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Ritika Gupta

Q1: - Businesses want reliable sales estimates, but sadly, they are hard to come by. This is since
many businesses neglect to align their sales and marketing teams, which is a must for prediction

Agreeing on what defines a "lead" that a salesperson will be able to close in the month, quarter,
or year will help businesses establish better alignment and prevent end-of-quarter stress.

The senior management team needs to approve this definition of lead viability. Additionally, the
group must agree to not alter the definition on the spot, which is equally crucial.

Q2: - You need to bear certain factors in mind as a regression analysis user.

don’t ask your analysts to look at every variable they can possibly get their hands on all at once.
If you do, you’ll probably find relationships that don’t really exist. It’s the same principle as
flipping a coin: Do it enough times and you’ll eventually think you see something interesting,
likea bunch of heads all in a row.

Also keep in mind whether you can do anything about the independent variable you’re
considering. You can’t change how much it rains, so how important is it to understand that? “We
can’t do anything about weather or our competitor’s promotion, but we can affect our own
promotions or add features
Avoid asking your analysts to examine all the variables they can at once.

Also examine whether there is anything you can do to influence the potential independent
variable. How crucial is it to realize that you cannot control how much it rains?

Second, "analyses are very sensitive to bad data," so be cautious about the data you collect and
how you collect it. Also, know whether you can trust the data you collect. "Not all the data has to
be right or perfect,".

Consider whether the outcomes line up with how you see the circumstances. Additionally, if you
notice something that doesn't make sense, consider whether the data was accurate or whether a
significant error term exists.

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