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Mobute 2- Fourier Seeies Titoduction In differential Gleulus. we are lamiliar with the expansion ot diferential Function £60) tm the fom ot a power cevies . Taylors sevies of Ha) about 2=0 ic¢ an inlgite Sevies in ascendin: powers ot (2-a) and Maclaurint cevies fc an infinite series tr ascending powers of “2' Th man engineerin peblems Ft becom mecessary Lo expand a given Function 460 “tn a series Gonfainin Cosine and Sine +tenms which belongs +o a clase of functions Called periodic -tunctions- sn this module we will diccuss various aspects oF cuch 34 The wh term Un_ —1 n(n) Further, Ue =! _ 1 __1_ by partial reactions. » 1 wot) Z eee Now, 6, = UeHb-tat. Fup nH Or 6,21 _] at ~-lim Sas lim J'- + J21-ve= fo‘ ki mon = he on =1-v=1,4 Hote qa Wy. Hence we Conclude that the series ie convergent. A veal valued tinction £(+) ic satd -to be periodic of period T | ib AGAT)=100, 170 K( Constant), sina, cose are periodic functions of period 24 at we know from 4rigonome: that cin(atam)=sine, cos(x+2m)=cCosx -Mco We fteJ=k then 4(aton)ak Further we also have a prpert claling that A linear combinati OF periodic tunctions having period T ts alco periodic Function ct period T. Tigonometric Series and Euler’ -formulae gene SS ONS Aves: Senile The functions K,cosna, Sinne (n=1,253,---) areal periodic functions 6b period 2 “Taking the Constant b-a0 the linear ah Combination ot all the periedic Functions ot the torn eo ~ Bo 47 ancosnx+ 7 _bnsinnn 2 net net Where an, be (n=t,2,3)--) are all Gnstants fe called a Tei qonometric Series Hence any Function #[4) expressible a& tvigonometric series ot he above osm must also be perodic with period am.Then we Chr have do= + [rearde, an= [abneosnade , be xt [tedsinnsds © The expressions tor tinding do, dn,be are called Euler’ domnulae These can, be athaliabad with the help of the ollowin basic formulae. CHK cnn ! j Cos nx dr=0 = (cio wade c c where “nl! is a positive integer. chon cain ~ { coe waiconadt=0 = [sinmacinnada e c where ‘wand ‘x! ave positive. Totegers, men (or Sin ma cosnaeda =0 c where! m’ and ‘n! ave positive integers - coer cain 4. { cos nada =N= [ . ae T_antosnat D_besinne a) viet n=! Tntegeeting U) wort ‘2’ Prom cto cham, Cnt ctl wo Cn = chr { teoae is {2 godt +7 an | cosnadt + Tbe [ sionade, ce ¢ Wale nel € =o cnn — iy, toto [>: | using townula | = G0 | ctam—c ae a [ | cher Ite da ak et doe [toads — 0): (5) Next, taking the expanded form of (3, multiplying by Corn and integrating wort trom c to Ctrm, we have Gon thor che one =a AC) cosnade = 90 [ cocpedu far {cos nt-Cos ade 40: [cosneusat A 2 ¢ ‘ t Gan eax + “an [ Cos*nadat bi | sinxcosnads © c ca thi (sinaxcosnadat.-- c Using the basic ‘results appropriately, orto the PHS of the above, we have chen { Bed cocnada=0-+040+- Fannt0404...= 000 C ren “One ob [te cosnade -~—l[) on wd Similarly , ma Hiplying the expanded town of Ct) by Siw n® and Preceeding on the same Vines we obtsin Chr br= + {Aco sinned — (4) c Thus we hove established Eulers formulae - Remark! The Constant term in the Series [') is taken as O° co asto re make the formula devived for an valtd tor the particular Case n=0 as well as for ony positive integer “n' Fwp Fourier Series th period 2” Suppose we Aown the ‘eigonomelsic series trom 4(2) defined in (e,ctow) with the help ot Eulers Pormulae,we connot conclude that the series u'll Converge 40 16:).We can only say that when #62) ic of the fown Ui) the Coetticients of the terms fm the sevies ave given by the tormulae (3, (3), (4). We now proceed to stale the Conditions known as Dirichlet's conditions under lohich the expansion of 4) as a trigonometric series will Converge. to Pte) ot eve point ot Continuity. Ha) is single valued and -tinite in the interval (c,c42")- 4G0 ic perindic wrth period 2. ‘ - Jed has only a Hintle number of discontinuities in (co c4om - A®) bas at the most a finite number of maxima and minima tm (c,c+27). Thus we can say} that, if 460) fe defined iw (c,c+27) and | setisties the Divichlels conditions then the -bigonometic Gevies (1) fs called as the Fourier series of t(2) in (c,ctam) The Gnstants do,da,be as given by (3,0), tu) mespentively are called fourier Coelticients . Remark! I} $63) ic diccontinuous at ty then the sevies Li) converges £0 1 [t0r4442G0)] where $60), £00) ave Tepectively wight hand and left hand limits of +(x) given by AC) = im tath) , £UO)= lim tb) shv0 hao hao Alowever at dhe end points 4) converges bo + Beaten, 4 A @ Nore! Beraoulli’s generaltxed wule_pt integration by _parts hile finding the Fourier coefficients, im most of the problems we have +o pertonn integeation ota product with the first Function as a polynomial in 'x'Th cuch cases Bemoullis tule as gee below wi be highly helptal fuse wu fide! ([ydads +0" [(Jsdadeds — Here are a few illustrative examples ‘. fre ™de =k (= _w (=| 3 q > furs cosnade = (x+4x°) | Sin =) (4ax) [ssh n y Dy a The Following integrals will be usefal tn problems. " [e**cosbnda= eM (acos batbsinbx) a+b 3 fe**sin bude = (asinbs—beosbs) a+b* “The ‘allowing values will have Arequent reference tn problems When ‘n' te an integer. 1. Sin wa =0 2. cos HT =(C-” Th particular case coc (am)r={ and cos(antt)w=-I That is +o soy that cosnm=l, when ‘n’ is even and is equal +o —1 when ‘n' is odd- Remark: T te also possible +o deduce a particular series rom th: Fourter cevies of a given 42) in a quer twterval. kle have +o substitute a suitable value tor ‘x’ in the qver interval Nowmally we ake the values to be either pt the end points oF dhe midd point. The vesulting series will be equal to the value as discuss in Gonvengetics Examples 1. Dbbain the Fourier series cb Y(QQ=A-*X fy o4aeaw Hence deduct e Abeta yoy 4 5 4 a Ti The Fourier cevies ok 16 having period 2m ic given b f(a)= Oo > 2 { q d = BOF an “4 et , S re Cosme, best ok ) oa Mhere, a= [aeoax me o aK = Wo = {Bt oko 2K = [wa-a als) ° =k fom yae an ee a [=a] 2K Wy = 0 —.. (2) Now, dy= 1 an x | {2} cosn ade ns Aa we A nay fox a) cos mad ° *3 (" *) (Sen) G ery [-84 Beroull wl “i (x-an) (sin o®) toanm a" \~ =r ofseo) + a) % = Sino) + cos L n n 4 a ie “| 20 Ln ge ~ 2 Gn=0 —~ . [3) Pg Now bow | (Za) sm nade 0 = [OA [er — ea sion |™ 2K n (= a )) - ° =o [OP [ee 4 Ges) eee nN n = [= 4 an itn n = 1 an an [= beat tu) n Substituting (3, (3) and (4) in (1), we get Ie J Linnea — [5 2 het L (5) Ws dhe fourier Series tt the quer Sunckon cr) “Vo deduce the sequived series we put 42% ay (5) = From (5), #232 7 sian n nal nv 0 de “Zp ein [2 =P (5) ~ n=) KX. sin(k 2m an | rn = 0), sin (FE) col } sin (4 ) sin 1 z 4 —- — 4 s tase op i, we Pb fels coal p 4 a 5 4 fe fe b4+tl-tyw2 a 5B 4 4 > 2. Find the Fouvter series for the function 2 in -KZ227 and heace deduce that | G) + -+tat-+ oe 2 G3) tol | i> aF Gi) a) “The Fourier series ct fey haying period an is qiven by I(a)= 80 4 F aninewa + J basinne —- (1) net nel Lalheve edn sbs ave Fryvier Gacthitents ond are given by Bile | te * [* (#2) ~&s ( =| +) (= + [= nm 4 amcos | x I] Ww “6 oa a fare" alone ae a -B) nN = = J tea wade sin ned t x wo ( PE) eaters ofe w n a o a4 [ Roeor samen POSH xepe wT x a . a 3 --bn=0 i) Substring ©» (2) and (0 Fe Dy we get $aonr, wy CM enn —(5) a yy is Ahe Fourier series of the qven 4unction Deductions: ns oo y From (8), a2 7447 LY’ cosna — - le) = at nh Ui) Pot 2-0 in Ce), Sse nee co! nel li) Put t= in (6), *. te = 4 Woks ay LV conn n= on 4p ee CO" Ens at 3 3. tt WO=2 (20-2) te véaL£2n show that * FG) ane = +l (cess 4 Cosa% PEPE 4 Cos ae y ‘ Hence deduce that 1 —TThe Mouvier sevies a 42) havin \ = 4 f+ 2 @ fl Period a7 te given by ) ® 4) = Oo 28 Fowsene +P basins — ( 21 nt Where ao,an and bn are Fourier CoePficients given by Euless ornulae . ox a i Now. av- Lb facade n : 2 on " f a(s%-4) da ae = x ons ade 4 = tie om nv 3 0e= 4A? a fei ie As) a, cy Now, Oa {in MNeosne da oo a [xlx-a)cosnads ° Py “ox [Gna-t'}cotonds aot Kx ae (or- ~(- tea VW at — = (ape ol ao + (2F-0) c cos =)] seals ele \ D rane bay) New, by = La tN cinnxde oe Be ie rea) sin pads ° ~finnx et } er beat | Grsat)sinnade ° z = [Core x) [se *) —(sn-22) ( = * (-2) [es I 0 ° (44x) (“2 ==) = 20s unr a \ me — 042 (Cos 0 | n » | ~. br = 0 —— (4) | Substituting (3), (2) and (8) in 0) we have a Fa) a an uy tcosne ia = 3 nay Hem a0 ye At pesse 4.) 5) 2 re ier Put x=0 in (5), 3 \ ae a D (ar-o) - ora (4 pul toh g ‘) ~ i Alejo any (Sie +ee2 4 cov 0 é -} je 4aqctin sulistttiag x= in (5), » . 4 fn) = 20% y (ee + C06 97 4 coe 3 | ) 3 a, Se +s a Kaw-p)ean_y It. Obkdin the Fuvier cevies to vepresent &% from 2a% to a= tence devive the sevies for © Sin kw The Fourier sevies ot 4(x) having period 2 is qiven ba Fao B24 Foncarmat basinen — 0) ne Where do.ay and bn are Fourier Qetliciente qives by Eulers formulae 7 Now, ao=_t ireares ox x pan eo de 90 _ Sinhaw => eS _ = an nw Now, n= f F(x) cosnada =n a ak tate f & “cosnade * oe us dcosna-tn Sin v4] —* [ “ie fé*cos bada =£"* (atosbat born ba] ape -an x at [<~ (-acosnatnsinns) BL atant ae (acon) — ef% < Esaend| an = fae)" _ ae "(4)" * Pye L, ss, atte’ aMtn a(-)" [er em] *(atn-) = 201)" al “ran” ) 2 Ons 2a%cinhawr &) w(atn*) * Now» baat J sacinande \ x Bh x { e *cinnada —*K 7 (-asin nx-TCosnR) a [-- fet*etoba = €°% [asin ba—bovebx) ath -at _ et (< (-astn-n—nenen) | ® Lae -an [ e (-ncosnr)_ e™” Cveeeon] =e i. atm an” 1 al an a * x = a) — ne * (1° | Cree - oy an —ant" (e" = (an) 2 oo by = 2 "sinha *la+n°) Rubstidaning ©), (@) and (4) im [),we have 4@) = sSinhar 4 290S51n hax x2 an 7 (4) =)" tosnay asinhax yn al Sion EN" toca + asin har ya a Sanh NEI is the Fouvier cerfec gt the given function n=l fe 6% eather fe ceeneg aeinhon y MEO Sinnt an * ant ate zl (5) “To deduce the series we thal put a=1,2%=0 in (5). . © ie Ce sinhe asin ha L cy)" ([--coco=1 and sino =o] ” Kp In . 0, n ie | ~ Seems ow nv ney btn “ «7 =i427 0" Sight ne) (+n =142)tt_++_-— | ay ae =142f-n 4 ty | [++ 'o Fo 26 SS fins fe-ted- tt I-t4 [+ lot 36 Sin hw 5S Find a Fourier cextes in (n,n) +0 represent the following Functic ()Flajen-2" (by 4a) enty> Hence deduce that TT The Fouster ceries oh 42) having period am ie given by ° frre oo 4 J onterna +] basian® —t) > net net mule. ‘ Balers fo Lihere Oe dn sbn ave Fourier Coetticients qiver by x New, do= { Bede x Now, ane [“ecosmade % o* HL [a eomade -w at [oe (=P) —(t-22) (=) ES fas i + [- (\-ax) (2s) + (+28) fate } 7 a n i” n> ars : ayn “do = len} —_ (a) ae 1 cos nT soe Bw ee ae ee | Now, bao t Kk = [sWsinnade nh A it ee [ Go )sinn ade -a ny "a = a [@[sees)—n -12) (x) 3) fos “Jy va[ ee 9f i bo ga (es) Laer act , | ~ bas =o" ty) Substituting (1, (3) and (4) tm 0), we n et 4@eon yp Lom — e+ __. 3 L re nat » cose $2 > ED" sinne a= 7 . » 7 2 re aoe ay EO enemy CO" cin na —. (5) Baer nazi” ic dhe Fourier ceries of lhe qyer function #2) =2-27 (i) Puk x=0 in (5), o= —n 2 ai yuy & z z 4 . (- < coro=1 4 sino=o} ney 0 7 " -\)* 3 ie Jee 4 (& ao e060" 4 v 2 ar ye ve, PL --+4 -— (6) 12 ite Ui) Pak xa ey (5), Tew 2 a nL yal (-1) aac = [oe cosna a =)" and in n= 6 a1 7 : ‘ anh re WHA yar yy EN z nei n- fe FON 4a 2 (OP, OO, pat Z . + [Hem +ren]4 ae (b) The fourier Sorted ot 4a) faving period 2% ie given by: 4@)= ae Fantosna+] basins — n=t n=t Where, Qe) dn,bn are Fourier Geblicients gfven by Eulers fownulae- al, tarde Q) G= 2N 3 Qa _ x* oS (a) Now, aq ote * {(2)cosmada on a =t f Cara )eosnads x [@ v2) (2*)- (4 2a (=e = 0) ( n » \ 3 5* je P= Bf eosk 4 SBA 4 coe 8h yo] (6) AGAR (ers cos IRXy coe TT, | cn () js -the fourier cevies of the qver tinction. Art X=P in (6). Ma)=x in OLR EM ie A@)=0 +. Dblain the Fouvier cextec for the function #2 {2 in —KERLO in DLA LK Hence deduce that the surn ot the seciprocal squores the odd integers ic equal to A” intege qual to 8 —a The Fourier sextes ot 46) Raving period ax is qiven bys f@)- ae. 47 aneaswe +) bnsinns —_ (1) net m= Lihere do.dn-bn dre Fourier CoePticients ven by Bulees formula aA Now, do=t f Jory dx W ox % x fomdatt [ad = ° 2 = - hyn z a= —% ye Mo A n Now, an oe [tedeoenaae ° =. ii oy —Kcosnxade + [ ecosnad ~ —n 4 a (== 1) fucosme) * a a a © n New, bo = (tedsinnnda =n Le e oe [-asinoads of L [asionada = x ° x = (Es ‘yan [* (2 = -() (==) ° = ols Ely" 4 fae eit _ iG “yp ee = t-aRij" by = Io3E as Subslituling ©),8) and (4) in 0), 2 Co 2. {Soe pave [ieee cin ne | 5 6) a=) wo n=) f@.- is the Fourier Series of the qiven function. rec series let us put %=0 fn the “To deduce the requ Series TE should be observed From the given te) that 2-0 6 point of discontinuity and henee the sexes Goverges ales £04409] =+[o+ Cn] 2 z Because +o the sight st 0.3m (0), P@)=2 and Tor=o Alco to the lePt ct 0 fh (m0), PG)=—% and floD=-% fourier the | +o ~ Equation (5) becomes: 8 ay TED | [- 2 coso=t and sino=0} “thus the som of veciprocals squares of he odd totegers | | - | | 2% Obtain the fourier series Poe the function Heat 0 fn -aen Sint in ofnt Deduce that (i) ot og yp pe "3 3.5 oF oe (Dy tee 62 35 6+ ee —TThe Fourier series of Pex) having period xn ic qe by: Pad= B24 F Oncosna + bysinwe — n=l net ‘ t's areal lhere @o,do, by ave fourier Coefficients qiven by gulers * | wc! 14 i; | 00d HL Pedr t [ey K Jedeas [sinad™ ~ o = 1 foja Fess] 19} nr + [cos +cos0] n [iti] Gee je oo _ ° i! " 7 a a - @ “e Now, Saas [t ()cosnada -n x Sin LOosnt de ° 0 =! = fovcosneds +t x * ~*K = (+f[sinGsna)tsin(a-no| dx n I E osin Acs =t{sin (a+e)tsin (A- ay| A | = a [fein(iem) a+ in (nx) dx se ali [oesleeils _ cos(ndd we Erne , Sas — (9-2 costes ous a! nti dy = —t | ostn-i) zfs = OREO! ene YA 4 cat °| Le nol ott poet <1 1 a eo? i ey t an = eae oh nl n-i nH ntl = qa Hae -| PRL i) (n-1) a-l n+l =e oD alt bie a ian Inn m-1 ntl at ey fi-nti4n at pele i a ae yt a a 2 t=n- One [()" a J} 5. ea diem | owl ae feo mf \an™ Now, we shall Pind an when n-lie to fend ay x - Oat Jt@dccends we ° =, it ae { o-cos ede + (sinacosade *® * o*K i x ! =] = ax \dzx = - o n whe [ | 2 5 Lu [-cos aw coso) 2K aL f+] i] nw Now, ba= ae { LOD Sina de A D nn 1 o ve. 2 <= Jo. Sinn l& ++] Sinxsinnada n * nw L on I SineCin ne de " fs {eos (4- wa) —tos(x4nx) | dx [ss + einnein B =e {C08 (A- 8)- cos (#48) nw Be {[ (os (In) 4—¢os(to) 2] da an oO eS eh Soles —aetnds,| OK lan oO bn = Odor nl Now we shall Pind bn when n=1 fe +o find br- . ~ bi Sia o w = if [ieee an wR ALL 2 o a je ba= On 1 [3 en) yo n=l T? Faom (0. 03,8) and (4), « P(x) = Oe.4 aycnsa—p 7 decos ne qin 7 baginnst > o ner nee oO cai D [4 EE scone sine : = > l-n 3 a pt Arle yy fe Prades te Lina hE Jee ' ot ene _ we oo the Fourter series GR the ee function. fedactioe G) Put 2-0 in (8), | f£(0) = 4+ *L, pee] [-rsin oro 2 ceo-'| mW Ba data, P(o)=v in —NEREO- ° \ < haf? Debt [4 | neal in Ye > fee] — dab iew J LaKT, 1+i"=0, ib on! is odd (2) 4(-D"= 2, iP ‘nl is even yo _ oO ———J]=1 oo ST el oe al n=2,4.6, - x] _ 2 — wet (5) Gi) Pub x= jn U5) 2 #(E)-4 1s0(Z) 44 epee "loqen) By data, f(a)=sina fn o4u47 te 2(% sin =" at eres 5, “ ie sna 2 ae oe [-r From () n I-n> oy M=2,4,6,--- K-2-0 ; te Bhn-R ==> [1 coow +t cosanyttoeans | aw wl Ss 1s 35 te W-2 ; yoo (*p+b + 3 ‘5 35 e€ FS* od Le 4 1S 35 L hp de yk eet Vea 3.5 5.4 @ F -An alterncrting cuvrent aP-Lew possi q Ahrough a vectifier has the Pores fe Sin® for ofp eK where co ts) | 0 Poy weOtan “ series IH dhe maximum Gmvert. Express Tas a Fourier (0,27). 4 ie gi 1 — The Fourier sevies of a Punction heving period on is ane | 0 ° T=F(0) = 02.4 Fancosme t+ 7 bnsinn® ~~ >) > met Dy Balers 7” ba Where do,do and be ave Fourier Coetticients eer { Aosmulae ae 1 Now, y= =x [cones x = Jasin do a ° - ae [-cos ol” i To [-cosw+coso] nn an Now, a= 2 (Ce ces nO i. ° n Javcine cosne do aL * / x - Anz =e. Sime Cos m0 do an oO fe {so (e4 ne) +n (o-ne3} de ° = Te ° [> stoncose = {sin (ase)+sin (a -PD | = To [222 fee _casti-n)e]* (i4n) 7 Ina = aa essere, 4.ansln- ‘\ n-l Jo l4n il de Now we have to Pind an dor nal te +9 Bend ae a, = To a [sine cogede n x aed { To sine sinne dé 0 Fi {eneee- ne) —cos (rne)} de ie a vi [ :sinAcinB=+ {cos (A-8)— cos(48) = ote , =e J ets 0)8 — cos Leb ge = Te [ siol-n)® _ sin(i4n)0 iW ln i= Tan I, ba = 0 tor nee! now we have +o Bind by dor n=! Ye to Pind bi- x REBT ol Rn bot I ad =21 [x eed > aw by= te fe ~-sin26 pe Bale = te {«] ey ~ by == - Te | =f te toe an ts) 0 for EE ‘ et Substituting (29,029 and (4) in Ui), we g sa Ta 3[)2 Toy Seen) cosr0 4+ To cine n n t—n* 2 ner ex sevies - is the reqifired Fours 10: Obtain the Foutter sevies Bor fx) = + in CR0) kb in Co) Hence deduce that 7 (eb 4b eeb gens a 5 + 4 TF The Fourier sevtes ot 2G) having period on ie given by f 2. = FG) = 80.4.5 agcosma 7 bosinnx — wo get no Eulers Where d0,de,bo are Fourier Coefficients ger by Formulae Wn New, o= 1 ( peayde Woe dock [x]" + Gy “SVE tr] -A=0 ie 2 55 ——M > * Now, an= [?Gdcosnad2 Rox Oo = a [- kcosna cde + Goo"). (a) a Now, bys [4@dsin nad Kix oO =a {- keinnweda 4b Wey * n mn de oR ae aA [ecoena ds m ° 5 = Ea | Sire ++ [sions] K, nijy * a to a f cinnxd* ° 0 *x ab frcoette, + fesse | ° n nD =k - a" | a= f-ED- ah al — ee o =— =. gals fi ] La (W) Substitating (2), (2) and C4) in (1, 2 a Fe =2k (jae |sinne _ ts) * n=) a is the fourier sevies of the given function Wer, ia eh “a! te odd 0,4 ‘n' is even ~- (5) becomes 20 Fie ak _ [=] Sinne Wo pet,3,5,-.+ n ie #2) = Wk [sir sin aX 4 Sinbxy...| ___ (6) nw zs 5 Put a=. fom data $= in Comm). 0 P(E Jor ~. (6) becomes: Re SE| t itetpen nw 3 Se je Mej-tyt-+ty.-. 4 3 5. 4 1 Find the Fourier sevies of teal iy omenea \"2% In 0240 "K Hence deduce that AY ty ty iy... a Fn ote it —T The fouter cevies of $x) having pesiod ax is quer ban . iS) © 0 FO =82 4-7 gntasnat) basin — i) n=) n=\ . fs downu Where Ge, are Fourier Gefidents qiven by plese tow “i » om le 4 Now, ao 1 [cad de Ke o x Feat § [\+22 datt f ['=3t dx wn wx w nw Kx 0 4 »7o “yn at (#+28 | ++ [+32| ws awd ow an) y = Ph -e} +a AL ni ow ~ "Aag= O eG 29 (3) 2 A Now, ao=— | PG) cosnade -* x Seal [!+2# 22 \cosmada tt \ [ [tose |aerae= nw n = [ss ) (eons) -f +) See Se S-Seeil alee Ae se ae n'y “Kn - One. t xn =, facueo" zo Ee ov Bi ree [ae —) n Ge [2oueer ae” =| * ous Peng | tesin nade | -if ("somata tot [na oot Sinn is | am | atte as al HC) ery], ie (eee on) =oL ped rh ey a] ~- bh =o, ——— |) Sa betiteting (23,03) aed (4) in 09, 4ed= es 2° cosma — (s) nK is the fouvier’ sevies of the qivee Panction. AMET, lela f Bot! is odd 0, if'n' is even _. (5) becomes, 4FQ)—4 a bof oa 00S 2% 4 cs 5% 4. 4 \ 3” Sf je PD 2 | (a) = CoS 3% 4. OOS5X 4... at \ 3 5> Pat 2-0. Then f60= 142% tr Cro} te 4e='° ote fteta+ts- at li a Be wt SE A ph ee e > 7 1 (De lata lamart) Fourier Sevies of Even and odd functions Definition: A Bunckion #0) ts sid do be even th PCa and odd iF #C2) =-?CO ven Punctions aed Tor example, aia" 2°). 0. cose ave & 4, 2°24", ...,sime are odd functions. Pro perty LivThe product ef wo even Junctions ond that & the product 6 wo odd Punctions is always ever where a an even and an odd function is alway odd. om a Proper 4 atoa , [eed da iB bla) te even {gcoax 2 -ar © ib C2) is odd © Now , 1 Suppose the periodic function #0 te q Hned in efined %& 4 tewal Caryn) thes “he Fourier Coefticients are xs My Oo = + (inde J 2 Go=—— | Px) co d: i at Dcosmade vbo=b [Pts)sinmeds lek us examine the Following dbus gages Case (i): 40 is an even Function . 8a) cosne being the product ot two ever functions is als: even and Pla)sinna being the pedact of an even and odd function je odd [Property | i]. Now apphyiog ree oa +o these tobeqvals we have ae * ow Saeads )Ao= 2 [evan ybn=e w x Case (it): FG) is an odd - Junction FEdoosne will be om odd function and P(e) sinnat will E an even function. Now by geperty swe have nn Bees Bae the bo= 2 tor jetnna de ° “Thus we Gnelude that when 2e(-n,a), 4 f(a) is even bn-o and if Pd te odd a g=0,dn=0- Note: Tt f'@). oe th “i we say bat 160% in OLR even HU pla)=p) and F&) is odd if $2) =-ye Examples, LV 2@)_ {2 in —weneo a in oewen 1S an even function is an even function . Vv > toe Se in Rene 1-2% fe yp Leen is an odd function because 3. Cx) = { Ait, —renco 24 = in 0224 ik be) =a ce then pOMa-4- Fa - (ate pla) 4s an odd Punction because 4. Foti in =reneo ko in 042640 iP GG)=-k then §C*) ak =- ps). 5. F@)=lal te an even Raunction » since |-+\= [xl The results are tabulated tox ready ceference wher £) te detined in (-1en) Naluse 2 Gndition of Io) Xe an _ - x _ Even function > [renee 2 fieacesnad* ° F(-») = £4) aa ° n ddd Runckion 3 0 > Ine Fea) =F) ey Remarte! le have already worked problems +o tind the Fourier series © H09 diveclly by applying Euler’ Townulae when the totewal bl a is Err) or (0,27) However, when the totervel ols te (2%, %) and also it 4G ie either even OF odd we cat uce the tecults as tabulated above to Rind the Fourier | coePRicien ts thus ‘raking Ah e Com putartion work mutch eosier: | Exam ples 1. Oblofn the fourier cevies for FGQ)ex in -NE REN. — Given: 460= Pn Stta)-calex = POD =4C4) Hence $c) is even. —— eee ~ ee che Precocnade i a cosme dt et x = [# (som) (a2) [ros ne * 5 [3-0 pt i siete n i © _ ee] cs 5 ans 4) > ‘Aed be=0 [Since #60 % ever] ~ Fourter series of Ben) tc! a = + sT aoe Tne fn -nZx20 o4nen =k -Dblatn Wie Fousier coves dor P60 “| B 4p —Tfourier Series of $62) haviog period a ie qver bq: Fe = oo Lowcesns a 7 hesinos 0) G(X) in new | Given: fon. fF k in FERED ge he damn reef in DERER (2) fn 0444 | Where b()=-k=—(a). Hence 2(e) ts odd Since £2) t odd, Qo=0 ——— [2) an=0 ——[a) and a Now, ba = oy [Beso wads x oO ot [kstonada + AL [ecin neds 7 x =k [Ose — fae x a * n Jo 6 ak feo" _ en h(t a e+ n n kt {2260 rLO a Kn Substting ©), (3) end () im 2D. ak = f1-)" \cinnx ef [Eas 16 the Fousier series of the given Poectorn 1-32 Gy D4Rer 3. Oblain -lhe Fourier ceries for OG ie oneneo n + The Fourter cevies of 34) hewing period ax Te given bys Fede 24 Dan recenn + J bans 0 Where Go,dn, br are Fouvter ‘coe bt cients qver by Eulers Formulae 5 sao siya Ei (x) in ROW Given: ay = in —nexco te ok then Ste \r igyinn OAR [2% jm DfKer ve 7 Where $C) = 42% 7 bGx) = 1-24 = pld-Hence PCa) is even wy x N x Pw dam Sede ie rT af (a)dat fp dx We x x J 7 -i [ez] safely * rin * KI at to | wet x nx wn wn do -0——{) -~ Now, On = 2 PRCa)e0s nad x x == [toate * x “il noe (Jes) Ce) ” =2 7 7+ AG] ody = pt) — 13) n n Since Plz) ic even, bo=0 ——.{y) Sulsstitubing (2), (8) and (4) in 0), FWo 4 + f: ig the Fourier series of the qiver Pan ction . & 4. Obldin the Fourier secies for P(x) =sin (m2) in the wonge Cryer) where ‘wo! ig neither ero nor an Integer: \ — The Fourier sevies of #) ) hoving period am ts qven by FOS = a0 4. Fagcosna + 7 bosin os —t ast ol Givens Pex) =sin(m2) =T $4) = sin ma) =~sinme = HA) - Pea) =- Pa) and hence #(x) is odd: Since (2) is odd, Q@ =o ——() (3) and an=0 x Now, boa ® J 2@Osinn ade 0 => { Sinmacinnads 7 a ans {east ro -nya ens (man) th dx [> - sinAcinB= Lens ta- B)- coe(ave)} at [setecele ~eeest | ° * mn mtn a jeioee sin (m4) sing cin | n mon There mn oma [esinkx=o when'k ts an fnteger.tince ‘m’ jc not an integer, by data, Sin(m=-n)yw +0 andl tin [min)w £0, ] Pees Pee = tale es | [sine -0] n —— m9 ann [Foreoula fo ¢ sie (a4 _ Sin macocnn + CoS MAS\nnr ann 0 in aK CoS HR — Cogmmasiann m7 a by aL [sin macos nm ' 4 — Sin wr tosn7 n a an | f- sino = 0 | voy a eels [e mAcos nA tt - “oy a tO rn aL [> wacoen 7 { 28 | * wo? Oba an Ci)"cin mr * (m= n>) Subdtituting ©), ) and (4) th (9, we qet F 2 2 P= asinman E to _ net » ——l4) 7. * m-n is the Fourter serfes of the quer function - 5. Obtain the fourier series in (-m) for Fea)=xcose. — The Fourier series ob 4) having period 2m ie given hg’ fe oe Moy Fanner +) baste -——— li) net net Where doan,ba are Fourter Gelicients quer by Euless Poamulae- Given! £Gd=acosa = Fe) =-nxcosn=- PO) -4(2) and hence £G) te odd. Siwce $(4) is odd, do=0 —- GY and Ga=p ——(3) News bn 2 % [Heo smwed =i gf KeoSstsinnaeda x a ba = 2 [ietoraens ade mi oO = aft fein (nate) tein ( he =& leant 242) bein (nx. 1 -E osinfcosB = abe ste (a+B)+sin ~-2)4] ~ nw ve [asin(ow dade + fasotn-dad = [a feostnn) _ ( = imeds)[ x ( at | i (w)” ) 5 n ply (=a) -0 E Sin (v-iD ) x n-\ (n-1) o = Eee let ~ eosin) "| 4 oH at Lo. fee - xen nw +t e-l =i") Ley ott (y(n) = 6" ey atl Tae e(j’fe st fF I+n ima] = flencice | | ~ bys 2an” 3 2 Mae 1 [yy m1 Now,we shall Bind bn for n=! fe we chall find bs | 7 Now, ba =X [acinnacoseds w oO * by =e [xsinacosad™ + | “-b==! [-, - =! [-seassn=i] {5} Substituting (3,6), (Y) and (5) in 00, 4@a nt st sina 42 pre CN)" sin ne = we) quer dun ction fe she Fourier sevies 04 the Bunckion PGa)=nsin® asa fourier series iw 1 6 Expond the fh Roe. Ae twherval —Tee £7, Deduce thet 1_— + 5 35 sot — fourier Series of Pad Pea period on is gen by: Ae e+ Leancosna +t = basinnx —_ 01) Given: 4(2)= asin PED =4E) and hence Pied is even Since #&) fe even, ba=o om Now, tes | tends @) 2 Pasinads o (-eoss)- (0 y* = | 2(-0084)- (1) sin *l mh, ah = = [- Keosr] Ae = > [-reosm=-'] (3) 2 <* the 2 a Now, daz eis cosne dt MI => f xsinxcosnad% ~ oO x (2. z yy : + [sin Lidn)arsin(i-n)a] dx [> -stnacosB =tfein (A+B) +5in (4-8) nx r LL [asin (i4njade + xsinli-n) 2d nr 6 n l ° ae) oe, + [+ Gast) —0/(- din (t= ae =n (=n) doe ri Reos (140) 0 _re0s( en) en een ty uy ln in =-Gy"O0 +) ay? M41 wt = Gy mH Cy(ad) = EN") — fe) GC? (w=) = ra ea C"tw) as ENGL) saat? Ere (1) = 2Cyl CY?" (21) “age 2"! [- “HI [Matitying and dividing by ty] Ch a tay Noew we shall find da when net ie, to tind a, 7 Bi = 3 Jae xcinxcosxd A 1 ° Be = = | asinax dx w = [+ J-0( “a = Th — (5) Subetituting 6), (9.L4) and (5) in Q), Feda1— Lees [EN] eum — 6) ned n—-t is the Fourier ceries ot the qren function. “To deduce the series lef us put *=4 in (6) (B)at-4 1 cos cay foo =O leone neil n-1 2 > a =. Ko {94 rv] —Losm4 + cos 3m _ oer ae a s a To eos Se Rtn le Tats 1-3 [sbe0- 0) + By {sin =1, cos an ~ 2 \s CoLW=-1, Cos 277 = ‘| \ \ ‘ mever[57 + & Sth fe R-2 4. Sketch the qraph of the function f@)=|2\ in —rexen and obldin tts Fourier cervies- Hence deduce that eet pin ee AE Pr a 2 —4&)elal fe 72245 means that the function must be positive fn the diven inlerval which Goncists of negative Values and positive values Hence the given (+) mq be split into the orm: fa) a J—x tm —nLx40 x in OfXEN The equations y= ond y=-* represent straight \tmes sthrugh the ovigin atth slopes 1,1 (Lines Sublendin angles 452, 135° with x-axis) and the qr ph ts as follows: : “The Fourier sevies of PG) hoving pesied on fs qven byt Fe = = (A= Oo 4 dacos nt + PD bosin™ ue 7 Oe x Where de,de and be ate Fourier Coeficiente given by Eulers Formulae: We chall check #@)=t2| for even or odd nature - ‘o ge 02) ae Peale bales lel ]Pea). tence FOO 16 even. Simce #69 ic even, bn=0 —- (2) n Now, do => (9¢4) de © x in ozxen] [= dx [- ' fe 7] -'.Oo=m fe do ary &) n Now, an=& Oe=—= |Peasna da =| aeosmads =_> Jaftsinnx wor =f (222*)-0 fae] b ="6de =A_fPesre 7 [=] — ty Subetitubing (2),(2) and (4) in - PQ) ae 2 re yn ae [eS] cost ts) fiven function. io the Fourier Series of the “Te deduce the series let us pot z= in (), - Fe) = 4 2D 7 (2 a (-:cose="] ea, iP n isede pit n is eve 8. Find the Pourter cevies ty (18) Por the Runctton #(2) defined b WK+k in (-7, = . Y ten {= x; ( x =) te “4 period an is given but 4G) = ao at Loswcosns 7 bnsinnxe —— b) —FFPourier series of 4G) havin n=l Where ao,an,bn are Fourier Coefficients qe My Euless Pournula Ide shall check PCA) for even or odd nature by writing Ps as Pollows: cnterval ob « — (-™, -z) x : 2) ea ( = a) (oO (z= *) S vla x je Pa f ¢@ im (0) ple) to (0,7) bere pCJamte or and p()an-e or = Now, beadama Ms pe). -. pCO =p 2 Hence 22) 16 even Since F(d is even, bn =0 —— (2) * Nows, =F [Pd de ~ =e 2 [Hed 4 [tea ms : ¥ 4 r - Now, a,e 2 [aedeenad* Wy ort * =f cosa de + Cmaa)easnad FS). . ont = [S224] ra [tr (sez) " o nN n al.sin far). 2 [a0 cosna_ ‘ nn n ( r)4 [= oo: Sih +L Ge [ae an a ow Sy =L4in(2e) — ~-Lsin(om) 42 A058 D » Ta a. x ow ~ (4) Substituting (3,18) and (4) in 0), eo) nn MONS ED [PERO cane n=) a fs the Fourier Series of the ques Punction. (pe Tete tamant) Even ond | odd nature of ten defined in (0,27) Pla) 1g soidto be even FP P(am-2)=2(2) and odd # 4Gx-2) =- 4). We note that eos is an even function Since cos (zm-2) =t0s and sina ie odd Since gin(am-x) =-sinx . Finther we have the standard frrlegral property: * af teada iP FE) te even feujydaa{ > e 0 iP AQ) ie odd TP fa) tc a peredic function of peviod an detined in | (0,2%) then the Fourier CoeMicients ave qven by: | an ox is Cont. [Fedde deat presen ee pone oe [Pears ° lef us examine the Following 4wo cases! Case Li): 22) is an even function - wo ga Ne FEa)eosnx being the product ct two even Puncttons 1S ale even and F(x)sinne being the product olanlevenconcmma Function te odd “The Fouster CoeHlicients with the application of the integval ip Property” betomes: a Qo=2. (7 Fy [ACO » a9= 2 FC e0s lab nevada, boko Case Case (it) AG) is an odd Function FG)cosna will be an odd 1d une¥ton and Pt2jcinna will be an even Punction. Accordtn \q Ahe fourier CoePRicients with the natn ot the re property Ay=d, An=0 _ =O, One » baz 2 -z | eosin | i? FC) 16 even becornes “Thus we can conclude pat when we lo2™) ba=o and if PC) ie odd do=0, Ga=e Farther it chould be pbserved ahat the results 7 ot the Fourier coelticients tnvelving FCO defined wm Co.2*) a same ac iv the case of FG) bined in Bia) ig even OF odd in the velevant tntewal Also te say be noted thet iP P)= x) tr oeeeT pte) in meee in respect we) where we soy thet BG) te even B plar-z)= ped and FOO % odd tf p(ox-2)=-p@). | Exam ples t. Obbain the Fourier sevies of $Wenws in = Roe oe =: a 4a —? Fourier Series of PCa) in pesiod 2% Ts qeee bys (2) = ae 24 7 oncose + > basinnse net Where o,an, b 4 : 0100, bn dre Fourier Coefficients gwen by Filer: Bomala vy Chiven: PC {iven: FC d= 2% in Lo, x2) ~~ A fowea) = W- (on (am-a) = 4 Gr a= Py =-4(2) ie P(aw-2)= - Pla). Hence P(a) is odd- Since B(x) ic odd, Qo=0 ——(2) Ao=o ——-(a) Now, be== [PCy cinnade ° a (\ nada = [OO (resre) to (ose L(t at cera ea fae bo =k =o = bo Subctituting (2), &) and (4) in (), we hove F(a) = 2 Sinne F some fo the Fourier Series of the given Runction - 2. Dbkdin the Fourier series for f(2)-a(ax-2) in cfntar — The Fourter Series of He havi ing period =m i quer by: F(a) = Se. 7 bcos beet W ye () 071 Where O¢,do,b Ore Fourier Coefficients we by Bulers | Fortulae 5 ij Given. £6) =2law- 2) PF Gn-a) = (ae 2) (2x2 4%) =a (re a9). ~-FGw-2) = Pa). Hence #04) is even. Since 2G) ic even, ba=0 ——(2) Now, Oo= 2 (Radda mI a = (ona) o ended rete \* n 3 ( =, x =e pas ae = )-(™™ =)| [28 5x? x a ag, = 2%: [a7 n >=] ~- d= bn” s "Oo an* ee —— 1a) * Now, 0n=% [ P¢4) cocnade 3 ae == 2 (om 2) cosnnde o Le a { (22-22) cosmeda. : . @ dn 2 (Gamat )(seex. ye - (ax- - peas ee of se) [=] “-On=—4 (u) 3\ = x ee (3), (3) and (4) in tr), we hove $G)= 20 «poe (bs nx aver Runction- is the Fourier Sevies a the ee 3. Obtain the fouvier ceves for Pf % in vet 2h-2 in WELE2A —WThe fourfer ceves of #0) having period 2” is ae by: 4) = ee Soy Tovcoemaa 7 boston eS net Where ay,an,be are Fourier Coefficients quer by Euler formula Given: Pay J a in of er aman * is in the Porn in WEA LIN ae We SCLET there Cea and le) =am—2 pla) in Wea bon Now, $(on-x)= a4-2= pls). te bana) =~) Hence FEL) i eve Since #2) is even, : bn =o —— (2) 7 Now, One 2f tQajder éike * Now, @n =_2- [2@deaemeds We “ae Macnenadt =2_[* = -w ey] i Bi ah ++ Os = ed Al tu) are | Subetitubing (3, (2) ond (9) Ie ay Fmt BY [EOE erm te the Famter ‘sevted of the qver Function &. Oblain the fourier ve presentation fw (0,2) bt the function ftx) defined by Fz x im (0,7) \ ~br-2)" 5, br om) Whe fourier sevies ot 163 having period om is iven by: (8) = 40. Fancoent- > be st 24 7 de + J bnstonx —.. () 2 n= aot Where ao.dn and bo ave Fourier Ciefficients given by Euler’ formulae. poe te MY 5, ob the oeen ~G1n-2)* ty (wm 2%) PEQ- LGD i OM oe b= PO) in (Han) Now, (amx)= (ams) 1p) Hence G9 16 odd: Since £69 %& odd. —-) — ) Qo n= ia Now, bo=2 [ padeinnade o 2 muy Sy f x einnade % ° a3, [ Pa f= -c0s o2) —-b4) ae ca Es) I _ fre ayn =2-(26 qt 2c t Te : fren ik thy 2: [MEO 4 seo") to i n . be Subetituting (0), (2) and (yu) 4m (0, fa par ZOE) cine cs n=l n 2 n is the Fourier Series of the err function q 5. An alternating current after pasting Aheough a full wave rectifier has the Pow =x, |sint| ,02t 227 where Te is the maximum Curent. Express I ac a Fourier Series and hence deduce that 1 _ 1 4 1-4 > 1.2 1.5 Ft 7 bu data, T= Tolsintl iw (0,20) le te | Reet in (on) —Aesint in (Ww, 2%) Since Sint is positive i oekem and negative iE meteor. let aeeaje J¢lH=Tesint im (ond pCt)=—aecint in (727) Now, (29-4) =p sin (2-4) =—cTostnt = YO.” FG) 6 ever “The Fourier series of (2) having Period an is given by: T=4G)- a0 S247 ancasna+ FT bosiwree oa Ww net Where ac,dgi ba are fourier Coefficients aires bu Euler's formulae Since 44) is even, br=0 and hence (1!) becomes’ T= f(tjLa, = = 22+ ancosn n=t ® x Now, do= 2 (Fendt x oO Bi 7 — | Iysint dt o = 270 [eei]™ as , ~* %= 2To [_cocn+coso] rT ~- > = 4To wT le Qo _o4, a a * ad x mn OS == [ry cosnt dt ° tet = J Tecingcosmt gt ° vr =21 fa {siolundt +sin(wdth at wy 2 ~! Sin cosp=t{sin (at+e)+sin [A- ay cs cos(t4n) 4 — ees tent lin ea n+ mt “Ses eee eel) 4 cos (nmi) aston cate “Oy. -2 To sf Eu \ - nt Substituting (3) and (4) in (2), we get Ta?b}= a 29> crete + —220 CI |eocnt bs ee wel aa elt “jot mtsedd Hence (5) becomes: 2, iP nm is even T=#()-2T> acto re [: 2 [an ov 1 W® na244.6,.- al T ‘ =f(t)-2To ye ilies [ss te) a WS Bae boeer o-! ie the outer 2 My bgt ba. > yo 3 Se 4 Sin ze=sioth=..=0 4 : . Tt $a (=) fe ozxein, Show that fey. cas 2. = wm Sow net lence deduce that ) Wael yg ty tytig | ee | u | 7) To MES ye aS bee AT CH) oe Ne Dy 2 hgh ge pe he Fourier Series of 460 having period an is given by 7 {) « Fey = 24 oe Zt : Where do,do,bn ore Fourier GefPicents qiven by Eilers torn lac Given: PG) = ee =) te Denear, Now, Plax). [es ~ (ex ae (m= 2) teu Ss. z a 4 @ ~" F(a) is even and hence ba=0- Therefore, (1) becomes: 2 F(a)= a0 4 J ancosne ® > n=) Ni n seh ie [rere 2 = 72) cs t FS de 2 * al (7-3)'gx set [Ger * ze LS = i! [-7 rea ] A 6 ie Oo _ xe 2 &) Now, age * = [#c0 cosna da & T a == es) casnade a o = = [ita aar (S224)- pervent (=) +0) [fees yy n> : ° ie Qe = —— (4) Substituting (3) and (4) in (2), a5 +7 oe, 5) is the Fourier sevies of the gen function. Deductions: See (i) Put 2=0 in (5) Fie) = a Ste ™ [--cos o=¥]: Fo)+tO%) _ my ag a ae weet} 2 12 {eaige TS " Gy = HR Lt yt yp ta tt i me ES fe (i) Pub a=" fo U5), Liaw © @43P ogee max ae acl J 0 =n yf = bie aE Tap ch 1D y= - BF ae YY fe WY ot ag i yy 2 Ss Lil) Adding (6) and (4), * a aL iat enti het da} & 1 Pee Bh ge | ie My yt ate. 2 ihe gt a gato a a : Dr. lata lamact Fourier Sefer oF arbihrory period aL A BuncHon Pe) need not always be dePined in an interval OB length =m only. hhen the length of the qrtewal % other dhan =r, we shall denote tH by sed general tberval ot Ahat the length 21 be (c,crat). Tt is Tenportarct +o note Sine and cosine Puncltons ot the fonn Sin (= ond cas fe L uy are periodic Pancttons ot period at-cTt ts justified as Fotlows: let Ele)esin( 7%) ; a (7) 3 Gra=es =) Then Flatat)=sin Ee) Sin (t+ 2) sin =) a eee Similaty , G (2428) -cos[ @taa)]- Coe (e+27)- as (he a a of the Bonn: “The AMiganomerne Series is a. = ae +) Ontos (r+ 7 bes (== 2 net a x a @ TP P60 te cp ye 40D is defined tr (e,c+21) and salisties Disichlets Conditions then Fla) 2 a0 $7 pra), 2 = Oo 4 Gnens ( ba sin [nm Arh eee arp = is called Fourier ceviec ot period ab. Euler's forodlae Poy Fourier CocPRicients are establiched as foltoux Gok C42 Chik Qo= 1 ( peayde, an=t- [PEajeos (PJ, boat [rca)sin fom c c c ilorktng proceduve for problems % TE the period of the given function fs other than mes. first equate the period -ko 21 and obtain the value * le then write the appropriate Fouvter Series and Coompurte | Ho, Ay, by associated with it. However iP RGD fe defined in an interval of the Porm Ft.1 oF Cort) We con Compute do,dn,be usin the Greet of even and odd Punctions Aaking he following able into Consideration Nalure # Condition ot f(x) Qo Qe bo ae function at wi Cada ten L ftw a [toe (ema br ° i 5 POws) 9) i Odd function ‘ #C2) =-2) 2 Freda a 0 6 The pas or, +Gtaj=-F(2) ° af @ Examples |. Obtain, the Fourter Sevies of PCa)= la] tn (Ca,2). — Peviod ot PR) 6 b-Eaj) este =2t. “The Fourier sevies ot tt) having pesiod 24 ic qr by: Pee Qo ea Fun (= \+ Lme(t) 4 Where do,ae,bn are Fourier Coefficients given by Eulecs formulae: Goce Bd=alel to a even Panction, ba=0 and hence o becomet! Pa) Oo Se 4-7 anc eS bw Now, n= Lie (ada -2(* ada [-'PQ)a\el im (a2) ° We t= {-* in (40) = 23>" Rim, Coy) cE), ] a .Go=ab ie Se ait) a Now, ae= 2 TL ow, a fi ( Hedess as ae + On =< foxes (Sy (2) (se =) ZL ye . : ~ | Cosn7m — cos “| nT = n a dg = 2h [4 fay Subslituting (3) and (9) & G) fen = 5 adhe Bl [2. fae fren 2 es a” Ee) “To deduce the series we shall put w=0 in Cs) [-] [-coso='] o P(o)o bp oa Re nel 2, ib tn’ is odd 20 eL (=) E coef mihi 0 = Ro 91,3,5,... [Cmdtinue in Guestion:llence 2. Dbtain the Fourier series +o vepresent PG2)=a-2> fn —14%4 — Period of 22) te ICI) =141=2. Hence 2t=2-ie t=! The Fourter series of 2) having period aa is given by: = oO FOD= 42 49 ances nme t 7 basin ema [4-1] nel oo w ow, $6)= 2-2". Therefore, R-x)=— 2-2 EPA) oF He Hence #G) is neither even nor odd- . Here do, do and be ave Fourier Coc PPicients gives by Euler's formulae. L Now, dost ow x] Fedde 2 a = => 3 ie Stax 0 a wo a Now, a6 rs2 400 cos maa dt Wt =+ (Ge x)csnmeds ait - [G wy (sinnme te a(t ce (=3)| wr ere a te= [Uta _ (14) cosn7 nt art = — wsnm—3cosnT ware = —4eosnn war = 4G)” aK n+l a = t Say = __[a) nT L Now, br=— (RG) sin nwa de toy 1 = v4 (2-2) )sinnwade =[e ieee cosnne ~ (9) en(eemesy - [pee Si sree | es ne wx? - ne =|)" [ese : ee] non? =2Q)""! nw Substituting (2), (2) and (4) in OD, f(ay- ct ath W “7 [ae eget owned (e seem D —— (4) ic the Fouvier cevies of the given function 3 Draw the graph et the Punction odpm ty LAG-2) jn | 4x4r and also chow that the Fourier expansion ot the function PGd is Kt [toons | epson, coe a4] : 7 5 | es x C— ~? Graph ot Paley $60 =n or qere ‘in [o,1]. Fons) or Q=tG-a) or Waty= an or Eee! | is a fine passing Ahrough the origin ia [1,2] te a stratght Vine posing “Armough (,0) and (027% “The vr Yc as follows: Here, #(2) is defined im (0,2) ~ Period of Pla) 16 2.-/.2b=2 te tel “The Fourier cevies of #62) having period, 22 ts quer a FG)= ao taf agence +] baste nt vei ——() Co,0y C0) Gasp Where d0,do, be are Fourler Coebticients giver by Euler's formule Given: fj ie i» Don] ; vite *G-2) iy [1, 2] oo hee ton {he tee Where pe) = KX Therefore, $G1-%= 60-2) (aye te Hence $2) 1s even and hence be=o ~~ Equation (1) becomes: Pea). iw (= S247 anton a @ © ~ A = le do_ ~ () 2 2 fs Now, dy 2% f. Qweosanada he a [raceme 1 =" [*( sine \_ (1) (- cents) var J), = 2H] i), => ced n= [ DR] tons. freee Sale 0, ib ow 16 even 79 =1,3)5,--.—— (W) : sr le Substituting (3) and -C4) in G), A) = + yi cone W=1,3,5, = [Osedinuic in Quetlive: Hence déduce dha 22= - faa a COSAX 4 Cos BNX 4 cos Sn > y rs + = % 4. cos Sm -|__[5) “The Fourier expansion of the function Pla) x > = amt (os 3N* 4 cos STAY... = 5° “To deduce the Sevies we shall put 2-0 im (©) Pome Late be] [-:es0=") aw Lae ee 3 ~ 0 WN He ae ee | 7) Ream tn [o,"] > RLY - ~ £0) =0 3 LB im pene. = 4. Obtain the Fourier sevies Por the Rinction Pade ie He in Bex = Fourter cevec of P(x) hoving pesed 2a is given by: P= ao ST a ee (ens J+ Ea CS) nity Rewind of 2C2) ‘e 3 © S (Bj af-2.i¢ 423 and 2 4 Fex)=f TAS in Benen te a Ae 2. heat in =Bene ~Nt tn one 3: Din ots a oa Where p= +ae fe bGa)a 1 R= PC) Hence he*- Hl 4G) is even. Since #(2) is even, bn=0-Hence (1) becomes [Coftinue in @ueelion, lence deduce thet At Sb aeGa tia? f Fad Bo. +E ntos oar) pone or P)= ao, + Te COS Now, ago 2 phys 5) - a |e =+[4-2{% 3 2 3al4 = 473 3 a.L* ai ~.ap =0 ie G0 ~9 —— (3) Now, do= =f" P(x) ees ated . a> -ealltsjotss ° emia, oo! aS SP) GP, “Gs |[e ez 2)-c) Fv lun 3 3) » “daa cle yan =e v- | | =A [reu"] nn das [=] x ne Substituding (3) aed (4) tm ©, foeh 5 fiecur qe HS] s(n) — 1s) of the qe function - ) fc the Fourier Sere: “Te deduce the series put 2=0 in is) ~ Poy =_4 2_ toc 20 fe 1-LiL Sr ib wn! fe od: Se) pe ceepanel nei3.5,--° =4 : ola at ‘| (> tos 0="] te gh 5 » Ae tpl ..e | eo ' | 5. Obtain the Fourier series For P60 Se * nq the interval ozecr. —7 Peviod oP PC2) t6 2-0=2.Hence 21=2 te Lel. “The Fousier eres of #4) hecing period 22 is given by: $=ae 47 onsen + J boson W [easi] neI Ihere do, Qorbo are Fourier (oelticierts given by Euless. Pommulae. 2G) is néetthey even nor odd. aL Now, veel Peds is ee o* de ® aL Fa) cosmma de Now, ment cy (eae (- Cosnnx+nasin nn) (2) *4(any> Oo fe *cosba dase i al = La © cosnmedx. ° (acosbx+bsin | - | | eo it Neel lan RE Nea - i eC (tte) lean ~.Mo2rt [z —t \4n'n® L e* 2 ie an = ® (iter) oa Now, be= tba) stemmed 2 | a Sete f eo cinnwade ° xe 2 = | (-sin nNR— NAC wa) Ct bata ‘ [7° fetteinbs = 28% (asinba—b cos b=] ae = e€. (-n7rc05 anm)4_e€° _ (wmcoco) ene lan ~ aOR iy (wn) & Cos inh = CoS O= ) (4nta) + l4n*n = ae | ltna> e ws tags SOE iy l4nn* Substituting 6), (3) and. (¥) in (1), we qct f@j= (45 = cost axle > “2 sien ae] {= : | laee = Tae te fo the Fouver sertes of “the qien dunction. ) 6. Find the Fouvier cevies of the periodte function defined by F)= axa fn the interval 04243 — Pestod of PC) te a-d=3 te ated ie t=Sfr. The Fourier series of PG2) havin “ 2 P(aja Bo 47 ances pow 4S basin fame) (-r vals) ~ & y ie E =) 3 here as,ae,bn are Fourler Coefficients i by Eu lees formulae 4) is neither odd nor even Ni i Ao. »Qo= ann [ Pood period a1 ts qeer by: 3 2 == [ba-da “(| 2 [eu ey, aa a 3 o. ll i - Oe = ie do 9 w 2 a L ‘ Now, de = amme\ 2, Oo [Pon eos (20m) do ° 2 3 fore Cos eax da “S(O Er) 9s jpops + (2) ( 3 : oes om [SoLs fim tony] MG -oGed sia \! ane _2 [== a ann” = De 30K ~ +09 = —1___{) 2 an on = [oom ioe 5[e (2, =) ( (os ("))- b- apes at es} ar J ( (23 = “el ese Substituting Bae and (4) in (0), fay. —1. 4.0 eens 8 5- ati sth fot) Raa” = is the fourier Series of the qe function 4. Dblain the Fourier Series for the Punction PGd=22-2° 02x42. in — Period of Pd is a-p=2 Te at=2 ie t=! The Fourier sevies of Play bevng pened 24 i given, by: 4@)- £4 Fiancermna J bosionm™ —() [er a=t] neI Where do, are Fonter Coeficients qtlen by Eales Poulos Now, aon [*) ; L = feet] aJo = 4-8 3 do = 2 ie Oo 2 (2) 2 By, ah Now, d= Picscoa PA di 0 AL 2 a Ont f (22-8) cosnme [2-1] ° = [G-2 (s2e")- (2-22) (ese sem P fees =[' @- 2 Cos an Se) a) ° sabe aK wT “2 Qe=—4 ) nn Now, ba_ 2h 1 * Ri 7 One - f (2) sin 3) de “+h (2-22) sin nmada E>: 121] =[x-29 a2) [cos mn 7) Osea >(e2)] » > ee = X Te - . be=0 (4) te ‘Gh, £) and (4) in 0), ria 4: some Soswene ig Hhe fourier Series a the giver function. % Obtain the Fourier sevies oP -the saw-tooth Function #6= Ett for ozter qver that F(441)= $(t) Por all +70 We have w=T or yor 2 Be | | &) The Fourier series of $4) having period a1 ts ven bg PH) a0 Be Tone ( (==)+ tt (==) — 0) XL Cvaeth) Where Go,darba are Fouvter Coefficients qeer ba Eulers Formulae - 2h Now, ava [teende I 4 |r " ey \p oo + 2 & W \r Ml — (*; i 5 2 TT Eo ty = E fro] as =o 2 € le Oo - E (D 2 2 Now, d= > {"tecos (amt) ae fee cos (200e dt oO v ~ 6 (resoeolres CS5E pee tt TL yin ae a\r it} -'.da =0 —— (3) Now, br= 4 3 (4) sin (em a 0 =e 2 [te (2st) * sin ex] “nb Creeea te sl" (S] ba = ae a [yh Substituting 3, (3) and (4) in Q) FC= = 7 \ an eae =) quer Punction - ¥ tc the Fourier series of the 2-6 in yenee . 2 a ne 3° £ Gey q. TP tye fr-x ¢ Q a Se Se ) express Pe) as q Fourier Series acd hence deduce that — Feeiod of Pla) is g-v=e ie ar=B ie L=4- aaa ip O£4LU jg of the form 8eA- HO! in 022e4 pein wer £2 faye fr a6 in HERES Where $(2)=2-% ie $(2d-a)=2-(e-2)=2-6= pCa) ie Had-¥! ~ 8) is even. tence bn= “Therefore, the Fourier series of #(ad having pened aris given b Paya ae 2 4 J oncos( 2) (-7 a=4 and ba=o] hth is eve, bo are ‘Given by Bulers foenulae whith are Fourier (petticen Z Now , do ot [Reads =~ aa) da+ [oe 6) da =tfoe + |e - pt] aE), tt 4 o—te) ++ [eu yaa 6 424 [ > GL * ° —, & a S & p ii | | (2-4) | MEDEA opseecey].| +f O (Ae ea wf) sf tues Si} ee ape seer] [et BEN" - ee? EN” te ee 4 te Ae | -4faare] . 4 Le wT “de = =| i (a) nw a a = ° Substituting (2) and (3) in (i), q f= 2, oT poe at > ]e*(22) — wy jc the Fourier Series of the given function. We deduce the sees, let us put zo in Ls). i 20 . ie POd=3y [HO ] [secs 0-1 | From data, PGd=2-2 fn 02x44 ie Plo)=2- A te Be ne “shen ]® it nis odd wD ar Le n=b35, (0 Find the Fourier exponsion oF the function Fx) defined by O in -24x2-1 Feats is “ee OD in pen ern 1 P(a) tc defined tr (2,2) te period of PG) is a-G2A)=4 fe 24=4 ie 1=2- The Fourier series of T60 Paving period 22 is given but P£@)2 a0 + [anes (ames Lise) [eae] a Where Qo,anibo ate Fourier (efficients given by Eulers Formulae “The ven PC2) con be writter as Follows: [Tnberal of aE ex) | 61.0) | G9] 0.29 Fe) o | 2 x . 1

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