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Selling Experience


As requirement for finals, of the subject entrepreneurial management, I, Armie Aguirre, together with
my groupmates, Rosselle San Juan, Jerlynne Valenzuela, Beverly San Juan and Ian Maverick
Pantaleon created a temporary merchandising business where we sell products of our choices at
Tomas Claudio Memorial College last October 8 up to October 10, 2012. We call this temporary

We have contributed 200 each member as capital and agreed to sell, UKOY (deep-friend shrimp
patties), Candy mixes and other merchandises such as clips, pony tails and hair bands.

We start to display our products at the bench of TCMC at 9 am on October 8, the first day of our
selling activities, We were able to borrow a table from school. The first day of selling doesn't go well,
we were only able top generate a profit of less than seventy pesos because we also have competitors
from other groups and other classes of entrepreneurship.

On the 2nd day, We used the proceeds of our sale on the first day to purchase new products to sell.
Knowing the products of our competitors and the needs and want of our target market, we decided to
chnge the products that we sell. We then purchase convenient foods like chicharon, cassava chips
and shing aling, we were able to capture the market of High school students as well as those college
students. This day we were able to generate less than Three Hundred Pesos.

On the last day of our selling activities, We decided to sell "dalandan" as requested by our professors,
We again used the proceeds our sale from the second day to buy products to sell. We put all our
efforts and skills to sell everything that we have in our inventory and we are able to generate a profit
of more than Seven Hundred. The blow up of our profit is because of some consignment products
that we were able to acquire and we only paid up the cost of those product and the mark up price that
we put into it was added to our profit.

This 3days selling experience was quite fun yet so tiring but we were able to learn how to be
entrepreneur for even a short time and thats a credit to our most dedicated Entrep Professor Ms.
Lalaine Toriado.

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