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Country: Austria

Committee: Humans Rights

Topics: Child soldiers, trafficking of refugees, attribution of Human Rights to people
with sociopathic disorders.
School: Guadalimar School
Delegate: Ana de la Chica Carmona

As a delegate of Austria, the Austria delegation is firmly resolved to take part in this
commission in order to find a way to end issues that restrict Human Rights and keep the
government very concerned. These questions are the following ones: child soldiers,
trafficking of refugees, and attribution of Human Rights to people with sociopathic disorders.

On the question of child soldiers, Austria believes that child labor in all its facets is an enemy
of the development of our children and an enemy of progress. No civilization, no country,
and no economy can consider itself at the forefront of progress if its success and wealth
have been built on the backs of children. Situations arising from armed conflicts mainly affect
children because of their vulnerability. Alone and defenseless because of the prevailing
chaos, some are forcibly recruited into militias and others are exploited. The fundamental
rights of these children are blatantly ignored in favor of barbaric and cruel acts. Many of
them end up deeply traumatized, badly wounded, and even disabled. From Austria, we want
to show that it is possible to take children and young people who have been involved in
combat out of their terrible past of war and murder and help them build a diverse life for
themselves through education.

Another issue that is going to be addressed is the question of the trafficking of refugees. It is
a crime that involves the procurement of financial or other material benefits of illegal entry of
a person into a State of which that person is not a national or resident undermining the
integrity of countries and communities. Nowadays, this problem is one of the most frequent
in every country, whether for sexual or labor exploitation and must therefore be eradicated.
On the one hand, for years now in Austria, we have been tightening controls at our borders
intending to eradicate human trafficking and arrest those responsible for it by searching all
vehicles in which there are possible hiding places for trafficked refugees. On the other hand,
we are aware that human trafficking is much more frequent in less developed countries, and
more so in countries at war, since fleeing from them, refugees meet the perfect conditions for
traffickers and their purpose, who take advantage of their unfavorable situation. These facts
point to poverty and conflicts as the main causes of the problem, against which Austria is
firmly determined to take action.

Austria feels deeply troubled by the question of the attribution of Human Rights to people
with sociopathic disorders. In our country we have unfortunately been affected by the actions
of sociopathic people; such is the case of the "monster of Austria", who goes by the name of
Josef Fritzl. Fritzl kidnapped, locked up, and raped his daughter for 24 years and as a result
of his abuse seven children were born. From 2009 to the present day the sociopath is
serving his sentence. However, at the beginning of 2022, the Krems Regional Court
approved the man's transfer to a special unit for the criminally insane in a normal prison.
This means that Fritzl could apply for early release when he completes 15 years of his
sentence, which will happen in 2024. From Austria we believe that every person is entitled to
basic human rights such as the right to life and liberty; to be free from slavery and torture; to
freedom of opinion and expression; to education, to work, and in this case, if a group of
doctors after a psychological analysis and a study on the rectification of the sociopath's
behavior give the go-ahead, to the prisoner's freedom. In conclusion, although, indeed,
sociopaths act impulsively and without considering the consequences of their actions, we
Austrians believe that they should have human rights since they are capable of rectifying
and leading as normal a life as possible.

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