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Motion Control Functions
142 - 1
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions

•Motion Control Functions are the technological part of the NJ engine

(implemented in the MC Module) used to control axis.
•Motion Control FunctionBlocks are the ‘IEC-61131-3 FB’s’ in the Logic
Controller that to invoque Motion Control Functions of the MC
•MC and PLC are so highly integrated, that in this training will make no
difference between the IEC-61131-3 Motion FB and the MC function itelf.

IEC FB MC Function M

142 - 2
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions

•Motion Functions can be used by:

Motion Commands •Those commands would generate a

change in the Motion Position, Speed or
Torque Profiler.

Administrative Commands •Administrative Commands: Those

commands will not directly generate a
change in the Profiler.

Single Axis Commands •Commands directly affecting to a

single axis.

Axis Group Commands •Commands directly affecting to a group

of axes: interpolation, coordination,etc..

142 - 3
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions

•Some Single Axis Commands :

Discrete MC_Home MC_Move/Relative/Absolute

MC_MoveZero MC_MoveFeed MC_Stop

MC_MoveJog MC_MoveVelocity MC_Torque


MC_CombineAxes MC_GearOut

Synchronized MC_Phasing MC_MoveLink MC_GearIn

MC_GearInPo MC_CamIn MC_CamOut


Other… MC_Power MC_SetPosition

MC_TouchProbe MC_ZoneSwitch


142 - 4
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Power

MC_Power: Description

Energizes or deenergizes servo drive

142 - 5
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Power

MC_Power: Input Variables

MC_Power: Output Variables

MC_Power: Input/Output Variables

142 - 6
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Power

MC_Power: Function Details

•When Enable changes to TRUE, the axis specified by Axis is made ready to operate.
• You can control the axis when it is ready to operate.
• When Enable changes to FALSE, the ready status is cleared for the axis specified by
• You cannot control the axis after the ready status is cleared because it will not
acknowledge operation commands. An operation command will result in an error. You can
execute the MC_Power and MC_Reset instructions even for axes that are not ready.
• You can use this instruction to disable the operation of axes while they are in motion. In
this case,
142 - 7
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Power

MC_Power: Function Details

•CommandAborted will change to TRUE. Output of the operation command will stop and
the axis will not longer be ready for operation.
• If home is not defined for a Servomotor with an absolute encoder, compensation is
performed using the absolute encoder home offset value to define home.
•You can use this instruction for servo axes and virtual servo axes only. If the instruction is
used for encoder axes, virtual encoder axes, or unused axes, an error will occur.
•This instruction has no Buffer Mode, but in fact is acting as BuffereMode=Aborting. Latest
MC_Power inmediatelly overrides previous instance for same axis.

142 - 8
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Power

MC_Power: Timing diagram

Status is the reflection of the real

Enabling state of the Axis,that’s
why not always match with the
FB’s Input ‘Enable’

142 - 9
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Power

MC_Power: Ladder Example

MC_Power: ST Example

142 - 10
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Reset

MC_Reset: Description

Clears the existing errors in MCE FBs or in Drives

142 - 11
Automation Systems
MC_Reset: Input Variables

MC_Reset: Output Variables

MC_Reset: input/Output Variables

142 - 12
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

MC_Home: Description

The MC_Home instruction operates the axis to determine home (axis origin
It may use the limit signals, home proximity signal, and home signal.
The Home sequence is defined in the Axis Variable parameters.

142 - 13
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

MC_Home: Input Variables

MC_Home: Output Variables

MC_Home: Input/Output Variables

142 - 14
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

MC_Home: Function Details

•Sysmac Studio provides an easy way to configure Homing

Double Click
on Axis


142 - 15
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

Homing Mode
Sensor Settings





142 - 16
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

1. Proximity Signal Falling Edge(Off)

2. Homing Aproach Speed reached
3. Origin Signal Detection

Reverse Start is allowed

142 - 17
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

1. Proximity Signal Rising Edge(On)

2. Homing Aproach Speed reached
3. Origin Signal Detection

Reverse Start is allowed

142 - 18
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

1. Proximity Signal Falling Edge(Off)

2. Homing Aproach Speed reached
3. Origin Signal Detection

Direction can’t change

142 - 19
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

1. Proximity Signal Rising Edge(On)

2. Homing Aproach Speed reached
3. Origin Signal Detection

Direction can’t change

142 - 20
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

1. The Overtravel oposed to the Home Definition is Detected

Positive Homing  Negative Overtravel Limit
Negative Homing  Positive Overtravel Limit
2. Stops First Origin Input after Overtravel falling edge

142 - 21
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing
1. Proximity Rising Edge is detected
2. After Distance stops.


142 - 22
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing
1. Stops on Proximity Signal Rising Edge
2. Stops after Fixed TIme


142 - 23
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

Origin Input Only

142 - 24
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

Define Actual Position as

Home Position

142 - 25
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

Additional Motion Profile Offset to the Home Position.

after Home is
No Motion, but system is shifted.

142 - 26
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

MC_Home: Timing diagram

142 - 27
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing

MC_Home: Timing diagram

142 - 28
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Homing


142 - 29
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Set Position

MC_SetPosition: Description
Redefines axis position to a new position value.

142 - 30
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Set Position
MC_SetPosition: Input Parameters

MC_SetPosition: Output and I/O Parameters

142 - 31
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Set Position

MC_SetPosition: Description

When MC_SetPosition is executed:

•New Value for Actual and Command position is Set.
•The actual current position changes at the same time as the command current position changes.
•The Following Error (Command Position – Actual Position) is kept the same before and after the
change. If you execute this instruction on a command

Position Cmd.pos

Automation Systems
142 - 32
Motion Control Functions: Set Position

MC_SetPosition: Timing Diagram

Position -> 400

Actual position =200

Position -> 800
Actual position =800

Motion is Actual position =400

reversed in order
to go from 800 to
400 Automation Systems
142 - 33
Motion Control Functions: Set Position

MC_SetPosition: Example

142 - 34
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move

MC_Move: Description
Performs a relative or absolute positioning

142 - 35
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move

MC_Move: Input Variables

142 - 36
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move

MC_Move: Input Variables

142 - 37
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move

MC_Move: Output Variables

MC_Move: Input/Output Variables

142 - 38
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move

MC_Move: Function Details

•MC_Move will perform a relative (distance) or absolute (position) profile, according to the
defined Velocity, Acceleration and Jerk
•Jerk Value different than ZERO will generate a trapezoidal acceleration profile and smooth
velocity profile.

142 - 39
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move

MC_Move: Function Details: Effect of Jerk

Jerk=0 (ignore jerk) Jerk= 500 unit/s3

Changing Jerk will affect to MAX Speed and Acceleration Values and the profile total time!
142 - 40
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move

MC_Move: Function Details (Relative vs Absolute)

Relative Positioning generates an Absolute Positioning generates a
incremental/decremental distance positioning profile to an absolute
movement from the actual position position from the axis origin.

0 90 180 360 0 90 180 270 360

Move Absolute 180º Move Relative 180º

90 90

180 0 180 0

270 270
142 - 41
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move

MC_Move: Timing Example

142 - 42
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Feed

MC_MoveFeed: Description

The MC_MoveFeed instruction performs

positioning for the specified travel distance
from the position where an external device
triggers an interrupt input.
Interrupt feeding is possible for absolute
positioning, relative positioning, and velocity

142 - 43
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Feed
MC_MoveFeed: Input parameters

142 - 44
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Feed
MC_MoveFeed: Input parameters

142 - 45
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Feed

MC_MoveFeed: Input parameters

142 - 46
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Feed

MC_MoveFeed: Output Parameters

142 - 47
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Feed

MC_MoveFeed: I/O Parameters

142 - 48
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Feed

MC_MoveFeed : Function Details

•The axis travels with absolute travel, relative travel, or velocity control depending on the
MoveMode setting when Execute changes to TRUE.
• The initial target position is set in Position (Target Position) for absolute travel and the target
distance is set in Position (Target Distance) for relative travel.
• When the external input (touchprobe) is triggered previous positioning is cancelled and
Relative positioning (feed distance) is performed at the (feed velocity)

Velocity Position/Distance

Latch Distance
142 - 49
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Feed

MC_MoveFeed : Function Details

•If you specify an error output, Error changes to TRUE and Busy (Executing) and
Active (Controlling) change to FALSE.
• If you Change WindowOnly to TRUE, then specify FirstPosition and LastPosition to
use interrupt masks. Interrupt feeding is performed for the first interrupt signal
generated by the actual position between the FirstPosition and the LastPosition.


Latch Distance

142 - 50
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Feed

MC_MoveFeed : Function Details

142 - 51
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Velocity

MC_MoveVelocity: Description

•The MC_MoveVelocity instruction performs velocity control with

the Position Control Mode of the Servo Drive.

142 - 52
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Velocity
MC_MoveVelocity: Input Variables

142 - 53
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Move Velocity
MC_MoveVelocity: Output Variables

MC_MoveVelocity: Input/Output Variables

142 - 54
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Stop

MC_Stop: Description
Decelerates an axis to a stop

142 - 55
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Stop

MC_Stop: Input parameters

MC_Stop: Output parameters

142 - 56
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Stop

MC_Stop: I/O Variables

MC_Stop: Function Description

The MC_Stop instruction decelerates an axis from the current velocity to a velocity of 0
• The stop operation starts when Execute changes to TRUE.
• An in-position check is not performed when stopping for this instruction.
• CommandAborted for the instruction that is currently in operation will change to TRUE when
MC_Stop is executed.

142 - 57
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: TouchProbe

MC_TouchProbe: Description
Captures Axis registration (latch) position.

142 - 58
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: TouchProbe

MC_TouchProbe: Input parameters

142 - 59
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: TouchProbe

MC_TouchProbe: Output Parameters

MC_TouchProbe: I/O Parameters

142 - 60
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: TouchProbe

MC_TouchProbe: Function Details

•G5 EtherCAT Servo (or OMRON EtherCAT Encoder) can transmit up to 2 High
Precission captures of Register Positions, triggered by 2 different fast servo inputs.
•NJ501 can use Servo Register Function (highest accuracy) or user NJ’s general
purpose Input to store actual Axis Position (Not high accuracy).
•Up to 2 independent registration positions can be stored per axis.
•MC_TouchProbe can define a ‘window’ zone to limit captures to the desired position
•In case of G5 Servo, Axis can also be stoped when StopMode is defined

180 0

Captured Latch Position = 178º

142 - 61
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: TouchProbe

MC_TouchProbe: Window Settings

When Window is enabled Position is captured within

the window defined area:
First Positon < Last Position First Positon > Last Position


142 - 62
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: TouchProbe

MC_TouchProbe: Stop Mode

• If mcNonStop is specified, the axis will not stop even if a trigger occurs.
• If mcImmediatelyStop is specified, the axis stops at the latched position when a trigger
occurs CommandAborted of the instruction that was moving the axis changes to TRUE due to
this stop.
•mcImmediatelyStop functions in CSP Mode ONLY.
• If mcImmediatelyStop is specified in CSV/CST Mode, an error occurs when the instruction is
•If you change to CSV/CST Mode during execution formcImmediatelyStop, Command-
Aborted changes to TRUE

Note:- This Option is NOT applicable to EtherCAT Encoder

142 - 63
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: TouchProbe

MC_TouchProbe: Timing Diagram

142 - 64
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: TouchProbe

MC_TouchProbe: Timing Diagram (Aborting)

142 - 65
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: TouchProbe

Mc_TouchProbe: Example

0 d

1. TouchProbe is enabled
2. Puch starts performing an horizontal absolute movement “d”
3. When registration (edge detection) occurs, a MC_SetPosition
is used to modify the current position and then to reach the right
position ,so Drill will stop at “d” mm from the edge detection

142 - 66
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Abort Trigger

MC_AbortTrigger: Description
Aborts a current latch (touchProbe) operation

142 - 67
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Abort Trigger

MC_AbortTrigger: Input parameters

MC_AbortTrigger: Output parameters

142 - 68
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Abort Trigger

MC_AbortTrigger: I/O parameters

MC_AbortTrigger: TRIGGER_REF

142 - 69
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Abort Trigger

MC_AbortTrigger: Time Chart

142 - 70
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Combine Axes
Generates Slave Axis profile from the addition or Substraction of the Master
and Auxiliary axes.

142 - 71
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Combine Axes

MC Combine Axes: Input parameters


Leave it Blank!

142 - 72
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Combine Axes

MC Combine Axes: Input parameters

142 - 73 Leave it Blank! Automation Systems

Motion Control Functions: Combine Axes
MC Combine Axes: Output parameters

MC Combine Axes: Input/Output parameters

142 - 74
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Combine Axes
Function Details, CombineMode:mcAddAxes / mcSubAxes

V Master
V Slave

+ =
V Auxiliar
V Master

V Slave
V Auxiliar
142 - 75
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Combine Axes
Function Details, Reference Type: LastestCommand / Feedback

•NJ allows to to choose the calculated (Lastestcommand)

value or the encoder(feedback) value for Master and Auxiliary


142 - 76
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Combine Axes
Servo 0

Servo 1


142 - 77
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Combine Axes

+ Aux


142 - 78
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Torque Control
The MC_TorqueControl instruction uses the Torque Control Mode of the
Servo Drive to control the torque.

142 - 79
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Torque Control
Function Details:
•MC_Torque will apply a Torque Ramp in order to achieve the desired target Torque
•MC_Torque will use Velocity Input parameter to limit axis speed.



Torque Ramp

142 - 80
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Torque Control

MC Torque: Input parameters

142 - 81
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Torque Control

MC Torque: Output parameters

MC Torque: Input/Output parameters

142 - 82
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Torque Control

MC Torque: PDO Mapping

142 - 83
Automation Systems
Synchronized Motion

142 - 84
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Synchronism

• Synchronized Motion defines a Master-Slave Relation

• Slave Motion Profile is generated based on the Master Profile

Examples of Synchronized Motion in mechanical engineering are:

• Gearing mechanisms: There is a fix ratio

between master and slave position

• Cam mechanisms: There is a geometric

function that defines slave position based
on master position

142 - 85
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gears

MC_GearIn: Description

Stablishes a gear ratio between Master and Slave axis

142 - 86
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gears

MC_GearIn: Input parameters

142 - 87
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gears

MC_GearIn: Output parameters

MC_GearIn: I/O parameters

142 - 88
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gears

MC_GearIn: Function Details

When Gear operation begins, Slave axis changes it’s speed

according to the defined acceleration, deceleration and jerk in
order to achieve the the defined gear ratio with the master


142 - 89
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gears

MC_GearIn: Function Details (Reference Type)

Master Command Reference can be:
•The actual encoder Position Feedback (encoder value).
•The previous cycle Commanded value (profiler value)

Master Gear Slave

Actual Position (FBK)
Numerator Command
Latest Command Position
Denominator Position
Command Position*

*Only possible when Master Axis number < Slave Axis Number

142 - 90
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gears

MC_GearIn: Function Details (Example)

Master performs discrete trapezoidal profile (MC_Move)
Gear 1:1 (Slave accelerates to reach master speed)



142 - 91
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gear in Position

MC_GearInPos: Description

Defines a gear ratio between Master and Slave axis with

position conditions

142 - 92
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gear in Position

MC_GearInPos: Input parameters

142 - 93
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gear in Position

MC_GearInPos: Input parameters

142 - 94
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gear in Position

MC_GearInPos: Output parameters

MC_GearInPos: I/O parameters

142 - 95
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gear in Position
MC_GearInPos: Function Details
The GearIn not only defines gear ratio but also synchonization position of master
and slave when gear ratio is achieved.

142 - 96
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gear in Position

MC_GearInPos: Function Details

Be aware of the following limitations:

•Master axis must have different velocity than zero
•Limitation in distance (not always possible!)

142 - 97
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gear in Position

MC_GearInPos: Timing Diagram

142 - 98
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gear Out

MC_GearOut: Description

Terminates gear opeation initiated with MC_GearIn or


142 - 99
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Gear Out
MC_GearOut: Input parameters

MC_GearOut: Output parameters

142 - 100
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Linked Move
Slave axis performs a trapezoidal linked move to the master axis.
The trapezoid shape is mainly defined by master acceleration and
deceleration distance.

142 - 101
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Linked Move
MC_MoveLink: Input parameters

142 - 102
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Linked Move
MC_MoveLink: Input parameters

142 - 103
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Linked Move
MC_MoveLink: Output parameters

MC_MoveLink: Input/Output parameters

142 - 104
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Linked Move
MC_MoveLink: Function Details

Slave will perform a trapezoidal speed profile in the following way:

Master Acceleration Distance
Master Deceleration Distance
Master Distance
Slave Distance

Master axis position


Master axis position

*When Master is working at constant speed

142 - 105
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Linked Move
MC_MoveLink: Function Details

Usual application is to accelerate Slave Axis in order to achieve Master Speed,

and keep speed linked for a defined distance before deceleration (i.e. to
perform a flyingshear)
When MoveLink is used to achieve Master-Slave speedMatch use following rules:

1.-Master Acc Distance = 2 x Slave Acc Distance

Slave Trapezoid Master Constant Speed
2.-Master Dec Distance = 2 x Slave Dec Distance
3.-Master Ct. Speed Distance = Slave Ct. Speed Distance

142 - 106
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Linked Move
MC_MoveLink: Application Example, Flying Shear

•MoveLink can be used to synchronize Slave at Master speed, at a certain

1) Slave accelerates to catch Master Speed (ACC Dist)
2 3 2) Speed keept Constant (Ct. Dist)
3) Slave decelerates to zero Speed (DEC Dist)
1 4) Before Master pass ‘0’ Slave Move Relative to origin


4 Slave


142 - 107
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Phasing

MC_Phasing: Description
When executed generates a ‘PhaseShift’ offset between Master and Slave axis

142 - 108
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Phasing
MC_Phasing: Input parameters

142 - 109
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Phasing
MC_Phasing: Output Parameters

MC_Phasing: I/O Parameters

142 - 110
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Phasing


142 - 111
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In

The CAM Function

142 - 112
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In
•Cam Table defines a relation between Master and Slave Position
•Example: Simple harmonic Cam Table defines a smooth profile for position Velocity,
Acceleration, and Jerk, based on the Master Position change rate.

142 - 113
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In
(1) Cam is ALWAYS Created in CAM Editor

(2) Download (3) Execute with MC_CamIn


Flash Memory RAM Memory



142 - 114
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In
•In the Logic Controller Cam Tables are defined as an array of Master-Slave Points
Master Slave

0.0 0.0

1.0 2.3

2.0 4.7

•NJ has predefined Datatype struct sMC_CAM_REF CAM Points

•Each indiviual point of the Cam is a CAM_REF point.
•The complete Cam is an Array of CAM_REF points.

Phase : REAL;
Distance : REAL;

142 - 115
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In

•Cam Editor Automatically creates GLOBAL Variable (i.e.

My_CAM), consisting in an ARRAY of _sMC_CAM_REF
•All Calculated CAM points are copied to the array.


Cam Editor

142 - 116
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In

MC_CamIn: Description
Executes Predefined Master-Slave Cam Table

142 - 117
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In
MC_CamIn: Input parameters

142 - 118
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In
MC_CamIn: Input parameters

142 - 119
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In
MC_CamIn: Input parameters

142 - 120
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In
MC_CamIn: Output Parameters

MC_CamIn: I/O Parameters

142 - 121
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In
Start Position, Distance and Mode.


Note.-Start Mode: Defines Absolute or Relative ‘Start Distance’

142 - 122
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In
Periodic, Non-Periodic




142 - 123
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In
Table can be Scaled from Phase and Distance perspective.

142 - 124
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam In
Table can be Offset in Phase and Distance

Phase Offset

Distance Offset

142 - 125
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam Out

MC_CamOut: Description
Disenganges Master-Slave Cam

142 - 126
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam Out

MC_CamOut: Input Parameters

142 - 127
Automation Systems
Motion Control Functions: Cam Out

MC_CamOut: Output Parameters

142 - 128
Automation Systems

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