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1. Discuss The Main Values Of Christianity
2. Analyze The Redemption Of Christ.
3. Describe Christianity As A Way Of Life.
4. Discuss The Sacred Ceremonies In Christianity.
5. Explain Trinity in Christianity.
6. How Does The Christian Model Of Living Impact Society?
7. Discuss The Role Of Christianity In Christian Counselling
8. The Importance Of The Christian Creed, Confessions In Christianity.
9. The Role Of Women In Christianity.
10. How Does Christianity Treat Abortion?


1. Empathy: Key To Effective Pastoral Ministry
2. Effect Of Pastoral Leadership On Local Church Growth
3. Effect Of Pastor And Pulpit Ministry On The Church
4. Pauline’s Concept Of New Life In Christ In 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 And Its
Implications For Christians Leaders
5. Planning And Organizing: Vital Management Tools For Church Growth And
6. The Biblical Patterns Of Leadership And Its Effect On The Church Growth
7. The Challenges Of Immorality And Its Implications On The Growth Of Church
8. The Achievement Of Church Growth Through Christian Publications
9. Teaching Ministry As An Effective Tool For Church Growth
10. Sexual Impropriety: The Issues And The Implications For Church
11. Saint James Teaching On Favouritism [James 2:1-7] And Its Implication For
12. Revival Movement: A Catalyst For Church Growth
13. The Impact Of Christian Education For Trans-generational Leadership
14. The Role Of Church Leaders In Growth And Survival Of A Church
15. The Effect Of Social Responsibility On Church Growth


1. The Impact Of House Fellowship System On The Life Of An Individual Church
Member: A Case Study Of ………………… (mention 3 Selected Churches) In
.................... Local Government Area of Lagos State
2. The Role Of Evangelism In Church Revival: A Case Study Of …………………
(mention 3 Selected Churches) In .................... Local Government Area of Lagos
3. Impact Of Digital And Information Technology On Church Growth: A Case Study
Of ………………… (mention 3 Selected Churches) In .................... Local
Government Area of Lagos State
4. Investigation Into The Effectiveness Of Faith In The Life Of A Christian
5. The Effect Of Christian Attitude To Giving Towards Church Growth
6. The Role Of Church Leaders In Growth And Survival Of A Church
7. Biblical Pattern Of Leadership: A Model For Church Contemporary Leadership
8. The Church Minister And Challenges Of Moral Upbringing Of His Family
9. An Appraisal Of Church Planting Activities: A Case Study Of ………… (mention
3 Selected Churches) In .............. Local Government Area of Lagos State
10. An Assessment Of The Impact Of The Teens Church On Teens Ministry: A Case
Study Of ………………… (mention 3 Selected Churches) In .............. Local
Government Area of Lagos State
11. Dangers And Solutions Of Procrastination
12. The Role Of Church In Empowering Youths Through Entrepreneurial Activities
And Programme: A Case Study Of ………………… (mention 3 Selected
Churches) In .............. Local Government Area of Lagos State
13. The Role Of The Church In Reducing Unemployment In Nigeria: A Case Study
Of ………………… (mention 3 Selected Churches) In .................... Local
Government Area of Lagos State
14. The Impact Of Tithing On Financial Prosperity Of An Individual: A Case Study
Of Selected Christians In ………………….. Local Government Area of Lagos
15. The Impact Of Evangelism On Church Growth: A Case Study Of
………………… (mention 3 Selected Churches) In .................... Local
Government Area of Lagos State


1. The Influence Of Pentecostal Churches On The Development Of Education: A Case
Study Of ………………… (mention 3 Selected Churches) In .................... Local
Government Area of Lagos State
2. Church Planting In Nigeria: Issues And Prospects
3. Immorality In Churches: Issues And The Way Forward
4. Amicable Communication Between The Laity And The Clergy: A Case Study Of
………………… (mention 3 Selected Churches) In .................... Local Government Area
of Lagos State
5. The Role Of The Church In Ensuring Peace And Harmony In The Society
6. The Concept Of Speaking In Tongues In The Pentecostal Churches In Nigeria: A Case
Study Of ………………… (mention 3 Selected Churches) In .................... Local
Government Area of Lagos State
7. The Contemporary Church, The Comfort Zone For Sinners On Their Way To Lake Of
Fire: Issues And Way Forward
8. The Influence Of Pentecostal Churches On The Development Of Education: A Case
Study Of ………………… (mention 3 Selected Churches) In .................... Local
Government Area of Lagos State
9. An Investigation Into The Effectiveness Of Faith In The Life Of A Christian
10. The Biblical Examination Of Factors Responsible For Divisions In The Churches
11. The Christian Life And The Society
12. Religious Conflicts In Nigeria: Issues And Solutions
13. The Impact Of Persistent Violence On The Church In Nigeria
14. The Impact Of Church Camping In The Development Of Teenagers In The
Contemporary Church
15. Discipleship: The Missing Link In Today’s Church
1. The Challenges Of Ministerial Responsibilities And Its Effects On The Minister`s
2. The Crisis Of Leadership In The Postmodern Era
3. Discipleship And Its Impact On Church Growth
4. The Impact And Implication Of Crisis Management On Church Growth: A Case Study
Two Selected Churches
5. A Study Of Proverbs 23:29-35 And The Effects Of Alcoholism In Nigerian Society:
The Role Of The Church
6. The Biblical Examination Of Factors Responsible For Divisions In The Churches: A Case
Study Of ………………… (mention 3 Selected Churches) In .................... Local
Government Area of Lagos State
7. Christian Participation In Politics: A Moral Concern In Contemporary Nigeria
8. Mismanagement Of Funds In The Church: Issues And Prospects (A Case Study Of
Universal Reformed Christian Church)
9. A Study Into The Acceptance, Perception And Attitude Of Christians Towards Tithing
In Nigeria. A Case Study Of Selected Christians In Ikorodu, Lagos State.
10. Immorality In Churches: Issues And The Way Forward
11. Impact Of Churches On The Economy Of Nigeria: A Case Study Of …………………
(mention 3 Selected Churches) In .................... Local Government Area of Lagos State
12. Strategies For Improving Inter-Faith Relationships In Nigeria (A Case Study Of
Christian Association Of Nigeria [CAN])
13. The Role Of Christian Association Of Nigeria (CAN) In Church Regulation In
14. Broken Marriage, Causes, And Effects On Children In Christian Homes
15. Impact Of Church Administration On Effective Management Of Church -Sponsored
Schools: A Case Study Of ………………… (mention 2 Selected Churches) In
.................... Local Government Area of Lagos State



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