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Kurt Lewin's Change



Get to know Kurt Lewin
September 9, 1890 -February 12, 1947

born September 9, 1890, in Mogilno, Germany

He is recognized as the father of modern social psychology.
In 1905 the family moved to Berlin, and Lewin entered the University of
Freiburg to study medicine, later decided to pursue Biology from the
University of Munich.
He enlisted in the German army during the World War I
He returned home and finished his Ph.D. at the University of Berlin.

Career of Kurt Lewin
In 1921, he was appointed as a lecturer at the Psychological Institute of the
University of Berlin.
. Lewin attended the International Congress of Psychologist at Yale in 1929
where he presented his work on barriers and field forces.
Lewin spent six months as a visiting professor at Stanford University in
He worked at Cornell University and for the Iowa Child Welfare Research
Station at the University of Iowa.
he was the director of the Center for Group Dynamics at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In 1946, Lewin was asked by the director of the Connecticut State Inter
Racial Commission for help in finding an effective way to combat religious
and racial prejudices.
Kurt Lewin died of heart attack on February 12, 1947. His sensitivity training
was considered by many as “perhaps the most significant social invention
of this century”. 2
Introduction of the theory

Lewin's Change Theory

This theory is his most influential theory.

.He theorized a three-stage model of change known as unfreezing-change-

refreeze model that requires prior learning to be rejected and replaced.

He defined behavior as "a dynamic balance of forces working in opposing directions.”

Three Major Concepts

Driving Forces Restraining Forces Equilibrium

Driving forces are forces that push in
Restraining forces are forces that
Equilibrium is a state of being

a direction that causes change to

counter driving forces. where driving forces equal

occur. hinder change because they push

restraining forces and no change

Driving forces facilitate change

the person in the opposite
because they push the person in the
direction. It can be raised or lowered by

desired direction. cause a shift in the equilibrium

changes that occur between the

It cause a shift in the equilibrium

which opposes change driving and restraining forces.
towards change.

Unfreeze - Change - Refreeze model


is the process which involves finding a method of making it possible for people to
let go of an old pattern that that causes them to be counterproductive.

In order to achieve this stage there are three methods to follow:

1. increase the driving forces that direct behavior away from the existing situation or
status quo.
2. decrease the restraining forces that negatively affect the movement from the
existing equilibrium.
3. find a combination of the first two methods.

Unfreeze - Change - Refreeze model


“moving to a new level”, the stage of transition

involves a process of change in thoughts, feeling, behavior, or all

three, that is in some way more liberating or more productive.

it now becomes the “standard operating procedure.”

this stage is crucial as the person can easily go back to his/her old habits without a
firm ground in their new re established habits.


In conclusion, Lewin's concept of the change theory and its

implementation became a major contribution to modern

nursing practice. Nurses must think about forces and a balance

in their job while implementing the three stages to enhance the

environment. Many people seek medical attention for a variety

of reasons, and a nurse's job is to assess the situation, select the

most appropriate course of action, and guarantee that the

patient's needs and desires are met. One of the best

approaches to apply in nursing care for patients or elderly

persons is the change theory.

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