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Americanization refers to the global dissemination and influence of American

culture, values, and practices. This can take various forms, including the expansion of

American films, music, and fast food chains and the acceptance of political and economic

systems modelled after the United States.

The presence of American media and popular culture in many nations is an

example of Americanization in my "life." Another example would be the increasing

prevalence of American-style capitalism and consumer culture in other parts of the world.

The Internet has both advanced and impeded Americanization. It has made it easier for

individuals worldwide to access American media and culture, resulting in a greater

spread of Americanization. On the other side, the Internet has also given rise to a wider

variety of voices and perspectives, which has served to counterbalance the spread of

American culture and enabled the development of local and regional cultures.

Specifically, social media has affected Americanization. For instance, social

media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have made it simpler for

people to share and consume American media, contributing to the global dissemination of

American culture. Nonetheless, these venues have also facilitated the emergence of local

and regional voices, which have contributed to counteract the spread of American culture.

According to Muhammad's (102226) interpretation of a Pew Research Center research,

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"In addition, social media have enabled global citizens to access American culture and

knowledge in novel ways. In many countries, news and information about the United

States are accessed primarily through social media."

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Works Cited

Naeem, Muhammad. "Do Social Media Platforms Develop Consumer Panic Buying

During the Fear of Covid-19 Pandemic." Journal of Retailing and Consumer

Services 58 (2021): 102226.

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