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Presented By:

Dumayas, Larua
Perez, Turcero

Who are
Germanic Tribes
The Germanic Tribes were defined as a diverse group,
of migratory vibes that have common linguistic
and cultural roots.

5th A.D
Century Europe (Britain)
how it all
The history of English is marked when
the Germanic Tribes invaded Britain
during the 5th century AD. When did the Tribes
come to be?
About the
These tribes are the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.
They dominated throughout Europe during the Iron age.
When the Roman empire started to lose control of Great
Britain and Western Europe, the Germanic tribes began to
move in, eventually making permanent settlements.
In Denmark, the Jutes and Danes were combined while the
Geats and Gutes merged with the Swedes in Sweden. In
England, Anglo-Saxons were also formed when the Angles
merged with the Saxons and other groups.
About the
In the 9th century AD, the Germanic tribes defeated the
A German who served in the Roman army and received
military training is the leader of the victorious Germans.
Tacitus, a Roman historian lived in the 1st century BCE.
The Britons were confronted with hostile Pictish and
Scottish forces in the North and Germanic Raiders in the
The Germanic tribes that conquered Britain established a
number of small kingdoms.
More info.
on the tribes
During the Roman occupation, a Celtic language was
spoken in Britain.
England and English were derived from the words
“Englaland” and “Englisc”, the place where Angles
came from and their language.
The Saxons resided in the remaining area south of
the Thames and on the Isle of Wright.
They would establish what is known as the Kingdom
of West Saxony, Wessex is the name derived from
that kingdom.
The Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy consisted of the ff:
The Angles Kingdoms: Northumbria Mercia and East
The Saxons Kingdoms: Essex, Wessex, Sussex
The Jutes Kingdom: Kent
More info.
on the tribes
The Germanic branch was divided into three sub-
branches during the Roman Iron Age (1400 CE)
namely East Germanic, North Germanic, and West
Germanic. West Germanic gave birth to the English
Some of the Old English words that we still have
today are live, love, heaven, fight, good, evil, man,
wife, child, sleep, eat, house, stone, rain, one, two,
three, green, black, the, an, to, for, but, around, will,
do, and, with, and compound words like mankind
and blackbird.
Thank You
Dumayas, Larua
Perez, Turcero
Invaders of the English Language. (2012,
February 20). Retrieved September 6, 2022,
from https://vocablog-

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