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Need limo How much cost Egyptian pounds kind luggage Big car Accept Change money Receipt Discount Fixed price Price list Distance Down town Square Airport pyramids Meeting interview Meeting point Wait leave Arrive = reach = get Travel Hotel Citadel palace building Area accept Arrange Organize Coordinates Manage can Help Transportation The road Seminar Conference ee) ry yaa bay ole Maal GLLAyT Eual Amaia Aiba anal) tiaty) As ay = day fa a + welcome to Egypt + welcome back « Here it is = here you are = here you go + have a nice trip » havea nice time «where is your office at the Airport » arrival hall «departure hall + domestic hall + «Do you accept American Dollar + Sorry sire Egyptian pound only + let me check mu price list «Where to get a limousine service + Lama limousine representative « [am here at your service « [can offer this service + we can provide this service + Lwould like to help you yes Ad las adel (gle al) tae Saas! papa Alay all gail pt iby gall Dall gb Ate 61384 Ca gest Ata eal) Alla Aula hall be ght) Aloe el SY gall Suit Ja ag pata yb ny) daild aly) gies S Cad paglll Aaah (gle Lpuaall pia cy! Cad gad gaia UI tia (A Us Ui) Asad! ode aya (pide AasSll ode aya Licey dacLal oI a! : j 1- I need to take a limo much does it cost to go Down town - It costs .. .. Egyptian pounds. 2-What kind of cars do you have ? We have 3-we are a big fa Yes , sir we have mine van, it is and we have 4 luggage , do you have big cars ? enough for you family and your luggage . 4- How many persons are with you , sir ? 5 persons 5- Ihave only dollars , can I pay in us dollar ? Tam sorry, sir you can change money from the bank over there , we only accept Egyptian money 6 -Would you give me a receipt , please ? Of course, sir. 7- can you make a discount for me ? Tam sorry sir . itis a fixed price. 8: Do you have a price list ? Yes, sir Here it is 9- where are you going , sir ? Iam going to 10- ehat is the distance between the airport and down town ? Itis about .. 11- how many kilometers between the airport and down town ? It is about .. 12- how long does it take to reach the pyramids ? It take about ...

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