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Evaluating the Potential Capacity of Sta.

Barbara River in Iba, Zambales Using Geographic

Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing Software (RSS)

A Project Study by

Abuyo, Lester John O.

Asuncion, Ronel E.
Cachopero, Brian Russel T.
Dequiña, Abel A.
Devera, Brian E.
Fajardozal, Albert S.
Galon, Dave Elthon B.
Ramelo, Reymark B.
Tabangcura, John Marcel R.

An undergraduate thesis presented to the faculty of the

Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering,
President Ramon Magsaysay State University, Iba, Zambales

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree



This undergraduate thesis entitled “Evaluating the Potential Capacity of Sta. Barbara River in Iba,
Zambales” prepared and submitted by Abuyo, Lester John O., Asuncion, Ronel E., Cachopero,
Brian Russel T., Dequiña, Abel A., Devera, Brian E., Fajardozal, Albert S., Galon, Dave Elthon B.,
Ramelo, Reymark B., Tabangcura, John Marcel R. as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the


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Accepted and approved as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree


Program Chairperson, Civil Engineering

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Dean, College of Engineering

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Table of Contents









1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Objectives of the Study 3

1.3 Significance of the Study 4

1.4 Scope and Delimitations 4


2.1 Review of Related Literature 6

2.2 Concept of the Study 10

2.3 Definition of Terms 11


3.1 Materials 14
3.1.1 Software 14

3.1.2 Hardware 15

3.2 Methods 15

3.2.1 Experimental design 15

3.2.2 Procedures for the different phases 15


Insert the List of Tables using the “References” tab > “Insert Table of Figures” > Table

Insert the List of Tables using the “References” tab > “Insert Table of Figures” > Figures

NAME OF STUDENTS, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, President

Ramon Magsaysay State University, Iba, Zambales, Philippines. JULY, 2021. TITLE OF YOUR


Insert your abstract here. This portion is not to be indented and should be clear, concise, and

complete. As much as possible, limit the introductory part to a few sentences and make sure that

the last sentence reiterates the achievement of the general objective of the research.


1.1 Background of the Study

Sta. Barbara is a barangay in the municipality of Iba, in the province of Zambales. Sta.

Barbara is situated at approximately 15.3344 (Longitude), 119.9999 (Latitude), in the island of

Luzon. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 19.2 meters or 63.0 feet above mean sea

level (PhilAtlas, 2022). Year after year, The Philippines is devastated by river-related calamities

such as floods, rainfall-caused landslides, debris flows, and mudflows. According to World Risk

Index 2012, the Philippines places third out of 173 countries ranked according to their “risk score”

or their exposure to hazards such as floods and storms, drought and sea level rise (Muckle, 2012).

Rivers are essential sources of fresh and flowing inland water vital to the socio-economic

functioning of society largely for agricultural and urban service uses. In the Philippines, rivers are

particularly dynamic; risks arising from sedimentation and erosion need to be assessed and

incorporated into flood risk management to mitigate the impact of flooding on welfare and the

economy (R. Williams, 2018). Measurement and survey of river characteristics is therefore an

indispensable exercise if any plans to develop, conserve and sustain resources found on river

systems are to be drawn. Various methods for measuring geometric and hydrographic properties,

as well as the tenurial conditions of rivers, have been developed in surveying for a variety of

purposes ranging from power generation to water supply, irrigation, and navigation. River surveys

are also conducted to serve as the foundation for planning, designing, and executing mitigation

techniques to prevent, minimize, or manage riverine flooding.


River morphology is defined by channel forms and patterns. It is explained by discharge,

width and depth of the channel, water surface slope, water velocity, and riverbed materials and

their interrelationships (Hohensinner et al. 2018). Erosion is caused by the strength and

consistency of the current and can have an impact on how the river forms its course. The long-term

interaction of water, sediment, and riverbed conditions determines the form of natural rivers.

Certain flow variables (flow velocity, stiffness), riverbed conditions (form, slopes, severity, and

sediment composition), and boundary circumstances (river surface width and water depth) all play

important roles in river morphological evolution. Furthermore, the increase of human activities has

an impact on the evolution processes of riverbed morphology. A large amount of accurate river

cross-section data is indispensable for predicting river stages.

Remote sensing technology has proven to be quite useful in obtaining data for effective

resource management in recent years, and it might thus be applied to river morphology monitoring

and management. Furthermore, the use of Geographical Information System (GIS) in analyzing

trends and estimating changes that have occurred in many themes helps in management decision

making. GIS and remote sensing technologies, in particular, provide the ability to rapidly collect

data, process and integrate data and information, and show outcomes in geographically referenced

maps and reports. A GIS based integrated approach can be used for the risk management

of natural hazards. Several researchers (Brown, 1978; Gilmer et al., 1980; Berry, 1986;

Welch et al., 1988; Jensen et al., 1992) have documented the theory behind the use of

these techniques for monitoring aquatic weeds. And other authors (Campell, 1987; Lillesand

and Kieffer, 1987; Jensen, 1989; Lo, 1990) have explained eloquently how remote sensing

can be used as a tool for natural resource management.


Brgy. Sta. Barbara is alongside a river channel. The cross-section and planform of this

river can change continuously due to sediment-transport mechanisms. But it is not always easy to

predict how it will change. Extreme shifts in river capacity can occur very rapidly. As a result, it can

be challenging to control and analyze. River morphology data are critical for informing research

and management issues regarding river channels, evaluating the maximum capacity of Sta.

Barbara River is vital in supporting fundamental research and practical needs related to river

rehabilitation, infrastructure design, and flood risk mitigation. Such information, however, is not

easily accessible and available in the public domain. Therefore data gathering using Geographic

Information System and Remote Sensing Software is necessary to conduct.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

This study aims to collect data about the Sta. Barbara River located in Iba, Zambales

that are useful in Civil Engineering applications

1. To analyze the channel and morphological characteristics of the river using

Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Software.

2. To determine the maximum river capacity.

3. To have data that can be used for monitoring the changes over time in the river.

4. To determine the causes of morphological and channel changes in the river.


1.3 Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be helpful for the future researchers and local government.

Researchers assigned in this project will observe the capability and characteristics of the Sta.

Barbara River to give an accurate data.

Future Researchers. The knowledge and data gained from this study may be useful to

future researchers. The study could possibly be related to the researchers' work on a related topic.

Local Government. The maximum capacity of the river must be evaluated in order to

inform the local governments about river rehabilitation, infrastructure design, and flood risk


1.4 Scope and Delimitations

The main goal of the research study is to evaluate the potential capacity of the Sta.

Barbara River in Iba, Zambales. Recent studies and data about Sta. Barbara River will be used to

determine what affects the capacity of the river and to interpret the data that would be gathered

from this research study. The target site of data gathering would start in Sta. Barbara Dam due

North East up to the border of Zambales. This research study would be done through Geographic

information systems and Remote Sensing Software.

This research study will not provide data about the soil properties and composition of the

river. However, the river morphology would be included. This study is dependent on the data

provided by National Irrigation Administration. The gathered data can be used by future

researchers and the local government.



2.1 Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

River basin planning is a systematic approach to the specific problems related to

availability and access to water for various purposes, and to simultaneously ensure the ecological

integrity of a river system. GIS-based assessment of morphological and hydrological process

inflows, rainfall–runoff modeling and regression equations was discussed using geographical

information systems and remote sensing techniques. (Kudnar, N.S., 2020)

Foreign Studies

Digital elevation models (DEMs) are increasingly popular in geomorphic studies for both

computational and visual assessments of a landscape. DEMs are stored as square-grid surfaces,

with each grid cell containing an elevation value and the cell size depending on the resolution of

the dataset (Wilson, 2011). DEMs at the resolution of 10-meter grids have been created from

digitization of topographic maps and are easily accessible for most areas in the United States

( These coarse-resolution DEMs are most useful for large-scale studies

because features smaller than the DEM pixel resolution cannot be identified (Notebaert et al.,


Foreign Studies

Geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) are the latest

technologies added to man’s growing arsenal in the fight against age-old and emerging diseases.

Originally developed for military reconnaissance, these technologies have rapidly found use in

areas as diverse as meteorology, oceanography, forestry, urban development and ecology.

Geospatial applications have also been appropriated by the medical field where they are not only

used for general information management for the health services but have also been developed

into powerful tools revolutionizing the way epidemiological research is carried out. Before being

supported by sensor data from satellites, advanced image-analyses and statistical methods, the

relationships between agro-climatic data, disease prevalence and vector distribution could neither

easily be shown, nor comprehensively understood and studied. The situation now is quite different

(Leonardo, L., 2007)

Foreign Studies

Aggragational reaches occurred predominantly in locations where the valley was

unconfined and valley slope remained constant through the length of the reach. Channel avulsions,

migration, and changes in sinuosity were common in all unconfined reaches, whether

aggradational or degradational. Bankfull width in both aggradational and degradational reaches

showed greater changes closer to the sediment source, with the magnitude of change decreasing

downstream. Local variations in channel morphology, site specific channel conditions, and the

distance from the sediment source influence the balance of transport supply and capacity and,

therefore, locations of aggradation, degradation, and associated morphologic changes(Mangano

J.F., 2014)

Local Literature

When river improvement planning and structure designing are planned, it is necessary to

understand the characteristics of river. The shape of the river is formed through the recurring

effects of scouring, meandering and sedimentation as a result of perennial and annual maximum

floods. The shape/configuration of a natural river generally depends on the parameters of riverbed

gradient, riverbed material and the annual maximum flood. Moreover, the riverbed materials can be

roughly assessed through the riverbed gradient too. It means that the riverbed gradient information

can roughly provide the phenomenon of the stream and river characteristics. Therefore, when the

river improvement planning is discussed as a first step before river structure could be designed, it

is necessary to undertake the river survey and the actual river (riverbed) gradient. (DPWH, March


Local Literature

Satellite imageries that are used in remote sensing (i.e. from moderate to high resolution)

are becoming more available due to the increasing number of satellite missions dedicated to

remote sensing. On the other hand, UAV or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is another tool that can be

used to generate high resolution images for specific location and can provide an access to

immediate real-time quality data. Another reliable tool that goes hand in hand with remote sensing

is the science of Spectroscopy that offers an alternative method of analysis, especially in


agriculture because of its fast, reliable and non- destructive nature of analysis. Data generated out

of using these tools can be used in a wide array of applications such as in agricultural production,

resources management as well as in environmental monitoring. (R. Alberto 2019)

Local Studies

The River Styles Framework to appraise topographic controls on river morphological

diversity and its subsequent implications on river management. First, we identify distinct River

Styles through topographic analysis of a recent digital elevation model (DEM), interpretation of

satellite and aerial imagery, and ground-truthing in the Bislak Catchment, Philippines. Then using

stream power as a measure of the capacity of rivers to erode and transport sediment, we evaluate

whether a simple stream power model can be used to predict patterns in River Styles. Based on

the patterns of morphological river diversity in the Bislak Catchment, we recommend a range of

transferrable, geomorphologically informed strategies that can contribute towards improved place-

based understanding of river character and behaviour in the Philippines, essential for effective river

management (Tolentino, P.L., et. al., 2022).


2.2 Concept of the Study

Figure 2-1. Conceptual Framework


1. Analysis of the concept study from the previous 11. Summary of the study to formulate the
related literatures. conclusions.
2. Determining the devices and software that will 12. Analysis of the data to formulate the
be used for data collection. recommendations.


3. Consultation of different government agencies. 8. Descriptive analysis of the data base on the data
( LGU Iba, and National Irrigation Administration) collections and results.
4. Collection of data by using Geographic 9. Evaluation of the results and discussions.
information system (GIS) and remote sensing 10. Determining the use of the data collected for
software. future researchers and government agencies.
5. Examining the cross-sectional areas of the river.
6. Confirming the capacity of the Sta. Barbara
River in Iba, Zambales.
7. Data evaluation.

Figure 2-1 illustrates the study's conceptual framework. This paradigm contains the phases

that the study's emphasis will go through. Phase 1 focuses on the research concept. The

conceptualization process is critical in any research since it turns sections of an abstract theory into

testable hypotheses involving concrete factors in order to completely comprehend the river's

maximum capacity. Phase 2 focuses on collecting data. To obtain permission, we must consult

with several government bodies, and borrow devices and equipment to perform our research.

Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing Software will be used to collect data

for the project. Phase 3 focuses on the results of the data. Researchers will review the collected

data by means of analytical methods and arrive at relevant conclusions. This phase aims to

analyze the data accurately. Phase 4 focuses on providing conclusion and recommendation. The

researchers will provide interpretations about the significance of the findings of a research project,

along with recommendations.

2.3 Definition of Terms

Aggravation. This refers to an event that worsen and intensifies due to a certain


Capacity. This refers to the maximum extent of a thing can contain.

Coordinates. This refers to a point of a selected location on a map. Comprise of two

components that are a latitude, providing the north-south position, and the longitude, for its east-

west position.

Cross-section. This refers to a two-dimensional image that depicts the view or the shape of

a subject that has been cut straight through by a plane across it.

Deposition. This refers to the process of depositing sediments carried by wind or flowing

bodies of water.

Erosion. This refers to the geological process that breaks down surface soils and rock

debris due to natural forces such as wind, water flows, and runoffs,

Floodplain. This refers to a low-lying flat wetland that are formed due to erosion and

deposition and stretches on either side or next to a river channel and streams.

Geographical Information System. This refers to a system that captures, and display

descriptive information related on position on the Earth’s surface such as topographic maps and

different geographic context.

Remote Sensing. This refers to the process of identifying and observing a physical feature

by measuring its reflected and emitted radiation from Earth’s terrains, atmosphere and ecosystems

without making any physical contact with the subject (typically from satellite or aircraft).

River Channel. This refers to a waterway in between of two neighboring landmasses which

connects a larger body of water.

Riverine Flooding. This refers when the water in streams and river channels rises and

overflows exceeding its capacity covering up to the bordering dry lands mostly due to excessive

rainfalls over an extended period of time.


River Morphology. This refers to the field of science that deals with the changes in physical

properties and direction of a river channels over a certain period of time due to different sediment-

transport mechanisms.

River Stages. This refers to the water level at which the river surface is sufficient to reach

an established point at a certain location and is commonly measured in feet.

Sea Level. This refers as the basis for measuring the depth and elevation present on

Earth’s surface.

Sedimentation. This refers to the deposition of the soil particles and rock fragments

suspended in water or liquid stream then settle out and rest after a period of time due to the

presence of gravity.

Software. This refers to a set of data and computer programs designed to operate and

instruct the computer that allows the user to execute a specific task. General term for the

applications, and utilities within the device.

Surveying. This refers to the science of determining the physical features of a certain

location, this includes accurate measurements from above and beneath surface levels of the Earth.

Water Surface Slope. This refers to the presence of inclination in a liquid stream or

waterway, expressed as the change in elevation between two set of points at a given distance.


3.1 Materials

3.1.1 Software Earth Explorer USGS

The Earth Explorer USGS is a remote sensing software that provides topographic map that

will be used to represent the 2D visual representation of the Sta. Barbara river in Iba,

Zambales. The USGS contains the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) that is needed to provide

the cross-section of the river. Arc Geographic Information System

The Arc Geographic Information has features such as ArcMap that will be used to create

contour map and ArcScene to create the rendered visual representation of the river’s cross-

section. Microsoft Excel

The Microsoft Excel is use to input and summarize the data that will be gathered.

3.1.2 Hardware

This project study requires hardware items in addition to software materials to gather the

necessary information for getting significant research conclusions. The researchers will conduct

their investigation and collect data using laptop computers and mobile phones.

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Developmental Research Design

The researchers will use the developmental research method in evaluating the potential

capacity of the Sta. Barbara River in Iba, Zambales. This research study will use software such as

Microsoft Excel, Geographic Information System, and Earth Explorer USGS. Developmental

research is critical in instructional technology. The most common scenarios for developmental

research are those in which the process of developing a product is explored, documented, and


3.2.2 Procedures for the different phases

Phase 1: Establishing of Ideas

This phase aims to establish ideas to fully understand in evaluating the capacity of the river

and accumulate an overview of what device and software will be use.

Step 1: Identifying the problem


Step 2: Conduct an initial review of related literature to support and further understand the

research topic.

Step 3: Determining the device and software to be use in the study.

Phase 2: Methodology

To gather information for the study, researchers will consult with government agencies such as

The Local Government Unit in Iba, Zambales and the National Irrigation Administration (NIA). The

researchers will use software such as Earth Explorer USGS, Arc Geographic Information System

(GIS), and Microsoft Excel to evaluate the potential capacity of the Sta. Barbara river in Iba,


Phase 3: Results

Researchers will provide tables of results, descriptive analysis of the data base on the data

collections and results. Evaluate the results and the discussions conducted on the study. The data

collected will benefit future researchers and government agencies in different context.

Phase 4: Conclusion and Recommendation

The conclusion, summary of the results, simplification of findings, and recommendations from the

researchers on the study will be the final section.



1. <Appendix A:> <Title>

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