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The Weight of Glory - Part II Pastor Orim M.

December 28, 2008
Isaiah 60:1-3
I. The Truth of Glory:
• Hebrew – Kabod (ka-vod)
• Greek = Doxa (dox-a)
• Glory is “splendor; brilliance; brightness; light; praise & weighty”

II. The Book of Glory:

• God is the King of Glory – (Psalm 24:10)
• The World was created in/with glory – (Gen. 1:3)
• Adam was created in/with glory – (Psalm 8:5)
• The Tabernacle was filled with glory – (Exodus 40:34)
• The Ark was carried on human shoulders – (Exodus 25:14,22)
• Ichabod was the loss of glory – (1 Samuel 4:21-22)
• The Wisdom of glory is an open heaven – (2 Chronicles 7:1-2, 15)
• The Promise of Glory:
1. The Davidic Prayer – Psalm 72:18-20
2. The Prophetic Word – Isaiah 11:9/Habakkuk 2:14
3. The Prophetic House – Haggai 2:6-9
III. The Struggle of Glory:
• Nothing in our time will be easy, but it will be worth it! (Romans 8:18/2 Corinthians 4:17)

The Glory of a New Day Pastor Peter Moncrieffe

December 14 2008
Acts 16:25:31
Exodus 16:7a
Glory Re-visited
1. Glory Defined
• Great praise, honor, or distinction bestowed by common consent; renowned.
• Adoring praise or worshipful thanksgiving. “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy
Him forever.” The Westminster Shorter Catechism
• Resplendence, Beauty/Light or Magnificent Majesty.
2. Divine Glory (From Kabod to Shekhinah)
• The “Kabod”; translates as “abundance, honor, splendor, glory;” it contains the idea of
“heaviness” or the “weight.” Of God’s Presence
• The “Doxa” translates as the nature and acts of God in self-manifestation, i.e., His
• The “Shekhinah”; translates to settle, inhabit, or dwell, as in the “Holies of Holies in the
3. Glory is a Place
• God is the King of All The Earth- Ps 47: 7 –He rules and reigns in the affairs of mankind.
• God is the King of Glory: Ps 24:9-10

• Glory is a Dimension: There Are levels To God’s Manifested Glory

The Glory of A New Day

1. God uses the “Night” for His Glory

• Darkness Covered The Face of The Deep. {Genesis 1:1-2}
• The Night is A “demonic device” Meant To Break You. {Romans 8:28}
• Weeping Endures For A Night. {Psalm 30:5}
2. God Uses Our Lives To Bring Him Glory
• The Road To The Glory of God is a Process {Acts 16:11-12}
• After All I’ve Been Through I’m Still Standing {Ephesians 6:12-14}
• Walk Through Your Valley With Your Head Held High {Psalm 23:4}
“And In The Morning, Then Ye Shall See The Glory of The Lord”

3. God Uses Our Praise To Bring Us Out

• At midnight Paul & Silas Praised God {Acts 16:25}
• Suddenly There Was A Great Earthquake {Acts 16:26}
• Everyone’s Bands Were Loosed {Acts 16:26}

4. When The Glory Comes…

• There Is An Awakening. {Acts 16:27} He awakened out of sleep
• There Is An Acknowledging. {Acts 16:27} He Acknowledged his sinful state
• There Is An Atoning. {Acts 16:33} He and his family was baptized

5. How To Live In The Glory Of God

• Die To The Flesh {Colossians 3:1-5}
• Develop an Appetite for God’s Word { Isaiah 33:6}
• Discern God’s Mind {Matthew 4:4}

Practical Ways To Bring God Glory

• Pray God’s Word Back To Him {Psalm 138:2}
• Bear Much Fruit {John 15:8}
• Lead Others to Christ {II Corinthians 4:15}

…Turning The Kingdom Pastor Orim M. Meikle

December 7, 2008
Isaiah 60
I. The Global Issue: (Isaiah 43:18-19)
a. Global Concern = Big Picture Thinking
b. Global Awareness = World Consciousness
c. Global Ministry = Universal Message
II. Transitioning To Glory: (1 Chronicles 12)
a. Ready Armed = Prepared for challenging times
b. Understanding Times = Relevant to the moment
c. Experts in War = Skilled for the challenge
d. Keepers of Rank = Given to set order
e. Not Double-Hearted = Loyal to the moment

III. The Push: (Haggai 2:6-8)

a. Discipleship = Strengthening people in their faith
b. Education = Educational opportunities for all
c. Economics = Economic development for all

First Lady Judith R. Meikle

November 30, 2008

Sunday November 30th at 8:30AM & 11:30AM - The dynamic ministry of Lady Judith R. Meikle,
First Lady of Rhema Ministries Canada

Dr. Brian C. Stiller

November 23, 2008

Sunday November 23rd at 8:30AM & 11:30AM - Dr. Brian C. Stiller,

President of Tyndale University College & Seminary

Rough Waters are For Walking! Pastor Orim M. Meikle

November 16, 2008
Matthew 14:22-36

I. Stand Amidst Challenges: (Ephesians 6:13)

a. The journey to the other side is fraught with challenges: Life
b. You must prepare yourself to stand: Before
c. You must convince yourself to stand: During
d. The challenge takes you to the other side: Sovereignty

II. Speak to Your Lord: (Proverbs 3:6)

a. Who you speak to has your attention: Focus
b. This trip requires speech to the Lord not the situation: Maturity
c. Do not take a single step until He has spoken: Rhema

III. Step Out On The Challenge: (2 Corinthians 4:7)

a. Advancement comes after He speaks, not before: Progress
b. Crisis walked on produces greater faith: Experience
c. Verse 22 is fulfilled at verse 34: Promise

The Mature & Glorious Church Pastor Orim M. Meikle

November 9, 2008
Psalm 133
I. God’s Order:
Step 1 = Order
Step 2 = Unity
II. The 3-Fold Order of The Local Church:
a. The Anointed Head = The Leader
b. The Growing Beard = The Leadership
c. The Beautiful Garment = The Congregation
III. The Head = The Leader
a. The Head must be Covered – (Leviticus 8:9)
b. The Head’s Word must be Honored – (Matthew 8:9)
c. The Head must not be Spoken Against – (Numbers 12:8)
c. The Head must grow a Beard – (Mark 3:14)
IV. The Beard = The Leadership
a. The Beard must grow out of the Head
b. The Beard must be close to the Mouth
c. The Beard must not be Trimmed – (Leviticus 21:5)
d. The Beard must reach the Garment – (Psalm 133:2)
V. The Garment = The Congregation
a. The Garment must Flow– (Matt. 9:21)
b. The Garment must Catch the Anointing – (Psalm 133:2)
c. The Garment must Reach the Ground – (Mark 6:56)
The Dimension of Giving – Part 2 Pastor Orim M. Meikle
October 19, 2008
Proverbs 11:24-25
I. 1ST Dimension of Giving: The Offerings
a. The Offering symbolizes the Gratitude in Giving (Ex. 25:1-2)
b. Hebrew: “terumah” (ter-oo-maw) = gift/present/sacrifice/tribute
c. Offerings demonstrate gratitude for one’s increase (Ps. 100:4)
d. Offerings are free willed but can be Divinely ordered
e. Offerings are continual in practice as God increases
II. The 2nd Dimension of Giving: The Tithe
a. The Tithe symbolizes the Government in Giving (Lev. 27:30-33)
b. Hebrew: “maasrah” (mah-as-raw) = the tenth (Mal. 3:10-12)
c. Tithing brings order to one’s increase
d. Tithing eliminates demonic intrusion on one’s increase
e. Tithing will compound one’s increase
f. Tithing provides “meat” for the covenant community
g. Tithing is continual in practice as God increases
Note: The Tithe is calculated from the gross increase as a sign that God is to be respected
before government and that His Kingdom supersedes the kingdom of men.
III. The 3rd Dimension of Giving: The First Fruit
a. 1st Fruits symbolize the Honor in Giving (Prov. 3:9-10)
b. Hebrew: “bikkuwr” (bik-koor) = first to come forth/firstborn
c. 1st Fruits are the first of one’s annual increase (Lev. 23:9-11)
d. 1st Fruits are given once per season/annually (Ex. 23:14-19)
e. 1st Fruits are offered to God through the priest (Deut. 26:1-4)
f. 1st Fruits serve to honor God and multiply one’s increase (Prov. 3:9-10)
g. 1st Fruits guarantee the remainder of one’s increase (1 Cor. 15:23)
h. 1st Fruits serve as an indication of abundant living (Josh. 5:12)
First Fruits Prospers our Leaders & Releases Principles:
1st Fruits releases the Principle of Order (Headship – Ps. 133:2)
1st Fruits releases the Principle of Succession (Flow – Ps. 133:2)
1st Fruits releases the Principle of Participation (Husbandman – 2 Tim. 2:6)

The Dimension of Giving – Part 1 Pastor Orim M. Meikle

October 5, 2008
Proverbs 11:24-25
I. Giving is a Precept with Levels:
a. Level of Giving to Receive = Sacrifice
b. Level of Giving to Give = Charity
II. Giving God’s Way:
a. Giving God’s way is Biblical giving (2nd Cor. 9:6)
b. Biblical giving comes from a Giving Spirit (2 Cor. 9:7)
c. Biblical giving rebukes the spirit of poverty (2 Cor. 9:8)
d. Biblical giving returns thanks to God for His Gift – (2 Cor. 9:15)
III. Kingdom Terms for Giving: (The Language)
a. Seed – That which contains the power of reproduction
b. Sowing – Any act of giving (Release)
c. Harvest – The act of receiving (Reaping/Return)
d. Increase – God’s supernatural provision based on sowing (Overflow)
Principle: Release It & God Will Return It With Overflow (Ecclesiastes 11:1)
IV. Why Not Give?:
a. Understanding – Lack of Kingdom knowledge (Hose 4:6)
b. Management – Poor stewardship/unfaithful over possessions (1st Cor. 4:2)
c. Greed – Greed for Gain = Love of Money (Ecc. 5:10; 1st Tim. 6:10)
d. Faith – Lack Trust in God/His Systems (Rom. 1:17; 2nd Cor. 5:7; Heb. 11:6)
e. Lack – Inability to give/simply not having to give (Ex. 34:20)
V. Why The Altar?:
a. Devotion - The altar is the place where gifts are received (Matt. 5:23-24)
b. Dedicated - The altar is also a holy place (Ex. 29:37)
c. Death - The altar is the place for sacrifices (John 12:24)

Face to Face Pastor Orim M. Meikle

September 28, 2008
1 Corinthians 13:11-12
I. Everything Has a Face:
• God has a Face – (Psalm 24:6/27:8)
• The Word has a Face – (John 1:1)
• The Deep has a Face – (Genesis 1:2)
• Revelation had an OT Face – (Exodus 25:23-30)
• Revelation has a NT Face – (2 Corinthians 4:6)
• The Earth has a Face – (Genesis 1:29)
• Evil has a Face – (Revelation 12:14)
Fact: The face that you spend the most time before determines the face you
reflect! (Proverbs 27:19)

II. Time Before The Face of God: (Psalm 16:11)

a. Face to Face with God is Real Intelligence – (Genesis 1:27)
b. Face to Face with God is Real Intimacy – (Exodus 33:11)
b. Face to Face with God gives Real Joy – (Psalm 16:11)
c. Face to Face with God releases Real Directions – (Psalm 34:4-5)
d. Face to Face with God releases Real Glory – (Exodus 34:35)
III. Leading From God’s Face; (Exodus 18:19)
Fact: Revelation eaten out of season will make you sick (Exodus 16:4,19-21)
a. Face to Face with the People = People Strategies
b. Face to Face with God = God’s Strategies
e. God’s Face defeats Evil’s Face – (Psalm 68:1-2)

Take Another Step!! Pastor Orim M. Meikle

September 21, 2008
Psalm 37:23
I. Dimensions & Levels: (Revelation 13:1)
a. Life has been created dimensionally
b. A dimension is a specific measurement of eternity
c. Every dimension is made up of a series of levels
d. A level is a specific measurement within a given dimension
d. Life is properly experienced by/on levels
e. We progress through life by levels and dimensions
II. God’s World is Dimensional: (Genesis 1-2)
a. Day One = Levels of Light & Darkness b. Day Two = Levels of Heavens c. Day Three =
Levels of Water; Land & Vegetation d. Day Four = Levels of Stars/Planets/Galaxies e. Day Five
= Levels of Air & Marine Life f. Day Six = Levels of Land Animal g. Day Six = Levels in Humans
h. Day Seven = Levels of Sabbath
III. God’s Word is Dimensional: (Isaiah 28:13)
a. Precepts are the Dimensions = Truth is Dimensional b. Lines are the Levels = Principles
come in Levels
IV. God’s House is Dimensional: (Exodus 40)
a. Outer Court - Levels of Gate, Altar & Laver = To God b. Inner Court - Levels of Table, Lamp
Stand & Altar = With God c. Holy of Holies - Level of The Ark = In/As God
V. God’s People are Dimensional: (1 Thessalonians 5:25)
a. Body – Levels of Flesh; Bone; Circuits etc b. Soul – Levels of Mind, Heart & Will c. Spirit –
Levels of God

Life In The Next Dimension Pastor Peter Moncrieffe

September 14, 2008
Scripture: John 10:10
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have
life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Three Important Aspects of Life!

1. Life is All About Balance (God is a God of Balance)
2. Life is All About Diversity (God never created any two things exactly alike)
3. Life is All About Levels (Life is lived on levels and experienced in dimensions)
There are 6 Greek definitions for “Life” 1. zoe 2. bios 3. psuche 4. biosis 5. agoge 6.
What is Theological Life?
1. The Divinity of Life
1 The Breathe of God (Gen 2:7)
2 The fall of Man (Gen 3:6)
3 The quickening Spirit of Jesus Christ (I Cor 15:45) -Salvation (suzoopoieo-Quicken “to be
made alive”)
4 Christ is Our Life

2. The Dominion of Life

1 The Power of the Word
2 The Power of our Word
3 The Power that Works in you
3. The Next Dimension of Life-(Life Unlimited)
1 Unlimited Faith (Rm 10:17, Mk 9:23)
2 Unlimited Freedom (II Cor 3:17)
3 Unlimited Fruit (Jn 12:24-25)
1. Take Life By Force It will not be given to you; it must be taken by force
2. Maximize The Moment The essence of life is in the usage of time
3. Live Life To The Fullest Life is not how many breaths you take, but rather how many moments
take your breath away

The Makeup of Life Pastor Orim M. Meikle

September 7, 2008
Ecclesiastes 3:1
I. Blood – (Leviticus 17:11)
a. Blood represents The Sacrifice of Life
b. Sacrifice is the Price Tag of Destiny
c. Life is in the Value of your sacrifice
What price are you willing to pay?
II. Sweat – (Genesis 3:19)
a. Sweat represents the Work of Life
b. Work is the Expenditure of Energy
c. Life is in the Energy Expended
How much are you willing to give out?
III. Tears – (Psalm 126:5)
a. Tears represent the Pain & Passion of Life
b. Pain & Passion are the Fluidity of Feelings
c. Life is in the flow of Pain & Passion
What are you willing to endure?
IV. Joy – (John 15:11, 16)
a. Joy represents the Rewards of Life
b. Rewards are the Satisfaction of Fruits
c. Life produces Permanent Results in every season
What are you reaping?

The Call of Life Pastor Orim M. Meikle

August 31, 2008
2 Peter 1:10
I. Your Call: (1 Corinthians 7:24)
a. Everyone has a Specific Call to Life – (Matthew 4:18, 21)
b. Your Call is Your Eternal Plan unveiled in Time – (Acts 15:18)
II. Your Sight: (Romans 10:17)
a. God’s Order = Hearing Then Seeing – (Matthew 11:15)
b. Your Call unleashes Your Sight (Vision) – (Romans 10:17)
c. Your Call defines Your Ministry (Vocation) – (Matthew 4:19)
d. Your Call gives Parameters to Your Passion
Note: Confusion occurs when passion is placed before call!

III. Your Focus: (1 Corinthians 15:58)

a. Channeled Passion is called Focus – (1 Corinthians 15:58)
b. Focus establishes your Dominant Priorities – (John 9:4)
c. Dominant Priorities pulls out your Dominant Abilities = Development
Note: Underdeveloped individuals are unfocused individuals!

The Full Life

Pastor Orim M. Meikle
August 24, 2008
John 10:10
I. Life Without Fear: (2 Timothy 1:7)
a. Rebuke Intimidation = Spirit of Fear (in-timid-you) - (Hebrews 10:35)
b. Rebuke Manipulation = Spirit of Puppetry (being played) – (Isaiah 61:1)
c. Rebuke Domination = Spirit of Oppression (unhealthy weights) – (Isaiah 10:27)

II. Life Without Limits: (Ephesians 3:20)

a. Your Faith: No Limits to What You Can Believe – (Mark 9:23)
b. Your Lane: No Limits to Where You Can Go – (2 Corinthians 3:18)
c. Your Yield: No Limits to What You Can Achieve – (Philippians 4:13)

III. Life Without Drama: (Romans 8:30)

a. Access: Guard Your Gates – (Matthew 10:16-17)
b. Destiny: Guard Your Goals – (Philippians 3:14)
c. Associations: Guard Your Gang – (John 15:16a)
Dream Carriers Pastor Orim M. Meikle
August 17, 2008
Ruth 1:1-18
I. Dream Carriers Possess Capacity:
Capacity is the Inner Ability to see the dream before manifestation – (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)
a. Dream Carriers See now, what others will see later
b. Dream Carriers Hear now, what others will hear later
II. Dream Carriers Possess Competence:
Competence is the Mental Gifting to work out the dream – (1 Chronicles 12:32)
a. Dream Carriers Are For The Dream
b. Dream Carriers Are Toward The Dream
III. Dream Carriers Possess Commitment:
Commitment is the Dedication to walk out the dream – (Ruth 1:16-17)
a. Dream Carriers will Endure the drama
b. Dream Carriers will Outlast the storms

DO NOT QUIT!! Pastor Orim M. Meikle

August 3, 2008
Exodus 14:13-15
I. Opposition is Inevitable – (1 Peter 5:8)
a. The Kingdom suffers violence when advanced!
b. Our adversary is relentless and so are we!

II. Unearned Suffering is Redemptive – (1 Peter 5:10)

a. God’s people never suffer in vain!
b. Pain is power disguised as trouble!

III. The Most Anointed are The Most Crushed – (Isaiah 53:10)
a. Pressure produces the best in us!
b. Pressure squeezes the best out of us!

Pastor Orim M. Meikle
July 27, 2008
Mark 10:35-45
1. The Life of Service: (Mark 10:45)
• The Christian life is a life of serving
• All believers are ministers (servants)
• To live is to serve & to serve is truly to live

II. The Greatness of Servants: (Mark 10:43)

• Greatness is always defined by serving
• One’s rank in life is obtained through service
• Greatness = Capacity = The ability to give out
III. Servant Leaders: (Mark 10:44)
• Our world is in need of more servants
• All leaders should be servant-leaders
• Servants make the world a better place

100%’ ERS Pastor Orim M. Meikle

July 20, 2008
Genesis 11:6; Psalm 133:1 & Acts 2:1-2; 1 Corinthians 1:10
I. The Proof of Unity – (Matthew 18:20)
• Power is Demonstrated in Our Unity
• Progress is Expedited by Our Unity
• Promises are Realized thru Our Unity
II. 100% in Prayer – (2 Chronicles 7:14)
• Opens the Heavens
• Heals our Land
III. 100% in Worship – (Psalm 34:3)
• Establishes His Presence
• Silences our Enemy
IV. 100% in Love – (1 Peter 2:17/4:8)
• Reinforces the Brotherhood
• Covers our Failures
V. 100% in Giving – (Malachi 3:10-11)
• Supports the Ministry
• Rebukes our Lack

The Process of Dreams – Part 2

Pastor Orim M. Meikle
July 13, 2008
Genesis 37:23-24, 28, 36
I. The 3 – Levels of The Dreamer:
a. The Place of Confinement – (2 Kings 6:1-7)
- Confinement is the place of stewardship: (Genesis 2:15)
- Confinement is the place of development: (Genesis 2:16)
- Confinement is the place of trust: (Genesis 2:17)
- Confinement is the place of debt freedom: (2 Kings 6:5)
- Confinement is the foundation of promotion: (Philippians 2:5-11)
- Confinement is the road to salvation: (Matthew 7:13-14)
b. Conclusion to Confinement – (Proverbs 22:6)
- Dreams are always given first, but confinement determines their release
- Confinement produces Character (Inner Image = True Personality)
- Confinement produces Integrity (Inner Soundness)
- Confinement produces Fortitude (Inner Discipline)
c. The Place of Covering – (Genesis 37:3)
- Every dream/dreamer must rest under a covering
- That covering is your dream releaser
- That covering prevents exposure & provides accountability
d. Conclusion to Covering: (Genesis 3:7)
- Without proper covering you are naked and vulnerable
e. The Place of Chasing – (Jeremiah 12:5)
- Footmen = A human pace (speed of words)
- Horses = A non-human pace (speed of thought)
- Swelling = A supernatural pace (speed of spirit)
f. Conclusion to Chasing: (Ecclesiastes 5:16)
- Without confinement and covering we are chasing the wind

The Process of Dreams – Part 1 Pastor Orim M. Meikle

July 6, 2008
Genesis 37:23-24, 28, 36
I. Fact:
Our current message of empowerment, without a proper understanding of process, is creating
an underdeveloped, unripe, and immature generation that eats in the morning and is easily
offended by the thought of correction or delay. As a result we are birthing weak churches with
revolving doors of membership and very few willing to stay the course of development. The
demonic plot of Genesis 3:5 is simple --- Empowerment without Process and it is repeating itself
in our generation.
II. The 3 – D’s of Dreams:
a. Distress – Crisis is the measurement of your strength (Proverbs 24:10)
b. Delay – Extended time is the measurement of your faith (Mark 5:35-36)
c. Disappointment – The Unexpected is the measurement of your character (James 1:2)
III. The 3 – Levels of The Dreamer:

a. The Place of Confinement – (2 Kings 6:1-7)

- Confinement is the place of stewardship: (Genesis 2:15) - Confinement is the place of
development: (Genesis 2:16) - Confinement is the place of trust: (Genesis 2:17) - Confinement
is the place of debt freedom: (2 Kings 6:5) - Confinement is the foundation of promotion:
(Philippians 2:5-11) - Confinement is the road to salvation: (Matthew 7:13-14)
b. Conclusion to Confinement: (Proverbs 22:6)
- Dreams are always given first, but confinement determines their Release - Confinement
produces Character (Inner Image = True Personality) - Confinement produces Integrity (Inner
Soundness) - Confinement produces Fortitude (Inner Discipline)

The Time for Dreams Pastor Orim M. Meikle

June 22/June 15, 2008
Genesis 37:1-6
I. The Josephic Era: (Joel 2:28)
a. Joseph as a Symbol of Time – The 11th hour of the day
The era of dreams is the hour before the close of the day.
b. Joseph as a Symbol of Nation – 11th son of the nation
The era of dreams is just before the completion of God’s nation
c. Joseph as a Symbol of Birth – 1st Born from the chosen womb
The era of dreamers is released to the first born from the right womb

II. Dreams Defined: (Genesis 37:7)

a. A snapshot of the future given by God throughout the night
As a snapshot the dream is constantly unfolding its contents
b. Dreams do not resemble the day in which they are given
The challenge of faith is to believe the dream while it is yet dark

III. The Impact of Dreams: (Matthew 24:14)

a. National Reformation – Re-Forming a righteous country
b. Global Transformation – Changing global thought/systems & practices
c. Global Salvation – Harvesting the global field of human souls

Living By Design Pastor Orim M. Meikle

June 1/June 8, 2008
Psalm 37:23-26
I. Your Life is (Intelligently) Designed – (Psalm 139)
II. Five Steps to Your Design: (Proverbs 4:7)
a. Position The Designer: “God 1st Living” (Matthew 6:33)
• Life is For God-Fearers
• A God 1st Lifestyle is True Wisdom
• Living God 1st Principles is True Understanding
b. Possess a Vision – “Vision – Based Living” (Proverbs 29:18a)
• Life is For Visionaries
• Live By & For A Vision
• Open your eyes to a glorious picture of the future!
c. Prepare a Plan: “Planned Living” (Habakkuk 2:2)
• Life is For The Prepared
• Your plan determines your knowledge of the vision
(Ignorance = Self Destruction)
• Include a column for Pain & allow Pain to define itself
d. Pray for Right People: “People – Centered Living” (Proverbs 27:17)
• Life is About Right Relationships
• The Right People is a Process
• Start With the Best People
e. Produce Results: “Disciplined Living” (John 15:16)
• Life is About Getting It Done: Execution
• You Must Deliver on Deadlines: Fruit
• Delivery on Deadlines is Progress Practiced: Advancement

The Total You Lady Judith M. Meikle

May 4 , 2008
Proverbs 31:10-31
I. Total Women are Balanced Women!
a. She is a Helper as God is a Helper (Proverbs 31:11-12)
b. She is a Homemaker (Proverbs 31:13-15,27)
c. She is a Hard Worker (Proverbs 31:16-19)
II. Total Women are Business Women!
a. She possesses a Merchant’s Anointing (Proverbs 31:18)
b. She is anointed to Engage in Business (Proverbs 31:24-25)
c. She is anointed to Speak Life (Proverbs 31:26)

III. Total Women are Blessed Women!

a. She is a Hero to her family (Proverbs 31:28)
b. She is an Example to other women (Proverbs 31:29)
c. She is Next in Line (Proverbs 31:30-31)
d. She is a Rare Gem in the earth (Proverbs 31:10)

Generational Words
Pastor Orim M. Meikle
April 27, 2008
Ezekiel 18:1-3
I. Yesterday: Words of What Was
a. Corrective Words – (Proverbs 3:11-12) “A Father’s Chastening”
b. Experiential Words – (Ecclesiastes 1) “Life Under the Sun”
c. Ancient (Wise) Words – (Jeremiah 6:16) “The Good Way”

II. Today: Words of What Is

a. Relevant Words: In the Moment Words (Proverbs 25:11/ Hebrews 4:7)
b. Competent Words: Intelligent or Cerebral Fire (1 Peter 3:15)
c. Clear Words: Instruction & Direction (Proverbs 4:1)
III. Tomorrow: Words of What Will Be
a. Faith-filled Words – (Romans 4:17)
b. Futuristic Words – (Revelation 4:1)
c. Generational Words – (Proverbs 13:22)

The Empowerment Library Pastor Orim M. Meikle

April 20, 2008
Psalm 119:11
Aid Section:
Healing Words – Words that bring you together when life (people) is pulling you apart
• Psalm 107:20
• Malachi 4:2
• Isaiah 53:5
Hopeful Words – Words that release the promises of a better tomorrow (future)
• Romans 5:5
• Ecclesiastes 7:8
• Isaiah 40:31
Helpful Words – Words that tell you what to say yes to and what to say no to
• Psalm 46
• Psalm 121:1-2
• 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
Advancement Section:
Self Promotion Words – Words that engender the personal esteem necessary for progress
• Psalm 139:14
• Zechariah 2:8
• Exodus 19:5
Triumphant Words – Words that inform you that you have overcome in all things
• Psalm 118:17
• Romans 8:31
• Romans 8:37
Confidence Words – Words that instruct you to never live in despondency
• Psalm 42:11
• Hebrews 10:35
Accomplishment Section:
Achievement Words – Words that release limitless potential in you
• Philippians 4:13
• Revelation 3:8
Successful Words – Words that caution you never to settle for mediocrity
• Joshua 1:8
• Psalm 1


Pastor Orim M. Meikle
April 13, 2008
ROMANS 13:11-14
a. Placed In Purpose: In Course – (Ecc. 3:1)
b. Pursuing That Purpose: On Course – (1 Cor. 9:24)
c. Passionate About That Purpose: Sold Out For Course – (Rom. 12:11)
d. Progressive Lifestyle: Finishing Course – (Rom. 8:30/2 Timothy 4:7)
a. Spiritually Free – Hidden Chains (Galatians 5:1)
b. Visually Free – Visible Distractions (Habakkuk 2:2-4)
c. Relationally Free – Associational Pitfalls (Proverbs 1:10 & 4:14)
d. Financially Free – Economic Strongholds (Rom. 13:8)
a. Spiritually Ready: Spiritual Mastery – (Ephesians 6:11-17)
b. Internally Ready: Mental/Emotional Mastery – (Philippians 2:5)
c. Externally Ready: Presentational Mastery – (2 Corinthians 5:20)

The Power of Words Pastor Orim M. Meikle

April 6, 2008
Psalm 33:8-12
I. God’s Word: The Source of All Words
a. Your Source of Guidance – Your Path (Psalm 119:105)
b. Your Source for Lifestyle – Your Pattern (John 1:4)
c. Your Source for The Future – Your Promise (1 Kings 8:56)

II. Spiritual Mechanics of The Mouth

a. Provision: We Eat From It – (Proverbs 13:2)
b. Fulfillment: We are Satisfied By It – (Proverbs 12:14; 18:20)
c. Life: We Create With It – (Proverbs 18:21)
f. Empowerment: We Bless With It – (Psalm 34:1)

III. Your Words: God’s Extended Vocabulary

a. Your Word & His Word = One Word (Psalm 19:14)
b. A Stronger Vocabulary = A Stronger You (Ecclesiastes 8:4)
c. Nothing Will Change Until You Speak (Mark 11:23)

The Table of Kings Pastor Orim M. Meikle

March 30, 2008
Genesis 14:14-20
Rhema is The House of Kings: (Genesis 14:14)
I. The Worship of Kings: (Let The Intensity Continue!)
a. Bringing Down Strongholds – (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
b. Increasing Rank in the Spirit Realm (Acts 19:15)
c. Penetrating the Atmosphere of Canada (Daniel 10:12)
II. The Bread of Kings:
a. A Royal Word – Self Aware Kings (1 Peter 2:9)
b. A Preparatory Word – Servant Kings (Mark 10:43)
c. An Authoritative Word – Social Kings (Ecclesiastes 8:4)

III. The Wine of Kings:

a. The Spirit of God Within – (Colossians 1:27)
b. Manifesting The Spirit of Our Pastor – (Numbers 11:17)
c. Releasing The Spirit of Excellence – (Colossians 1:28)

IV. The Prophecy of Kings:

a. In the very near future we shall know what it is to be possessors of Heaven & Earth
(Genesis 14:19)

The Worship of Nations Pastor Orim M. Meikle

March 23, 2008
Psalm 67
I. The Condition of Nations: (1 Corinthians 15:21-22)
• All had died in Adam
• All were sold into sin
• All were lost from eternity
• All have been redeemed
II. The Cross for Nations: (1 Corinthians 1:18)
• On the cross God & humanity were reconnected
• Hands spread out express the infinite love of God
• Feet brought together express the joining of nations
• Piercing of his side provides blood & water for all
III. The Crowning of Nations: (Joel 2:23-27)
• Nations have been restored
• Nations are being exalted
• Nations are being crowned
IV. The Chorus of Nations: (Revelation 7:9-12)
• Today we join the eternal Symphony of Victory: Voices in Victory
• Tomorrow we continue the Concert for The Crucified: Crowns at His Feet
• To come will be the Crescendo of The Story: Good over Evil

The Power of Worship

Pastor Orim M. Meikle
March 16, 2008
Psalm 22:3
I. God Inhabits Worship: (Psalm 22:3)
a. Yashab meaning to dwell; to settle; to remain; to abide & to marry
b. Worship prepares a Place for God
c. Worship prepares a Partner for God

II. Worship is Love Demonstrated: (Romans 5:5)

a. God is Love and That Love is In Us
b. The Objects of Love must be Real
c. Love must be Demonstrated in Time

III. Worship Creates Room: (Proverbs 18:16)

a. A Dwelling God is a Near God
b. A Near God is a Hearing God
c. A Hearing God is a Blessing God

Worship Forms – Old & New

Pastor Orim M. Meikle
March 9, 2008
Matthew 13:51-52
I. The Bodily Forms
- Hands Raised, Opened & Extended in Praise (Yada – Psalm 67:3)
- Hands Clapping in Thunderous Praise (Taqa – Psalm 47:1)
- Hands Extended in Reverence & Adoration (Towdah- Psalm 50:23)
- Knees Bent & Blessing in Praise (Barak – Psalm 34:1)
- Knees Bowed in Reverence (Kara – Psalm 95:6)
- Legs Jumping & Leaping in Praise (Pazaz – 2 Samuel 6:16)
- Feet Dancing & Whirling in Praise (Karar – 2 Samuel 6:14)
- Feet Stomping & Skipping About in Praise (Ragad – 1 Chronicles 15:29)
II. The Verbal Forms:
- Singing the Songs of Praise (Tehillah – Psalm 40:3)
- Shouting for Joy in Praise (Ranan – Psalm 95:1)
- Shouting for Victory in Praise (Shabach – Psalm 117:1)
III. The Musical Forms:
- Plucking Strings in Praise (Zamar – Psalm 33:2)
- Playing Instruments in Praise (Neginah – Psalm 33:3)
- Dancing & Playing in Praise (Sahaq – 1 Chronicles 13:8)
IV. The Crazy Form:
- Hallelujah is Praise Without Form or Fashion (Hallal – Psalm 150)

The Worshipping Family

Pastor Orim M. Meikle
March 2, 2008
Jeremiah 31:1-4
I. Three Levels of Family:
a. The Human Family – Brethren by Blood (Acts 17:24-26)
- God has created one race out of one blood
- All humans are connected by one blood
- All are members of one (human) family
b. The Biological Family – Brethren by Birth (Psalm 128)
- All are born into a biological family
- Biological families are closely knit clans
- Biological families continue the human family
c. The Spiritual Family – Brethren by New Birth (Ephesians 3:14-15)
- Spiritual family consists of the born again (1 Corinthians 12:13)
- Spiritual family is connected by the love of God (Colossians 2:2)
- Spiritual family is the pinnacle of all families (Ephesians 3:15)

II. The Purpose of Family:

a. Support – Families are designed for nurture; support & comfort
b. Security – Families provide the place of safety for all members

III. Families in Worship:

a. Worshipping families defeat idolatry – (John 4:20-24)
b. Worshipping families liberate the human family – (Acts 17:27)
c. Worshipping families are a sign of Divine restoration – (Jeremiah 31:4)
Processing Pain Pastor Orim M. Meikle
February 24, 2008
Job 14:1
1. Pain Must Be Processed: (Job 13:15)
a. Current Feel Good Culture guided by The Pleasure Principle
b. Pleasure Principle states Pain is Bad & Pleasure is Good
c. Rejecting Pain Hinders the Processing of Pain
2. Questioning The Process: (Job 23:10; 33:13)
a. Wrong Way: Never question God as being unjust
b. Right Way: What is the Lesson to Be Learned?
- Theological = About Him
- Anthropological = About Me
3. Fundamental Truths of Pain: (Job 33:19)
a. Your Pressures Produce Your Power – If Allowed!
b. Your Best Comes Out in Extreme Heat – If Endured!
c. Your Birthing comes with Excruciating Pain – If Pushed!
d. Your Kingdom Suffers Violence – If Taken!
4. Answers To Pain: (Hebrews 5:8)
a. What Have I Done That Needs to Be Undone – (Psalm 51:4)
b. What Have I Not Done That Needs to Be Done – (Matthew 19:20)
c. What Do I Have That I Need to Lose – (Matthew 16:25)
d. What Do I Lack That Needs to Be Supplied – (Philippians 4:19)

New Influences Pastor Orim M. Meikle

February 17, 2008
Psalm 119:63 & Proverbs 13:20
I. Influence Defined:
The Power to Affect your Perspective and your Decisions
Perspective – How you see a thing
Decisions – How you make choices
II. Role of Influence: (Proverbs 27:17)
a. Influences Define You – Who You Are!
b. Influences Shape You – Who You Become!
c. Influence Lead You – Where You End Up!
d. Influence Affect You – How You Feel!
III. Guard Your Heart: (Proverbs 4:23)
a. No one determines my Emotional State – (Neh. 8:10)
b. Nothing shall by any means Hurt Me – (Luke 10:19)
c. No one is able to Hinder Me – (Proverbs 4:11-12)
IV. Influence Solutions: (Romans 8:14)
a. Define Yourself By God – Sure Self Definition (Psalm 139:14)
b. Practice Self Empowerment – Steady Spoken Self Esteem (1 Samuel 30:6)
c. Choose Self Association – Walk with Like Companions (Proverbs 27:17)

Feasting With God

Pastor Orim M. Meikle
February 10, 2008
Luke 5:33-35
I. The Real War: (Romans 7:23)
The Christian’s war is internal not external
a. Twins in Your Womb – (Genesis 25:23-24)
b. Esau Wants Stew – (Genesis 25:30)
c. Jacob Wants Success – (Genesis 25:31)
Question: Which one are you feeding?

II. True Disciples Deny Self: (Luke 9:23-24)

a. Desire to Deny Self begins Discipleship
b. Daily Cross continues Discipleship
c. Death to Self is the Goal of Discipleship

III. The Lord’s Fast: (Isaiah 58:6-9)

a. Your Fast Looses Bonds = New Freedom
b. Your Fast Breaks Yokes = New Direction
c. Your Fast Deals Bread = New Supply

Pastor Orim M. Meikle
February 3, 2008
Ephesians 6:10, 18
I. Prayer Requires Patience: (Daniel 10:2)
Time Zones & Postures: (1 Kings 18:42-46)
a. Lay Down – 1st Hour of Humility (Isaiah 57:15)
b. Stay Down – 6th Hour of Persistence (Luke 11:5-10)
c. Weigh Down – 12th Hour of Burden (Galatians 6:9)

II. Prayer Requires a Strong Spirit: (Proverbs 24:10)

Fact: To pray effectively you need Spiritual Resolve (James 5:16b)

III. Prayer Shakes Hell: (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)

a. Strong Holds – Fortified Demonic Thoughts Operating Generationally
b. Imaginations – Rogue Thoughts Running Rampant
c. High Things – Pride-Filled Thoughts Seeking to Replace God in your Life
IV. Three Strong Prayers: (1 Timothy 2:1 & 1st Thessalonians 5:17)
a. Intercession – Becoming one with your prayer (Isaiah 53:12)
b. Supplication – Beseeching God for time manifestation (Ephesians 6:18)
c. Thanksgiving – Blessing God for the answer to prayer (Philippians 4:6)

New Perspectives Pastor Orim M. Meikle

January 27, 2008
Isaiah 43:18-19
I. New Outlook = New You (Colossians 3:10)
a. Begin with New Thoughts – Think Differently (Ephesians 4:23)
- Your Cognitive Importance
b. Extend to New Words – Speak Differently (Zephaniah 3:9)
- Your Verbal Imprint
c. End with New Actions – Live Differently (Philippians 2:15)
- Your Behavioral Impact
II. New Wine = New Spirit (Joel 3:18)
a. New Wine is for New Vessels – (Matthew 9:17)
b. New Wine brings New Revelation – (John 2:10)
III. New Moon = New Worship (Isaiah 66:23)
a. New Worship Reflects the Son – (1 John 4:17)
b. New Worship Kisses the Son – (Psalm 2:12)

Mature Giving Practices II Pastor Orim M. Meikle

January 20, 2008
Genesis 24:43-44
I. Lack is Forbidden – (Deuteronomy 16:16)

II. Substance Giving: Tangible Worship

a. First Fruits – Pure Honor (Proverbs 3:9-10)
b. The Tithe – Pure Order (Malachi 3:10-11)
c. The Offerings – Pure Gratitude (Psalm 116:17)

III. Secret Giving: Hidden Worship

a. Alms – Hidden Hands (Matthew 6:1-4)
b. Aid – True Spirituality (Galatians 6:1-2)
c. Assistance – Good Samaritans (Luke 10:29-37)

IV. Spiritual Giving: Intangible Worship

a. Praise & Worship I – Sincere Spirits (John 4:24)
b. Praise & Worship II – Mouth & Motion (Psalm 103:1)
c. Time & Energy – The Glory in Purpose (Genesis 2:15)
d. Thought – The Worshipping Mind (Psalm 139:23)

Mature Giving Practices I Pastor Orim M. Meikle

January 13, 2008
Genesis 8:20-22
I. Lack is Forbidden – (Deuteronomy 16:16; 8:9)
a. Emptiness a sign of Lack
b. Lack is an Aspect of The Curse
c. Christ Has Redeemed us from The Curse (Galatians 3:13)

II. Reasons Why We Give:

a. To Honor God – (Proverbs 3:9)
b. To Respect God – (Psalm 119:6)
c. An Act of Obedience – (Malachi 3:10)
d. A Sign of Gratitude – (2 Corinthians 9:7)
e. To Engage The Law of Reciprocity – (Luke 6:38)
f. To Ensure The Welfare of The Ministry – (Numbers 18)

III. Modes of Giving: Tangible Worship

a. First Fruits – (Genesis 4:3-5)
- Given Yearly/Annually
- Given as Entirety of Income
- Secures the Givers Income
b. The Tithe – (Genesis 14:18-20)
- Given Consistently with Income
- Given as a 10th of Income
- Orders the Givers Income
c. The Offerings – (Genesis 22:2)
- Given Consistently with Income
- Given as Determined by Giver (Free Will)
- Demonstrates the Givers Gratitude

Moving In Newness! Pastor Orim M. Meikle

January 6, 2008
Job 8:7
1. The Year of New Beginnings – (Philippians 3:13-14)
a. The Mentality – Forgetting the past
b. The Mindset – Reaching for the future
c. The Method – Pressing for the prize/promise
2. The Word First – (John 1:1)
a. Our Thoughts by Word
b. Our Speech by Word
c. Our Decisions by Word
3. Expectation Second – (Genesis 1:1)
a. Expect the promise!
b. Plan for the promise!
4. Monthly Themes:
January – Mature Giving (First Fruits)
February – Mature Spirituality
March – Mature Worship
April – Mature Word
May – Mature Women
June – Health & Wellness Renewal
July – Community Health
August – Recreational Renewal
September – Education Renewal
October – Mature Ministry
November – Financial Renewal
December – Visioning Month
5. New Activities:
a. Vision Mondays
b. Fellowship Wednesdays
c. Marriage Enrichment
d. Online Single’s Network (Rhema Life)
e. British Columbia Ministry
f. Quebec Ministry
g. Nova Scotia Ministry

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