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Nursing: Critical Thinking Questions for Chapter 3

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Nursing: Critical Thinking Questions for Chapter 3

1. Before beginning the data collection process, Yvonne should:

I. First, conduct background research on the nutritional needs of individuals over 65 in

Tomorrow, WI. This research can include studying relevant literature and

speaking with experts in the field.

II. Yvonne should also develop a clear plan for how the data will be collected,

including the specific methods used and the data collection schedule. This plan

should be discussed and approved by the rest of the team, and any necessary

permissions or approvals should be obtained.

2. In that case, it means that the tool is measuring what it is supposed to be measuring

(validity) and consistently measuring it in the same way (reliability). It is considered a

good tool for measuring vitamin C intake.

3. Aaliyah should consider the cultural beliefs and practices of the Native Alaskans

regarding food and nutrition when preparing to conduct a culturally appropriate

assessment of their vitamin D intake. This may include taking into account traditional

foods and methods of preparation, as well as any taboos or restrictions on certain


4. One kind of data that Joel might collect about a target population if he is doing a

needs assessment for his community is demographic information, such as age, gender,

race, income, education level, and employment status. This information can help him

understand the community's makeup and identify any specific groups with unique

needs that must be addressed.

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