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When the task training is complete, the individual must also demonstrate an understanding of the

procedures paperwork
organisation's   and the   control systems that are in use before being authorised.

To ensure technicians are current and up-to-date in their knowledge and skills, all aircraft release certifying staff must be involved
6 2
in at least   months of aircraft maintenance experience in the preceding  -year period. In addition, all
certifying staff must receive continuation training in each  -year period.
(Hint: answers are digits.)

Match the following types of Aviation Maintenance Publications:

D. Advisory Circular (AC) C notifies aircraft owners of unsafe conditions in aircraft, engines and components
. that were not detected during initial design and testing.
C. Airworthiness Directive (AD) D
provides guidance of information and show acceptable method of compliance
Type Certificate . with regulations.
E. provides information about the aircraft design specifications and shows
F. Maintenance Manual applicable regulations under which the aircraft was certified.
F. provides information from the manufacturers about the maintenance of all
systems and components installed in the aircraft.

When you are communicating with someone, you have the responsibility of ensuring they understand. In a way, it
hear understand
does not matter what you say but it matters what people   and  .

Toolbox meetings are vital. It is a formalised way of ensuring that all members in the team have an   say; it
is   to enable anyone within the organisation to raise any concerns.

Complex maintenance tasks should be transcribed onto the workcards or worksheets and sub-divided into
stages record
clear   to ensure a   of accomplishment of the maintenance task.

The 4Cs (Clear, Complete, Correct, Concise) are often quoted and used in training for effective communications. Match the
following scenarios to the 4Cs:

Is the message Clear? C A A short response can be effective and additional verbiage can confuse and bore the reader.
Is the message Complete?
B. B Does your message adequately convey the thoughts that you wish to send or will the recipient need to call you
Is the message Correct? . back to seek clarification or added information?
C Sometimes a statement can be misinterpreted in a few ways depending on how the works are phrased.
Is the message Concise? .
D Sometimes in a rush, we do not check the spelling or verify the accuracy of the information before sending it out.
E. Sometimes the words that we use are not appropriate and can hurt the feelings of others.
F. When we compose our message, we need to consider the target audience. For example, their professional
knowledge, level of education, age and interests.

Line Statio
A   (LSA) approval is an approval granted by the Authority for an organisation not otherwise approved under
SAR-145 to carry out line maintenance at a location outside Singapore.  The requirements for LSA can be found in
Air Operat
the   requirements

procedures phraseolog
Good communication is involves the use of standardised   and   so that team members can easily
understand the message.
Shift work is common and important in aviation maintenance.  A good practice is to ensure the _____.

outgoing shift signs off all the paperwork so that the incoming shift will not be working on the same tasks and thus save time

shift changeover is planned and there is effective communication between shifts

teams spend half an hour together so that the next shift is aware of the work done by the earlier shift

A barrier to effective listening is when individuals focus on what they want to say next rather than listening to what the speaker is
saying.  To overcome this barrier the listener should _____.

be aware that this is a natural human tendency and focus on the speaker

make mental summaries of what is being said  

reduce outside distractions by concentrating on the speaker 

The authorised person who carried out the particular task should   that he has accomplished the task
self inspec
only when satisfied by   that the task has been properly carried out in accordance with the approved
maintenance instructions.

There are two types of data used in aviation maintenance, broadly classified as acceptable data and approved data. Match the
sample list of data or documents to its correct classification:

                           Advisory circulars A are part of the list of acceptable data.

A. .
B are part of the list of approved data.
                           Airworthiness directives

                           Manufacturer's manuals

                           Service bulletins

                           Specification sheets

                           Type or supplementary
B. certificates

When an aircraft is grounded at a location other than the main maintenance base due to the
non-availability of an aircraft component with the appropriate release certificate, it is
permissible to temporary fit an aircraft component without the appropriate release certificate

for a maximum of   flight hours or until the aircraft first returns to the main line
station or maintenance base, whichever is sooner, subject to the aircraft operator's

agreement and said component having a suitable   but otherwise in compliance with
the AOC requirements and SAR-145 requirements.

competenc qualificatio capability

All prospective certifying staff are required to be assessed for  ,   and   related to
intended certifying duties.
certificate of

A   (CRS) is necessary before flight at the completion of any package maintenance specified by the
aircraft operator in accordance with such operator's responsibility in the AOC requirements. It is also necessary
defect rectific

before flight at the completion of any   whilst the aircraft operate flight services between scheduled
maintenance. And necessary at the completion of any maintenance on an aircraft component whilst off the

(Hint: the first answer comprises five words and the second two words.)

Still DK:

aircraft ope maintenan

As stated in the AOC requirements, the   is responsible for ensuring that all required   has been
carried out before flight. ( -5)

FROM SAR 145: As stated in the AOC Requirements, the aircraft operator is responsible for ensuring that all required
maintenance has been carried out before flight

practical exp schedule of e

As part of the SAR-66 licensing requirement, applicants should record their   in a   acceptable
to the Authority and submit it as part of the licence application. Appear 2 times
(Hint: the first answer comprises two words and the second three words.)

Recent practical maintenance experience may be presented in a form of a schedule of experience (SOE).
Persons applying for a SAR-66 aircraft maintenance licence should submit a compilation of such a schedule
as part of the licence application.

wrong :
schedule of experience
form of schedule
form of SOE
compilation of schedule
compilation of SOE
Individual training notebook
form and manner
form of experience


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