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7. a. After filling the triangle, add the numbers in each row and make a list.

For example, the first row

just has 1. In the second row, add 1 + 1 = 2. In the third row, add 1 + 2 + 1 = 4.

The row sums are: 1, 2, 4, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____.
What do you notice about these numbers?

b. Can you find a diagonal with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7?

c. Can you find a diagonal with triangular numbers?

(Triangular numbers start like this:)

Read more about Pascal's triangle and its patterns at

Below you will find an empty Pascal's triangle to explore with. You can fill it with some other number
on all the sides, such as 2, 3, or 20.

Subtraction Terms

Remember subtraction terms?

Just like “m” comes before “s” in the alphabet,

the minuend comes before the subtrahend.

1. The minuend is missing! Find a general idea that always works to solve these kind of problems.

a. ____ 8=7 b. ____ 15 = 17 c. ____ 22 7 = 70

____ 4 = 20 ____ 24 = 48 ____ 300 50 = 125

2. The subtrahend is missing! Find a general idea that always works to solve these kind of problems.

a. 20 ____ = 12 b. 55 ____ = 34 c. 234 ____ = 100

6 ____ = 5 100 ____ = 72 899 ____ = 342

3. a. Write three subtraction problems where the difference is 10.

b. The subtrahend is 12 and the difference is 58. What is the minuend?

c. The minuend is 55 and the difference is 17. What is the subtrahend?

4. Explain an easy to way to subtract 999 from any number mentally.

For example, explain how to do easily 1,446 – 999.

5. The difference of two numbers is 20, and one of the numbers is 25.
What can the other number be?

Subtraction is used:

In “take away” situations

To find the difference
To find one part when you have a “whole” and
In “less than” or “more than” situations
several “parts”.

6. Solve the problems. You will need addition AND subtraction.

a. A package of cheese costs $6 and a package of ham costs $2 less.

How much do the two cost together?

b. One alarm clock costs $11 and another costs $8 more.

How much would the two cost together?

c. Of the 45 students, 18 are girls. How many are boys?

How many more boys are there than girls?

d. Jack gave the clerk $50 for his purchases, and got $13 as his change.
How much did his purchases cost?

e. It rained five days in June and six days in July.

How many non-rainy days did those two months have?

f. Amy is 134 cm tall and her mom is 162 cm tall.

What is the difference in their heights?

g. Jack bicycled his favorite 28 km route on Tuesday and on Wednesday.

On Thursday and Saturday he bicycled along a route that was 6 km shorter.
How many kilometers did he bicycle all totalled?

Find the missing numbers.

a. 200 45 ____ 70 = 25

b. _____ 5 55 120 = 40

Word Problems and Bar Models
Bar models help you see how the numbers in a problem relate to each other. Whenever you get
stumped by a word problem, try drawing a bar model.

On Monday, Dad drove 277 miles, and Monday

on Tuesday he drove 25 miles more
than he did on Monday. How many
miles did he drive in the two days? Tuesday

On Tuesday he drove 277 + 25 = 302 miles. The bracket “}” means addition or the total
Altogether he drove 277 + 302 = 579 miles. of the two bars. We do not know the total
or the sum of the two days' journey, so it
is marked with a question mark.

After driving 20 miles, Dad says, “I still have 15

more miles to go to the half-way point.” How long
is the trip?

20 mi + 15 mi = 35 miles, and that is the first half

of the trip. So, the total trip is 2 × 35 = 70 miles. We do not know the total length,
so it is marked with “?”.

Mark the numbers given in the problem in the diagram. Mark what is asked with “?”.
Then solve the problem.
1. Jake worked for 56 days on a farm, and
Ed worked for 14 days less.
How many days did Ed work?

2. Of his paycheck, Dad paid $250 on taxes, and spent

$660 on other bills and purchases. Then, half of his
paycheck was gone. How much was his paycheck?

3. Dad bought two hammers. One cost $18

and the other cost $28 more.
What was his total bill?

Angi and Rebecca split a $100 paycheck so that
Angi got $10 more than Rebecca.
How much did each one get?
The bar diagram shows the situation. Angi got $10 more
than Rebecca, and together they earned $100.
To solve it, you can think this way. If you took away (subtracted) the “additional” $10, then the total
would be $90, and we would only have the two equal parts (the two green parts). So, $90 ÷ 2 = $45
gives us the amount Rebecca got, and then Angi got $45 + $10 = $55.

Here's another way of looking at the same situation.

We draw just one bar for the paycheck, and divide it
into two halves in the middle (the dashed line). Then
we draw half of the $10, or $5, on either side of that
middle line.
We can then see Angi got $50 + $5 = $55 and Rebecca got $50 $5 = $45.

Mark the numbers given in the problem in the diagram. Mark what is asked with “?”.
Then solve the problem.

4. Mary and Luisa bought a $46 gift together.

Mary spent $6 more on it than Luisa.
How many dollars did each spend?

5. Henry bought two circular saws. One

saw was $100 cheaper than the other.
His total bill was $590. What did each saw cost?

6. Eric and Angela did yard work together. They earned $80
and split it so that Eric got $12 more
than Angela. How much did each one get?
Draw a bar diagram.

You can solve the rest of the problems any way you like best.

7. Mark bought four towels for $7 each, and a blanket for $17.
He paid, and the clerk handed him back $5.
What denomination was the bill Mark used to pay?

8. One plain yogurt costs $2.40, strawberry yogurt

costs $0.15 less than plain yogurt, and plum yogurt
costs $0.30 more than plain yogurt.
What is your total bill if you buy all three?

9. Erica was 132 cm tall when she was 9 years old.

In the next year, she grew 6 cm, and the next year 2 cm
less than the previous year. How tall was she at the age of 11?

10. John's monthly phone service bill is $48. John said that with
the money he earned on his summer job, he could pay his
phone service for two months, spend $120 for a bike,
and still have half his money left. How much did he earn?

11. Melissa found a nice shirt for $11.50, another

for $2.55 less, and yet another for $2 less.
If she buys all three, what will her total bill be?

Missing Addend Solved with Subtraction
From this simple diagram, we can write
two addition and two subtraction sentences.
Those four form a fact family.
x stands for a number, too. We just don't know it yet. x + 15 = 56 56 – x = 15
Which fact in the family makes it easy to
find the value of x? 15 + x = 56 56 – 15 = x

Here is missing addend problem: You can solve it by subtracting

the one part (769) from the total (1,510):
769 + x = 1,510.
x = 1,510 – 769
= 741

1. The missing addend is solved with subtraction. Solve.

a. 78 + x = 145 b. 128 + x = 400 c. x + 385 = 999

x = 145 – 78 = _____ x = ____ – ____ = _____ x = ____ – ____ = _____

2. Write a missing addend sentence using x, and a subtraction sentence to solve it.

a. A car costs $1,200 and dad has $890.

How much more does he need?

b. The school has 547 students, of which

265 are girls. How many are boys?

3. a. Write a fact family using these
three numbers: x, 59, 124.
(Remember, x stands for a number too.)

b. Solve for x.

4. Write a missing addend sentence with x. Solve.

a. A school's teachers and students students + teachers = total

filled a 450-seat auditorium. If ______ + ______ = ______
the school had 43 teachers,
how many students did it have?

b. Mom went shopping with $250 spent + left = had originally

and came back home with $78. ______ + ______ = ______
How much did she spend?

c. Janet had $200. She bought an item item 1 + item 2 + left = total
for $54 and another for $78. ______ + ______ + ______ = ______
How much is left?

d. Jean bought one item for $23 and

another for $29, and she had ______ + ______ + ______ = ______
$125 left. How much did she have
initially? x=

5. Which number sentence fits the problem? Find x.

a. Jane had $15. Dad gave Jane her allow- b. Mike had many drawings. He put 24 of
ance (x) and afterwards Jane had $22. them in the trash. Then he had 125 left.
$15 + x = $22 OR $15 + $22 = x 125 – 24 = x OR x – 24 = 125

c. Jill had 120 marbles, but some of them d. Dave gave 67 of his stickers to a friend
got lost. Now she has 89 left. and now he has 150 left.
120 – x = 89 OR 120 + 89 = x 150 – 67 = x OR x – 67 = 150

6. Pick a number sentence that you can use to find x. Then solve for x.

a. Problem: 253 + x = 2056 b. Problem: x + 148 = 397

2056 – 253 = x OR x – 253 = 2056 148 – 397 = x OR 397 – 148 = x

c. Problem: x – 23 = 45 d. Problem: 120 – x = 55

45 – 23 = x OR 45 + 23 = x 120 – 55 = x OR 120 + 55 = x

7. Solve for x.

x 1,750 b. 23 + 56 + x = 110
| 4,900


8. Write the numbers and x to the picture. Write a missing addend sentence. Solve.

a. The Jones' family had traveled 420 miles b. The store is expecting a shipment of 4,000
of their 1,200-mile journey. How many blank CDs. Two boxes of 500 arrived.
miles were left to travel? How many are still to come?

c. A 250 cm board is divided into three parts: d. After traveling 56 miles, Dad said,
two 20 cm parts at the ends and a part in “We have 118 miles left.”
the middle. How long is the middle part? How long is the journey?

Order of Operations
1. Do operations within ( ) first. 30 6 11 + 5 4 + 3 × (6 2)
= 24 11 + 5 = 4 + 3× 4
2. Then multiply & divide, from left to right.
= 13 + 5 = 18 = 4 + 12 = 16
3. Then add & subtract, from left to right.
Make sure you understand 7+3×5 70 + (80 5)
the examples on the right. = 7 + 15 = 22 = 70 + 75 = 145

1. Do the calculations in the right order.

a. 500 – 30 – 30 = b. 250 + (100 – 50) + (100 – 50) =

500 – (30 – 30) = 250 + 100 – 50 + 100 – 50 =

500 – 30 + 30 = (250 + 100) – (50 + 100) – 50 =

500 – (30 + 30) = 250 + 100 – (50 + 100 – 50) =

2. Calculate in the right order.

a. 2 × (5 + 3) = b. 2 × 5 + 3 × 1 = c. 2 × 5 + 3 × 0 =

20 – 3 × 3 = (10 – 3) × 3 + 1 = (20 – 16) × 3 + 2 =

50 – 1 – 2 × 10 = 50 – 1 × 7 + 2 × 3 = 2 × (2 + 2) – 3 =

3. Match the description with the right number sentence. Then calculate.

First multiply 5 times 10 and subtract from the result 7. 5 × (10 – 7)

Add to 10 the difference of 100 and 20. 5 × 10 – 7
First subtract 7 from 10, and then multiply the result by 5. 100 – (20 + 10)
From 100 subtract the sum of 20 and 10. (100 – 20) + 10

90 – 20 + 20
4. You cut off two 20-cm pieces of a 90-cm piece of wood.
Which calculation tells you the piece that is left? 90 – 2 × 20
(90 – 20) × 2

5. A clerk in the store rings up all the items the customer buys, gets the customer's money,
and figures out the change.

a. Which of the calculations on the right i. $50 – $1.26 – $6.55 – $0.22 – $5

best matches figuring out the change?
ii. $50 + $1.26 + $6.55 + $0.22 + $5
b. Which calculation of the three would give
you the wrong answer for the change? iii. $50 – ($1.26 + $6.55 + $0.22 + $5)

6. Describe a shopping situation where you need to do these calculations:

a. $10 + $2.10 + $45

b. 4 × $1.20

c. $10 – 4 × $1.20

7. Put operation symbols +, – , or × into the number sentences so that they become true.

a. b. c.

4 1 8 = 12 2 10 1 2 = 14 3 3 3=6

50 5 10 = 0 100 (15 17) 1 = 68 (2 5) 2 = 14

8. Every day, James feeds the kennel dogs 5 kg of dog food. He bought a 100-kg bag of dog food.
How many kilograms are left after four days? Write a single number sentence to solve that.

9. Parking costs $2 per hour during the day and $3 per hour during the night. Write a single
number sentence that tells you the cost of parking a car for 5 daytime hours and
2 nighttime hours. Solve it.

10. Write a single number sentence that tells you the change if you buy a book for $7, a ball for $5,
and pay with a $20 bill.

See also the Choose Two Operations game at


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