is in question/ lawsuit- a claim to dispute brought to a law

court for adjudication.

Cyber bullying - the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by

sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

Negligence - A failure to behave with the level of care that someone of ordinary

prudence would have exercised under the same circumstances.

Endeavour - try hard to do or achieve something.

Depression - is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of


Chapter 3

Research Methodology

Research Design

Croll, J. (2005) Body image and adolescents. Guideline for Adolescent Nutritional

Services, 155-166. Retrieved from

Chen, B., & Luppicini, R. (2017). The new era of bullying: A phenomenological study of

university Students'past experience with Cyberbullying. International Journal of Cyber

Behavior, Psychology and Learning(IJCBPL), 7(2), 72–90.

Schill, R. (2011). Social Networking Teens More Likely to Drink, Use Drugs, Study

Finds. Retrieved from:


Junco, R., Heibergert, G. & Loken, E. (2010). The Effect of Twitter on college students

Engagement and Grades,

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, pp 1-14


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