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Definition, Incidence, and Epidemiology

of Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress

Syndrome: From the Second Pediatric Acute
Lung Injury Consensus Conference
Nadir Yehya, MD1,2
OBJECTIVES: In 2015, the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference Lincoln Smith, MD3
(PALICC) provided the first pediatric-specific definitions for acute respiratory dis-
Neal J. Thomas, MD4
tress syndrome (pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome [PARDS]). These
definitions have since been operationalized in cohort and interventional PARDS Katherine M. Steffen, MD5
studies. As substantial data have accrued since 2015, we have an opportunity to Jerry Zimmerman, MD3
assess the construct validity and utility of the initial PALICC definitions. Therefore, Jan Hau Lee, MD6
the Second PALICC (PALICC-2) brought together multiple PARDS experts and Simon J. Erickson, MD7
aimed to identify and summarize relevant evidence related to the definition and
Steven L. Shein, MD8
epidemiology of PARDS and create modifications to the definition of PARDS.
for the Second Pediatric
DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE (Ovid), Embase (Elsevier), and CINAHL Complete Acute Lung Injury Consensus
(EBSCOhost). Conference (PALICC-2) of the
STUDY SELECTION: We included studies of subjects with PARDS, or at risk Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and
Sepsis Investigators (PALISI)
for PARDS, excluding studies pertaining primarily to adults except as specified for Network
identifying age-specific cutoffs.
DATA EXTRACTION: Title/abstract review, full-text review, and data extraction
using a standardized data collection form.
DATA SYNTHESIS: The Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development, and Evaluation approach was used to identify and summarize ev-
idence and develop recommendations. A total of 97 studies were identified for
full-text extraction addressing distinct aspects of the PARDS definition, including
age, timing, imaging, oxygenation, modes of respiratory support, and specific
coexisting conditions. Data were assessed in a Patient/Intervention/Comparator/
Outcome format when possible, and formally summarized for effect size, risk, ben-
efit, feasibility of implementation, and equity. A total of 17 consensus-based defi-
nition statements were made that update the definition of PARDS, as well as the
related diagnoses of “Possible PARDS” and “At-Risk for PARDS.” These state-
ments are presented alongside a summary of the relevant epidemiology.
CONCLUSIONS: We present updated, data-informed consensus statements on
the definition for PARDS and the related diagnoses of “Possible PARDS” and
“At-Risk for PARDS.”
KEY WORDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; epidemiologic factors;
pediatrics; ventilators mechanical

he 2015 Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference (PALICC)
provided the first definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome Copyright © 2023 by the Society of
(ARDS) specifically for pediatric patients (PARDS), formulated by Critical Care Medicine and the World
pediatric stakeholders (1). Prior to this, ARDS had been defined at the 1994 Federation of Pediatric Intensive and
American-European Consensus Conference (AECC) (2) and again in the 2012 Critical Care Societies
Berlin revision (3), primarily for adult patients by adult experts. The original DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000003161

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Yehya et al

PALICC definition of PARDS facilitated dedicated re- each of the corresponding subsections detailed below
search and subsequent studies that specifically tested (Supplemental Figs. 1–6,
the utility of the newly developed definition. Since C296). As detailed below (and in Tables  1 and 2),
then, large single- and multicenter observational stud- children on invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) or
ies, as well as randomized clinical trials, have used the full-face noninvasive ventilation (NIV) can be diag-
PALICC PARDS definition for enrollment. nosed with PARDS when hypoxemia is sufficient or be
As substantial data have accrued since 2015, the termed at-risk for PARDS when it is not. Children on
Second PALICC (PALICC-2) was convened (4). In nasal support modes can be diagnosed with possible
this article, we address key question number 1 as out- PARDS when hypoxemia is sufficient or be termed at-
lined in the accompanying Methods article (4): “How risk for PARDS when it is not.
should PARDS be defined, and what are the variables
that best characterize the global burden of PARDS?” Age
Here, we detail the rationale for specific statements
underlying the 2022 PALICC-2 updated definition of There may be age-related differences in the epidemi-
PARDS and the related diagnoses of “Possible PARDS” ology of PARDS, and there are existing definitions for
and “At-Risk for PARDS.” ARDS in neonates (5) and adults (Berlin) (3) that dif-
fer from PALICC criteria (e.g., requiring bilateral infil-
METHODS trates). However, there are insufficient data to justify
precise population-level, age-based cutoffs to move
The details of the literature search are outlined in the between the published definitions of neonatal ARDS
PALICC-2 Methodology article in this supplement (4). (NARDS), PARDS, and ARDS among patients cared
Due to the nature of the research questions, a scoping for pediatric intensivists who may range in age from
review was conducted to identify relevant studies re- neonates to young adults.
lated to the topics that could inform the definition and
epidemiology of PARDS. These included studies re- Definition Statement 1.1. All patients less
lated to occurrence rate and outcomes of patients with than 18 years of age without active perinatal
PARDS, the association between age and PARDS ep- lung disease should be diagnosed with PARDS
idemiology or pathobiology, PARDS timing and trig- using PALICC-2 criteria.
gers, radiographic findings in PARDS, oxygenation Remarks: Practitioners can use either the
metrics, risk factors for development of PARDS, coex- PALICC-2 or neonatal definition (Montreux
istence of PARDS and cardiac disease, and PARDS in NARDS) for neonates and can use either the
patients with congenital heart disease and chronic pul- PALICC-2 or adult definition (Berlin ARDS)
monary failure. Adult data were excluded except when for young adults (Ungraded definition state-
considering the association between age (up to 40 yr ment, 94% agreement).
old) and ARDS diagnosis and epidemiology. The com-
plete search strategies can be found in Supplemental Justification. We found no studies establishing age-
Tables 1–5 ( Details dependent differences between neonates and children
of title/abstract review, full-text review, data extrac- on the epidemiology of ARDS (6, 7). Some data sup-
tion, and generation of clinical practice recommenda- port changes in epidemiology and outcomes of ARDS
tions, research statements, and policy statements are along the spectrum of ages typically seen in the PICU
outlined in the PALICC-2 Methodology article (4). In (8–10). In an observational study of children with
general, revisions of the original PALICC definition acute lung injury in China, ARDS (AECC criteria) was
were only considered when supported by new data. associated with older age (4.8 yr [interquartile range
0.5–8 yr] vs 0.6 yr [0.3–1 yr]; p = 0.01) (8). Older age
was also associated with PARDS among PICU trauma
patients (9, 10). However, three other studies of ARDS
Results of the literature searches are detailed in the in children did not suggest age-dependent differences
Supplemental Digital Content ( in severity or outcomes (11–13). Similarly, we found
PCC/C296) with the Preferred Reporting Items for no data supporting a specific age cutoff among younger
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses flowcharts for adults, with an insufficient number of subjects between
S88 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2 (Suppl 1)
Copyright © 2023 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
PALICC-2 Supplement

Diagnosis of Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Definition Statement 1.7.1)
Variable Definition

Age (DS 1.1) Exclude patients with perinatal lung disease

Timing (DS 1.2) Within 7 d of known clinical insult
Origin of pulmonary Not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload
edema (DS 1.3)
Chest imaging (DS 1.3) New opacities (unilateral or bilateral) consistent with acute pulmonary parenchymal disease and
which are not due primarily to atelectasis or pleural effusiona
Oxygenationb (DS 1.4.3) IMV: OI ≥ 4 or OSI ≥ 5
NIV: Pao2/Fio2 ≤ 300 mm Hg or Spo2/Fio2 ≤ 250
Stratification of PARDS Severity: Apply ≥ 4 hr after initial diagnosis of PARDS (DS 1.4.4)
IMV-PARDS: Mild/moderate PARDS: OI < 16 Severe PARDS: OI ≥ 16 or
(DS 1.4.1) or OSI < 12 OSI ≥ 12
NIV-PARDS:c Mild/moderate NIV-PARDS: Pao2/Fio2 > Severe NIV-PARDS: Pao2/Fio2
(DS 1.4.2) 100 or Spo2/Fio2 > 150 ≤ 100 or Spo2/Fio2 ≤ 150
Special populationsd
Cyanotic heart disease Above criteria, with acute deterioration in oxygenation not explained by cardiac disease
(DS 1.6.1, 1.6.2)
Chronic lung disease Above criteria, with acute deterioration in oxygenation from baseline
(DS 1.6.3, 1.6.4)

DS = definition statement, IMV = invasive mechanical ventilation, NIV = noninvasive ventilation, OI = oxygenation index, OSI = oxygen
saturation index, PARDS = pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome, Spo2 = oxygen saturation.
Children in resource-limited environments where imaging is not available who otherwise meet PARDS criteria are considered to have
possible PARDS.
Oxygenation should be measured at steady state and not during transient desaturation episodes. When Spo2 is used, ensure that Spo2 ≤
97% (DS 1.4.5).
OI = mean airway pressure (MAP) (cm H2O) × Fio2/Pao2 (mm Hg).
OSI = MAP (cm H2O) × Fio2/Spo2.
Diagnosis of PARDS on NIV (NIV-PARDS) requires full facemask interface with continuous positive airway pressure (or expiratory
positive airway pressure) ≥ 5 cm H2O.
Stratification of PARDS severity does not apply to these populations.
PARDS should not be diagnosed in children with respiratory failure solely from airway obstruction (e.g., critical asthma, virus-induced

18 and 40 years old included in adult studies. In adults bilateral opacities). On balance, the consensus was that
with hypoxemic respiratory failure, patients with the PALICC-2 consensus statements are intended for
greater than or equal to 1 ARDS risk factor were older children less than 18 years without acute perinatal condi-
(62 ± 19 vs 49 ± 22 yr) and had a higher in-hospital tions (e.g., meconium aspiration, surfactant deficiency)
mortality (33.9% vs 17.3%) as compared with patients and are recommended for use in that population but that
with no ARDS risk factors (14), suggesting that even in practitioners may use their preferred definitions for neo-
adults, worse prognosis with age may be due primarily nates (PALICC-2 or Montreux) or teenagers and young
to accumulation of comorbidities. adults (PALICC-2 or Berlin). This may negatively impact
The benefit of not having specific age cutoffs for definition implementation, in particular, inhibiting au-
PARDS is that practitioners who care for neonates, chil- tomated systems that require clear, objective definitions.
dren, and/or adults can use the definition of ARDS for
which they are the most comfortable for infants, teen-
Timing and Triggers
agers, and young adults. Potential challenges include
misclassification of patients especially related to key Since the 2012 Berlin definition, “acute” onset of hypox-
differences between the definitions (e.g., unilateral vs emia has been operationalized as occurrence within 7
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Diagnosis of Possible Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and At-Risk for
Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Definition Statement 1.5.3, 1.7.2)
Variable Definition

Age Exclude patients with perinatal lung disease

Timing Within 7 d of known clinical insult
Origin of pulmonary edema Not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload
Chest imaging New opacities (unilateral or bilateral) consistent with acute pulmonary parenchymal
disease and which are not due primarily to atelectasis or effusiona
Oxygenationb threshold to diagnose possible PARDS for children on nasal respiratory supportc (definition statement 1.5.1)
Nasal continuous positive airway pressure/bilevel positive airway pressure or high-flow
nasal cannula (≥ 1.5 L/kg/min or ≥ 30 LPM): Pao2/Fio2 ≤ 300 or Spo2/Fio2 ≤ 250
Oxygenationb threshold to diagnose at-risk for PARDS
Any interface: Oxygen supplementationd to maintain Spo2 ≥ 88 but not meeting defini-
tion for PARDS or possible PARDS (see above)
Special populations
 Cyanotic heart disease Above criteria, with acute deterioration in oxygenation not explained by cardiac disease
 Chronic lung disease Above criteria, with acute deterioration in oxygenation from baseline

PARDS = pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome, Spo2 = oxygen saturation.

Children in resource-limited environments where imaging is not available who otherwise meet possible PARDS criteria are considered
to have possible PARDS (definition statement 1.5.2).
Oxygenation should be measured at steady state and not during transient desaturation episodes. When Spo2 is used, ensure that Spo2 ≤ 97%.
Children on nasal noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or high-flow nasal cannula are not eligible for PARDS but are considered to have
possible PARDS when this oxygenation threshold is met.
Oxygen supplementation is defined as Fio2 > 21% on invasive mechanical ventilation; or Fio2 > 21% on NIV; or “oxygen flow” from a
mask or cannula that exceeds these age-specific thresholds: ≥ 2 L/min (age < 1 yr), ≥ 4 L/min (age 1–5 yr), ≥ 6 L/min (age 6–10 yr), or
≥ 8 L/min (age > 10 yr). For children on a mask or cannula, oxygen flow calculated as Fio2 × flow rate (L/min) (e.g., 6 L/min flow at 0.35
Fio2 = 2.1 L/min).
Possible PARDS and at-risk for PARDS should not be diagnosed in children with respiratory failure solely from airway obstruction (e.g.,
critical asthma, virus-induced bronchospasm).

days of an inciting trigger (5). This cutoff was adopted PARDS was either present at PICU admission or was
by PALICC in 2015 for PARDS (1). We identified no diagnosed within 24 hours for most subjects (12, 15,
studies of PARDS in which cases were attempted to 16). The median time between intubation and PARDS
be identified beyond 7 days after an identified trigger, diagnosis was less than 24 hours in all reviewed stud-
suggesting widespread acceptance of this threshold. ies. The benefits of keeping the window up to 7 days
are consistency with existing literature and sensitivity,
Definition Statement 1.2. Symptoms of hy-
as it allows subjects with risk factors to plausibly de-
poxemia and radiographic changes must occur
velop the clinical findings of PARDS in a reasonable
within 7 days of a known insult to qualify for
timeframe. Shortening (e.g., within 3 d) would plau-
PARDS (Ungraded definition statement, 96%
sibly capture the majority of subjects but risks missing
some patients who were still developing the specific
Justification. There is widespread acceptance of 7 combination of clinical and radiographic criteria for
days as the cutoff between PARDS trigger and meet- PARDS. On balance, the increased sensitivity, congru-
ing the remainder of the criteria (hypoxemia and im- ence with existing literature and adult Berlin ARDS,
aging), such that nearly all cohort studies have adopted and ease of operationalizing this was felt to outweigh
this threshold. In all large cohort studies reviewed, any benefits to shortening the observation window.

S90 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2 (Suppl 1)

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Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
PALICC-2 Supplement

Imaging Findings considered it important to allow for the inclusion of

other methods of lung imaging to diagnose PARDS
Bilateral pulmonary opacities are required to diagnose (such as CT or lung ultrasound). The use of lung ul-
ARDS in adults and neonates, while the 2015 PALICC trasound, in particular, may be important in lower re-
required solely the presence of a “new” opacity, irre- source settings, where chest radiography may not be
spective of whether this was isolated to a single lobe, readily available.
quadrant, or lung. The rationale for this departure
related to the sensitivity and timing of chest radiog-
raphy to detect a diffuse inflammatory process such Severity of Hypoxemia for Disease Stratification
as PARDS, the inter-rater reliability of chest radiog- In 2015, PALICC established severity categories
raphy, and the lack of prognostic relevance of bilateral according to degree of hypoxemia and type of support,
opacities on PARDS outcomes after controlling for including NIV PARDS, which was not further strati-
hypoxemia. fied by severity, and invasive (intubated) PARDS strat-
Definition Statement 1.3. Chest imaging find- ified as mild, moderate, or severe according to degree
ings of new opacity (or opacities) consistent of hypoxemia at PARDS onset. Both Pao2 and oxygen
with acute pulmonary parenchymal disease saturation (Spo2)-based metrics were used: Pao2/Fio2
not explained by atelectasis or effusion are nec- and Spo2/Fio2 were used in NIV PARDS, and oxygen-
essary to diagnose PARDS. (Ungraded defini- ation index (OI)/oxygen saturation index (OSI) used
tion statement, 90% agreement). to stratify severity in intubated patients with PARDS.
Since 2015, large cohort studies have assessed the
Justification. Since 2015, multiple studies have di- utility of OI/OSI for intubated children, identified
rectly or indirectly examined chest imaging in PARDS. prognostic significance to degree of hypoxemia during
In the multinational Pediatric Acute Respiratory NIV PARDS, and documented improved risk stratifi-
Distress Syndrome Incidence and Epidemiology cation after a period of stabilization.
(PARDIE) study (12), inter-rater reliability for deter-
mination of bilateral opacifications was very poor, with Definition Statement 1.4.1. OI or OSI, in
the kappa comparing pediatric intensivists and pedi- preference to Pao2/Fio2 or Spo2/Fio2, should
atric radiologists only 0.31 (17). In addition, bilateral be the primary metric of lung disease severity
infiltrates were eventually scored in 87% of all subjects to define PARDS for all patients treated with
with PARDS, suggesting that bilateral infiltrates may IMV, with Pao2 used preferentially when avail-
lag as a marker. Finally, bilateral infiltrates at PARDS able. (Ungraded definition statement, 90%
onset were not independently associated with mortality agreement).
in PARDIE (12). A single study using a binary bilateral Definition Statement 1.4.2. Pao2/Fio2 or Spo2/
versus not bilateral definition suggested lower mor- Fio2 should be used to diagnose PARDS and
tality with bilateral infiltrates (18), further highlight- possible PARDS for patients receiving NIV or
ing the inconsistent prognostic relevance of unilateral high flow nasal cannula. (Ungraded definition
versus bilateral opacities in the definition. Hence, there statement, 88% agreement).
was no new evidence contrary to the rationale used in Definition Statement 1.4.3. Patients on a
PALICC for simplification of the radiographic criteria. full-face interface of NIV [continuous posi-
Benefits of radiographic criteria that do not require tive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel posi-
bilateral opacifications include more reproducible tive airway pressure (BiPAP)] with CPAP ≥
and earlier recognition of PARDS, improving sensi- 5 cm H2O or IMV should be considered as
tivity. Potential challenges of not requiring bilateral having PARDS if they meet timing, oxygen-
opacifications include potential for lower specificity ation, etiology/risk factor, and imaging cri-
in the diagnosis of PARDS. However, on balance, the teria (Ungraded definition statement, 90%
group valued earlier and more complete recognition agreement).
of patients with PARDS. Furthermore, while most Definition Statement 1.4.4. Subjects with
data are generated from chest radiographs, the panel PARDS should be stratified into severity

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categories after a period of at least 4 hours.

(Ungraded definition statement, 85%
Definition Statement 1.4.5. When apply-
ing Spo2 criteria to diagnose PARDS, oxygen
should be titrated to achieve an Spo2 between
88% and 97%. (Ungraded definition statement,
96% agreement).

Justification. Incorporating mean airway pressure

into the hypoxemia metric (i.e., OI and OSI) consist-
ently, albeit marginally, improved risk stratification in
PARDS compared with Pao2/Fio2 or Spo2/Fio2 (12,
15, 19). In a single-center study assessing hypoxemia
metrics at PARDS onset and again at 24 hours after,
Pao2/Fio2 had area under the receiver operating char-
acteristic (AUROC) curve of 0.56 to 0.66 for mortality, Figure 1. Area under the receiver operating characteristic
curves plot for the utility of Second Pediatric Acute Lung Injury
relative to AUROCs of 0.62 to 0.71 with OI/OSI at com-
Consensus Conference categories (mild, moderate, severe) to
parable time points, although this was partly due to discriminate PICU mortality at pediatric acute respiratory distress
greater inclusion within PALICC by use of Spo2-based syndrome onset and at 6, 12, 18, and 24 hr after onset in a cohort
OSI (15). In PARDIE, PALICC stratification using OI composed of previously published single- and multicenter cohorts.
and OSI had better mortality discrimination at PARDS
onset (p = 0.09) and at 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours (all p < was recorded (12, 16, 20). PARDIE and a single-cen-
0.05), relative to Berlin stratification using Pao2/Fio2 ter study from a quaternary center demonstrated that
and Spo2/Fio2 (12). Finally, in a separate cohort, Pao2/ measuring hypoxemia starting at approximately 6
Fio2 and OI discriminated mortality similarly, but OI hours after PARDS onset better discriminated PICU
better correlated with nonpulmonary organ failures mortality, both individually (12, 16, 21) and combined
(19). The risks of keeping OI/OSI for intubated sub- (Fig. 1). As these studies allowed some hypoxemia
jects, rather than Pao2/Fio2 and Spo2/Fio2 for both metrics recorded within 2 hours of their initial diag-
NIV and IMV PARDS, is increased complexity of hav- nostic timestamp, and because 6 hours can be difficult
ing two separate metrics and the potentially erroneous to operationalize for trial purposes, we suggest strati-
assumptions surrounding the accuracy of measuring fying PARDS severity after at least 4 hours of standard
mean airway pressure in different modes of ventila- management after the initial qualifying hypoxemia
tion. Overall, the balance was felt to favor keeping sep- metric. The benefits of delayed severity stratification
arate hypoxemia metrics for NIV and IMV PARDS. include improvement in mortality discrimination and
The benefit of including Spo2-based criteria is minimizing exposure to unnecessary therapies in chil-
increased sensitivity, with substantially more subjects dren who improve quickly following PARDS diagnosis
meeting PARDS criteria and meeting criteria earlier (e.g., with lung recruitment following endotracheal
(12, 15), provided that Spo2 is lower than the plateau intubation). Risks include increased workload and
portion of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve the possibility of delays in aggressive care for children
(80–97%). This increased sensitivity was considered who would benefit from them. Some ongoing obser-
sufficient to justify keeping Spo2-based oxygenation vational studies (NCT04113434) and clinical trials
metrics, particularly given variable utilization of arte- (NCT03896763) have already instituted 4-hour peri-
rial blood gasses. The risk of Spo2-based metrics, in- ods of stabilization prior to eligibility, demonstrating
cluding potential inaccuracies according to race and feasibility of this approach for at least research pur-
perfusion, were considered, but the balance was con- poses. Overall, the balance for accurately identifying
sidered to favor continued use of OSI and Spo2/Fio2. higher risk subjects, particularly for appropriate use of
We found improved mortality discrimination sev- more aggressive therapies, outweighed the potential
eral hours after the initial qualifying hypoxemia metric drawbacks.
S92 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2 (Suppl 1)
Copyright © 2023 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
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PALICC-2 Supplement

and sufficient accuracy of a binary severity classifica-

tion system separately for IMV and NIV PARDS was

Possible PARDS and At-Risk for PARDS

In 2015, the novel category of “at-risk for PARDS” was
created by PALICC as a cohort of children who did not
meet PARDS criteria but warranted research aimed
at understanding and preventing disease progression.
Children on full-face NIV or on IMV with a PARDS
trigger and chest imaging consistent with PARDS were
diagnosed with at-risk for PARDS if they exhibited
hypoxemia that was too mild to meet PARDS crite-
ria (e.g., OI < 4). Full-face NIV implies any interface
that covers the face and mouth, including oro-nasal
and Scuba-style masks. The at-risk for PARDS defini-
tion included children on nasal modes of respiratory
support (high-flow nasal cannula [HFNC] or nasal
CPAP), as they were deemed ineligible for PARDS due
to unquantifiable degree of entrainment of room air,
Figure 2. Mortality rates according to 2015 Pediatric Acute Lung thus making calculations of Pao2/Fio2 or Spo2/Fio2
Injury Consensus Conference severity cutoffs from three cohorts unreliable. Children in this latter group could plau-
(Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Incidence and
sibly have PARDS-level hypoxemia but only could be
Epidemiology, cohort from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
cohort from Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles) using values diagnosed with PARDS if a clinician changed their res-
between 6 and 12 hr (total n = 1149). Note the large increase in piratory support interface. We have now aimed to sep-
mortality with severe pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome. arate these patients into two distinct groups: those that
OI = oxygenation index. may have PARDS but cannot be diagnosed with it due
to interface selection or imaging availability (Possible
Given the lack of prognostic distinction between PARDS), and those that do not have PARDS based on
the previously categorized mild and moderate PARDS mild hypoxemia but may develop it given the presence
(Fig. 2) for both NIV and intubated subjects, we have of all other PARDS criteria (at-risk for PARDS).
simplified to binary severity categorization: mild/
moderate and severe. For both IMV (using PALICC Definition Statement 1.5.1. Patients on a
OI/OSI cutoffs) and NIV (using Berlin Pao2/Fio2 and nasal interface of NIV (CPAP or BiPAP) or on
Spo2/Fio2 cutoffs), there was a large increase in mor- HFNC ≥ 1.5 L/kg/min or ≥ 30 L/min should be
tality in the severe category, with little discrimination considered as having possible PARDS if they
between mild and moderate, particularly in PARDIE meet timing, oxygenation, etiology/risk fac-
(12). Similar patterns were seen in large single-center tor, and imaging criteria (Ungraded definition
studies (15, 16). The benefits of this approach are sim- statement, 87% agreement).
plicity and an accurate categorization according to Definition Statement 1.5.2. Patients who
mortality risk. The disadvantage is a loss of discrimi- do not have imaging due to resource limita-
nation for nonmortality endpoints, such as ventilator tions should be considered as having possible
duration in survivors or ventilator-free days, which PARDS if they otherwise meet timing, oxygen-
did have appropriate calibration in a three-level (mild, ation, and risk factor criteria. (Ungraded defi-
moderate, severe) stratification system. A binary strat- nition statement, 90% agreement).
ification system is also divergent from NARDS and Definition Statement 1.5.3. Defining a
Berlin ARDS definitions, both of which use a three- group of patients at risk for PARDS is neces-
level stratification system. On balance, the simplicity sary to determine the epidemiology of disease

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progression and potential avenues for disease to their risk of poor outcomes and possible need for
prevention. (Ungraded definition statement, closer monitoring (PICU instead of general ward),
96% agreement). avoidance of additional injurious stimuli, and provi-
sion of possibly beneficial treatments. Alternatively,
Justification. The original at-risk for PARDS crite- the possible PARDS definition could cause harm by
ria were validated in the PARDIE study and a single- increasing unnecessary PICU utilization or exposing
center study of children with viral lower respiratory moderately ill children to unproven PARDS-related
tract infections, both of which found an increased rate therapies. There are likely differences between nasal
of subsequent PARDS among children meeting at-risk possible PARDS patients and those missing chest im-
for PARDS criteria (22, 23). It is not known how many aging, but the consensus was to use one term to describe
at-risk for PARDS patients would have been diagnosed all patients who possibly have PARDS but are unable to
with PARDS had a clinician changed their interface (or be properly diagnosed; clinicians should consider this
level of respiratory support). To test the potential im- when deciding how to treat possible PARDS patients.
pact of these new definitions of possible PARDS, we Subjects diagnosed with possible PARDS due to using
performed secondary analysis of the PARDIE dataset a nasal interface could be escalated to full-face NIV to
to identify support levels that discriminated children assess whether they are most appropriately stratified as
with less favorable outcomes as a surrogate for un- having PARDS or being at-risk for PARDS, and fur-
diagnosed PARDS. Of the 222 patients who met the ther research will hopefully enable better stratification
PALICC 2015 definitions for at risk for PARDS, 50 in the next iteration of the guidelines. On balance, the
(22.5%) would now be reclassified as meeting the pro- group favored creation of this new definition to iden-
posed possible PARDS definition, all but one of which tify children who may benefit from closer monitoring
(n = 49) were on HFNC (Supplemental Table 6, http:// and require further research aimed at preventing pro- Compared with children gression to PARDS, especially given that implemen-
not meeting possible PARDS criteria, categorization as tation of the new definition of possible PARDS was
possible PARDS was associated with a two-fold higher felt to be reasonably feasible. Similarly, the availability
percentage of subsequent PARDS (37% vs 17%; p = and indications for chest imaging vary substantially
0.007), and the 31 possible PARDS patients who were according to geography and economics, neither of
not subsequently diagnosed with PARDS had a longer which impact the underlying pathophysiology or de-
PICU length of stay than the children who never met gree of hypoxemia. Including children lacking imaging
possible PARDS or PARDS criteria (5.3 d [3.2–8.3 d] due to resource limitations in this new diagnosis is an
vs 3.0 d [1.7–5.1 d]; p < 0.001) (Supplemental Table advantage that promotes equity in the applicability of
6, The Possible our definition.
PARDS definition is further supported by recent data
showing most children with bronchiolitis (71%) on
Diagnosing PARDS in Patients With Chronic
HFNC had a peak inspiratory flow of less than 1.5–2 L/ Cardiorespiratory Disease
min/kg. This suggests that significant entrainment of
room air is unlikely for children on HFNC supported The 2015 definition permitted diagnosis of PARDS in
with HFNC at flow rates greater than or equal to 1.5 L/ children with coexisting left ventricular (LV) dysfunc-
kg/min, indicating that prescribed Fio2 is likely sim- tion, cyanotic congenital heart disease, and chronic
ilar to delivered Fio2 and is reasonable for calculating lung disease requiring variable levels of support. In rec-
Spo2/Fio2 ratio (24). Additionally, experts in ARDS ognizing the difficulty of risk stratifying these subjects
suggested making adults on HFNC of greater than due to unreliable metrics of hypoxemia (cyanotic mix-
or equal to 30 L/minute eligible to be diagnosed with ing lesions) or because of variable baselines (chronic
ARDS (25), and pediatric experts recently defined res- invasive ventilation), these subjects are not risk strati-
piratory failure using our same HFNC thresholds of fied using hypoxemia metrics. Our scoping review did
greater than or equal to 1.5 L/kg/min or greater than not reveal new literature supporting changes in these
or equal to 30 L/min (26). recommendations, all of which were reapproved by the
The benefits of labeling children with significant hy- PALICC-2 members with greater than or equal to 90%
poxemia as “Possible PARDS” include calling attention agreement.

S94 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2 (Suppl 1)

Copyright © 2023 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
PALICC-2 Supplement

Definition Statement 1.6.1. Patients with cy- satisfy PARDS criteria as having PARDS was felt to be
anotic congenital heart disease are considered beneficial, because the underlying pathophysiology was
to have PARDS if they fulfill standard PARDS similar and such subjects likely benefit from PARDS-
criteria and have an acute deterioration in directed therapies. Finally, stratifying chronically in-
oxygenation (relative to baseline) not fully vasively ventilated subjects and children with cyanotic
explained by the underlying cardiac disease. lesions based on OI or OSI should be avoided. Variable
(Ungraded definition statement, 98% baselines among chronically ventilated subjects make
agreement). using standard OI/OSI PARDS cutoffs potentially mis-
Definition Statement 1.6.2. Patients with LV leading. Subjects with chronic lung disease normally
dysfunction who fulfill standard PARDS cri- supported on NIV, subjects with noncyanotic heart
teria are considered to have PARDS if acute lesions (including palliated and surgically corrected
hypoxemia and new chest imaging changes lesions), and those with LV dysfunction can be strat-
cannot be explained solely by LV heart failure ified using OI and OSI if intubated.
or fluid overload. (Ungraded definition state-
ment, 92% agreement). Definition of PARDS, Possible PARDS, and
Remarks: Cardiac ultrasonography and/or left At-Risk for PARDS
atrial pressure may be useful in identifying hy-
drostatic pulmonary edema The above statements were formalized into the tables
Definition Statement 1.6.3. Patients with defining PARDS (Table  1) and Possible PARDS and
preexisting chronic lung disease treated with at-risk for PARDS (Table 2). We also provide a flow-
supplemental oxygen, NIV, or IMV via trache- chart for stratifying subjects according to mode of sup-
ostomy are considered to have PARDS if they port and degree of hypoxemia (Fig. 3). PARDS can be
demonstrate acute changes that fulfill standard diagnosed only in children on IMV or full-face NIV.
PARDS criteria and exhibit an acute deteriora- Possible PARDS can be diagnosed for children on
tion in oxygenation from baseline that meets nasal modes (and IMV or full-face NIV in resource-
oxygenation criteria for PARDS. limited environments where chest imaging is una-
(Ungraded definition statement, 96% vailable). Children on any mode who meet PARDS
agreement). criteria except have insufficient hypoxemia are termed
Definition Statement 1.6.4. Patients with at-risk for PARDS. Compared with the 2015 tables, we
chronic lung disease who receive mechanical clarified that atelectasis and pleural effusion are not
ventilation at baseline or have cyanotic con- qualifying opacities. The threshold for NIV PARDS by
genital heart disease with acute onset of illness Spo2/Fio2 was rounded to 250 for ease of implemen-
that fulfill standard PARDS criteria should tation and deemed acceptable given lack of evidence
not be stratified by OI or OSI risk categories. supporting either cutoff as superior. New footnotes
Future studies are necessary to determine specifically excluding acute respiratory failure solely
PARDS risk stratification of such patients from obstructive processes (e.g., critical asthma, virus-
with acute-on-chronic hypoxemic respiratory induced bronchospasm) were added. LV dysfunction
failure. (Ungraded definition statement, 90% was removed from special populations as it was redun-
agreement). dant with the origin of edema.

Justification. Hydrostatic pulmonary edema (LV Definition Statement 1.7.1. PARDS shall be
dysfunction, fluid overload, pulmonary lymphatic defined using Table  1 (Ungraded definition
failure) and alveolar-pulmonary capillary membrane statement, 84% agreement).
injury can occur individually and concomitantly. Definition Statement 1.7.2. Possible and
Similarly, acute and chronic lung disease frequently at risk for PARDS shall be defined using
coexist. On balance, classifying children with cyanotic Table  2 (Ungraded definition statement, 94%
congenital heart disease, LV dysfunction, right-to-left agreement).
intracardiac shunting, total body fluid overload, and Remarks: Clinicians should consider treating
chronic lung disease with acute illness that otherwise patients with possible PARDS as if they have
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine      S95
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Figure 3. Flowchart for diagnosing pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS), possible PARDS, and at-risk for PARDS
based on type of support and degree of hypoxemia. HFNC = high-flow nasal cannula, IMV = invasive mechanical ventilation,
LPM = L/minute, NIV = noninvasive ventilation, OI = oxygenation index, OSI = oxygen saturation index, P/F = ratio of Pao2/Fio2, S/F =
ratio of oxygen saturation/Fio2, Spo2 = oxygen saturation.

PARDS and apply other recommendations they were retained based on the justifications described
after considering the specific risks and benefits above.
for that specific patient.
Justification. Most elements of the definitions are
discussed in the Justifications above. It is notable that In 2015, we provided the first pediatric-specific defini-
Definition Statement 1.7.1 met our a priori criterion tion of PARDS for children. We now provide a revised
for acceptance but had the lowest agreement (84%) of definition of PARDS based on current data and ex-
all statements in this section. This is likely because a pert consensus. The major changes to the definition of
panelist disagreeing with any of the other statements PARDS revolve around the timing and severity strati-
(e.g., age, chest imaging) would likely disagree with fication of hypoxemia, with the institution of a 4-hour
that element of Table 1, in essence making all disagree- waiting period prior to risk stratification and a simpli-
ments funnel to this Statement. In particular, changes fied stratification of nonsevere or severe for both NIV
in severity stratification to two categories (from three PARDS and invasively ventilated PARDS. Furthermore,
[IMV] and one [NIV] in PALICC-1) and to a delayed we have introduced the concept of Possible PARDS
strategy (i.e., at ≥ 4 hr after PARDS diagnosis) were to capture subjects who likely possess underlying
most debated among the final statements, although pathophysiology consistent with PARDS, including

S96 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2 (Suppl 1)

Copyright © 2023 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
PALICC-2 Supplement

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S98 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2 (Suppl 1)

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