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to the Reade
“Do not let others decide what you become and follow what your heart wants you to
In this e-portfolio, you will read how I conquer and realize what I want for my
career on how I strive, manage, and do to succeed. Little experiences and things
could change everything, expressly if it is meant for you. Do not let others tamper
with your decisions because it will confuse you to classify what you want, but take
their advice if it is supporting you. Let them be astonished and inspired by your
story on how you achieve your dream with a big smile on your face and saying, "I
made it!"

I do like to take this opportunity to say thank you to those people who
support, believe, and guide me throughout this way. I could not believe that I
made it to finish my senior secondary level, and for me, this is a vast achievement
that I achieved. I would not come so far if no one helped me, and I am thankful to
have those who believed in me.
To my family for their unending love and support, especially my mom,
because she always makes sure to give the best for us. She served as my
inspiration as she always understands and keeping me motivated to push myself
to the limits and to make the best out of everything.
To the institution where I am studying and to all of my teachers who guided,
helped, and patiently imparted their knowledge to me to acquire a better future.
Also, without them, I will not be able to achieve this kind of fulfilment and going to
miss the great experience of my life.
To everyone who became a part of my achievement, especially to my friends
who always there and encourage me because they made it to get me out to my
comfort zone. I am not who I am today, not because of them, and I am so grateful
to have them in my life.
Above all, to our Almighty God for His immeasurable love and all the
blessings, He provided to us. With all my heart I thank Him for guiding, and He
made possible all the things that could help me all over the way. Also, for being
there when I am down and because of His comfort and by His grace I was able to
achieve my goal.


Letter to the Readers ………………………………….…………………… page 1

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………… page 1
Career Choice (Journal 1) ………………………………………………… page 3
New Learnings (Journal 2)………………………………………………… page 4
What I Must Do to Succeed (Journal 3) ……………………….……… page 5
Another Road to Take (Journal 4) ……..……………………………… page 6
Learning from Others (Journal 5) ……………………………………… page 7
Documentary Photo ………………………………………………………… page 8
Work Immersion Reflection ……………………………………………… page 9 – 10
Certificate ……………………………………..……………………………… page 11


“Career Choice”

It is so hard to identify what you want to be if your parents already set what
you become in the future. I grew up having a mind-set becoming a doctor that
makes it an obstacle to my dreams. When I was a kid, I always dreaming
becoming an interior designer because I love to organize and decorate things.
However, my family line known in the medical field as doctors, nurses, and
surgeons. The pressure within me and my sister is heavy to carry on, especially
doing well in school.

Additionally, having a family business that my mom wants me to manage in

the future is also one of the obstacles to achieving my dreams. Though I never
blamed them hone us in this way because we also benefit from it. And in my
senior high school, I learned a lot and discovered other capacities that I never
know. The things I noticed about myself are being observant, analysing my
surroundings, and give good advice to my friends makes me realize something
that I want to become.

In my career, I want to become a Psychologist because as time goes by, I

realized many things, and one of them is that knowing what I desire. I discern
that simple things make me do more, and that is to develop and make other
people understand deeper about themselves, maybe because I grew up being an
introverted person. I hate socializing, and I do not know myself better because I
am afraid to have hope to be like and afraid to fail. I never experienced having real
friends until I meet my circle of friends presently. They changed my point of view
in life and encourage me to get out of my comfort zone to face reality which made
me a better version of myself.

I want to use my experience to save other people's mental health, develop,

and understand themself deeper. By advising and make them feel that there is
someone they could lean on and understand them. Nowadays, other people take
not seriously about other's mental health, which leads to depression and anxiety.
I believe that emotion is one of the dangerous problems that we encounter
because were battling ourselves alone. Understanding human beings and their
becoming would help them conquer mental problems makes me want to be part of
that growth.


“New Learnings”

I learned a lot by attending the webinar, though I shifted group to ABM. It

was hard to identify what I want to take since my parents decided to let me take
another course aside from the medicine courses. At first, I want to proceed to my
original plan when I was a kid, which is to be an interior designer, which made me
chose Architecture, but because I doubt myself, I think of another course again.
My mom suggested what if I take a business administration course since I am the
one going to manage our business in the future that is why I shifted group on my
work immersion. It was difficult for me to catch up on the topics since I am new
and my strand was not related to a business considering I am a STEM student.

On my first day of the webinar, I determine that having an entrepreneurial

mind-set and making a business plan helps you to overlook the importance of
your business that thrives and stands out. On the second day, we tackled the
marketing plan, which is the foundation of the marketing strategy to obtain the
objective of the market. On the third day, the financial statement is our topic in
which it provides the main information and shows the result of resources
entrusted to it. Also, in balance sheet indicates the worth of a business and
understands more the financial position. The fourth and last day was identifying
or proposing possible business opportunities in the market, which seeks to
achieve the objective of the business because the information collected from the
target market supports you to advance and innovate.

I learned how to formulate a business plan and oversee the objectives to be

prioritized to achieve the goal of a business. It will not help me to my chosen
career path since I am taking psychology, but it will help me to be knowledgeable
to handle our business in the future. It will help me how to strengthen the
foundation and organize the system in the market. Also, it gives me an idea of
what characteristics of an entrepreneur to have to be successful. For instance,
decisive, confident, accountable, resilient, and having humility in yourself
comprise the five characteristics of an entrepreneurial mind-set.


“What I Must Do to Succeed”


It is so hard to succeed if you are not passionate about what career you
take. It is necessary to identify what you want before stepping again for another
step. For me, career life is like mountain climbing because before you step into
another rock, you need to decide if it will hold you or fall you. Selecting your
career is necessary, mainly because it also determines your success. Achieving
what you want to become is a huge help to have a big step into your life.
The steps that I must do to succeed are first is to commit. If I am committed
to my goals, I would probably push myself to its limits to achieve what I want in
life. The second is to focus on my aims because it helps me motivate myself to do
well and identify what I prioritize first. The third step is to manage my time wisely
because it will help me organize what I need to do. For me, it is also another way
of disciplining and preparing myself for the future. Also, I would consider making
adjustments in my surroundings because I know that not all the time, people are
in favor of me which leads me into struggling. After all, an unfamiliar environment
is just natural as long as you make a move to find your exact point. And lastly, I
would take pride because I am doing my best to achieve what I aim for, and along
this journey of mine, I wanted to prove to everyone that I am more than this.
Being successful is always depends on how what you are going to do. It is
not all about just dreaming about it, and especially you never do something. It is
necessary to take action and accountable for any consequence you face by making
a big move into your life. Every move and decision has a limitation and a big
responsibility. That is why choosing your career needs to be steady, and you are
passionate because there are more steps left to climb for your success.


“Another Road to Take”


The other road I would probably take if I would not be a psychologist would
be an entrepreneur. Having a family business already set that there is someone
next in line in managing the business, and as an older child in the family, my
mom wanted me to handle it. It was fine with me since I also like to do office kinds
of stuff. I already accepted my fate that it is possible, I will not be going to obtain
my dream, and then I will willingly acquire what predestination would lead to me.
It will also be part of my journey towards my future which is why I need
thoroughly equip myself.
Sometimes, it is not wrong to have options in our life. Momentarily, having
alternative ideas that will make you prepared for what outcomes will appear in the
future. We do not know what will be going on next if we could not witness what is
for tomorrow. So there is nothing to worry about if you take another path because
it still holds your future. We should normalize taking another pathway because as
time goes by, some jobs are hard to reach, especially if you did not meet their
standards. That is why dreaming or taking not just one field is also necessary
because it shows that you are striving towards your success but on a different
As a senior high school student, at first, it was indeed hard for me to
identify what I want in life. I naturally follow and say “okay” what my parents say
to me because I knew they only want what is good for me. I do not have courage,
all the jobs I wanted to take just piled up on my head that made me had many
options if they let me choose what I want. But after facing the reality that no one
could make you realize, but yourself, I start trying to voice out what I am good

about it. It gives me the courage to attain my goal is to be successful but on a
different path.


“Learning from Others”


Starting a business could be stressful, and it often feels like there are
loaded things to work on all at the same time. There is no turning back when you
already at the reality when starting a business. However, with the help of
planning, it is possible to manage expectations and take actions with a sense of
purpose toward building your business. On our webinar, some guests shared their
experiences on how they strive and became successful towards their dream. They
also gave us some tips and ideas on what to do if we wanted to start a business.

There is one guest that captured my attention, and she is Miss Joyce Dela Pena.
She is one of the guests invited to our work immersion webinar. As far as I
remembered, she is an alumnus at STI West Negros University that graduated
with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. She gave us a word of
wisdom, and one of those is about dealing with a business, expressly she said, "do
not give up even though there are many challenges that appear in your business
or life." Due to the pandemic, she loses the small business that helps her in her
everyday life. She realized it just a pandemic, and no one can stop her from
achieving her dream. Now, she has more customers on her empanada than
previously, and it because of her hard work and perseverance to obtain her goal.

I learned and realized so many things from her, and my most favourite part is the
"No one can stop you from achieving your dream if you are passionate about it." It
just challenges that pass through to your life that you need to conquer. Also,
taking the advice of an experienced entrepreneur knows that very well and
constantly bending and experimenting the world of business will help you to grow
and prosper in the business field because they know how to handle their

customer very well, speak to them in one voice and delight them with an
exceptional and personalized experience.

1st Day (April 5, 2021)

4th Day (April 8, 2021)

2nd Day (April 6, 2021)

3rd Day (April 7, 2021)

How were you able to finish the tasks assigned to you?
I was able to finish the task assigned to me by focusing and managing my
time accurately. By being consistent and determined, I complete all the tasks
assigned to me accordingly. Also, inserting an extract effort into this output
wholeheartedly and have a peace of mind to formulate a creative idea to embed in
my output could help me focus on the task.

Were you satisfied with your output? Why?

Yes, I am satisfied with my output because I know while making it that I put
all the effort into this output. I stated all the things I wanted to say and place my
heart wholeheartedly into this e-portfolio. It was a euphoric and satisfying feeling
to share my journey on how I choose my path and how I overcame the challenges
with the people who believe in me.

What is the importance of undergoing training and careful planning in

achieving the target?
It is important to undergo training and careful planning in achieving the
target because it holds a significant role in our life in the future. It will define our
success, and it will make us grow and develop to identify clearly, what path we are
going to take. As time goes by, our careers could change in just a snap because of
the influence of the surroundings. Therefore, undergoing and careful planning will
help us to be steady and to move forward in our goals.

If you will be given another chance to perform the activities related to your
Immersion experience, is there anything you would like to change or do
differently? What are those and why?
If I will be given another chance to perform the activities related to my
Immersion experience, the one thing I would like to do differently, in particular, is
to make a feasibility study or business plan. Because of this pandemic, many
things happened, and one of those is the real-life experience in work immersion,
and it changed it on a webinar session for the sake of the student's safety. As I
choose the ABM group, making a feasibility study or business plan is essential in
building a business. That is why I want to experience performing a feasibility
study or marketing plan to gain experience like a real entrepreneur and to have a
broader viewpoint on the business field.


What were the challenges you faced as you do the tasks? How did you
surpass those challenges?
The challenges that I faced as I did the tasks are doing household chores
and helping my mom doing her office works. At first, doing the task was so hard
for me to adjust because I also want to finish the task as early as I could, but as
an older child of the family, there is a big responsibility I need to carry on. So, the
thing that I did to surpass those challenges is how I manage my time well. The
first did, I make sure to finish the household chores in the morning to have more
opportunities left for my available time. Because I already conquered the first
challenge, the second challenge I struggled the most. I am the one who usually
does the encoding, making the layout of the policy card and listing format of our
business, printing it, and proofreading the proposal in our business. Since my
mom has a busy schedule, I sometimes attend her webinar. And the heavy
responsibility that she always leaves to me makes me not know what I will do to
balance my time. So what I did is I did all the office works in the evening because I
find it more convenient to at least finish the office work gradually. As this kind
managing my time, I have all the available time about 8 am to 5 pm. It makes me
manage my time well because of knowing what to prioritize and doing my
responsibility orderly.

In what way do you benefit from the given tasks?

In this way, the benefit that I get from the given tasks is to manage my time
orderly. I know it just a simple skill to possess, but I believe it was hard to
accomplish if you do not have discipline and not consistent in doing the tasks by
yourself. It made me realize that balancing your time is the most important to
have in everyday life. You could do so much if you only know what to prioritize,
and it takes you to finish the task at the end of the day.



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