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Differential Equations, SEM.: III

UPC: 32355301
SESSION: 2022 – 2023

Submitted to

Ms. Barkha
(Assistant Professor)
Department of Mathematics
Ram Lal Anand College


Aryan Kohli

Ram Lal Anand College
University of Delhi

.No Name of Practical Page no Date of Practical

1. Solving First Order Linear Differential 1-5 08-08-2022


2. Plotting Second Order Family of Differential Equation 6-11 22-08-2022

3. Plotting Third Order Solution Family of Differential 12-17 05-09-2022


4. Solution of Differential Equation by Variation of Parameter 18-20 19-09-2022


5. Solution of System of Ordinary Differential 21-25 10-10-2022


6. Solution of Cauchy problem for first order partial 26-29 31-10-2022

differential equations

7. Plotting the characteristics of first order partial 30-32 21-11-2022

differential equations

8. Plotting the integral surface of the first order partial 33-34 05-12-2022
differential equation with initial data
Plotting of first order solution
family of Differential Equation
1.1 Solving Linear Ordinary Differential Equation

Question 1 : Solve first order differential equation dy/dx + y = asin (x).

Solution :

In[ ]:= DSolve[y '[x] + y[x] ⩵ a * Sin[x], y[x], x]

Out[ ]= y[x] → ⅇ-x 1 + a - Cos[x] + Sin[x]

Question 2 : Solve first order differential equation dy/dx - 3 (1 - 4 x^2) = 0.

Solution :

In[ ]:= DSolvey '[x] - 3 1 - 4 x ^ 2 ⩵ 0, y[x], x

Out[ ]= y[x] → 3 x - 4 x3 + 1 

Question 3 : Solve first order differential equation dy/dx + y = 0.

Solution :

In[ ]:= DSolve[y '[x] + y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

Out[ ]= y[x] → ⅇ-x 1 

Question 4. Solve the differential equation dy / dx tanx =

2 y - 8 and plot its solution.
In[ ]:= e1 = y '[x] * Tan[x] ⩵ 2 * y[x] - 8
Out[ ]= Tan[x] y′ [x] ⩵ - 8 + 2 y[x]

In[ ]:= DSolve[e1, y[x], x]

In[ ]:= y[x] → 4 + 1 Sin[x]2 

e2 = DSolvee1, yPi  2 ⩵ 0, y[x], x
Out[ ]= y[x] → 4 + 1 Sin[x]2 

Out[ ]= y[x] → - 4 - 1 + Sin[x]2 

2 practical 1.nb

In[ ]:= Plot[y[x] /. e2, {x, - 5, 5}]

Out[ ]= 2

-4 -2 2 4

Question 5 : Solve first order differential equation 2 xy dy / dx -

4 x^2 - 3 y^2 = 0 and plot its solution.
In[ ]:= sol = DSolve2 x * y[x] × y '[x] - 4 x ^ 2 - 3 y[x] ^ 2 ⩵ 0, y[x], x
tab = Tabley[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → k}, k, 1  2, 10, 2
Plot[Evaluate[tab, {x, 0, 30}], PlotRange → All, PlotStyle → {Thickness[0.02]},
PlotLegends → {tab[[1]], tab[[2]], tab[[3]], tab[[4]], tab[[5]]}]

Out[ ]= y[x] → - x - 4 + x 1 , y[x] → x - 4 + x 1 

x 5x 9x 13 x 17 x
Out[ ]= - -4 + x, - x -4 + , -x -4 + , -x -4 + , -x -4 + 
2 2 2 2 2

5 10 15 20 25 30 - -4 x

-x -4

Out[ ]= -x -4

13 x
-x -4

17 x
-x -4
-500 2

Question 6 : Solve first order differential equation 2 xe^2 ydy / dx - 3 x^4 - e^2 y =
0 and plot its solution.
practical 1.nb 3

In[ ]:= sol = DSolve[2 x * Exp[2 * y[x]] * y '[x] - 3 x ^ 4 - Exp[2 * y[x]] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]
tab = Tabley[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → k}, k, 1  2, 10, 2
Plot[Evaluate[tab], {x, - 2, 2}, PlotStyle → Thick,
PlotLegends → {tab[[1]], tab[[2]], tab[[3]], tab[[4]], tab[[5]]}]
Solve: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution
Out[ ]= y[x] → Log- x - x3 - 1 
1 1 1 5
Out[ ]=  Log- x - - x3 , Log- x -- x3 ,
2 2 2 2
1 9 1 13 1 17
Log- x - - x3 , Log- x - - x3 , Log- x - - x3 
2 2 2 2 2 2

1 1
1 log-x -x 3 - 
2 2
1 5
log-x -x 3 - 
2 2
1 9
Out[ ]= -2 -1 1 2 log-x -x 3 - 
2 2
1 13
log-x -x 3 - 
2 2
1 17
log-x -x 3 - 
2 2


 Question 7. Solve first order differential equation dy / dx - x^2 = 0.

4 practical 1.nb

In[ ]:= sol = DSolve[y '[x] - x ^ 2 ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

tab = Table[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → k}, {k, 1, 10, 1}]
Plot[Evaluate[tab], {x, - 2, 2}, PlotStyle → Thick,
PlotLegends → Table[tab[[i]], {i, 1, 10}]]
Out[ ]= y[x] → + 1 
x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3
Out[ ]= 1 + , 2+ , 3+ , 4+ , 5+ , 6+ , 7+ , 8+ , 9+ , 10 + 
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

6 3
Out[ ]=
2 +7
1 2
-2 -1 3

-2 x3
+ 10

 

Solve: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution

Solve: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution
practical 1.nb 5

Solve: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution

Solve: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution

Set: Tag Times in Null  y[x] → Log[-x Plus[2]] is Protected.

1 1 1 5 1 9 1 13 1 17
Part: Part 6 of  Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x3 
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
does not exist.
1 1 1 5 1 9 1 13 1 17
Part: Part 7 of  Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x3 
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
does not exist.
1 1 1 5 1 9 1 13 1 17
Part: Part 8 of  Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x3 
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
does not exist.

General: Further output of Part::partw will be suppressed during this calculation.

1 1 1 5 1 9 1 13 1 17
Part: Part 6 of  Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x3 
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
does not exist.
1 1 1 5 1 9 1 13 1 17
Part: Part 7 of  Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x3 
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
does not exist.
1 1 1 5 1 9 1 13 1 17
Part: Part 8 of  Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x 3 , Log-x - - x3 
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
does not exist.

General: Further output of Part::partw will be suppressed during this calculation.

6 practical 1.nb
Plotting Second Order Solution
Family Of Differential Equation

2.1 Solving Second Order Differential Equation

Question 1. Solve the second order

diferential equation d^2 y / dx^2 + dy / dx = 0
In[1]:= DSolve[y ''[x] + y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

Out[1]= {{y[x] → 1 Cos[x] + 2 Sin[x]}}

In[2]:= Question 2. Solve the second order

differential equation d^2 y / dx^2 + dy / dx - 6 y = 0
DSolve[y ''[x] + y '[x] - 6 y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

Out[3]= y[x] → ⅇ-3 x 1 + ⅇ2 x 2 

In[4]:= Question 3. Solve the second order

differential equation 4 d^2 y + 12 dy / dx + 9 y = 0
DSolve[4 y ''[x] + 12 y '[x] + 9 y[x] == 0, y[x], x]

Out[5]= y[x] → ⅇ-3 x/2 1 + ⅇ-3 x/2 x 2 

In[6]:= Question 4. Solve the second order

differential equation d^2 y / dx^2 - 6 dy / dx + 13 y = 0
DSolve[y ''[x] - 6 y '[x] + 13 y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

In[8]:= y[x] → ⅇ3 x 2 Cos[2 x] + ⅇ3 x 1 Sin[2 x]

Question 5. Solve the second order
differential equation d^2 y / dx^2 - 2 dy / dx + y = 0
DSolve[y ''[x] - 2 y '[x] + y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]
Out[8]= y[x] → ⅇ3 x 2 Cos[2 x] + ⅇ3 x 1 Sin[2 x]

y[x] → ⅇx 1 + ⅇx x 2 

2.2 Plotting of Solution of second order differential equations

2 practical2.nb

Question 1. Solve second order differential equation d^2 y / dx^2 +

y = 0 and plot its three solutions

In[121]:= DSolve[y ''[x] + y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

Sol = DSolve[y ''[x] + y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x
sol1 = Evaluate[y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 1, C[2] → 2}]
sol2 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 1 / 2, C[2] → 5}
sol3 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → -1, C[2] → -4}
Plot{sol1, sol2, sol3}, {x, -20, 20},
PlotStyle → Red, Thickness[0.01], Green, Thick, Purple, Thickness[0.02],
PlotLegends → {sol1, sol2, sol3}
Out[121]= {{y[x] → 1 Cos[x] + 2 Sin[x]}}

Out[122]= {{y[x] → 1 Cos[x] + 2 Sin[x]}}

Out[123]= Cos[x] + 2 Sin[x]

Out[124]= + 5 Sin[x]
Out[125]= - Cos[x] - 4 Sin[x]

2 sin(x) + cos(x)
Out[126]= 5 sin(x) +
-20 -10 10 20 2

-4 sin(x) - cos(x)


Question 2 :
Solve second order differential equation d^2 y / dx^2 + dy / dx - 6 y =
0 and plot its three solutions.
practical2.nb 3

In[142]:= sol = DSolve[y ''[x] + y '[x] - 6 y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

sol1 = Evaluate[y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 1, C[2] → 2}]
sol2 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. C[1] → 1  2, C[2] → 5
sol3 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 1, C[2] → - 5}
Plot[{sol1, sol2, sol3}, {x, - 20, 20}, PlotStyle →
{{Blue, Thickness[0.04]}, {Green, Thickness[0.03]}, {Yellow, Thickness[0.02]}},
PlotLegends → {sol1, sol2, sol3}]
Out[142]= y[x] → ⅇ-3 x 1 + ⅇ2 x 2 

Out[143]= ⅇ-3 x + 2 ⅇ2 x

ⅇ-3 x
Out[144]= + 5 ⅇ2 x
Out[145]= - ⅇ-3 x - 5 ⅇ2 x

1 × 1016

5 × 1015
ⅇ-3 x + 2 ⅇ2 x
ⅇ-3 x
Out[146]= + 5 ⅇ2 x

-20 -10 10 20
-ⅇ-3 x - 5 ⅇ2 x

-5 × 1015

Question 3. Solve the second order differential equation 4 d^2 y +

12 dy / dx + 9 y = 0 and Plot its four solutions
4 practical2.nb

In[147]:= Sol = DSolve[4 y ''[x] + 12 y '[x] + 9 y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

sol1 = Evaluate[y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 1, C[2] → 4}]
sol2 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 3, C[2] → 6}
sol3 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 10, C[2] → 7}
sol4 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 1.5, C[2] → - 5}
Plot[{sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4}, {x, - 2, 2},
PlotStyle → {{Blue, Thick}, {Green, Thick}, {Yellow, Thick}, {Red, Thick}},
PlotLegends → {sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4}]
Out[147]= y[x] → ⅇ-3 x/2 1 + ⅇ-3 x/2 x 2 

Out[148]= - ⅇ-3 x/2 + 4 ⅇ-3 x/2 x

Out[149]= 3 ⅇ-3 x/2 + 6 ⅇ-3 x/2 x

Out[150]= - 10 ⅇ-3 x/2 + 7 ⅇ-3 x/2 x

Out[151]= - 1.5 ⅇ-3 x/2 - 5 ⅇ-3 x/2 x


3x 3x
- -
4ⅇ 2 x-ⅇ 2

3x 3x
-2 -1 1 2 - -
6ⅇ 2 x +3ⅇ 2
3x 3x
- -
7ⅇ 2 x - 10 ⅇ 2

3x 3x
-50 - -
-5 ⅇ 2 x - 1.5 ⅇ 2


Question 4. Solve the second order differential equation d^2

y / dx^2 - 6 dy / dx + 13 y = 0 and Plot its three solutions
practical2.nb 5

In[153]:= Sol = DSolve[y ''[x] - 6 y '[x] + 13 y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

Sol1 = Evaluate[y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → -1, C[2] → 4}]
Sol2 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 3, C[2] → 6}
Sol3 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → -10, C[2] → -7}
Plot{Sol1, Sol2, Sol3}, {x, -5, 5}, PlotStyle →
Red, Thickness[0.01], Green, Thick, Orange, Thickness[0.01], PlotRange → All,
PlotLegends → {Sol1, Sol2, Sol3}
Out[153]= y[x] → ⅇ3 x 2 Cos[2 x] + ⅇ3 x 1 Sin[2 x]

Out[154]= 4 ⅇ3 x Cos[2 x] - ⅇ3 x Sin[2 x]

Out[155]= 6 ⅇ3 x Cos[2 x] + 3 ⅇ3 x Sin[2 x]

Out[156]= - 7 ⅇ3 x Cos[2 x] - 10 ⅇ3 x Sin[2 x]

4 × 107

3 × 107

2 × 107
4 ⅇ3 x cos(2 x) - ⅇ3 x sin(2 x)
1 × 10
Out[157]= 3 ⅇ3 x sin(2 x) + 6 ⅇ3 x cos(2 x)
-10 ⅇ3 x sin(2 x) - 7 ⅇ3 x cos(2 x)
-4 -2 2 4

-1 × 107

-2 × 107

Question 5. Solve the second order differential equation d^2

y / dx^2 - 2 dy / dx + y = 0 and Plot its five solutions
6 practical2.nb

In[158]:= Sol = DSolve[y ''[x] - 2 y '[x] + y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

sol1 = Evaluate[y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 1, C[2] → 4}]
sol2 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 3, C[2] → 6}
sol3 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 10, C[2] → 7}
sol4 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 1.5, C[2] → - 5}
sol5 = y[x] /. Sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 2, C[2] → 8}
Plot[{sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4, sol5},
{x, - 5, 5}, PlotStyle → {{Blue, Thick}, {Green, Thick},
{Yellow, Thick}, {Red, Thick}, {Purple, Thickness[0.01]}},
PlotLegends → {sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4, sol5}]
Out[158]= y[x] → ⅇx 1 + ⅇx x 2 

Out[159]= - ⅇx + 4 ⅇx x

Out[160]= 3 ⅇx + 6 ⅇx x

Out[161]= - 10 ⅇx + 7 ⅇx x

Out[162]= - 1.5 ⅇx - 5 ⅇx x

Out[163]= 2 ⅇx + 8 ⅇx x


4 ⅇx x - ⅇ x
6 ⅇx x + 3 ⅇ x
Out[164]= 7 ⅇx x - 10 ⅇx
-5 ⅇx x - 1.5 ⅇx
-4 -2 2 4
8 ⅇx x + 2 ⅇ x

practical2.nb 7
8 practical2.nb
Practical - 3
Plotting of third order solution
family of differential equation

Question1. Solve third order differential equation d ^3 y / dx^3 -

5 d ^2 y / dx^2 + 8 dy / dx + - 4 y =
0 and Plot its three solution.
Solution :
In[ ]:= sol = DSolve[y '''[x] - 5 y ''[x] + 8 y '[x] - 4 y[x] == 0, y[x], x]
sol1 = Evaluatey[x] /. sol[[1]] /. C[1] → 1, C[2] → 0.5, C[3] → 2  3
sol2 = Evaluatey[x] /. sol[[1]] /. C[1] → - 1  2, C[2] → 0, C[3] → - 1
sol3 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 1, C[2] → - 4, C[3] → 2}]
Plot[{sol1, sol2, sol3}, {x, - 5, 3}, PlotRange → {- 30, 30},
PlotStyle → {{Red, Thickness[0.01]}, {Green, Thick}, {Purple, Thickness[0.02]}},
PlotLegends → {sol1, sol2, sol3}]
Out[ ]= y[x] → ⅇx 1 + ⅇ2 x 2 + ⅇ2 x x 3 

Out[ ]= ⅇx + 0.5 ⅇ2 x + ⅇ2 x x
Out[ ]= - - ⅇ2 x x
Out[ ]= - ⅇx - 4 ⅇ2 x + 2 ⅇ2 x x


10 2
ⅇ2 x x + ⅇx + 0.5 ⅇ2 x
Out[ ]=
-4 -2 2 -ⅇ2 x x -

2 ⅇ2 x x - ⅇ x - 4 ⅇ 2 x



Question2. Solve third order differential equation d ^3 y / dx^3 +

3 d ^2 y / dx^2 - 25 dy / dx + 21 y =
0 and Plot its four solution.
Solution :
2 Practical_3.nb

In[25]:= sol = DSolve[y '''[x] + 3 * y ''[x] - 25 * y '[x] + 21 y[x] == 0, y[x], x]

sol1 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 1, C[2] → 0, C[3] → 2}]
sol2 = Evaluatey[x] /. sol[[1]] /. C[1] → - 1  2, C[2] → 0, C[3] → 1
sol3 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 1, C[2] → - 4, C[3] → 2}]
sol4 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 0.5, C[2] → - 2, C[3] → 1}]
Plot[{sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4}, {x, - 0.5, 0.5},
PlotStyle → {{Red, Thickness[0.01]}, {Green, Thick}, {Purple, Thickness[0.01]},
{Yellow, Thickness[0.01]}}, PlotLegends → {sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4}]
Out[25]= y[x] → ⅇ-7 x 1 + ⅇx 2 + ⅇ3 x 3 

Out[26]= ⅇ-7 x + 2 ⅇ3 x

Out[27]= - ⅇ-7 x + ⅇ3 x
Out[28]= - ⅇ-7 x - 4 ⅇx + 2 ⅇ3 x

Out[29]= - 0.5 ⅇ-7 x - 2 ⅇx + ⅇ3 x



ⅇ-7 x + 2 ⅇ3 x
ⅇ3 x - ⅇ-7 x
-0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4
-ⅇ-7 x - 4 ⅇx + 2 ⅇ3 x
-0.5 ⅇ-7 x - 2 ⅇx + ⅇ3 x


Question3. Solve third order differential equation d ^3 y / dx^3 -

4 d ^2 y / dx^2 - 25 dy / dx + 28 y = 0 and Plot its Four solution.
Solution :
Practical_3.nb 3

In[37]:= sol = DSolve[y '''[x] - 4 * y ''[x] - 25 * y '[x] + 28 y[x] == 0, y[x], x]

sol1 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 1, C[2] → 0, C[3] → 2}]
sol2 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 2, C[2] → 10, C[3] → 3}]
sol3 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 1, C[2] → - 4, C[3] → 20}]
sol4 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 0.5, C[2] → - 2, C[3] → 1}]
Plot[{sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4}, {x, - 0.5, 0.5},
PlotStyle → {{Red, Thickness[0.01]}, {Green, Thick}, {Purple, Thickness[0.01]},
{Yellow, Thickness[0.01]}}, PlotLegends → {sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4}]
Out[37]= y[x] → ⅇ-4 x 1 + ⅇx 2 + ⅇ7 x 3 

Out[38]= ⅇ-4 x + 2 ⅇ7 x

Out[39]= - 2 ⅇ-4 x + 10 ⅇx + 3 ⅇ7 x

Out[40]= - ⅇ-4 x - 4 ⅇx + 20 ⅇ7 x

Out[41]= - 0.5 ⅇ-4 x - 2 ⅇx + ⅇ7 x


60 ⅇ-4 x + 2 ⅇ7 x
-2 ⅇ-4 x + 10 ⅇx + 3 ⅇ7 x
-ⅇ-4 x - 4 ⅇx + 20 ⅇ7 x
-0.5 ⅇ-4 x - 2 ⅇx + ⅇ7 x

-0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4

Question4. Solve third order differential equation d ^3 y / dx^3 -

13 d ^2 y / dx^2 + 19 dy / dx + 33 y = 0 and Plot its four solution.
Solution :
4 Practical_3.nb

In[49]:= sol = DSolve[y '''[x] - 13 * y ''[x] + 19 * y '[x] + 33 y[x] ⩵ Cos[2 x], y[x], x]
sol1 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 1, C[2] → 0, C[3] → 2}]
sol2 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 10, C[2] → 3, C[3] → 6}]
sol3 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 1, C[2] → - 7, C[3] → 0.7}]
sol4 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 10.5, C[2] → 2, C[3] → 1}]
Plot[{sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4}, {x, 4, 6},
PlotStyle → {{Red, Thickness[0.01]}, {Green, Thick}, {Purple, Thickness[0.01]},
{Yellow, Thickness[0.01]}}, PlotLegends → {sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4}]
17 Cos[2 x] + 6 Sin[2 x]
Out[49]= y[x] → ⅇ-x 1 + ⅇ3 x 2 + ⅇ11 x 3 + 
17 Cos[2 x] + 6 Sin[2 x]
Out[50]= ⅇ-x + 2 ⅇ11 x +
17 Cos[2 x] + 6 Sin[2 x]
Out[51]= 10 ⅇ-x + 3 ⅇ3 x + 6 ⅇ11 x +
17 Cos[2 x] + 6 Sin[2 x]
Out[52]= - ⅇ-x - 7 ⅇ3 x + 0.7 ⅇ11 x +
17 Cos[2 x] + 6 Sin[2 x]
Out[53]= - 10.5 ⅇ-x + 2 ⅇ3 x + ⅇ11 x +

4 × 1027

6 sin(2 x)+17 cos(2 x)

ⅇ-x + 2 ⅇ11 x +
3 × 1027 1625
6 sin(2 x)+17 cos(2 x)
10 ⅇ-x + 3 ⅇ3 x + 6 ⅇ11 x +
2 × 1027 6 sin(2 x)+17 cos(2 x
-ⅇ-x - 7 ⅇ3 x + 0.7 ⅇ11 x +
6 sin(2 x)+17 cos(2
1 × 1027
-10.5 ⅇ-x + 2 ⅇ3 x + ⅇ11 x +

4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0

Question5. Solve third order differential equation d ^3 y / dx^3 + 2 y =

0 and Plot its five solution.
Solution :
Practical_3.nb 5

In[61]:= sol = DSolve[y '''[x] + 2 y[x] == 0, y[x], x]

sol1 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → 1, C[2] → 0, C[3] → 2}]
sol2 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 2, C[2] → 10, C[3] → 3}]
sol3 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 1, C[2] → - 4, C[3] → 20}]
sol4 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 0.5, C[2] → - 2, C[3] → 1}]
sol5 = Evaluate[y[x] /. sol[[1]] /. {C[1] → - 4, C[2] → - 2, C[3] → 2}]
Plot[{sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4, sol5}, {x, - 0.5, 0.5},
PlotStyle → {{Red, Thickness[0.01]}, {Orange, Thickness[0.01]},
{Green, Thick}, {Purple, Thickness[0.01]}, {Yellow, Thickness[0.01]}},
PlotLegends → {sol1, sol2, sol3, sol4, sol5}]

3 x x
3 x
Out[61]= y[x] → ⅇ-2 3 + ⅇ 2 23
2 Cos  + ⅇ2 23
1 Sin 
22/3 22/3

3 x
Out[62]= 2 ⅇ-2 + ⅇ2 23
Sin 

3 x x
3 x
Out[63]= 3 ⅇ-2 + 10 ⅇ 2 23
Cos  - 2 ⅇ2 23
Sin 
22/3 22/3

3 x x
3 x
Out[64]= 20 ⅇ-2 - 4 ⅇ2 23
Cos  - ⅇ2 23
Sin 
22/3 22/3

3 x x
3 x
Out[65]= ⅇ-2 - 2 ⅇ2 23
Cos  - 0.5 ⅇ 2 23
Sin 
22/3 22/3

3 x x
3 x
Out[66]= 2 ⅇ-2 - 2 ⅇ2 23
Cos  - 4 ⅇ2 23
Sin 
22/3 22/3

2 x 3 x
30 2 ⅇ- + ⅇ 2 sin

x x
2 x 3 x
3 ⅇ- - 2 ⅇ 2 sin 2/3
 + 10 ⅇ 2 cos2/3

x x
2 x 3 x
Out[67]= 20 ⅇ- - ⅇ 2 sin
 - 4 ⅇ 2 cos

22/3 2
x x
10 3
2 x 3 x
ⅇ- - 0.5 ⅇ 2 sin 2/3
 - 2 ⅇ 2 cos

x x
2 x 3 x
2 ⅇ- - 4 ⅇ 2 sin 2/3
 - 2 ⅇ 2 cos

-0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4
Practical - 4
Solution of Differential
Equation by Variation of
Parameter Method
Question 1. Solve the differential equation d^2 y / dx^2 + 4 y =
In[ ]:= e1 = y ''[x] + 4 * y[x] ⩵ Sin[x] ^ 2
cf = DSolve[y ''[x] + 4 * y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

4 y[x] + y′′ [x] ⩵ Sin[x]2

Out[ ]= {{y[x] → 1 Cos[2 x] + 2 Sin[2 x]}}

In[ ]:= u[x_] := Cos[2 * x]

v[x_] := Sin[2 * x]
w = Simplify[Det[{{u[x], v[x]}, {u '[x], v '[x]}}]]
Out[ ]= 2

In[ ]:= f1 = Integrate- v[x] * Sin[x] ^ 2  w, x

Out[ ]= - Sin[x]4

In[ ]:= g1 = Integrateu[x] * Sin[x] ^ 2  w, x

1 x 1 1
Out[ ]= - + Sin[2 x] - Sin[4 x]
2 4 4 16

In[ ]:= pi = f1 * u[x] + g1 * v[x]

1 1 x 1 1
Out[ ]= - Cos[2 x] Sin[x]4 + Sin[2 x] - + Sin[2 x] - Sin[4 x]
4 2 4 4 16

In[ ]:= cf + pi
Out[ ]= y[x] → 1 Cos[2 x] + 2 Sin[2 x] -
1 1 x 1 1
Cos[2 x] Sin[x]4 + Sin[2 x] - + Sin[2 x] - Sin[4 x] 
4 2 4 4 16

Question 2. Solve the differential equation d^2 y / dx^2 + y = tanx.

In[ ]:= e1 = y ''[x] + y[x] ⩵ Tan[x]
Out[ ]= y[x] + y′′ [x] ⩵ Tan[x]

In[ ]:= cf = DSolve[y ''[x] + y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

Out[ ]= {{y[x] → 1 Cos[x] + 2 Sin[x]}}
2 Practical_4.nb

In[ ]:= u[x_] := Cos[x]

v[x_] := Sin[x]

In[ ]:= w = Simplify[Det[{{u[x], v[x]}, {u '[x], v '[x]}}]]

Out[ ]= 1

In[ ]:= f1 = Integrate[- (v[x] * Tan[x]) / w, x]

x x x x
Out[ ]= LogCos  - Sin  - LogCos  + Sin  + Sin[x]
2 2 2 2

In[ ]:= g1 = Integrate[(u[x] * Tan[x]) / w, x]

Out[ ]= - Cos[x]

In[ ]:= pi = f1 * u[x] + g1 * v[x]

x x x x
Out[ ]= - Cos[x] Sin[x] + Cos[x] LogCos  - Sin  - LogCos  + Sin  + Sin[x]
2 2 2 2

In[ ]:= cf + pi
Out[ ]= y[x] → 1 Cos[x] + 2 Sin[x] - Cos[x] Sin[x] +
x x x x
Cos[x] LogCos  - Sin  - LogCos  + Sin  + Sin[x] 
2 2 2 2

Question 3. Solve the differential equation d^2 y / dx^2 +

2 dy / dx = e^xsinx.
In[ ]:= e1 = y ''[x] - 2 * y '[x] ⩵ e ^ x * Sin[x]
Out[ ]= - 2 y′ [x] + y′′ [x] ⩵ ex Sin[x]

In[ ]:= cf = DSolve[y ''[x] - 2 * y '[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

Out[ ]= y[x] → ⅇ2 x 1 + 2 

Question 4. Solve the differential equation d^2 y / dx^2 + 4 y =

In[ ]:= e1 = y ''[x] + 4 y[x] == e ^ x
Out[ ]= 4 y[x] + y′′ [x] ⩵ ex

In[ ]:= cf = DSolve[y ''[x] + 4 y[x] ⩵ 0, y[x], x]

Out[ ]= {{y[x] → 1 Cos[2 x] + 2 Sin[2 x]}}

In[ ]:= u[x_] := Cos[2 * x]

v[x_] := Sin[2 * x]
w = Simplify[Det[{{u[x], v[x]}, {u '[x], v '[x]}}]]
Out[ ]= 2

In[ ]:= f1 = Integrate[- (v[x] * e ^ x) / w, x]

ex - 2 Cos[2 x] + Log[e] Sin[2 x]
Out[ ]= -
2 4 + Log[e]2 
Practical_4.nb 3

In[ ]:= g1 = Integrate[(u[x] * e ^ x) / w, x]

ex Cos[2 x] Log[e] + 2 Sin[2 x]
Out[ ]=
2 4 + Log[e]2 

In[ ]:= pi = f1 * u[x] + g1 * v[x]

ex Sin[2 x] Cos[2 x] Log[e] + 2 Sin[2 x] ex Cos[2 x] - 2 Cos[2 x] + Log[e] Sin[2 x]
Out[ ]= -
2 4 + Log[e]2  2 4 + Log[e]2 

In[ ]:= cf + pi
Out[ ]= y[x] → 1 Cos[2 x] + 2 Sin[2 x] +
ex Sin[2 x] Cos[2 x] Log[e] + 2 Sin[2 x] ex Cos[2 x] - 2 Cos[2 x] + Log[e] Sin[2 x]
- 
2 4 + Log[e]2  2 4 + Log[e]2 
Practical - 5
Solution of
Solution of Ordinary
Differerntial Equation
Question 1. Solve the system of differential equation dy / dx + y =
z + e^x, dz / dx + z = y + e^x
In[147]:= e1 = y '[x] + y[x] ⩵ z[x] + Exp[x]
e2 = z '[x] + z[x] ⩵ y[x] + Exp[x]
DSolve[{e1, e2}, {y[x], z[x]}, x]

Out[147]= y[x] + y′ [x] ⩵ ⅇx + z[x]

Out[148]= z[x] + z′ [x] ⩵ ⅇx + y[x]

1 1 1 1
Out[149]= y[x] → ⅇ-x - 1 + ⅇ2 x  + ⅇ-x 1 + ⅇ2 x  + ⅇ-2 x 1 + ⅇ2 x  1 + ⅇ-2 x - 1 + ⅇ2 x  2 ,
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
z[x] → ⅇ-x - 1 + ⅇ2 x  + ⅇ-x 1 + ⅇ2 x  + ⅇ-2 x - 1 + ⅇ2 x  1 + ⅇ-2 x 1 + ⅇ2 x  2 
2 2 2 2

Question 2. Solve the system of differential equation dx / dt -

7 x + y = 0, dy / dt - 2 x - 5 y = 0

In[150]:= e1 = x '[t] - 7 * x[t] + y[t] ⩵ 0

e2 = y '[t] - 2 * x[t] - 5 * y[t] ⩵ 0
DSolve[{e1, e2}, {y[t], x[t]}, t]

Out[150]= - 7 x[t] + y[t] + x′ [t] ⩵ 0

Out[151]= - 2 x[t] - 5 y[t] + y′ [t] ⩵ 0

Out[152]= x[t] → - ⅇ6 t 2 Sin[t] + ⅇ6 t 1 Cos[t] + Sin[t],

y[t] → ⅇ6 t 2 Cos[t] - Sin[t] + 2 ⅇ6 t 1 Sin[t]

Question 3. Solve the system of differential equation dx / dt = 5 x + 3 y,

dy / dt = 4 x + y with initial condtitons x (0) = 0, y (0) = 8
2 practical2.nb

In[153]:= e1 = x '[t] ⩵ 5 * x[t] + 3 * y[t]

e2 = y '[t] ⩵ 4 * x[t] + y[t]
DSolve[{e1, e2, x[0] ⩵ 0, y[0] ⩵ 8}, {x[t], y[t]}, t]
Out[153]= x′ [t] ⩵ 5 x[t] + 3 y[t]

Out[154]= y′ [t] ⩵ 4 x[t] + y[t]

Out[155]= x[t] → 3 ⅇ-t - 1 + ⅇ8 t , y[t] → 2 ⅇ-t 3 + ⅇ8 t 

Question 4. Solve the system of differential equation dx / dt = 3 x + 2 y,

dy / dt = 5 x + 3 y with initial conditions x[0] = y[0] = 1 and plot its graph
In[156]:= equs = {x '[t] ⩵ 3 x[t] + 2 y[t], y '[t] ⩵ 5 x[t] + 3 y[t], x[0] ⩵ y[0] ⩵ 1}
sol = DSolve[equs, {x, y}, t]
equs /. sol /. {t → RandomReal[]}
Plot[{x[t] /. sol, y[t] /. sol}, {t, - 40, 10}, PlotRange → {- 20, 20},
PlotStyle → {{Black, Thickness[0.01]}, {Red, Thick}}]

Out[156]= {x′ [t] ⩵ 3 x[t] + 2 y[t], y′ [t] ⩵ 5 x[t] + 3 y[t], x[0] ⩵ y[0] ⩵ 1}

Out[157]= x → Function{t}, ⅇ3 t- 10 t 5 - 10 + 5 ⅇ2 10 t
+ 10 ⅇ2 10 t
y → Function{t}, ⅇ3 t- 10 t 2 - 10 + 2 ⅇ2 10 t
+ 10 ⅇ2 10 t
Out[158]= {{True, True, True}}


-40 -30 -20 -10 10



Question 5. Find the solution of system of differential equation dy / dt -

17 y + 2 dx / dt - 8 x = 0, 13 dy / dt - 53 y - 2 x =
0 with initial conditions are x (0) = y (0) = 1 and plot its solution .
practical2.nb 3

equs = {y '[t] - 17 y[t] + 2 x '[t] - 8 x[t] ⩵ 0,

13 y '[t] - 53 y[t] - 2 * x[t] ⩵ 0, x[0] ⩵ y[0] ⩵ 1}
sol = DSolve[equs, {x, y}, t]
equs /. sol /. {t → RandomReal[]}
Plot[{x[t] /. sol, y[t] /. sol}, {t, - 40, 10}, PlotRange → {- 20, 20},
PlotStyle → {{Blue, Thickness[0.02]}, {Red, Thick}}]
Out[160]= {- 8 x[t] - 17 y[t] + 2 x′ [t] + y′ [t] ⩵ 0, - 2 x[t] - 53 y[t] + 13 y′ [t] ⩵ 0, x[0] ⩵ y[0] ⩵ 1}

1 1
Out[161]= x → Function{t}, ⅇ3 t - 35 + 48 ⅇ2 t , y → Function{t}, ⅇ3 t 5 + 8 ⅇ2 t 
13 13
Out[162]= {{False, False, True}}


-40 -30 -20 -10 10



Question 6. Find the solution of system of differential equation dx / dt +

7 x - y = 0, dy / dt + 2 x + 5 y =
0 with initial conditions are x (0) = y (0) = -1 and plot its solution
4 practical2.nb

In[164]:= equs = {x '[t] + 7 x[t] - y[t] ⩵ 0, y '[t] + 2 * x[t] + 5 * y[t] ⩵ 0, x[0] ⩵ y[0] ⩵ - 1}
sol = DSolve[equs, {x, y}, t]
equs /. sol /. {t → RandomReal[]}
Plot[{x[t] /. sol, y[t] /. sol}, {t, - 40, 10}, PlotRange → {- 20, 20},
PlotStyle → {{Blue, Thickness[0.02]}, {Orange, Thick}}]
Out[164]= {7 x[t] - y[t] + x′ [t] ⩵ 0, 2 x[t] + 5 y[t] + y′ [t] ⩵ 0, x[0] ⩵ y[0] ⩵ - 1}

Out[165]= x → Function{t}, - ⅇ-6 t Cos[t], y → Function{t}, ⅇ-6 t - Cos[t] + Sin[t]

Out[166]= {{True, True, True}}



-40 -30 -20 -10 10



Question 7. Find the solution of differential equation dx / dt =

3 x + 2 y, dy / dt + 5 x + 3 y =
0 with initial conditions x (0) = y (0) = - 1 and plot its solution
In[168]:= equs = {x '[t] - 3 x[t] - 2 y[t] ⩵ 0, y '[t] + 5 * x[t] + 3 * y[t] ⩵ 0, x[0] ⩵ y[0] ⩵ - 1}
sol = DSolve[equs, {x, y}, t]
equs /. sol /. {t → RandomReal[]}
Plot[{x[t] /. sol, y[t] /. sol}, {t, - 40, 10}, PlotRange → {- 20, 20},
PlotStyle → {{Blue, Thickness[0.02]}, {Orange, Thick}}]
Out[168]= {- 3 x[t] - 2 y[t] + x′ [t] ⩵ 0, 5 x[t] + 3 y[t] + y′ [t] ⩵ 0, x[0] ⩵ y[0] ⩵ - 1}

Out[169]= {{x → Function[{t}, - Cos[t] - 5 Sin[t]], y → Function[{t}, - Cos[t] + 8 Sin[t]]}}

Out[170]= {{False, True, True}}



-40 -30 -20 -10 10


Practical 6
Solution of Cauchy Problem for First Order Partial Differential Equations

Question 1: Sove Cauchy problem 3 du/dx + 4 du/dy = 0 with initial condition u(x, 0) = sin x and plot its

In[ ]:= pde = 3 D[u[x, y], x] + 4 D[u[x, y], y] ⩵ 0

soln = DSolve[{pde, u[x, 0] ⩵ Sin[x]}, u[x, y], {x, y}]
f[x, y] = u[x, y] /. soln[[1]]
Plot3D[u[x, y] /. soln[[1]], {x, - 5, 5},
{y, - 5, 5}, PlotRange → All, PlotStyle → {Thickness[0.02]}]
Out[ ]= 4 u(0,1) [x, y] + 3 u(1,0) [x, y] ⩵ 0

Out[ ]= u[x, y] → Sin 4 x - 3 y
Out[ ]= Sin 4 x - 3 y
2 Practical 6.nb

Question 2: Solve Cauchy problem y du/dx + x du/dy = 0 with initial condition u(0, y) = e-y and plot its

In[ ]:= pde = y * D[u[x, y], x] + x * D[u[x, y], y] ⩵ 0

soln = DSolve[{pde, u[0, y] ⩵ Exp[- y ^ 2]}, u[x, y], {x, y}]
f[x, y] = u[x, y] /. soln[[1]]
Plot3D[u[x, y] /. soln[[1]], {x, - 3, 3},
{y, - 4, 4}, PlotRange → All, PlotStyle → {Thickness[0.02]}]
Out[ ]= x u(0,1) [x, y] + y u(1,0) [x, y] ⩵ 0
Out[ ]= u[x, y] → ⅇx 
Out[ ]= ⅇx

Out[ ]=
Practical 6.nb 3

Question 3: Solve Cauchy problem du/dx + 2 xy2 du/dx = 0 with u (x,2) = x and plot its solution.

In[ ]:= pde = D[u[x, y], x] + 2 x * D[u[x, y], y] * y ^ 2 == 0

soln = DSolve[{pde, u[x, 2] ⩵ x}, u[x, y], {x, y}]
f[x, y] ⩵ u[x, y] /. soln[[1]]
Plot3D[u[x, y] /. soln[[1]], {x, - 5, 5},
{y, - 10, 10}, PlotRange → All, PlotStyle → {Thickness[0.02]}]
Out[ ]= 2 x y2 u(0,1) [x, y] + u(1,0) [x, y] ⩵ 0

2-y+2 x2 y
Out[ ]= u[x, y] → - 

2-y+2 x2 y
Out[ ]= ⅇx ⩵-

Out[ ]=
4 Practical 6.nb

Question 4: Solve Cauchy problem du/dx + xy2 du/dy = 0 with u (x, 2) = x and plot its solution.

In[ ]:= pde - D[u[x, y], x] + x * D[u[x, y], y] * y ^ 2 ⩵ 0

soln = DSolve[{pde, u[x, 2] ⩵ x}, u[x, y], {x, y}]
D[x, y] - u[x, y] /. soln[[1]]
Plot3D[u[x, y] /. soln[[1]], {x, - 5, 5}, {y, - 2, 2}, AxesLabel → {"x", "y", "u"}]
Out[ ]= 2 x y2 u(0,1) [x, y] + u(1,0) [x, y] ⩵ 0 + x y2 u(0,1) [x, y] - u(1,0) [x, y] ⩵ 0

2-y+2 x2 y
Out[ ]= u[x, y] → - 

2-y+2 x2 y
Out[ ]=

Out[ ]=
Practical 7
Plotting the characteristics of the first order partial differential equations

Question 1: Solve the partial differential equation xux + yux = u and plot its characteristic equations.

In[1]:= pde1 = x * D[u[x, y], x] + y * D[u[x, y], y] ⩵ u[x, y]

DSolve[pde1, u[x, y], {x, y}]
Plot3D[x, {x, - 5, 5}, {y, - 5, 5}]
Out[1]= y u(0,1) [x, y] + x u(1,0) [x, y] ⩵ u[x, y]
Out[2]= u[x, y] → x 1  


In[4]:= Plot[x, {x, - 5, 5}]

-4 -2 2 4



Question 2: Solve the partial differential equation ux - uy = 1 and plot its characteristic equations.
2 Practical 7.nb

In[7]:= pde2 = D[u[x, y], x] - D[u[x, y], y] == 1

DSolve[pde2, u[x, y], {x, y}]
Out[7]= - u(0,1) [x, y] + u(1,0) [x, y] ⩵ 1

Out[8]= {{u[x, y] → x + 1 [x + y]}}

In[9]:= ContourPlot[x + y, {x, - 5, 5}, {y, - 5, 5}]




-4 -2 0 2 4
Practical 7.nb 3

In[10]:= ContourPlot[u - x, {x, - 5, 5}, {u, - 5, 5}]




-4 -2 0 2 4
Practical 8
Plotting the integral surface of first order partial differential equation with initial data

Question 1: Solve first order partial differential equation ux + xuy = 0 with initial condition u(0, y) = sin y,
and plot its solution.

In[5]:= pde1 = D[u[x, y], x] + x * D[u[x, y], y] ⩵ 0

c1 = u[0, y] ⩵ Sin[y]
s1 = DSolve[{pde1, c1}, u[x, y], {x, y}]
Plot3D[u[x, y] /. s1, {x, - 5, 5}, {y, - 5, 5}]
Out[5]= x u(0,1) [x, y] + u(1,0) [x, y] ⩵ 0

Out[6]= u[0, y] ⩵ Sin[y]

Out[7]= u[x, y] → Sin - x2 + 2 y

2 Practical 8.nb

Question 2: Solve first order partial differential equation xux + yuy = 2xy with initial condition u(x, x2 ) =
2, and plot its solution.

In[16]:= pde2 = x * D[u[x, y], x] + y * D[u[x, y], y] ⩵ 2 * x * y

c2 = u[x, x ^ 2] ⩵ 2
s2 = DSolve[{pde2, c2}, u[x, y], {x, y}]
Plot3D[u[x, y] /. s2, {x, - 5, 5}, {y, - 5, 5}]
Out[16]= y u(0,1) [x, y] + x u(1,0) [x, y] ⩵ 2 x y

Out[17]= ux, x2  ⩵ 2

2 x 3 + x4 y - y 3
Out[18]= u[x, y] → 


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