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NAME: Andrea Pesantez


1. A: I think most child prodigies are influenced by their parents.

B: I think so, too. If you ask me, some parents put too much pressure on their children.
C: Well, you have a good point, but some children seem to be born with exceptional
2. A: From what I understand, you lose your natural abilities if you don’t develop them.
B: That´s not exactly the way I see it. I think that natural abilities are inherited, are part
of the person and wouldn’t disappear.
C: That’s just what I was going to say!
3. A: I think anyone could become a prodigy with enough work, don’t you?
B: In my opinion, being extremely good at something doesn’t mean that you are a
C: I don’t know what to think.
4. A: I don’t think prodigies are always very happy.
B: As I see it, when you are good at something you enjoy it do in it, especially if you are
extremely good and better than the average people.
C: You have a good point, but prodigies can feel overwhelmed and pressured for being
always the best of the best.
5. A: I think its unhealthy for young children to become so involved in only one area.
B: On one hand children need to be involved in different areas, but on the other hand if
children show an abilities that is not common at their age, they should focus on that one
more than in other areas.
C: I believe that children need to explore different areas to discover their interests.

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