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SERENA TEAC SANFL aft eteararé Genii iA Flea rad Subject Code Subject Name Course: B.E,/B.Tech Branch : Computer Science & Engineering ‘Semester : 7th Section : A, B,C, D, EF Instructions : Attempt all Questions. Part (a) of each question is compulsory aj carrie 2 Marks. Attempt any two parts from remaining parts i. (b), (c) & (4). C01: |To introduce the basic concepts of Bioinformatics.. Question Marks! ¢: 4 i , |To learn the criteria for test cases. r | | a) {What is meant by Software testing? 2 What are the various prin Software testing? Explain What are different types of software testing? What is manual testing? Explain Software testing life cyle in brief. Explain different classification of manual testing. } r Compere white box testing and black ' a foas esting with examples. ay Explain static testing and testing. Explain test case strategies usi box approach, 1xonomy Levels (L1 - Remembering, £2 - Understanaing, 4 - Analysis, L5 - Evaluating, L6 - Creating) Outcome SHR} SHANKARACHARYA TECHNICAL CAMPUS é Bhi (cAhatsear) / i _//4n Autonomous tnsttute\, ‘Approve oy RITE, New Bei | Teo Course’ hecreded by MOA. Me De ite te 5 Yt ery, OA ezated MAC I Gre Subject Code D000721(022) . Subject Name Software Testing Class Test Course: B.E./B.Tech Max. Marks te 2 Branch : Computer Science & Engineering 40 Max. Time Semester : 7th Min, Pass Marks 2 Hours Section: A, B, C, D, E, F 14 Instructions ; Attempt all Questions, Part (a) of each question is compulsory and carries 2 Marks. Attempt any two parts from remaining parts ie. (b), (c) & (4). €O1: |To introduce the various levels of Testing CO2: |To learn the Test management and bring Test automation. — Q.No. Question Marks] co [BTL] Po , a} |What are different test levels? 2 1 4 | aauea2 What is the difference between 6 | a {he]ie JT |retesting and Regression Testing? 313 1 6! What is meant by Acceptance Testing? 1,2,| 1,2 6 fa [Le] 22, 5,6] 3 What is meant by Performance Testing ‘i d)_|and at what phase it is performed? 6 | a [2] 22, 5,6] 3 List various organizational issues in 1,2; WM leesting 2 | 22 [** 3 wy rat are various test plan 12,1 L2 i " 6 | 42/22/22, omponents 3/3 4 2 9 Explain Usability and Accessability 22] 42, testing, 6 | 12 3134 ea are the responsibilities of a test Speciahst” 1,2,| 4,2 62 heen] oe 3/34 a) [What is meant by Test matrices? Explain various test matrices and measurements. b) What is meant by Software test automation? \o Explain various skills needed for Test automation. a) CO: Course Outcome BTL: Bloom's Taxonomy Levels (L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, 13 - Applying, L4 - Analysis, LS - Evaluating, U6 - Creating) PO: Program Outcome 2 WaLAaCa Toca cs ge 8 alarard bares eat Le denna min =a Leone wet SSeS tee D022734(022) Subject Nanve Distributed 5 ‘Wax Marks Gans Test Course: SE/BNech 1 Branch : Computer Science & Enginecring ene Min. Pass Mar Tnear, Semester | 70» AB,CD.EF ac 2 Hours {structions : Attempt all Questions. Part (3) of ench question is compulsory and carries 2 Marks. Attempt any ‘+o pars from remaining parts Le. (b),(¢}& (4), COU: Werty and analyze the time complexity ofthe algorithms related to distributed computing (602: [Design and develop various aigosth COs eee Taare eca Toe for problems ir distribated computing 4 FTatagicsior How and error control Famuliariae the stodents with the basis of distribu ‘computing systems. Fence ice Oe COnCEpE of AstrEuted Me ayes, Shared memory and message PASAT ATTA S05 Irynchrontation and resource manage-nens Qo. Question Marks| co [BTL| Po a) |Define distributed systems, 2) 4 [a2] a2 b) | Explain Distributed com-puting environment 6 | 12 [42] 125 117) [Witte lsuesin the design of istrbutet atoms 6 | 3 }a2] 123 a) |P*Plain Goals of districuted systems, 12,3 a). |What are Features of Message Passing? 2 4/4] 123 ») [btn Remote procera RP; Mate 6 | 2 |) uae 2 T_ 1 |e [owstreces atressng ance 6 | 1 |'2)s2a0 a Briefly describe communication Protocols fo RPC-Client 4) |server binding 3)_|What is Failure Handling in message passing? b) [Explain Design issues of DistIbuted 9 ) | *Plain Marshaling conceptin brie ‘shared memory, Explain server Management of RPC. CO: Course Outcome ‘STL: Bivom's Taxonomy Levels 44-Anolyas LS - Evaluating, (11 Remembering, 12- Understanding, 16- Creating) \ stmt SHASKARACHARYA TECHMC Instructions : Attempt all Questions. Part Marks. Attempt any two parts from re! mainil (a) of each question is compulsory ing parts Le. (b). (c) & (4). BE /B.Tech Max. Marks 40 class Test 2 | granch : Computer Science & Engineerin Max. Time 2 semester : 7th A.B,CD.E.F Min.Marks 14 Hours and carries 2 puting systems. COL: [Familiarize the students with the basics of distributed com con: [T2 introduce the concepts of distributed file systems, shared memory and message passing systems, synchronization and resource management =eee Marks | CO | BTL PO [What are the disadvantages of 2 2 p22 ][ 22 |distributed shared memory? by) What are the three amplementation 6 ei 23 issue indesign? ~*? 1 se What is Sequential consistency. 6 2 | 22 2.2 Explain yy [What is Distributed shared 6 2 | 22 24 memory? How is Distributed Share memory ts Desinged a Explain event ordering. 2 x) ae 22 WH |Whatis the difference between 6 2 ay 23 physical and logical clock 2 synchronization? SO __ [What are the techniques to 6 2 fas 23 | ‘synchronize clocks. | d) Explain Deadlock in context of - 6 2 23 24 Elec-tion algorithms. w irae le dels enter of 2 Tolp2ss (2s Ww distributed system, | plan nae sa HADOGP 5 2 | 2a a | wf [isplam Load balancing approach ~ 5 3 1 as 22 i - tae, 2 z [ea] 23 ‘SHANAARAOHARYA TECHNICAL CAMPUS, ft aiparnd dadt@ad dra S Mend entang Subject Code Course: BE./B.Tech Branch : Computer Science & Engineering Semester : 7th Section : A, B,C, DEF ‘Max. Marks. 40 Min. Pass Marks 14 Instructions : Attempt all Questions. Part (a) of each question is compulsory and carries 2 Marks. Attempt any two parts from remaining parts ie. (b). (c) & (4). , |Student will be able to construct finite state machines and the equivalent regular be able to prove the equivalence of languages described by finite hines and regular expressions. [Student will be able to construct pushdown automata and the equivalent context free grammars. [Student will be able to prove the equivalence of languages described by pushdown automata and context free grammars. 5: [Student will be able to construct Turing machines and Post machines. Question Define Machine learning?Explain with specific example How will you design a learning |system?Explain with examples. Define concept learning.Explain the task| lof concept learning. Differentiate between Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning Explain Linear Regression +——— Explain KDD Process. _ Z 1,2,| 1,2, c) |Explain all the phases of SEMMA? 6 |1,2,5 3 34 Explain different ways to handle d) [missing data 6 |1,2,5 1 — a) |What is decision trees.Explain in detail? 2 15] 2 41,2 What is SVM. Discuss in detail? 1,2, | 1,2, b) 5 2,5 5 3 3 Discuss the nearest neighbour with neat| 1,2, 9 sketch 5 1,2,5 3 12 | Define clustering,What are different 1,2,) 452; 4) | ypes of clustering explain? 5/125) re 3 CO: Course Outcome BTL: Bloom's Taxonomy Levels (L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, 13 - Applying, L4 - Analysis, LS - Evaluating, L6 - Creating) PO: Program Outcome A ‘SHRI SHANKARACHARYA TECHNICAL CAMPUS ‘haa canatege) as ‘An Autonomous Institute, ft atwarard tater aca fen watt atc) Leama ner, ° ‘enema tate' base sacar ee Subject Code D022711(022) Subject Name Machine Learning ch Test Course: B.E./B.Tech Max. Marks i Branch : Computer Science & Engineering 40 Max. Time | Semester: 7th Min, Pass Marks 2 Hours Section : A, B,C, DE and F “4 Instructions : Attempt all Questions, Part (a) of each question is compulsory and carries 2 Marks. Attempt any two parts from remaining parts i.e. (b), (c) & (d). co1: [Student will be able to introduce the basic concepts of Machine Learning, co2: Student will be able to prove the equivalence of languages described by finite state machines and regular expressions Student will be able to introduce the co3: Student will be able to introduce the concepts of Machine Learning algorithms. co4: Student will be able to introduce the concepts related to Machin diagnosis and tuning Tearning model Student willbe able to introduce the concepts related to Artificial Neural COS: Q.No. Question Marks] co [BTL] PO Difference between Bias and Variance | 2 | 1,6] 1,3| 1,2 Define inductive BiasExplaininductive | ¢ | 4 ¢ [42] 1.2, B) |rias in decision tree learning Sl3i3 1 Explain single layer Perceptron?And a2) 12s ¢) how it work 6 | 1,6 56| 3 | Explain the Working of Restricted 12, 1.2, \A¥ [Boltzmann Machine 6} 16] el 3 / 1,2, “a [Why we use Random Forest? 2 1,26] 46] "2 | How does Random Forest algorithm 12/12, 5) work? Or (Reel tg. |g 2 fl Exp ain th differs a Enea ec eae 12,| 1.2, Gradient Boosting Tree v a 1 a 3 34 Forest How 1s k-fold cross-validation used in 7 426 1,2, | 1,2, AY Jrmachine learning? a4 we deine perceptron 2 [26 2 [2 Explain the derivation of K-mean algorithm 1,2,| 1,2, wy ena bagging?Explain Advantages 1,2, and disadvantages of Ramdom Forest? 5 | 126 3 12 gy Poilference between bagging and 1,2,| 1,2, boosting 5 112.6) 35] 3 CO: Course Outcome BTL: Bloom's Taxonomy Levels (L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, L3- Applying, L4 - Analysis, L5 - Evaluating, L6 - Creating) PO: Program Outcome 14! SHRI SHAAKARACHARYA TECHNICAL CAMPUS. a Conary Mt aorard tadlary Seva sj that mhene == meatless aN eh eis a [—sabjectcoue[__puzz7ia(oz3 Subject Name Internet & Web Technology Course: B.E./B.Tech Max. Marks 1 Branch : Computer Science & Engineering 40 Max, Time ‘Semester: 7th Min. Pass Marks 2 Hours Section : A, B, CD, E, F 14 Instructions : Attempt all Questions. Part (a) of each question is compulsory and carries 2 Marks. Attempt any two parts from remaining parts Le. (b), (c) & (4). CO1: |Describe the importan features of Web & Web browser coz: [Create HTML documents & enhance them with browser extensions. Question rite down difference between IP V4 & IP V6. Explain various operators and data types avialable in java. Explain Document object model with ‘suitable example and code. What is JAVA script? Explain its features, 12 "| ) Define table tag and their attributes 12 © _|with suitable example. CO: Course Outcome BTL: Bloom's Taxonomy Levels (L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, 13 - Applying, L4 - Analysis, LS - Evaluating, L6 - Creating) PO: Program Outcome SHAE SHANKARACHARYA TECHNICAL CAMPUS, & ey A eimaad tates dao a al , Vaan wat ane) An Actonomous institute (rem we \ 04cm ated Ano nt and 90 Tenant om ete sata ta comet ee Subject Code D022713(022) Subject Name Internet & Web Technology Class Test Course: B.E/B.Tech Max. Marks " Branch : Computer Science & Engineering 40 | Max. Time Semester: 7th Min, Pass Marks 2 Hours Section : A, B,C, D,E, F 14 Instructions : Attempt all Questions, Part (a) of each question is compulsory and carries, 2 Marks. Attempt any two parts from remaining parts ice. (b), (c) & (d). CO1: |Describe the importan features of Web & Web browser C02: |Create HTML documents & enhance them with browser extensions. Q.No. Question Marks] co |BTL] PO 3) [What is XML? 2 1 /1,3) 1,2 b) What is DTD? How is it different from 1,2,} 1,2, XML? Ss] 1 leg'|3 1 What are Namespaces? Why isit useful 12 ©) |? Explain with an example. 6 | 1 56 How to write a XML file?Explain with d){suitable example. 6 | a [he] L2, 5,6| 3 hat do you mean by Internet 12 wine 2 | 12 |, 3 va, [Explain Viruses and us ypesin deta, 6 | 42 }22.) 12, 313 2 ©) [What is EDIHow EDI works? 6 | 12 ]22] 22, eae 3 0 ai4 1,2,] 1,2, Explain the term AAA in detail er a What do you mean by website planning 12] 2442 & Hosting? L Explain FTP servers & its types in 1,2, | 4,2, 12 detail. 5 3 3 of [Write short note on (2) TEYNET (2) 12 |22[ 42 Internet Relay Chan 7 3 3 d Explain about registration of sites in 12 1,2,| 1,2, ) |search engine & Indexing, 2 \3s| 3 CO: Course Outcome BTL: Bloom's Taxonomy Levels (L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, 13 - Applying, L4 - Analysis, LS - Evaluating, L6 - Creating) PO: Program Outcome D022712(022) Data mining and Warehousing Course: B.E./B.Tech Max. Marks Branch : Computer Science & Engineering 40 Semester : 7th Min. Pass Marks Section : A,B,C,D,E,F Instructions : Attempt all Questions. Part (a) of each question is compulsory and carries 2 Marks. Attempt any two parts from remaining parts i.e. (b), (c) & (d). "{Desiz plement systems for data mining and 2valuate the performance of * |different data mining algorithms _ [Propose data mining solutions for different applications. Differentiate Online * | Transaction Processing and Online Analytical processing ay |What do you mean by Dimensional data modelling ? What is dimensional modeling ? describe principles of dimensional modeling? What is data extraction? Explain techniques of data extraction in detail. Explain Star schema and Snowflake schema with example CO; Course Outcome BTL: Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels (L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, What is Data Extraction? What are the significant trends in Data Warehousing? Why there is a need for data processing? Explain various methods for data cleaning 13 - Applying, L4 - Analysis, LS - Evaluating, L6 - Creating) PO: Program Outcome ‘SHAE SHANMARACHARY A TECHMICAL CAMPUS ft ziwzrardé taioa Broa hm Oeeagen ala = thed (eatame Ae Rutcnomoss insotate as rit eRe ot 0 Comoe eS te 2 ee soe a oe ee oe sted ced eee Subject Code Subject Name Data Mining & Warehousing GassTest | Course: BE/B.Tech Max. Marks u Branch : Computer Science & Engineering 40 Max. Time Semester: 7th Min. Pass Marks 2 Hours Section : A, B,C, D, E, F 14 Instructions : 4 all Questions. Part (2) of each question is compulsory and carries 2 Marks Attempt any two parts from remaining parts ie. (b), (c) & (d). CO1: |To understand overall architecture of Data warehouse. Differentiate online transaction processing & online analytical processing Q.No. Question Marks] co [BTL] PO liar the data warehouse and web 2 1 {13/12 St activites performed during Data 7 Fy on 152), |" [warehouse deployment. | L 313 1 Explain project planning & f1,2,/4,2, ©) |management in Data warehouse. 6 5.6] 3 0 1,2,} 1,2, Explain OLAP operation with example. 5,6] 3 wh : 1,2, -aJ | What is Web mining 2 | 12} 46)" Explain the physical design process of b) 6 data warehouse. / 2 b Define types OLAP with suitable 6 | a2 |] 22, diagram. 3/34 1 mining. 1,2,| 1,2, d) [Describe data mining task primitives, 121 3"| 34 aj |Define spatial mining. 12] 2 (1,2 Explain texanomy of web mining with 12 |b2.| 12, ») ; I suitable diagram. 5 3 h Explain 3 tier architecture of data 12 mining. Explain Applications & trends in Data 42 CO: Course Outcome BTL: Bloom's Taxonomy Levels (L1 - Remembering, L2 - Understanding, 13 - Applying, L4 - Analysis, LS - Evaluating, L6 - Creating) PO: Program Outcome

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