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Course Code: D022711 (022)

B.Tech. 7th Semester Class

Date: 17/10/2022
Subject: Machine Learning (ML)

Time:2 Hrs Maximum Marks: 40

Note: 1) Attempt all
questions. Part (a)
carries 4 marks, attempt
of each question is compulsory and
two parts from part (b), (), and (d)
any carrying 8

Q No. Questions Marks

Define Machine
Leaming. Explain with examples why 4
machine learming is important.
(b) Explain Supervised and Unsupervised Leanings. 8
Discuss about Knowledge
Discovery in Databases in Machine

Explain SEMMA Model in Machine Learning.

(a) Discuss Corelationand Causation in brief.
(b) Explain the Nomalization in Machine Leaming.
How do you deal with
(c) missing data in datasets? Discuss with
What is Categorical Data? How do deal with
(d) we
Dummy 8
Vanable Trap?

Subject Code:
B.E.- 7th Semester Class Test - 1 (18/10/2022)

Subject: Data
Mining and Warehousing
Maximum Marks:
Time: 2 irs. ache
eucCn question is compulsory
Note: Atempt all questions. Part (a) o
(7 and (d) carrying 08 marks.
marks: atemyt amy t o parts from (D),

SI. No. Question Marks

Write Ditference between DATA (4)

b) What is Data warehouse? Explain along (8)

with its complete architecture.
What is the need of data warehouse? And | (8)
how you will plan for any project?

What is meta data and why

:s it (8)
Discuss the m1ultidimensi dut:.

2 a) Define Fact Table and Dimension Table. (4)

b) What is ETL. (8)

c) What dimensional modeling? Explain (8)

along with the example.

snowflake & fact (8)

d) Explain the Star,
constellation schemes for representing
multidimensional databases taking
suitable examples.
Note: A question may be split into sud-part urther if required.
Subject Code: D022732(022)
B.TECH. 7th Semester Class Test - I (20/10/2022)

Subject: Cyber Security

ime: 2 Hrs. Maximum Marks:
tempt all questions. Part (a) ofeach question is compulsory and ca
ks; attempt any two parts from (b). (¢) and (d) carrving 08 marks.

Sl. No. Question Marks

a) Detinethe term Cyber Criminals. (4)

With diagram explain CIA of Cyber (8)
Discuss different cyber-crime (8)
prevention techniques.

d) What is Authentication, Authorization, (8)

and Confidentiality.
2 What is
Rogus Ativirus? (4)

b) Write use of proxies. Why attackers use (8)

c) Explain a brief note on fast flux and (8)

d) Explain how phishing can be used for (8)

fraud in different mediums.
B.E. VII Semester (CSE) Class Test - I (21-10-2022)
Course: Big data and Hadoop

imc: 2 Hrs. oa ximum Marks: 40

nswers all questions. Part (a) is compulsory and carries 4 marks. Answer
parts from b, c and d.

S. No.
Question Marks
H o w the four V's describe the characteristics of (4)
| b) Detine Big Data. What are the
challenges of | (8)
Conventional system for Big Data Processing?
How does the
Hadoop provides the solution of |
those challenges?

Explain Architecture of Hadoop. Hence Explain (8)

functions of Name node and Data node
d) Explain Hadoop Eco System. (8)
a) Why is HDFS Fault Tolerant? (4)
b)iHow does rack awareness work in HDFS? (4+4)
ii. Why is Block in HDFS is so large?

c) Consider 148 MB of file to be written to | (8)

Hadoop cluster. Explain write anatomy with
suitable diagram. Block size in Hadoop is 128
d)i. Differentiate between HDFS Federation and | (4+4)
HDFS High availability.
i. Consider the Input file of size 40OMB, how
many input block will be formed and what
will be the size of each block.
Subject Code: D022713(022)
B.Tech.-7th Semester Class Test -1 (19/10/2022)
Subject: Internet and Web Technology
Time:2 Hrs, Maximum Marks: 40
Vote: Ancmpt all questions. Part (a) of each question is compulsory and carrie
4 marks; attempt any tro parts fro i (6), (¢) and (d) carrying 08 marks.

SI. No. Question Marks

a) What are important Characteristics of (4)

b) (8)
Explain different types of connectivity.

Explain Http and Secure Http in details

d) Define IPaddress? Explain TCP/AP model 6)

with suitable diagram?

2 (4)
a)Explain Data Souree Object With
b) (8)
What are the JavaScript Events? Explain
each events with javascript code.

c) Explain Cascade Style sheet and its usage (8)

with example.
d) Explain various formatting tags of HTML. (8)
Subject Code: D022713(022)
Semester Class Test -
B.Tech.-7 Internet and Web Technology
Maximunm Marks: 60
Time:2 Hr Part (a) of cach question is compulspry and
Note: Attemtpt all questions. carying 08
attempt hvo parts from (b). (c) and ()
camies 04 marks; any
S1.No. Question
a)Ditlerentiate between XML and HTML.
b)| Writce the designing step of XML data structurc.

Explain it with exanmple.

XML with example. (8)
c)Explain necd of namespace in
XSD(XML Schema Definition) along with (8)
supported datatypes for elements and attributes.
2 a) Explain the importance of AAA (Authentication, (4)
Authorization And Accounting) in internet security.

b) (8)
Explain common types of computer virus.
c)Explain Data and message security with example. (8)

d) Explain firewall and its types. (8)

3 a) What is UseNet and internet relay chat. (4)

b) Explain website types and layout. (8)

c)Explain FTP? Explain the types of FTP Server. (8)

d) Explain Terminal emulation, Public domain (8)

software, Telnet and Telnet Client.
Subject Code: D022732(022)
B.Tech. 7th Semester Class Test- II (08/12/2022)
Subject: Cyber Security
Timc: 211Irs. Maximum Marks: 60
e: Attempt all questions. Part (a) of each question is compulsory an
ries 04 marks; attempt any wo parts from (b), (c) and (d) carrying

SI. No.
Question Marks

a) What is Shell Code?

What is SQL Injection? Explain how atlackers
b) make use of SQL Injections? (8)
c) Explain brute force and dictionary attacks.
d) What is Race Conditions and DOS Conditions?

a) Write any 2 limitations of IT Act.

Write any seven function of controller as
b) (8)
defined in Section 18 of IT Act 2000.

C) What the network service

provider liability? (8)
Write brief note on recognition of e-records and
digital signature under the IT Act, 2000. (8)

3 a) What is intellectual property law? (4)

Differentiate between Irademark, copyright and
patent. (8)
Write brief note on Online
Dispute Resolution
(ODR). (8)
Explain IT Act of India for Electronic Database
d) and its protection. (8)
sUBJECT CODE: D000719(022)
B.E. VII Semester (CSE) Class Test- II (09-12- 2022
Course: Big data and Hadoop

Time: 2 1lrs. Maximum Marks: (-

Note: Answrers all questions. Part (a) is compuksory and carries 4 marks.
Answer any two parts from b, c and d.

S.No. Question Marks

1 a) What is lladoop MapReducc? (4)
b) What are the phases of data flow in (8)
What partitioner and combiner in (8)
MapReduce? Explain their role using suitable
Explain Map and Reduce phases of Hadoop (8)
using word count example
2 a) Explan functions Job Tracker and Task (4)
b)Explain Types of InputFormat and (8)
OutputFommat in MapReduce
c) What is (8)
MapReduce Shufling and Sorting?
d) Explain anatomy of classic Map Reduce in | (8)
a) Explain what is Hive and HBase. (4)

b) Explain Hive architecture in detail. (8)

Explain HBase architecnure and its| (8)

Hence explain HMaster and
Region Server.
d) Explain following (4+4)
i. HBase Data Model

ii. Any 4 Hive DML command.

Course Code: D022711 (022)
B.Tech. 7th Semester
Class Test -II
Subject: Machine Learning (ML)
Time:211rs. Maximum Marks: 60
te: Afempt all questions. Part (a) of each question is compulsory and
wies 04 marks; attempt any two paris from (h). (e) and (d) carrying O8
SI. No. Question Marks

Diflerentiale between Training data and 4)
Testing Data.
b) Explain Time-Series Forecastung with (8)
proper example.
What isPrincipal Component Analysis (8)
(PCA)? Explain.
d) What is K-NN Algorithm? Why do we (8)
need K-NN
2 (4)
Discuss about Bias and Variance.

b) What is K-Fold Cross Validation? (8)

Explain with proper block diagram.
c) Discuss about Gradient Boosting (8)
d) Explain Bagging in detail. (8)

a) What Perceptron? (4)

b) Discuss about weight and bias. (8)
c) Discuss about Restricted Boltzman (8)
Machines (RBMs) in detail.
d) State the steps to predict digit entered (8)
using simple ANN architecture using
MNIST digist dataset.
Subject Code:D022712(022)
B.Tech.7th Semester Class Test II (06/12/2022)
ime: 2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: C
ote: Attempt all questions. Part (a) of cach question is compulsory an-

ries 04 marks: attempt any two parts from (h). (o) and (d) carrying

SI. No. Question Marks

a) Define Business orieled users in (4)

What are the types of storagc repositorics in (8)
the data staging coni)onent of DWH
What is on-line trans:iction (8)
processing(OLTP)? Describe the evolution
of OLTP. What are crilical feature of OLTP
What are the different types of OLAP (8)
tools? Explain key features of each one of
2 Define Outliers (4)
D) What is knowledge discovery? Explain (8)
KDD process in detail.
Define the term data mining .Briefly (8)
explain diferent data mining techniques.
d) What do you mean by clustering?Briefly (8)
explain the association rules.

a) What is WEB MINING. (4)

b) Write short note on: (8)
3) Data mining Primitives
4) Trends in Data mining
Describe Web content mining and web (8)
structure mining in detail

Explain spatial mining in detail

d) (8)

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