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G 11°? Quarterly Examination - 2018 reo LETT Time 32.90 be MATHEMATICS: Mar Marke a0 Instructions : 4) Chock the quostion pay all ‘Supervisor immediately, 2) U for falrnons of printing. ither Blue oF Black Ink to welle and interline an SECTION 1 Note : 1) Answor all the questions. 20K 1= 20 ultablo answor from the given four alternatives and waite the option wore and the 4, Lott: R-> Rie dofinod by (x)= 4 ~ x), thon the rongo of Fis a) 2. Mn(A)= 2 and n(BUC) = 3then n|(AxB) x(AxC)} io a)1 b)Z 0) 3. Lett: R> Robe dotined as f(x)= x*. Choose the correct anowor 4) Fis one - one onto b) fis onto o) fis one-one but not onto a) Fa nalbor one - one rior onto (9) oA) don AL ua 4. Lett: R be given by x) = (2x)? thon fol(x) lo 9) x!™ by! o)y d)d—¥" tok A, B ty2zety2 Bede Box aad sthonthovalvo A+ Bis a) 2 w—_ o) 4 dy 6. The solution set ofthe folowing inequality [x ~ 1] > [x ~ 6 2) 0,2} b)I2, «) ©)(0,2) d) (2) a)2 b)-2 0)4 d)-4 8. Mf k—2125, then x belongs to a) (2, -2)UIB, %) b)(-22,-3] UIT, 2) 6) -, ~2)U(T, 2) d) 2) UO, 8. cost? + cosa? + c008"+ . + 60017 a)0 b)1 o)=1 a) oo ln) boo Pegg % 0) 2 0 10. iftana and tang are the roots of x? + ax +b=0 thon -§ ci 21... 46 2 44 Mtr M1, WeosecA+coth= 5 thon tanis a) 556) go) jay d) ag 1 4 4 itis 4 oe 4 42, Weeod=x + 31, then s0c0-+ tand = a)x, 1 6)2%, 4 o)-2n ge d)~ 2 vx 18. In3 fingers, the number of ways four rings can be Wor I..WaY. 2) 4°—-1 b)3* c) 68 d) 64 44, The product of first n odd natural numbers equals ayzneoe, 0) (2) xanann, 0 (2) x27, one,e0F, a 46, Value of 3; Is a) 2520 b)2260 c) 2205 4) 2052 16. The number of words that can be formed out ofthe leltors of the word “COMMITTEE” Is ot ®) GDF >) GF 1 17. Tho coefficiont of x*in (2+ 2x)""is a) 10, b) 2" ¢) 10C,2° d) 100,20 48, If nC,,> nC, for all possible , thon the value of nis a) 10 b)21 c) 19 a)20 19. Rank of the word "MOTHER" is a)310 b) 300 c)308 d) 309 20 thecoationstxn (1802) zr. manae 3 94.95.96 SECTION -1 1) Answer any soven quostions. i) Quostion number 30 1s compulsory. Tx2et4 21. Ifn(Ar 8)= 3. and n{AUB) = 10 than find nfP(A AB) 22, Inthe setZ of integers, define mRn ifn —n is a multiple of 12, Prove that R is an equivalence relation, © -Mathomatios 1 D. Saiwwaasen., ™-Cor, 19.2 24 Solve the equation J@—4x—x? axed 28. Find the value of cos 105* Seve tax ot (x3) ~ Simply: sint00° + cos 100° é: WIOP_,=2x6P,, find Detertne the ndmbor o6 car combinations out of deck of 52 cards here is exactly tree aces in each combination? $0. Compute SECTION -IIL i) Question number 40 is compulsory Tx3=21 x= Land f)= +1 1) Answer any seven question: 31, Draw the graph of the functions fox) = x (8) 82. IEE REA, 1} > Ris detined by fo) . Vetlly whether fis one to one x ay oz Sag then prove that xyz: Skt xt nis SS. IASB = 45%, then prove that (1 + tana) (1 + tanB) * 36 Ifthe sides of a A ABC are, a= 4, b= 6 and c = 8 then show that 4cos B + 3cosC = 2 ‘57. Countthe numberof positive integers greater than 7000 and less than 8000 which are divisible by 5, provided that no daits, sare repeated, 7 SS. (n+ 2)G_: (a= 1)P, = 13:24 then find the value of n SM. Sohe: EOQKERKeHS 38. Find the rank of the word "SCHOO ‘cer 40. Fine the last two digits of the number 3*, SECTION-IV Answer all the questions. . 7x5=35 41, a) IFAXAhas 18 elements, S ={(2, b) @AxA:a Ris defined by f(x) = 8x5, prove that fis a bijection and find its inverse. (OR) 'D)Aretation R is defined on the set z of integers as follows (uy) eR Sx +y'= 25, Express R and Ras the set of ordered pairs and hence find their respective domains. 43. 8) If x= 1s one root of the equation x°— 6x¢ + 11x 6 = 0, find the other roots. (OR) ') The Govemment plans to have a circular zoological park of diameter 8 km. A separate area in the form of a segment formed by a chord of length 4 km is tobe ated exclusively fora veterinary hosptalin the park. Find the area ofthe ssegmentto be allotted fo the veterinary hospital sejan (on) sy Prove hatcostsrenst (x3) +o00%(x-3) 8 aspen se (8) in? 3 + in? 23 5 sin? SE. ie 8g tA ag tg 45. 2)Showthat sin? (OR) , te 1 1 A ') Using the mathomaticalinduction show thatfor anynaturalnumbern 5.5 *58* Bait" Gach nse)” aed 45. a) Find the sum of all cigit numbers, that can be formed by using the digits 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 (OR) ) a and are distinct integers. prove that a bis a factor of a*~ b" whenever nis a positive integer. 22 a (om ‘and 4" terms in the binomial expansion of x + a) re 240, 720 and 1080 fora suitable value of x. Find x, 2) Show that aandn. G =Matnematios -2

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