Maths HHW

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Time: 1 Hour

1. Using determinants, find the area of the triangle with vertices(-3, 5), (3,-6) and M.M2
cOsx sinx 2
2. lf the nmatrix | sinx cos*-3|is singular, find the general values of x.
0 0 1J 1
3.lf Ais a non-singular square matrix of order 3 such that
|adjA| =225, thern find IAr
Without expanding the determinant, show that |1+++|
A'|. 1
1a 1 1
is a factor of the deter
1 1+b1
1 1 1+d

p+X a+x a+p

5 If A=[b q y=16, then find the value of Aj =|4+y b+y b+q
T+z c+z c+T|
6. Let
A=|0 2 5 |, then find the value of A if A-l exists.
1 1 3
7. Find a
matrix Xfor which

8. 1 b+c b2+c2
Using the properties of determinants,
prove that |1 c+a
c2+a= (a-b)b-c)(c-a).
1 a+b a2 +2
9. Find the -1 2
adjoint of the matrix A=|
5.Alsoverify that
|-2 0
A(adj A) =A|l3 (adj A)A. =

10. I tan 1
tanx 1
-tanx 1 , find the values of
p and q.
11. For the
matrix A=
A-1 find the numbers a and b such that A2 +Aa+bl =0. Hence, ina
12. Find the 2 3 4
20 2 34
product of the matrices A =|5 4-6 |and B=|8 16 -32

Hence, solve the system of 3-2-2 22 -13 7

3,2 4,2. 6
3. t15 5. 32
1. 46 units 2. *= (2n +1),
3 1 -11
6 2 sin 2x
10. p= Cos 2x, q

A 7. X= 9. -12 5 -1
6 2 5

152 0 0
11. a-4, b=1; A-1,=
1 -2 12. 0 152 0*=1, y =-1, z=-2
3 0 152
-3 5
26. If A =|3 2 4find A-l, Using A-l, solve the following system of equations
1 1 -2
2-3y+52 =
11, 3r+2y-4z=-5, x+y-2z =-3. (CBSE 2008 C
1 -1 1
1 -3, find A-l and use it to solve the system of equations:
27. If A =2
1 1 1
r+2y+=4, -x+y+z=0, *-3y+z=2 (CBSE San1ple Paper)
1 -1 21-2 0 1
28. Use the product A=|0 2-3 9 2-3 to solve the system of equations:
3-2 4 6 1 -2
r-y+2z =1, 2y-3z =1, 3x-2y+4z= 2 (CBSE 2011)
3 -1
1 2-21
29. If Al=|-15 6 -5 and B=-1 3 0,find (AB)-1 (CBSE 2012
5-2 2 0-2 1
1 -1 0 2 2 -4
30. If A =|2 3 4 and B =|-4 2 -4|, find AB. Use
lo 1 2 2 -1 5 AB. ti
Use this to solve the following system or

equations: X-y =
3, 2x+3y+4z 17, y+2z=7.
(CBSE 2012)
nanagement committee of a residential colony decided to award
far honesty, some (say y) for helping others and some others some of its members
(Sdy ors to keep the (say z), for supervising
colony neat and clean. The sum of all awardees is 12.
the awardees for helping others and supervision added to two times theThree times
number of
dees for honesty is 33. If the sum of the number of awardees for
i e the number of awardees for helping others, using matrix method,honesty and supervision
find the number
ofardees of each category. Apart from these values, namely honesty,
uDervision, suggest one more value which the helping others and
management of the colony must include for
(CBSE 2013)
10 students were selected from a school on the basis of values for
giving awards and were
divided into three groups. The first group comprises hard workers, the second
honest and law abiding students and the third group contains group has
vigilant and
Double the number of students of the first group added to the number in the
obedient students.
second group
gives 13, while combined strength of first and second is four
group times that of the third
eroup. Using matrix method find the number of students in each
values, hard work, honesty and respect for law, vigilance and group. Apart from the
value, which in your opinion, the school consider for awards.
obedience, suggest one more
(CBSE 2013)
33. A school wants to award its students for the
values of
with a total cash award of R 6,000. Three times the awardHonesty, Regularity
and Hard work
money for Hard work added to that
given for Honesty amounts toR 11,000. The award money
given for
together is double the one given for Regularity. Represent the aboveHonesty
and Hard workk
and find the award
money for each value, using matrix method. Apart from algebraically
namely Honesty, Regularity and Hard work, suggest one more value which the these values
include for awards. school must
(CBSE 2013)
0. 1 2 4 2 2
26.-2 9 -23;x =1, y=2, z =3 27. -5 0 5;x=,y=
-15-13 L1 -2 3
9-3 5 6 0 0
0, v 5,z = 3 29.-2 1 0 30. AB
28. 1 = =
0 6 0; x=2, y=-1, z =4
1 02 0 0 6
31. The number of awardees for honesty = 3, for helping others = 4 and supervising the work
5. Apart from the values honesty,
helping others and supervising, the management ofthe
colony may include he value vigilance because if some members are vigilant they can save
the residents of colony from crimes and mishaps.
32. The number of students selected in first, second and third groups are 5, 3 and 2
respectively. One more value which the school can consider for awards may be regularity
and punctuality.
33. The award money for Honesty, Regularityand Hard work are 500, T2000 and 3500
respectively.One more value which the school can consider for awards may be obedience
and discipline.

Time: 1 Hour
when A +A'=I.
1. If
1. Acosx sinxind
f A=eosr sinx*
lind the condition on A Csod
matrices of same order, that
three non-zero
2. 1f A, B and C are 1
o0 1]
1 0|y|= 1
3. Write the value ofr +y+z, if |0
o0 1z
-A" is skew-symmetric. 1
4. IfAis any square matrix, then prove that A

5. If 2-3 5 thenfind (3A)Y 1

6. If the matrix fo 6-5x is symmetric, find the value(s) of x. 1

7. Two schools A and B decided to award the prizes to their students for three values honesty
of 7 11000 for the
(x), punctuality (y) and obedience (z). School A decided to award a total
three values to 5, 4 and 3 students respectively while school B decided to award a total of
10700 for the three values to4,5 and 3 students respectively. If all the three prizes together
amount to 7 2700, then
) represent the above situation by a matrix equation and form linear equations using
matrix multiplication.
(i) is it possible to solve the system of equations so obtained using matrices?
(i) which value you prefer to be rewarded most and why?
8. If A=OS+sina V2sina
rove that
A" = cosno+sin nc. 2 sin no 4
-2 sin no neN.
cos no-sin na
9. If
A= 3find x and y such that A2
-xA +yl = 0.

10. Find the matrix A

soso that
that a2
A 3-7-8 -97
624 6
11. Express the matrix-1 3 4 the
as sum of
1 -2 -3 symmetric and skew-symmetric
metric matrices. 4

12. Find the inverse of

following matrix, if exists,
2-3 3
2 2 3
by using

3-2 2
1. *=
2. Al exists 3. x +y + Z = 0 5. (3A) =9 12
6. X=6,1 0 15
5431x [1000 5x+4y+3z =11000
7. 4 3 5 10700 4x+3y+5z= 10700
1 1 1|[z] 2700 X+y+z= 2700
(i) Alexists, so the linear equations have a unique solution.
(ii) I prefer to
reward honesty most because honesty is very
character of person. important to build up a
9. =
9,y= 14 1 -2 3 1 +
20 11 2 0 3
-2 0 3 1
12-1 1 0 -3 0


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