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Done By: Doa’a Abdullah AL-Alimi
Managers and Communication

 Communication:

- Is the systematic planning, implementing, monitoring, and revision of all the channels of
communication within and outside an organization to reach organizational goals.

 Effective Communication:

- Is the clear understanding of meaning or message. When a transmitted thought or idea is

received and understood by the receiver exactly as it was intended by the sender.

- If information or ideas have not been conveyed, communication hasn’t taken place. As the
speaker who isn’t heard or the writer whose materials aren’t read has not been

 Importance of Effective Communication:

1. Manage Relationships

- Effective communication is essential for managing relationships with staff, customers

and stakeholders. Poor communication can ruin relationships, and result in lost sales and
a damaged reputation.

2. Reduces Conflict:

- By delivering messages clearly, there is no room for misunderstanding or alteration of

messages, which decreases the potential for conflict.

3. Collaboration and Cooperation:

- Effective communication helps collaborate and cooperate between employees which

drive better results for individuals, and the organization.

4. Increase Motivation:

- It motivates employees as they feel more involved and valuable to the organization,
hence boost their productivity.

Managers and Communication

5. Employee Commitment:

- If employees understand what the business is trying to achieve and the effect of their
contribution, leading to increased loyalty, lower turnover and job satisfaction.

 Types of Communication

1. Interpersonal:

- The process of exchange of information, ideas and feelings between two or more
people through verbal or non-verbal methods.

- Relates to a type of communication that only represents individuals.

- Audience is friends, family, close co-workers and is less formal than organizational.

2. Organizational:

- Refers to the formal channels of communication within an organization, upward,

downward, horizontal.

- Aimed at communicating with your employees, customers, business contacts and the
public at large.

- Done on behalf of an organizational and more formal than interpersonal.

 Functions of Communication

1. Control

- Through formal organizational guidelines on how to perform tasks, comply with

policies and how to behave.

2. Motivate

- By clarifying what is to be done, monitoring performance, providing feedback and

suggestions for improvement.

Managers and Communication

3. Emotional Expression

- Allowing individuals to interact with each other to express their feelings, ideas and
emotions. Satisfies their social needs.

4. Information

- Provides information for employees to get things done in the organization.

 Interpersonal Communication Methods

1. Verbal Communication

- Refers to oral communication with words to speak and convey meaning.

2. Non-Verbal Communication

- Refers to the ways in which people convey information about their emotions,
intentions, attitudes, and thoughts without the use of verbal language.

 Barriers to Communication

1. Filtering

- Deliberate manipulation or withholding of information to make it appear favorable

to the receiver.

2. Emotions

- How a receiver feels when a message is received influences how he/she interprets

3. Information Overload

- When a large amount of information exceeds our processing capacity.

Managers and Communication

4. Language

- Where the speaker and receiver speak different languages or use jargons in their
own specialty.

 Overcome Barriers

1. Feedback

- A response from the receiver ensures to the sender that the message has been
accepted and understood the way it is intended.

2. Simplify Language

- The sender must use the same language the receiver speaks and simplifies any jargons
used in his own specialty.

3. Listen Actively

- The receiver must listen with attention and understanding of the message. While both
sender and receiver must constrain any noises.

4. Constrain Emotions

- The sender must calm down and get emotions under control before communicating to
ensure effective communication.

Managers and Communication

Thank You


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