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Activity Guide

Why do seminars?

Seminars are often used as a way for experts or practitioners to share their knowledge
and experience with a group of people interested in the same subject. They can be a
valuable learning opportunity for attendees and can also serve as a platform for
networking and exchange of ideas. Additionally, seminars can help to disseminate new
research or industry developments and can also be used as a marketing tool.

Role of seminars in fisheries, aquaculture, and fish processing

Seminars can play an important role in the fisheries, aquaculture, and fish processing
industries by providing a forum for professionals to share their knowledge and
experience, and to learn about the latest developments and trends in their field. They
can also be used to disseminate new research findings, and to discuss and address
challenges facing the industry.

In fisheries, seminars can be used to discuss sustainable fishing practices, the

management of fish stocks, and the effects of environmental changes on fish

In aquaculture, seminars can be used to discuss advances in fish farming techniques,

the development of new fish species for cultivation, and the challenges of disease
management in farmed fish.

In fish processing, seminars can be used to discuss new technologies and techniques
for processing and preserving fish, as well as food safety and quality control issues.

Seminars can also be a valuable networking opportunity for professionals in these

industries, allowing them to connect with other experts, share ideas and best practices,
and discuss potential collaborations.

How to do a seminar

Here are some steps you can take to organize a seminar:

1. Define the purpose and goals of the seminar. This will help you to determine the
target audience and the type of content that will be covered.

2. Identify potential speakers and panelists. These should be experts in the field who
can provide valuable insights and information to the attendees.

3. Choose a venue and set a date. The location should be easily accessible for the
target audience and the date should be chosen to minimize scheduling conflicts.

4. Develop the seminar agenda. This should include the topics that will be covered, the
names and backgrounds of the speakers, and the schedule of events.

5. Promote the seminar. This can be done through various channels such as email, social
media, website, and brochures.

6. Coordinate logistics. This includes arranging for audio-visual equipment, refreshments,

handouts, and any other materials that will be needed for the seminar.

7. Prepare for the seminar. This includes preparing the speakers, rehearsing the
presentations, and ensuring that all the logistics are in place.

8. Run the seminar. This includes welcoming the attendees, introducing the speakers, and
ensuring that the presentations run smoothly.

9. Evaluate the seminar. Collect feedback from the attendees, speakers and other
stakeholders and use it to make improvements for future seminars.

10. Follow-up. Send a thank you note to all attendees, speakers, and other stakeholders.
Follow up with attendees to see if they have any further questions or if they need additional

11. Consider providing Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Development

(CPD) credits for attendees. Many professionals are required to earn a certain number of
CE/CPD credits each year, so offering them for your seminar can help attract attendees.

12. Provide networking opportunities. Networking is an important aspect of any seminar, so

consider including breaks, lunches, or receptions where attendees can meet and connect
with one another.

13. Provide handouts or materials. Attendees will appreciate having materials they can
refer to after the seminar, such as slides, notes, or reference materials.

14. Consider live streaming or recording the seminar. This will allow people who were
unable to attend the seminar to access the content.

15. Consider having a virtual seminar. With the current pandemic situation, many events
have been held virtually. This can be done through webinars, videoconferencing platforms,
or other online tools.

16. Remember that organizing a seminar is a lot of work, so start planning early, and don’t
be afraid to ask for help or delegate tasks. The more organized you are, the more
successful your seminar will be.


1. Welcome and Introduction (30 minutes)

• Introduction of the seminar organizer
• Explanation of the seminar's purpose and objectives
• Overview of the seminar's agenda

2. Keynote Presentation (45 minutes)

• Presentation by a keynote speaker on a relevant topic
• Q&A session with the speaker

3. Panel Discussion (1 hour)

• Panel discussion on a relevant topic
• Participation from industry experts
• Q&A session with the panelists

4. Break (15 minutes)

• Refreshments and networking opportunities

5. Workshops (2 hours)
• Hands-on workshops on specific topics
• Facilitation by industry experts
• Small group discussions and sharing of best practices

6. Lunch (1 hour)
• Networking opportunities
• Provide lunch and refreshments

7. Parallel Sessions (2 hours)

• Parallel sessions on specific topics
• Presentations by industry experts
• Q&A session with the presenters

8. Closing Remarks (30 minutes)

• Summary of the seminar's key takeaways
• Feedback survey
• Next steps

9. Networking Reception (1 hour)

• Networking opportunities
• Provide light refreshments

*Note that this is just an example and can be adjusted according to the topic,
audience, and purpose of the seminar. Also, it's recommended to have a time
buffer for unexpected events or delays.


1. Planning and Preparation (2-3 weeks)

• Form a seminar planning committee
• Define the seminar's purpose and objectives
• Identify potential speakers and panelists
• Choose a venue and set a date
• Develop a seminar agenda

2. Promotion and Registration (1-2 weeks)

• Promote the seminar through various channels such as social media, posters,
and email
• Set up a registration process for attendees

3. Coordination and Logistics (1 week before the seminar)

• Coordinate with the speakers and panelists
• Arrange for audio-visual equipment and refreshments
• Prepare handouts and materials for the attendees

4. Rehearsals and Final Preparations (2-3 days before the seminar)

• Rehearse the presentations and speeches
• Finalize logistics and preparations

5. Running the Seminar (Seminar day)

• Welcome the attendees and introduce the seminar
• Introduce the speakers and run the presentations
• Facilitate Q&A sessions and discussions
• Provide feedback survey

6. Follow-up (1-2 days after the seminar)

• Send thank-you notes to the speakers, attendees, and other stakeholders
• Collect and analyze the feedback survey
• Prepare a report on the seminar's outcome

7. Evaluation and Reflection (1 week after the seminar)

• Have a meeting with the committee to evaluate the seminar's outcome
• Reflect on what went well and what can be improved for future seminars

Rubric to evaluate your performance in organizing a seminar:

1. Planning and Preparation (25 points)

• Defining the seminar's purpose and objectives (5 points)
• Identifying potential speakers and panelists (5 points)
• Choosing a venue and setting a date (5 points)
• Developing a seminar agenda (5 points)
• Promotion and registration process (5 points)

2. Coordination and Logistics (20 points)

• Coordinating with the speakers and panelists (5 points)
• Arranging for audio-visual equipment and refreshments (5 points)
• Preparing handouts and materials for the attendees (5 points)
• Finalizing logistics and preparations (5 points)

3. Running the Seminar (35 points)

• Welcoming the attendees and introducing the seminar (5 points)
• Introducing the speakers and running the presentations (10 points)
• Facilitating Q&A sessions and discussions (10 points)
• Providing feedback survey (5 points)
• Time management and coordination during the seminar (5 points)

4. Follow-up and Evaluation (20 points)

• Sending thank-you notes to the speakers, attendees, and other stakeholders
(5 points)
• Collecting and analyzing the feedback survey (5 points)
• Preparing a report on the seminar's outcome (5 points)
• Reflecting on what went well and what can be improved for future seminars (5

Format for the Accomplishment report:

Sem 1- Seminar 1
Planning and Conducting Seminar

• Title of the seminar
• Names of the students who organized the seminar
• Date of the seminar
• College name

• A brief overview of the seminar's purpose, objectives, and outcome
• Number of attendees
• Feedback from attendees


• Description of the seminar's purpose and objectives
• Identification of potential speakers and panelists
• Selection of venue and date
• Development of seminar agenda
• Promotion and registration process


• Coordination with speakers and panelists
• Arrangements for audio-visual equipment and refreshments
• Preparation of handouts and materials for the attendees
• Finalizing logistics and preparations


• Description of the seminar's flow
• Summary of presentations and speeches
• Facilitation of Q&A sessions and discussions
• Feedback survey results


• Sending thank-you notes to the speakers, attendees, and other stakeholders
• Feedback survey analysis
• Report on the seminar's outcome
• Reflections on what went well and what can be improved for future seminars

• Summary of the seminar's key takeaways
• Acknowgment of the support and cooperation of the college, speakers, and attendees
• Suggestions for future seminars

• List of sources and references used in the report.

*Due: 1 week before the finale Exam
Rubrics in checking the accomplishment report:
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Poor (1)
Improvement (2)
Clearly and Summarizes the Provides a basic Lacks a clear Does not
succinctly seminar's overview of the summary of the provide any
summarizes the purpose, seminar, but lacks seminar's purpose, summary of the
seminar's purpose, objectives, and detail objectives, and seminar
objectives, and outcome, outcome
outcome, including including number
number of attendees of attendees and
and feedback from feedback from
attendees attendees
Clearly describes the Describes the Provides a generalLacks a clear Does not
seminar's purpose seminar's purpose overview of the description of the provide any
and objectives, and and objectives, seminar's planning and
seminar's purpose information on
provides detailed and provides preparation, but lacks
and objectives, and the seminar's
information on the information on the detail provides little planning and
identification of identification of information on the preparation
potential speakers potential speakers identification of
Planning and and panelists, and panelists, potential speakers
Preparation selection of venue selection of venue and panelists,
and date, and date, selection of venue
development of development of and date,
seminar agenda, and seminar agenda, development of
promotion and and promotion seminar agenda,
registration process and registration and promotion and
process registration
Clearly describes the Describes the Provides a general Lacks a clear Does not
coordination with coordination with overview of the description of the provide any
speakers and speakers and coordination and coordination with information on
panelists, panelists, logistics, but lacks speakers and the coordination
arrangements for arrangements for detail panelists, and logistics
audio-visual audio-visual arrangements for
equipment and equipment and audio-visual
Coordination and
refreshments, refreshments, equipment and
preparation of preparation of refreshments,
handouts and handouts and preparation of
materials for the materials for the handouts and
attendees, and attendees, and materials for the
finalizing logistics finalizing logistics attendees, and
and preparations and preparations finalizing logistics
and preparations
Clearly describes the Describes the Provides a general Lacks a clear Does not
seminar's flow, seminar's flow, overview of the description of the provide any
provides detailed provides seminar's running, but seminar's flow, information on
summaries of the summaries of the lacks detail provides little the seminar's
presentations and presentations and information on the running
speeches, and speeches, and presentations and
Running the includes a detailed includes an speeches, and
Seminar analysis of the Q&A analysis of the includes little
sessions and Q&A sessions and analysis of the
discussions, as well discussions, as Q&A sessions and
as the feedback well as the discussions, as
survey results feedback survey well as the
results feedback survey

Rubrics in checking the accomplishment report (continuation….):
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Improvement Poor (1)
Clearly describes the Describes the Provides a general Lacks a clear Does not
follow-up process, follow-up process, overview of the follow- description of the provide any
including the sending including the up and evaluation, but follow-up process, information on
of thank-you notes to sending of thank- lacks detail including the the follow-up
the speakers, you notes to the sending of thank- and evaluation
attendees, and other speakers, you notes to the
stakeholders, and attendees, and speakers,
provides a detailed other attendees, and
analysis of the stakeholders, and other stakeholders,
Follow-up and feedback survey and provides an and provides little
Evaluation a comprehensive analysis of the analysis of the
report on the feedback survey feedback survey
seminar's outcome, and a report on and a limited report
as well as reflections the seminar's on the seminar's
on what went well outcome, as well outcome, as well
and what can be as reflections on as little reflections
improved for future what went well on what went well
seminars and what can be and what can be
improved for improved for future
future seminars seminars
Clearly summarizes Summarizes the Provides a basic Lacks a clear Does not
the seminar's key seminar's key summary of the summary of the provide any
takeaways, takeaways, seminar's key seminar's key conclusion
acknowledges the acknowledges the takeaways, but lacks takeaways, and
support and support and detail provides little
cooperation of the cooperation of the acknowledgement
college, speakers, college, speakers, of the support and
and attendees, and and attendees, cooperation of the
provides insightful and provides college, speakers,
suggestions for suggestions for and attendees, and
future seminars future seminars little suggestions
for future seminars
Provides a complete Provides a list of Provides a list of Provides a limited Does not
and accurate list of sources and sources and list of sources and provide any
sources and references used in references used in the references used in references
references used in the report, but report, but may be the report, with
the report may have some incomplete many inaccuracies

Class Groupings:

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

• Acay • Algabre • Anota

• Asis • Asoy • Balayman
• Barba • Bernaldez • Buaya
• Cagampang • Calamba • Cambronero
• Canos • Capindo • Cayabas
• Clarito • Dela Cruz • Deloria
• Ebarle • Espinosa • Ferenal
• Gauran • Javier • Layo
• Liawan • Macabacyao • Macabiro
• Macalangan • Mangga • Ontal
• Paglas • Robles • Seloterio
• Tacadena • Tangalin • Tesoro
• Toreno • Trinidad


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