Correction of Activites Lecture 02 The Branches of Commerce

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University of Algiers 3
Faculty of Economics, Business and Management

International Business
Bachelor degree
Subject 02: The branches of commerce


Activity 01: Comprehension questions.

1) What is meant by production?
Production is any human activity which results in the creation of utilities,
goods or services which satisfy people’s wants.
2) What is the difference between trade and commerce?
Commerce means the distribution of the world’s goods, so as to satisfy the
needs of the people whereas trade is buying and selling of goods and services.
3) How many types trade is divided?
Trade is divided into two types: home trade and foreign trade.
4) What are aids to trade?
Aids to trade are activities which directly or indirectly facilitates smooth
exchange of goods and services, we have: transport, warehousing insurance
and banking.

Activity 02: Match the words with their definition.

1) Prime movers A/Farmers and miners who provide foodstuffs and
raw materials.
2) Primary producers B/The force which puts a machine in motion.
3) To lubricate C/To supply with oil in order to make smooth.

(1,B)/ (2,A)/ (3,C).

Activity 03: Give synonyms to these words.

Largely= widely
Made = produced
Rise = increase
End user = customer
Decreasing = declining

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