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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. beach B. illegal C. disposal D. Screaming
2. A. huge B. gigantic C. origin D. region
3.A. preserved B. damaged C. reduced D. caused
4. A. choir B.memoir C. reservoir D. conservatoire
5. A. prayer B. pray C. says D. said
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
6.A. sequential B. mistake C. satisfy D. quality
7.A. residence B. establish C. maximum D. regional
8.. A. journalese B. volunteer C. kidnappee D. committee
9.. A. diocese B. quizzical C. picturesque D. pocketful
10 A. advantageous B. obsequious C. prejudicial D. hydrographic
Part 1 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
16. _____ in April 1991, Paul was arrested at his home and charged under the Computer
Misuse Act 1990.
A. Late a night B. Late one night C. Lately one night D. Lately a night
17. “What are you doing at home?” - “Well, I'm out _________ work at the moment.”
A. from B. to C. for D. of
18. All the way along the winding street _______.
A. he came B. came he C. did he come D. comes he
19. Marrying into such a rich family had always been ________ his wildest dreams.
A. under B. above C. over D. beyond
20. An unborn child ______ the status to be the subject of a legal duty.
A. lacks of B. lacks C. is lacking D. lacks in
21. Sacha kept his secret even from his closest friends and checked into a clinic for an
operation under an ___________ name.
A. assumed B. fraudulent C. bogus D. fake
22. Once we get to Rio, the rest of the journey should be ________.
A. calm waters B. plain sailing C. easy riding D. travelling light
23.If only the neighbor a pet fish, not a dog which always barks.
A. is having B. were having C. had had D. would have
24.Not only _________ in the project, but he also wanted to become the leader.
A. did Jack involve B. had Jack been involved
C. was Jack involved D. was involved Jack
25...................what would you bring back?
A. Think of going to Africa B. Imagine to go to Africa
C. If you should go to Africa . D. Supposing you went to Africa
26.Luisa does a full-time job and________.
A. looks after also the house B. looks after the house either
C. also looks after the house D. looks after the house too
27. Although she had never used a word-proceesor before, she soon got the............ of it.
A. feel B. touch C; move D. hang

28. Not until 1 received the letter of announcement,.................

A. I could recognize how bad the situation was
B. could I recognize how bad was the situation
C. how bad the situation was I recognized
D. did I recognize how bad the situation was
29.The competition ;________; but you failed to enter it.
A. must have provided you with opportunities B.could have provided you with.opportunities
C.should have provided you with opportunities D.may have had provisions for your opportunities
30.I felt a bit ...................... and seemed to have more aches and pains than usual.
A. out of sorts C. on the mend
B. over the worst. D. under the fever ,

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
31.- A”..............”
- B: “I won’t say no.”
A. What about, going .shopping? I want to pick a sequin dress.. 5

B. Shopping is so- costly and I’m saving for the summer holiday.
C. Do you know where to buy teenage clothes? I love anything in style;
D. What is your favourie clothes shop?
32.Two friends Jane and Thomas are talking about their final term test.
- Jane: “I’ve been half ready for the final term test.”
-Thomas: :
A. Then, I’d call it a day. B. Incredible! I haven’t even started.
C.Thank you so much. D. You are welcome!

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
33.The spa reflects temporary design accented by Vietnamese-style architectural elements.
A. separated B. emphasised C. paralleled D. combined
34.The minister’s visit last month was seen as an important milestone in the comprehensive tie between the
two countries.
A. stress B. signal C. landmark D. catalyst.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions,

35.Unfortunately,’the rise in the popularity of Vietnamese taking trips abroad is having detrimental impact
on the domestic tour market.
A. considerable B. adverse C. enormous D. beneficial
36.Both universities speak highly of the development of the strategic partnership in all fields. . .
A. express disapproval of B. voice opinions on
C. resolve a conflict over D. find favour with

Part 2
The following text comes from a student's essay. It contains 10 mistakes of grammar, word order, or
vocabulary. There are no punctuation mistakes. Find the mistakes, and write the corrections on your
answer sheet. (0) has been done as an example.
0. danger^ dangers

Part 4
Use the word in capital letters at the end of each sentence to form a word which fits in the gap.
Part 5
Read the text below and write ONE word in each blank space to make the passage grammatically correct
and meaningful.

Twenty-first century technology is bringing forth new and unusual disorders. The (51) latest one is
sleep-texting, which essentially means sending phone text messages
in your sleep. This relatively new phenomenon has been identified by the Melbourne Sleep Disorder
Centre. (52)_______________ originally recognised in Australia, it is a condition which is now
being observed in many other countries. A sleep specialist from the centre believes that the condition is
currently quite rare, but has the (53)____________________ to grow. The specialist states that he
has witnessed many instances of sufferers sending incoherent messages to their friends (54) asleep.
Texters are reportedly completely unaware of their sleep messaging
habits. Another authority on the subject cites the stresses of daily life as causing people to sleep-text. Other
experts believe that sleep texting shares many similar (55)________________________ with other
well-known sleep disorders such as sleep-walking.
People are now being advised to leave their mobile phones (56)________________ the bedroom in
order to resist the urge to text. Experts say that if the phone is to hand, then having a restful sleep, (57)
feeling compelled to reply to a message, is more difficult. Most
importantly, people need to respect their sleep and make an effort to wind down at night. (58) serious,
but rarer than sleep texting, is sleep-emailing. The (59)______________________________ is that
emails can be sent to work colleagues and have far graver repercussions, whereas text messages are more
often sent to a friend or family member, so these messages aren't as (60) to cause embarrassment.
Passage 1
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word for each of the blanks from 61 to 70.
The back of the human eye, called the retina, contains cells known as photoreceptors. Much human
blindness is due to retina disease or photoreceptor destruction, and once sight is (61) for either of
these two reasons, it cannot be (62)______________________________.
Until recently, experts had thought there were only two types of photoreceptors - rods and cones. But
experiments on mice, which have had both of these (63)__________________________, reveal that
other cells also have (64)________ form of light response. Scientists have found how to make
eye cells (65)_______ to light by activating a protein called melanopsin, and have thus
(66)______new ways to treat some forms of blindness.
The researchers are now working with engineers to (67)________________ prosthetic retinas that
might help people with sight disorders see more clearly. In addition, the current research suggests (68)
possible line of therapy. It is possible that melanopsin genes could be
(69)_____ into intact cells in diseased retinas, turning them into functional photoreceptors.
(70)_____ , making cells in the eye responsive to light is no cure for blindness and the resulting ‘vision'
may be little more than black and white light sensitivity.

Passage 2 (10 marks)

While looking for information on the Internet for an environmental studies assignment, you come across
this article on invasive species. Read the article carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Species that are considered part of the flora and fauna composing the biodiversity of the region they
inhabit are called endemic species. Some have a limited geographic range, while others are found
throughout one or more continents. Invasive species, on the other hand, are those that have moved or been
introduced into an area outside their natural range, an area where they would not normally be found.
According to leading ecologists, invasive species are the second most significant threat to biodiversity after
habitat loss. Provided they adapt to their new ecosystems, alien species can become predators and
competitors of native plants and animals.
It takes the right conditions for an alien species to flourish, though. In fact, the majority of them
either don't find the appropriate conditions for their long-term survival or don't produce enough offspring to
maintain a viable population. However, some do manage to thrive in their new environments. A striking
example is the Asian longhorn beetle, which has recently joined the ranks of the zebra mussel, the gypsy
moth and hundreds of other unwanted foreigners to the US. Ecologists claim that these unwanted invaders
now pose a significant threat to endemic flora and fauna and cost $123 billion annually.
Although the Asian longhorn poses few problems in the natural forests of its native China, it has
become a pest elsewhere in Asia as it has spread through poplar tree plantations cultivated for the
manufacture of shipping crates. Experts believe the invasion of the Asian longhorn into the US occurred
when the creatures hitchhiked from Asia in crates carrying machinery parts for a water treatment facility in
New York. Within two years, authorities banned the import of goods in wooden crates that weren't sprayed
with pesticides, but experts feared that the infection had already begun. Indeed, in 1998, a Chicago resident
notified authorities of the second Asian longhorn invasion to hit America, after finding strange-looking
beetles crawling out of imported firewood he had just bought. To date, firewood importers in 20 states have
reported signs of the Asian longhorn.
The Asian longhorn reproduces prolifically, with the female depositing around 60 eggs under the
bark of a tree. The larvae burrow into the tree, feeding on the wood as they go. After metamorphosing into
adults, the beetles tunnel out in spring to reproduce. Individual trees are often home to successive
generations of beetles, which carry on eating through the wood until the tree dies. Authorities in affected
states have been scouring infested areas, battling to keep the beetle population in check. The greatest fear
in New York is the threat to Central Park, where its 26,000 trees are being inspected branch by branch. The
infested trees are cut down and then incinerated. In the last three years 5,000 trees have been felled in New
York alone, 3,500 of which were growing in Central Park. In Chicago, 1,500 trees have met their untimely
death this way, bringing the nation's total of felled trees to 15,000.
In the meantime, scientists are looking into less destructive solutions. A team at NYU is
experimenting with beetle pheromones, natural chemicals that attract beetles, in the hope that they will
discover one that draws the Asian longhorn out of its habitat. And researchers from the US Department of
Agriculture have made a breakthrough that will soon be exploited: they have discovered that the Asian
longhorn is vulnerable to wasps when it is still a grub living under the bark of the tree, where conventional
pesticides have difficulty reaching.
Unfortunately, the Asian longhorn is just the tip of the iceberg. Nevertheless, experts are confident their
research will eventually curb not only the Asian longhorn, but future invasive species as well. They admit
that we will never be able to completely close the door to them, but maintain that if appropriate research is
carried out and action is taken, their effects on our nation's biodiversity can be mitigated.
71. What best defines the ‘biodiversity' of a region?
A. the geographic area the region covers
B. the plants and animals that naturally inhabit the region
C. the ecosystem a specific species inhabits
D. the species that have been introduced to the region
72. What happens to most species when they are introduced to a new environment?
A. They manage to change its ecosystem.
B. They reproduce and spread quickly.
C. They fail to permanently establish themselves.
D. They cause significant problems for native species.
73. Why does the author mention the zebra mussel and gypsy moth?
A. to show which native species the Asian longhorn beetle threatens
B. as examples of the many alien species that now thrive in the USA
C. to show which invasive species cost the country $123 billion each year
D. as examples of species that compete with the Asian longhorn beetle
74. The Asian longhorn beetle probably first entered the USA
A. in untreated wooden crates
B. through imported poplar trees from Asia
C. in 1998
D. hidden in machinery parts
75. What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
A. Treating wooden crates will stop the spread of the beetle.
B. The beetle can now be found across the USA.
C. Wooden crates should be treated with water.
D. The USA exports firewood to Asia.
76. Which of the following is closest in meaning to ‘keep the beetle population in check' in paragraph
A. eradicate all the beetles
B. confirm how many beetles there are
C. control the number of beetles
D. find out how the beetle population is spreading

77. How many trees have been destroyed in New York and Chicago?
A. 5,000 B.6,500 C.10,000 D.20,000
78. What does the word ‘they' refer to in paragraph 5?
A. NYU scientists B.beetle pheromones
C.natural chemicals D.beetles
79. What will authorities probably use next to try kill off the beetle?
A. a chemical that is found in nature
B. another invasive species
C. new pesticides
D. an insect that feeds on young beetles
80. What is believed about invasive species in the US?
A. Experts can do little to lessen their negative impacts.
B. There are far more of them than local authorities realize.
C. Some states have managed to escape invasion.
D. They will somehow always find a way into the country.

For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original
sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way.

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