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Complex Number DISCLAIMER “The content provided herein are created and owned by various authors and licensed to Sorting Hat Technologies Private Limited (“Compary”). The Company disclaims all rights and liabilities in relation to the content. The author of the content shall be solely responsible towards, without limitation, any claims, liabilities, damages or suits which may arise with respect to the same.” Complex Number INTRODUCTION Indian mathematician Mahavira(8S0A.0.) was first to mention in his work ‘Ganitasara Sangraha’ As in nature of things a negative (quantity) is not a square (quantity), it has, therefore, no square root. Hence there is no real number x which satisfies the polynomial equation x +1= 0 Asymbol V1, denoted by letteriwas introduced by Swiss Mathematician, Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) in 1748 to provide solutions of equation x} +1= 0. i was regarded as a fictitious or imaginary number which could be manipulated algebraically like an ordinary real number, except that its square was -1. The letter i was used to denote J-1, possibly because i is the first letter of the Latin word ‘imaginarius: To permit solutions of such polynomial equations, the set of complex numbers is introduced. We can consider a complex number as having the form a + ib where a and b are real number. It is denoted by z ie. 2= 4+ ib. ‘a’ is called as real part of 2 which is denoted by Re(z) and ‘b’ is called as imaginary part of z which is denoted by Im(z) Classification of complex number In fact, every complex can be classified as z=arib purely real purely imaginary imaginary itb=0 ifa=o ifbeo Hence, 0+0 i is both a purely real as well as a purely imaginary but not imaginary. Geometrical representation of a complex number: Master Argand had done a systematic study on Imaginary axis complex numbers and represented every complex =(a, b) number as a set of ordered pair (a, b) on a plane called complex plane/argand plane. All complex numbers lying on the real axis were called as purely real and those lying on imaginary axis as purely imaginary. it. Integral Powers of it We have i= V=i so or =a for any ne! Thus any integral power of i can be expressed as #1 or +i 2, 900, 500, 05, 04 Find the value of ROG PSPS PT 2 ‘Show that the polynomial x“ + x**"" +x"? +x"**? is divisible by x? +x? +x +1 where p,qr,seN Sok. Let f(xy sx + x80 g xt? 4 879 XP 4x7 HTH (x? 41) (KT) = (x HIM =I) +1) AG) =i 4 BO 480 419 ai ROP et 4) 1- HD) = I? + HO CY? + = 14 (i! +i? + CP = 1-1-14150 A) = (9 + (19881 + 1"? + (A) = 0 Thus by division theorem f(x) is divisible by x° +x? +x +1. Fina Si Sol. s:¥ His P Pe 4 POP a (ie? +P ait) +(P +P +7 4?) + 4 2002 4 2063 4 0K) 005 zone jae0s | jroce “2 =0+0+..4047 sis? i Sait 2? +39 + ai + SF +... + 2020707 (145494...+2017) +i? (2464104... +2018) 419 (3474114... +2019) +i (448+... +2020) Pee 208 2 2 > s= 2? (2orsi- 2020 - 20271 + 2024) (1+ 2017) +?x (2 +2018) + SE (3 +2019) + nS +2020) 505 2 = ea-ai = s=1010(1-i) Note: (a) The set R of real number is a proper subset of the Complex Numbers. Hence the complete number system is NCWCicQCRCC (b) Zero is purely real as well as purely imaginary but not imaginary. (©) ¥avb = Jab only if atleast one of a or b is non-negative. @) 4+ =0%2, =0=2, ie, z,=1+i and z, =1-i ALGEBRA OF COMPLEX NUMBER Equality of complex number: Let there be two complex numbers 2; = x; tly, and z, = x +iy, If z, =z, then Re(z,)=Re(z,) and Im(z,) =Im(z)) ie. if x, +iy, =X +iyo => %,=%, and y, = y)simultaneously. . Find the real values of x and y for which the equation (* + 2xi) ~ (3x? +yi) = (3-Si) + (1 + 2yi) is satisfied. Sol. Given equation (x* + 2xi) - (ax? + yi) = 3-5) + (1+ 2yi) > (x* - 3x7) + i(2« - ay) = 4-51 Equating real and imaginary parts, we get x= 3x? = 4 wi) And 2x = 3y=-5 fii) From (i) and (ii), we get x= +2 and y -3t QO. tzaxsily,2 ‘ib and 2 _¥ =k(a? b?), then find the value of k a Sol. +i’ =a-ib = x+iy=(a-ib) = (a? - 3ab*) + i(b* -3a°b) > - ab?, y = b? - Sab > x. 3b? and Eb? 397 > = 3b? — b? 43a? = 4(a? -b?) k= 4 If the expression (1+ ir)’ is of the form of s(1+ i) for some real ‘s’ where ‘r’ is also real and i = y-1 then the value of ‘r’ can be a) core (B) sec x (ce) tan z (0) tant Sol. (seo) We have (14ri)? = s(14i) 1434 377? +i? = (141) 1-97 4i(3°-r)=s4si = 1-37 Hence 1-31? = 3r-° 3 1-3? 941205 (FP +1) Bur +1) = 0 (64 D(P +1-1- 3x) =0 or P=ar+1=0 ASvIGS4 Vib=4 48208 _ r=24¥3 or 2-¥3 38,6) Q. Let 2 bo a complex number satisfying the equation, z” -(2+1)z+m+2i-0, where m eR. Suppose the equation has a real root, then find the value of m. Sol. 2-(3+i)2+m+2i-0 Since zis real, (# -324m)+(2-2 = 2-32+m=0 and 2=2 = 2?-3x2+m=0 =>m=2 ©. Find the set of points on the complex plane for which z” +z+1 is real and positive. Sol. cet z=x+iy,xyerR 2742415 (x+iyl +(x+iy) et = (x? -y? x41) +i(2xy +y) Since 2’ + 2+1is a position real number, 2xy +y =O and x’ -y’+x+1>0 (2x+1)y=0 =y=Oorx= 4 2 Case-: y=0 Sx -K+1>0 >xeR Case-I: x= 2 1 a1 Jiyetiiso aqgryper> ay<2 Y x, + iy, has to be meaningful = y, = y, = 0. Equalities however in complex numbers are meaningful. Two complex numbers 2, and 2, are said to be equal if Rez, = Rez, and Im(z,) = Im(2z)) (i.e., they occupy the same position on complex plane) Addition: 2 422 = (1 His) + (2 + iva) = (1 + ¥2) FI(Ys +2) EC It is easy to observe that the sum of two complex numbers is a complex number whose real (imaginary) part is the sum of the real (imaginary) parts of the given numbers: Re(2; +2,) = Re(z,) +Re(z,) Imn(z, +29) = Im(z,) +im(zs) Subtraction: 22 = 0% +1) (He That is Re(2; - 22) = Re(z;)-Re(22) Iem(z, =2,) = trm(2,) —Im(z9) iva) = (% ~%2) +i(¥; ~ ¥2) €C Multiplication: 2,22 = (% +14) (% + Ye) = In other words Re (2z2,) = Re(2,)-Re (29) ~Im(z,)- Im (2) And Im(2,2,) = 'm(2,)-Re(2,) +Im(z))-Re(2,) For a real number 2 and a complex number z = x + iy -2=AMx+iy)=ax+iay eC is the product of a real number with a Haka Ya¥a) + 1OuY2 + Kays) © C. complex number. The following properties are obviou: (a) 2(2, +25) = 42, +22, Ab) Ay (142) = (Aida) 2: (e) (2) + Ag)2 = M2 + Aaz for all 2,2),2) €C and 4,22; €R Actually, relations (a) and (¢) are special cases of the distributive law and relation (b) comes from the associative law of multiplication for complex numbers Division of Complex Number: Let 2 =x,+ly, & 2) =x) +ly2 then 22 Xt (e+ ty)bo - ye 2 Xa tive (Xe iva) (Ke ~i¥e) (ma Fyn) +1 (yor = V2 =— m+ unl, fee YX = XY | (3 +¥3) ty a+ zom(shnm( a4 dising © 4=2isind Multiplying numerator and denominator by conjugate, (3+2isine)(1+2isine) _ 3-4sin?@ + gising 1+ 4sin? 0 1+ 4sin’ 0 Now zis purely real if sind = 0 or @=na,ne! Z is purely imaginary if 3- 4sin?@=0 B ® x > sing= tS =xsing = O=nntZ,nel Sol. 2 Sol. Sol. (x-2)+(y-3)i= (1-3 (1+1) =1+i-31-37 24-2) 2 x-2=4&y-35-2 =x=6y=1 Find the least positive neni =n=4nrel Least positive n= 4. a, b, © are real numbers in the polynomial P(Z) = 22" + a2* + bz? +eZ+3.1F two roots of the equation P(Z)=0 are 2 and i, the find the value of ‘a’, Imaginary roots occur in conjugate pairs. = One of the roots is =i => Product of the roots If 4" root is a, then 2xix(-pxa= 3 Q. E(x) = xt - ax? + ax? +8x+ 44, find £(3 +21). Sol, x=3+2 2 x-352) =x? 6x49 2x? -6x+13=0 x8 = Ax + 4x? 4 Bx 4 44 @ (x? - Gx +13) (x? + OH 43) 4S If So, for x = 3+2i,x*- 4x? + 4x7 +8x+44=0+5=5 +2i, then x’ -6x413=0 THREE IMPORTANT TERMS WITH RESPECT TO COMPLEX NUMBER: Conjugate of Complex Number Conjugate of a complex number 2 = a+ ib is denoted and defined by 2=a-ib, a and b are real numbers. In a. complex number if we replace i by -i we get conjugate of the complex number. Zis the mirror image of 2 about real axis on Argand’s Plane. Geometrical representation of conjugate of complex number Note: (a) 74+Z=2Rez (b) 2-2 = 2ilmz (6) 22 =a? +b?, where z= a+ib (a) If 2 lies in 1 quadrant then Zlies in 4% quadrant and -Zin the 2" quadrant. (e) If x +iy = f(@ + ib) then x -iy = fla-ib) Further, g(x +iy) = fla +ib) = g(x - iy) = fla -ib) e.g. sin(a + ip) = x+ly = sin(a - ip) = x-iy . ifthe biquadratic x‘ + ax’ + bx? + ex+d= 0 (a,b,c,d ¢R) has 4 non real roots, two with sum 3+ 4i and the other two with product 13+i, find the value of Sol. Let the roots be p#qi and rssi. If (De ai)+(r +i) =344i, then (p-qi) (r= si) = 13 +1 >prr=dandqrs=4 and pr= gs =13 and ps +.qr = -1 b= (p+ Gi)(p- ai) + (r+ si)(r- si) +(p + aii(r+si) +(p+ai)(r-si)+(-ai)(r+si) +(p-ai)(r- si) =pagiares?+arp = (p +1)? +2pr+(q+s)* -2Gs = 3744? 42(pr-qs) =25+2(13) =b=51 Modulus of Complex Number: Modulus of complex number is a distance of the point on the argand plane representing the complex number z from the origin. If P denotes a complex number z = x+iy imaginary axis Pix, y) iz Then OP 42 [= yx? +y? Real axis Note: @ zo (i) AL complex numbers having the same modulus lie on a circle with centre as origin and radius r = [2h 10. Q. Find the modulus of the following complex numbers: fa B41 3a opi ate aa Gi 1+ cota sisinga e(s.22) Sol. @ 2-148 2 clk ay (2 “1 v3+1) (v8-1) _, eaten e341-28 | ow i | Se + = Pree asst es 4 Bh pcg ool z=1+cosarisina =2cos? > +2isin> -cos > = 2cos |zk-2c082 3 $e (5,32) cost col - 2 = 2 Q. ifthe complex number z satisfies z +|z| = 1 + 7i then find the value of Iz!” Sol. z=x+ly a xtiys itary? 214 Ti xfer? -1 2.) and y=7 2) x+Vies49=1 x7 +49 = 14 x? - 2x 2x = -48 x=-24 wjzfP=x? +y? =625 Previous Year's Question Qe Let z, and z, be two numbers satisfying |z, |= 9 and | z, - 3-4i|= 4. Then the minimum value of 12-21 is: [JEE Main 2019] (ayo (8) V2 1 (22 n Previous Year's Question @ If the equation, x? +bx+45 =0(bck) has complex conjugate roots and they satisfy |z+1)- 2V10, then: [JEE Main 2020) (A) b? +b=12 (8) b?-b=42 (C) b?-b=30 (0) b? +b=72 Qa Sol. Sol. Describe |z-7, |. Let z= x +yi & 2, = X94 Yoi : ley AZ~ 2, HK =%) + iY = Yo) | (wy) Yo Oo, Yo) = Distance between (x,y) and (%o,¥o) =>|z-2,| represents distance between (x,y) and (Xp, Yo) Describe |z -z,|= z-2,| As explained in previous question, above expression mean distance of z from z, is equal to the distance of z from z,. = zis equidistant from z, and zp = 2 lies on perpendicular bisector of line joining 2, and 23. Describe|z~ z,|=r. |z-zo]=distance between z and z Zz > z/s.a point whose distance from zp is always constant and equal to r. = 2 represents a circle with 2 as center and ras radius. 12, Sol. © Sol. On the complex plane, locus of a point z sati denotes (A) region between the concentric circles of radii 3 and 1 centred at (1, 0) (8) region between the concentric circles of radii 3 and 2 centred at (1, 0) excluding the inner and outer boundaries. (C) region between the concentric circles of radii 3 and 2 centred at (1, 0) including the inner and outer boundaries. () region between the concentric circles of radii 3 and 2 centred at (1, 0) including the inner boundary and excluding the outer boundary. ing the inequality 2<|z-1|<3 (0) |2-1represents distance of 2 from (1, 0). = 2-1|<3 represents region inside the circle centred at (1, 0) with radius 3 excluding the boundary. => -1]22represents region outside the circle centered at (1, 0) with radius 2 and including the boundary The complex number x satisfies z + 2+8i. The value of |z| is (a) 10 (8) 13 () 17 (D) 23d Let z=x+yi 2+8i axtyityery axe ery? andy=8 248 = x+Vx? 464 =2 2x? 464 = 44x? - ax 2x s-15 2 =-15+8i =b|=17 13. Previous Year's Question @ Let z be a complex number such that [z|+z=3+1 (where i= V1). Then [z| is equal to (JEE Main 2019) 5 ays ®>3 ©) Previous Year's Question Qe The region represented by {z=x + iy ¢C:|z|-Re(z)<1]} is also given by the inequality 5 (0) Z (JEE Main 2020) w y'sa{x+3) (@ yisx+d (© y222(x+1) (0) y?244 Previous Year’s Question Qe Let z= x+ly be a non-zero complex number such that z* =il2[', where I= J-1, then z lies on the (JEE Main 2020) (A) line y = x (8) real axis (©) imaginary axis (0) line, y = -x (. A point ‘2° moves on the curv 3i|=2 in an argand plane. The maximum um value of [z| are : @)65 ()4,.3 O73 Sol. [z-4-3i]=2>|z-(4+ 3] =2 = It represents circle with radius 2 centred 14, Sol. Sol. at (4, 3). e[=distance from origin. = kl, =OA= OP -2=3 lex =OB=OP+r=542=7 If zis a complex number satisfying the equation |z + ij + |z - i= 8, on the complex plane then maximum value of |2| is 2 wa (we (08 B+i+f2 0, 4) Let 2 be represented by P. = PF, +PFy = Thus above equation represents an ellipse 6, -4) with foci (0, -1) and (0, 1) and center (0, 0) = From above figure it is clear that maximum value of |2| = 4 when z= 4i or -4i. Number of complex numbers z satisfying z? = «1 (8)2 (4 (0) 5 . Oort >zsoort If 2*=0>2=0 if p]=1, x) + y7?? + Day = Ayyi=0 = xy=-0 axsOayeit (ory? =t) and ys0>x=H => possible 2 are O + Oi, i, -i, 1 & -1. = There are 5 possible complex numbers of z. Q. if 2? +2*~ 241-0, then show that |2|=1 Sol. Site +Peti = (iz+1) = (2 +i)(iz+1)-0 =z or Taking Modulus both side, PP =| or Bl= Hl = in both cases. Hence Proved. Previous Year's Question e 1 x+ly Alet (-2-3) 37 (i= VA). where x and y are real numbers, then y-x equals (JEE Main 2019) Or (®) -85 (85 (0) -91 16. . The minimum vatue of [1+ 2 +|1- 2| where zis a complex number is 2 @3 o ao Sol. |1+z|-+ distance between z and (-1, 0). |t-2| distance between z and (1. 0). Let A be (1, 0), 8 be (-1, 0) and P be 2. We have to find (PA +PB),.... (1, 0) (+1, 0) From figure, we know PA +PB > AB (Equality when P = (PA+PB),, =2 s on AB). (O. ‘The system of equations leet ~ | where zis a complex number has Rez>1 (@)no solution (8) exactly one solution (C) two distinct solution (0) infinite solution Sol. p+1-j 2>f2-(-1+i/=2 Z lies on circle centred at (-1, 1) with radii 2. In above figure, we can see that x= Tis a tangent to circle. only (1, 1) satis ies re(2) >1 on the circle. = Given system of equations has exactly one solution. ‘Square Root of Complex Number: Let 2 = x + ly be the given complex number and we have to obtain its square root. (x and y are real numbers and xy > 0) Let a+ib=(x+iy)”? = a?-b? +2iab=x+iy => x =a? —b? andy = 2ab 3x? = (a? +b?)’ - ab? = x? sy? = >at+b? dz] (i) fzlex yy lzl-x ye 2 2 [2 1+Re@) , ; f[21-Rete) 2 2 2) "7 Replacing i by -i, we get — _,{ a1=Reey_, fz1=Re@ 9 = EER ERD) Q. Find the square root of 3+ 4i Sol. tet V8¥4i-a+ib = 3+4i2a7—b?+2abi = a?-b?=3,2ab=4 4b? = fa? ~b)' 4 40D? = Jove = 5 . atib= 424i) Alternative method: Using formula V344i Q. Find the root of z= 9 - 401 Sol. = |= Jet+1600 = 41 =+(5-4i) = Vz = (S-4i) or (-5+4i) Q. if z*4+2(1421)z- (11421) =0, find z in the form of a + ib. Sol. 2 +2(1+2i)z-(11+2))=0 = 2z=-1-21+ V8+6 fo+e , fo-8 F { pose fe=*) =4(3+i) = 2=-1-21+(34i) > 2=(2-i) or (-4-3i) 18. Sol. Sol. 2 If z=(x,y)€C thon find z, satisfying 2° (1,1) = (1,7) 2 (1,1) =(-4,7) A+ = (x+ yi)? Ti (4+7)0-i) ate 6+8i 2 322344 =[3+4i]=5 of Ee) =z=4(2+i) = 2=(2+i) or (-2-i) = 19401 + 9-401 = "a+ 401-8401 Yor a0 + Y= 401, (VB 40+ 9-40) “Yer aoi—Jo- 401 * (aaa + YO= a0) . Find [z| _ 9440149 - 401+ 2/84 adi YS — ‘9+ 40) (9-40) _ 18 + 2V814 1600 ~ 80) S25 A Previous Year's Question Previous Year's Question sy“ values of mand nis... Argument of Complex Num! o Angle (8) made by the line segment, joining the point on the complex plane representing the complex number z to the origin, from the positive real axis is called argument of complex number z which is denoted as arg @=6 If OP makes an angle @ 2 with real axis then 0 is called one of the argument cf z. General values of argument of z are given by 2nx+0,n 1 Note that any two arguments of the same complex number z differ by 2x eg Ifz=1+ then argta) = 5 General value of argument of z= 2nn+ ra el Note that by specifying the modulus and argument, a complex number is completely defined. However, for the complex number 040i the argument is not defined and t the only complex number which is completely defined by talking in terms of its modulus. ie, |l=0 e (JEE Main 2019) 3 : *) =1(m,ncN) then the greatest common divisor of the least [EE (Main) 2020] Imaginary axis POs y) Real axis imaginary axis, P(t, 1) Real axis Gi) Amplitude (Principal value of argument): The unique value of 6 such that -1<0< ais called principal value of argument. Unless otherwise stated, z refers to the principal value of argument. Working Rule for finding principal argument of Complex number Z : Letz=a First compute a = tan” (2) Case l: if 2 lies in | quadrant i.e. a, b>0, then amp(2)= Case Il: if z lies in Il quadrant ie, acd, b>0, then amp(z) = 0 = (x-a) cast If z lies in Ml quadrant ie. a < 0, b <0, then amp(z) = 0 = -(n-a) Case IV: If 2 lies in IV quadrant i.e. a>0, b|ai-J=1 =la-]=1 =a-=O0or2 But a0 asa=0=>2=0= Arg (2) #5 pasloz=a. it Arg(2)= Zand [p+ 3-I|=4, find 2. if z=x+yi% = tan(arg(z)) x wm Yetay=xx>0 x =z=x(1+i) jz+3- =4 >|(x+3)+(-1i]=4 = +6494 x? -2x4+1= 16 23. Sol. if z, & Z, represents adjacent vertices of a regular polygon of n sides with conter at origin aif (2). 3-1 then the value oftn is equal to: Ra(z,) as (8) 12 (c) 16 (0) 24 Let 2, be x+iy =v2-1 22,02, If polygon is n - sided, then = _2n 22,02, = 2% 20%, = = Among the complex number 2 which satisfy|z - 25i| < 15, find one having the least positive argument. [z-25|<15 represents a region within the circle centered at (0, 25) with radii 15. including the boundary. From figure, it is clear that tangent OA has the least positive slope, thus A has least positive Argument. OA = VOP? - AP? 1a = «28? = 15 = OA=20 Also, ZOPA = 6 20_4 = sing = 20-3 255 seoso-%_3 25° 5 = A= (2000, 20sin6) = As (12.16) = A= 12+16i (2 with least positive argument) Find area enclosed by |r -1+i|<3; - >< arg(z+1-1)< > ea k-(1-i/ <3 It represents region inside circle with center (1, -1) and radius 3. Let Qbez Then AP and PQ makes angle between ‘2 and © with positive x-axis. 3 = capa = 242% 58, 3°27 6 = Area of sector APB is reauired area. (Sx ; 2, Blennatn= = Required area = xr = add te 4 REPRESENTATION OF A COMPLEX NUMBER IN DIFFERENT FORMS. Cartesian Form/Algebraic Form: Every complex number expressed in the form of z = x + iy where xy eR and i = J is called cartesian form or algebraic form of complex number. for 2 = x+ iy, Re(z) = x and Im(2) =y lake xP ry? Q. Sol. -iy => weP+yY oP +y-2%<0 2 &- Pry yty-0 > yy+)-0 y=0,y=t1 + Solutions are (0,0),(0) and (0-1) Case-i: When y=0 ad? -05 4 /x-05x=0 Cas 26. Q. Sol. Solution is (0, 0) already determined Hence, solutions of the equation are (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1). If 2 is a complex number satisfying the equation | z-(1+i)|?=2 ando = 2, then z the locus traced by ‘u' in the complex plane is A)x-y-150 (B)xty-1=0 © (C)x-ytts0 — (D)xty+1=0 “@ We have |2-(1+)|?=2 > =P +-% =2 (Putz=x-+iy) = ety? =Axty) lt) 2 2 2x -iy) z xe xy?’ Let o=h+il so 2. Locus of the point o(h,k) will be x-y=1 Find locus of point in complex plane satisfying ne(2) Let z=x+iy,xyeR 1 4 i Sx? ty? 4x =0 (x-ayry?=4 = Locus of point is a circle with center (2, 0) and radiu: 27. Q. Sol. Show that locus of a point P(w) denoting the complex number z+ on the z complex plane is a standard ellipse where Let 2=x+iy> x+y? =4=[2/. 1 z Zeoezee z ee we X =xtiyt 4 ot ahi 4 @) Which represents the equation of an ellipse. z-4|_4. jz—-8| lz-12|_5 Find z which satisfy simultaneously = jz-si| 3 and k-4 istant from (4, 0) and (8, 0) 2 lies on perpendicular bisector of line joining (4, 0) and (8, 0), ie, x = 6 =2=6+yi Now, = 9(36+y*) = 5 (36 + (y-8)") 2a = Iy? - 400y +2176 = 0 = y? -25y +136 =0 = (y-17)(y-8)=0 =y=17or8 > 2=6+1Tior 6+8i Previous Year's Question e 1 and [zl -2 Then the value of [z +3] Let z be a complex number such that (JEE Main 2020) 7 5 (a) 10 @> OF (0) 2v3 Previous Year's Question @ All points in the let s-{24t nl (i= V1) lie on a [JEE Main 2019] aa (A) Circle whose radius is 1. (B) Straight line whose slope is 1. (© Straight line whose slope is -1. (0) circle whose radius is V2 Trigonometric Form / Polar Form: Let the given complex number be ¥, 2 =x + iy, rand 0 be the modulus and amp P(x, y) (2) respectively. From the figure x = r cos®, ig y=r sin 0 y x + iy = r(cos0 +i sind) = r(cis) Hence, z=r(cos @+i sin 0) is called polar/ trigonometric form of the complex number. 23. ©. Express the following complex number in polar form. 2, 2-1-WF (i 2, = -2431 Sol. @) 2, =-1-W3 =1(cos0 +isino) =2n amp(a)=0+-(1- |. revie3=2 2 =-1-W3 = afcos( = 3 Gi) 2, =-2435 amp(22)= 8 = = Varo = V3 . 2p = 2431 ~ 3 {c02( tan" = Vi cis{x-tant2 2 Q. If =1+008 4 isin then find modulus and amplitude of z eisn(x-tan? 3) Sol. 2=1+cos+ 2 3n 3m oe 38 3n 3x 3x) 2cos’ *+i2sin-cos > 2cos{| cos +isin—= 5 5 5 5 5 5 28) 555.3%, sein 3 2m 5538, ain 3E = 2e0s/ x- 28} cost + isin) -2cce2# (cos $+ isin ® \ 5 5 5s 5 = 2000 (coo(n- S*)-icin(x- 2] Qnf_ 2x Qn nf (20 x 2oon%t (oe isn) > 2coe2fce(:24) ien(-28] .lzk 2e08 3% and amp(z) 30. Previous Year's Question Qe Let a= fo(-%,x):3+21Si"8 5, purety imaginary}. then the sum of the elements in A 2 1-2ising is (JEE Main 2019) 5x 3n 2n ay (8) x ©) oF ). Describe the path of (2). @ Arg(2)- =. a arg(z-1)- ip) 0 arg(z) <= Sol. @ Let a =reoe(Zaisina| nay = ygltt) =xeyl = locus,x=y, 4y>0 Gi) Let 2=x-4yi =y+x-120 (Locus of 2) Where y > Oandx<1 (iii) Let z = x + yi argz =tan'Ye [o 4] x 4 =Xe[o,] (in 1 quadrant) x =ye[0x] (xy 20) Z is set of all point lying between x-axis and line y = x in 1* quadrant including the boundaries. Exponential Form: x+iy =1(cos0 +isin@) = re” e" is called exponential form of the complex number. where ris modulus of z and 0 is amplitude of 2. Here cosO+isin0 =e” Al) Replacing i by ~i, we get cos8-isind =e" -Q) Adding (1) and (2) 0 cos0= which is purely real Subtracting (2) from (1) ° which is purely imaginary. QO. itz- ae) then find modulus and amplitude of z. Sol. z= -2{cos(=)+isin( =} : 2(cos4 -isin) =-2 A 3 3 2 1 +i¥3 which lies in 2% quadrant. Modulus raVie3=2 amp(2) = 6= x-tan(/3) =2- Q. Find the real part of z =e" 0eR Sol. z= celcosdeisina) _ gcosd , gisind 6289 . (cos(sin 0) +isin(sind)) Re(z) = e***° .cos(sin@) 32. Vectorial Representation of a Complex Number: Every complex number can be considered as if it is the position vector of that point. If the point P represents the complex number z then, OP =z &|OPHzI. Geometrical meaning of e . @ for re® then OG =z, = re) =2-e* if OF and OG are of unequal magnitude then TO - Cre 00 - op ze" tianda=% then =i i) = 143 Gi) Using the vectorial concept and section formula, complex numbers corresponding to centroid, incentre, orthocentre and circumcentre for a triangle whose vertices are 22 .z can be deduced PROPERTIES OF CONJUGATE, MODULUS AND ARGUMENT Properties of conjugate of complex Numbers: ® ® @) 12H? 1 Gi) 2Re(z) iv) 2-2 = 2ilm(2) ()_Ifz is purely real, z= (wi) fz is purely imaginary, 2 = zzazPAzP Z, +2;. In general, 242 @ Gi) 221) (2) (ii) (2) Be If a= f(z), then &= (2) = f@) where = f(2) is a function in complex variable with real coefficients. In other words, if f(c+iy) =a+ib then f(x-iy)=a-ib Explanation: Let F(z) = ag +ayz + age? +0527 +......+ gz, Where 29)2),2)).....:4@, are real numbers and zis a complex number. Then £(Z) = ag #a,F +a, (2)? +.a5(Z)? 4... aq(3)" Say tajz+a,z” tagz°+......4a,2" d+zt+z* Let z he a complex number such that z<€/R and | eR then prove z+ that |2z|=1. me Sol. w-1t?*? ep -2+2? We know z-Z= 0 if zeR = (lez+2)(1- 242%) = (1-2427)(1+2 +2") 1-242 42-bf +227 42? -22+/2f" S14+Z+2-2- P22? 42? 42724 =) 2(z-Z) + 222” -27°2 =0 > (2-2)+f (Z-z)=0 = (2-2 1-7} =0 =f =1 (2 is not real) =pl=1 34. For any two complex numbers z,,Z, prove that: 21 = 72 | <4 if |z,|<1 and [z,|<1 or |z,|>1 and |z,|>1 [2S acd ame ito >a z =| \i-2z = kaif’ + bol? - 212 - 222 < 1+ el be >a +e? <1+ P,P eal? > 1-2 - bel +l Bel’ > 0 (1-E-F)(1-lF)>0 Zitz - 2B > both|z,| and [z,| <1 Or both z,| and |z,| >1 = |6z-if <2 +3iz? = (62-1) (6Z +i) < (2 + 3iz)(2- 3:2) = 36|z/’ +14 6zi-6zi< 4+ 9\z’ + Giz - 621 >27pf <3 Hence proved. Number of complex numbers z such that | (ay4 (B26 (8 (OD) more than 8 35. Nilo oa Let z=x+yi 242? = (x! ~y? + 2ayi) + (x? - y? - 20) = 2(x2-y2) ax a3 and yet or xt =t andy =? 4 4 4 4 & 2 1 and y=+2 or x= weg r= 84(2) orz=2(3 2 (2 = There are 8 possible complex number 2. Properties of modulus of complex numbers: @ |ze0>z=0+i0 i) |2H-2H2 I (it) -|z(s Rez) 4z| and -{2 [sim(z) 1 1; 1 ee (iv) 2Z =|zf. If zis unimodular ie. |z| = 1, then Z == (9) faze] = ullee] «tm general, fay 2 -25------2nl = [2[2l Pa wi) p'|azr wit) |Z Ee, Pitz +P - =2(ha? + Pal) Proof: ke, #22)? +2, - 20 > (2,424) +22) +(2-22)(% 36 = (4 +2:)(% +%)+(-2)(% -%) D> 22,422 +2Z +2 +22 -7B-ByA +h = (ef +f) OAPB is a parallelogram. By the vector law of addition OP? +BA? = OA” + AP? + PB” + OB? bey +25) +2, —29F = 2(le,P +lea)") The above identity indicates the sum of A squares of diagonals of a parallelogram is equal to sum of square of its all four sides. (i) Let 2, =x, +iy, and 2, =x, +iy2 |z,-2| denotes the distance between two points on the complex plane representing 2, and 2,. AB = (2, - 2,1 (| = ba +i, - (x2 +iy2)] I = [=X +i(¥: — Yo) = V(% — Xe) + (Ys -¥2)” () [zl a,aeR* = locus of z represents a circle whose centre is origin and radius is ‘a’. P(2) jz-z,|=awhere 2, is a fixed complex number and represents a circle whose centre is zyand radius is a. Gai) if 1 where 2, and z, are fixed complex numbers then, locus of z is the perpendicular bisector of line joining the points representing 2, and Triangle inequalities Mz, 1129 Ils f2a + 2a] s [ze] + al (xi Proof: Method-| Algebraic Method: Let Z, =f, (cos®, +isin6,) and Z, =f, (cos®, +isind,) 2, +2, = COSO, +f, COs®, +i(F, sin®, +f sin®,) kz +al-yr cos, +r; cosy)’ +(r, sind, +1, sind)” lz; +z,| willbermaximumwhen cos(8, -@)=1 = 0,-0, = 2nn = 0,=0;+2nn,nel Hence, for the maximum value of [z, +29] points representing complex numbers z,, z, and the origin are collinear and z,, 2, must lie on the same side of the origin. lz, +29] will be = minimum — when cos(0,-0,)=-1 = 0,-6,=2nn+anel = 0,=0,+2nn+z,n€1 Hence, for the minimum value of |z, +z9| points representing the complex number z.. 2, and the origin are collinear and z,, 2, must lie on the opposite side of the origin. Inthe similar manner minimum and maximum values cf |z, - 2,|can also be determined 22 Z 38. Method-I! Geometrical Method: Let A and B represent complex numbers 2, pine2) and z, respectively. A_ parallelogram OAPB is completed OB =2,+2, . [OPE B, +2,) In the AOAP, from the fact (@ Sum of two sides is always greater than third side. Gil) Absolute value of the difference of two sides is always less than third side. WZ, b=1 22 Ils 2, +22] < [24] + ze] Sign of equality holds when z, 2, and the origin are collinear. Q. fz, -1]< 4.) -2)< 2,Jz3- 3] <3 then find the greatest value of (2, +2, +25). Sol. p,+2,42, a = 1)+(2_-2)+(25- 3) +6] ~1)+ [2 -2]+ [25 -3]48.51+24346=12 Q. if |= [l= [es]=1, prove that fz, +25 +23] -E+2-4, 4 Sol. we know that 12121 = fy tzyt2|= iF [z\|=4.lz9|= 2sfea] = 3 and [O22 +4242, +2524] = 12 Then find the value of |2, +2, +25| 38. Sol. l= 2 20% Also, [92,2 + 42)23 + 2,2] = 12 > Piatt +2:22% +22 2229] = [es kealza|lzs + % +2 > +B+h If |z-(5+7) +9 then find the greatest and least value of |2-2-3 il. 2-2-3 iFlz-(5+7 +344 DI I 2-(5 + 7)]- 13+ 4i lle] 2-(5 + Ti) +34 di ]2z-(54 714/344) =19-5[s|z-2-3i[s 945 3 44z-2-3i)s14 Alternative method: Z lies on the circle with centre C(S,7) and radius equal to 9. Now, we have to find maximum and minimum distance of the point A(2,3) from the circle. Maximum distance, AP= AC +C P= 549 =14 Minimum distance, AQ = CQ - AQ=9-5=4 Find the greatest and least value of [2] if z satisfies b-4]-2 z dzi+t < lzl 4 ,- 4} Z| 4 <2s]2|+ > Iz! {2il -2%+4>Oalways true > 650 Sol. Sol. 221-42 r P+%-4205(r+1?-520 = (r+ 1-Y5) (+14 5) 20 eet two} postive rzN5-4 P-2-4<05(r-1-5<0 = (r-1-V5)r-14+¥5) <0 are[i-75,V5 +1] » re l¥5 1445 +1] Let z, £2, be complex numbers such that z, +z, and |z,|=|z;| then chow that 2+ ic puraly imaginary. 2-2 3(2tt-2bt) ‘ 2. anal ~habte( 2222) (B28 +2) 2-2) 2\2,-2 %-% So, purely imaginary. tf = 222 js unimodular and z, is not unimodular, then find {z,| 2-2,2, 2 tele = fan) oszsn Hence proved. Properties of Argument of complex number: () amp(zz,) = amp(z,) +amp(z,) + 2ka,k €1 In general amp (2y-23-.-.-2,)=amp (2%) +amp(2,) +. i) armel 2 = amp(z,)—amp(z,) + 2kn,k €1 (iii) amp(z") = namp(z) + 2k2,k € 1 Note: In the above properties, 2kr,k €1 is added in RHS and k is chosen in such a way so that value of the expression in RHS belongs to z Cr x] & (iv) If arg(z-29) =a where z, is a fixed complex number then locus of z denotes a ray emanating from 2, (z, is not included) and making an angle a from positive real axis. Note: For any complex number 2 amp(z) + amp(-Z) = x or amp(z) + amp(-1) + amp(2) = ). Represent the locus of z satisfying given equation or inequation on the Ar- gand’s plane. (i) [z-1-i V2 and amp(2)= Gi) [ape - 2-i) lc (ili) 35)2-4 1s 4 and Lampe - 4) is > 43. Sol. () The complex number z representing P(z) the point P is only the solution satisfying both the equations (| simultaneously A Gi) Complex numbers corresponding to the points lie in the shaded region satisfy the given inequality. Gil) All the complex number z satisfying both the inequalities simultaneously er lies in the shaded region (dS vy a Consider two pairs of non-zero conjugate complex numbers (z,,2,) and (2;,24) Find the value of arg, (2) + are Za nda) vd (as 2, =% and 2, = Z3 =0 (as argument of a positi real number is zero). 44, Sol, Sol. Sol, If z and w are complex numbers satisfying Z + iw = 0 and amp(zw) = x, then amp(w)is equal to Ed a 1 3a ws = (ot oz Given Z+iw=0 => or amp(z) - amp(w) = ampi A) also amp(zw) = x amp(z) + amp(w) = = 2) (1) + 2), gives 2amp(z) = = => amplz) -3, Also amp(w) = = If Arg(z +a) =i and Arg(z- a) = ;ae R*,then (A) zis independent of a (©) lal = lz+al at i =acis™ D) z=a cis * (©) z=a cis & (0) 2=a cis * (0) Refer the figure z lies on the point of intersection of the rays from A and B. AACB is a right angle and OBC is an equilateral triangle. A 2O0C=asz=acis = (2,0) Find modulus and principal argument of the complex number: 2 = (14 D1 -W3)(-2 - 203) amp of (1 +i) = tan amp of (1-i¥3) = -3 amp of (-2-2i) = ick fie e amp of i= > 4s. Sol. amp of 3 = 0 amp(z) [211 4ill1iv3 I -2- 21111131 = ¥2-2-2)2-1.3 =24.Ans It is given that complex numb z, and z, and satisfy |2,|=2 and |2,|= 3. If = canbe 2, ~ 2. (a) 126 (8) 119 (c) 133 (0)19 the included angle of their corresponding vectors is 60° then expressed ac <* whore Nis natural number then N equals Using cosine rule. fe #22] = les? + eal? - 21 24 I 22 108120" Bzz c JT 3 wa ars, i221 and le, ~ za|=feaP+ kal’ ~2)z,|za[e0s60" Pie A lad = 459-6 = V7 As Vi33 7 7 N= 133 ‘then find [2] & amp(z) 22 TtWE 8 jap “(AB +D "a +i] L1+iv3 1 _ | ampz = amp(1+i¥3)- amp(-V3 +i) = 2. Find the value of Cisx.cis= cis 5.0 Cisn.cis > 5. 2 46. Sol. 105 (2n) + isin(2n) 1 (1+1)(1+2i)(1+ 31) @-0@=-Na=1) zis of the form 22222 z Find amp(z)ifz= a252e Here amp(z) = amp(z,) +amp(z,) + amp(z;) - amp(z4) - amp (25) - amp(2,) + 2kx “1 1 1 9- tan” (-1)-tantf—2)—-tantf-2 ~ tan" (0) star 6 tae tan (3) tan(—2) taf 3) +a =n+(tan" ()=tan'( 3} ta (3) +k amt 242kx = Sk=41 3x x > amp(2)=F-2n=-3. (2¥3+2i" asi oe , has argument (i (2V3-2i) w= @ ©-2 @ = 47. _ (B+) Sol. z= (+i (iF "esa 8 +2) ef “Oni Ana are (B# Dy = Are(z) Mt! (oF = BArg (V3 +i) - Arg (1-i) + 2kn =8tan* (+) ~6tan" (-1) + 2kn 24, one = Provious Year's Question @ 43 iy Waa Dol (A), Then (1+iz+2° +z) is equal to: (JEE Main 2019) @-1 (8) 1 mo (0) (-1421)° Previous Year’s Question @® 1¢ 2=© (@ eR) is a purely imaginary number and |z|= 2, then a value of a is: za (JEE Main 2019) we @ ot (0) 2 48. Previous Year's Question Qe a: nary parts of z, then: (JEE Main 2019) (4) 1(2)=0 (&) R(z)> 0 and1(z)>0 (©) R(z)0 (0) R(z)=-3 Previous Year's Question Qe Let 2, and 2, be any two non-zero complex numbers such that 3|2,|= 2|2,]. If 3% 2 then (JEE Main 2019) 22," 32, (A) Re(z)=0 (8) [zl £ (C) |e] LE (0) Im(z)=0 Previous Year's Question Qe If 2 and w are two complex numbers such that jzw|=1 and arg(z) - arg(w) je then: (A) zw=i (8) zw=-i Previous Year's Question a+isind 16.€[0,2n], is a real number, then an argument of sind+icosé is: 4-icosd (JEE Main 2020) 4 4 (a) r-tan(4) (3) -tan°(2) © x-tan"(3) () tan" 3 49. Previous Year's Question 2k Qn 1+sin—+icos— 3 9 The value of ‘2x cos 9 1+sin. ) -3(1-a) (8) 3(-43) © -£(3-) (0) 3(3-) Previous Year's Question The imaginary part of (3+2=5a)"” - (3-254) can be: @ {JEE Main 2020) @ (JEE Main 2020) @ VE (8) -2v6 os (2) -¥6 Previous Year's Question Ifa and b are real numbers such that (2+a)* = a+be, where a= is equal to: (A) 33 (8) 57 «os (D) 24 Previous Year's Question J (A) 25 (8) -2* (©) -2"i (0) 6* The value ot ( @ then a+b 2 (JEE Main 2020) @ (JEE Main 2020) 50. Previous Year’s Question Let ze be such that |z|<1. Ifo (A) 5Stm(a)<1 (8) 4Im(o)>5 (C) SRe(w)>1 CONCEPT OF ROTATION If 2 and 2 are two complex numbers, then argument of ~ is the angle through which z Qz’ must be turned in order that it may lie along 02, In general, let 2,,2,,2, be the three vertices of a triangle ABC described in the counter- clock wise sense. Draw OP and OQ parallel and equal to AB and AC respectively. Then the point P is z, ~ 2, and Q is z, ~ z, and 22-1 2 cosa tisina) 2-2, OP zs 2, = CA. gn. Fe“ oie BA a -2 Note that arg.(z,~ 2))-arg(z,- 2%) -ais the angle through which OP must be rotated in the anti-clockwise direction so that it concides with OQ Here we can write 2272 = 2-2 also. In case we are rotating OP in clockwise direction by an angle (2x-a). Since the rotation is in clockwise direction, we are taking negative sign with angle (2x —a). @ (JEE Main 2019) (0) 5Re(o)>4 (Z3—21) P@-z1) Cz) B(Z2) tO Ati) Note: If a complex number (z) is multiplied by i, it means 2 has been rotated through an angle x 3 in anticlockwise sense. eg ziti ZaQsie? = (+i =-14i Ze) ©. Consider a square ABCD such that 7,,2z,,z, and z, represent its vertices A,B,C and D respectively. Express ‘2,’ and © in terms of 2, and z,, Sol. Consider the rotation of AB about A through an angle 7. We get GEOMETRY OF COMPLEX NUMBER: Geometrical meaning of addition and subtraction: Let z, =x, + iy, and z, = x, + iy, be two complex numbers represented by the point P,(x,,y,) and P,(x,,y,) respectively. Sy definition 242, should be represented by the point (G4 + X2.¥1 + ¥2) This point is the vertex which completes the parallelogram with the tine segments joining the origin with OP, and OP, as the adjacent sides. > b,+z,)=0P Also by definition 2,-2, should be Porta Ys + Ye) Patra, Ya) 52. represented by the point (x, ~x».¥;~ Ye) This point is the vertex which completes the parallelogram with the line segments joining the origin with OP, and OP; (where the point Pi represents -2,; the point -z, can be obtained by producing the directed line P,O by length ([z,!) as the adjacent sides. Q=AR = |n-2,= Goomotrical Meaning of product and Division: Let z (cos 6, +isin@,),z, =F, (cos@, +isin8,) be complex numbers represented by Q, and a @ Construction for the point representing the 22, Let L be the point on OX which represents unity, so that OL=1. Draw the triangle 00,P directly similar to the triangle OLQ, Then point P represents the product 2,2. Explanation: Due to similar triangles OP 2 that is P22 SOP any 09, OL 5 4 Also 2Q,0P = ZLOQ, = 0, > ZLOP = 0, +0, Since Zila = ffs {COS(D, + 02) +isin (0, + 0,)}.P represents 22,. (i) Construction for the point representing the quotient z/z,: Draw the triangle 0Q,P directly similar to the triangle 0Q,L Then P represents the quotient 2 % Explanation: From the last construction, 00, OP _, _ OF 00, OL 7 Biz.) A(z) Number represented by P-z, =z, => number represented by P= = Remark: @ if 2, =" (cos, +ising,), and 2, =r, (cose, +isine,) then 2,2, = ne") and Pa elt) 5 i) arg(z,2)) = 0, +O = arg(z,) + arg (z,) a fz, ) Git) arg! 2 Bz, Centroid, Incenter, Orthocenter & Circumcenter of a triangle on a complex plan: 8, ~ 8, = arg(z,) - arg (2) 2,42, +2, (centroid «o" = 27745 e az, +bz, +¢z, Incenter ‘I’ = —-——2__—_4 00 arboe (iil) Orthocentre: Zp = DEOSCZ, +6C08E2, a Now AE = c cos A: (= AE cosec C = ¢ cos A cosec C C= 2R cosa [—S =) (sinc Andm-=ccosBcotC orm=2R cos BcosC Hence 2, = 4+ Zo (+m 2ReosBcosCz, + Reos af bcosCz, + seestta) L a ‘DR(GOsA + cosBc0s C) acosBcosCz, +bcosAcosCz, +ccosAcosBz ‘a(- cos(B + C) + cosBcosc) 2,(sin A cosB cosC) + (sinBcosC cos A)z, + ‘sinAGinBsinC) _2tanA+2,tanB42,tan 4, 2, tanA +z, tanB +2, tanC tana Ttané Coos AcosB)z, Za 54, (iv) Circumcente: We have z, being equidistant from the vertices gives, kz, ~ Za] = ke ~ 2ol = [2a ~ 20 Bs ~ 20h a) Consider f, ~ 2of A, Ar. APBC (2, - 20) (2, ~ 2) = (22 20) (% - 20) Ag = Ar. APAB % (2, ~ 20) - % (22 ~ 20) = 2 [ (2 ~ 20) - (22 ~ 20)] 4a = Ar. APAC % (21 ~ 2) - 2 (22-20) = 20 (4-22) +) Similarly, 1* & 3° gives 2, (2 ~ 20) - 25 (23 - 20) = 25 (2-23) --2) Dividing (1) by (2) eliminate 2 and get zo. Be) . Ifz,z,,2, are the vertices of an equilateral triangle then prove that 2} +23 +23 = 2,2; +225 +252, and if z, is the circumcentre of the triangle then also prove that 323 =z? +23 +z]. Sol. Taking vertices in anti-clockwise manner. AABC is equilateral A(z) (1) Also ZCBA = ZACB = a Rotate BC about 8(2,) in anticlockwise sense then (z,} c(za) =z, _ ban 22% brn ge a (D 25-2 fs] again rotate side AB about A(z,) in anticlockwise sense then 2an% 2-21 gle () Ramzi] ks -zl By equation (2) and (3) Ay-%e _%s-% %-% -% > dedeha2z2, +2242, (4) > and if 2, is the circumcentre for equilateral triangle 242,42) . —= 5) or by equation (6) 20 Sol. Sol. 9x2 = 22 4 22428 + 2(z29 +2425 +2571) or by equation (4) ede 38 fz, & z, be non-zero complex numbers satisfying the equation, Z -22,2, + 2z3 = 0 then the geometrical nature of the triangle whose vertices are the origin and the points representing z, & 2, is (A) an isosceles right-angled triangle (8) a right-angled triangle which is not isosceles (C) an equilateral triangle (0) an isosceles triangle which is not right angled. Bozo 2-242-052-1841 z . at=18i * 32, =2% 42) 324-2 =4: = 2-2 is perpendicular to 2, and |, - 22] Let z, & z, be the roots of the equation z? +pz+q= 0, where the coefficients p and q may be complex number. Let A and B represent z, & z, in the complex plane. If /AOB = a 4 0 and OA = OB, whera O is the origin, prove that 7 2) p? = 4qcos (§): (1) B(z2) and 2.2,=q (2) Also 2, = 20 +) a A(z) Now p? = (2)+22)' = (21+ ze"), = 2 (14 20 + 6%) = ge (1-20 + 2%") -a(2se" = (2+ 2cosa) = 4qcos’ F 56. Sol. if 2,,2.23 and 2/,,2,25 represent the vertices of two similar triangles ABC and PQR, respectively then prove that Since AABC and APQR are similar AC PR Alz,) w= 2 and 2BAC = ZQPR=0. AB PQ inaasc, 22—2 = AC a 2% 8a) c@,) 2-2 _ PR ve 2 InaPQR, (2) 2-21 _ 2-2) Bom hak 2 (2-25) +23 (2s ~ 21) = 25 (22-21) = [ei -25)+ 25 (23 -21)]= [es 2) => [2 (22 -25)|+|22 (2 > (-2)) % |lz-2 lz, -2,|| 2 From (1) and (2), PZ) 72721), z iz’) R(z',) If z, (¢ = 1,2,..6) are the vertices of a regular hexagon then prove that ye = Gz? where z, is the circumcentre. 87. ‘in = 039 ofa +{sse20] . gs as (om jax lon 4 Se ae Be ge we eatltc Ene vate vel sane[tecb cc set oe oc) ‘ a Sn “2022 (tee F+ee a0 « => Diz? 623 +0 623 Hence Proved. Prove that the triangle whose vertices are the points z,,z,,z, on the Argand 1 1 1 plane is an equilateral triangle if and only if If AABCis equilateral, then fy -2:]= [es ~2al = esa) -b-B BHR -% (2-23)(%-%) (2-4-4) (-%)M%-%) %-% , %-% , %-% fea - 2af Ke) %-% +2 (from (i) ky 2 1 , 2-2 2-2 1 1 + Bry Bh U-w triangle can not be equilateral. Hence proved. > ta) olf Sol. On the Argand plane z,,z, and z, are respectively the vertices of an isosceles triangle ABC with AC=BC and equal angles are 0. If z, is the incentre of the triangle then prove that (z, - z,)(z, -z,) = (1+ 5ec8)(z,-z,)" Let AC=BC=r = AB = 2rcos0 12, +12, + 2rcos 62, us r+r+2rcosd Bz, = Ht22+2c08 025 2+2cos® m2, 2, = 2b 22+ 200882, ~ 22, ~ 2e08 02, 2+2cos0 -2,)+2cos0(z, -z, 32, -z, 222) (23-2) 2+2cos® = (2c0s8)ze"° _ 2cos0ze +2coséz 2(1+c0s6) 3-2, zcose(1+e™) “1 +e080 2 Z*cos*o(i+e™) (4 2 +080 24-2) (1+ sec) 2 UAT (ta ceee) ee-ay( ) (1+cose)" cos 2? cos@(1 +cos0-ising)” - 1+c0s0 2*cos0{ 2cos? 2 -iasin2cos 7 2 2 0 2cos? = cos? 2 =2 e050 (cos? -isin$] =22? cosde™ =2(2zcosde™) = (2: -2)(@)-2) = LHS =RHS Hence Proved. 59, oa Sol. Check whether True of False If z,,2;,25,%, in order are the vertices of the square taken in order then. @2 2% is purely imaginary Gi) 2 a is purely real = Z- Git 7422 js purely imaginary vy 2*%4 21 as mid point is same 2 a7 ()__Diagonals of square are equal and perpendicular 32-2 = (z-B)e? n-% 2-2, => Statement is True. AB || CD and AB=CD > i= purely imaginary ~2|=Bs-24l 321-2) = (2s-za)e" ae purely real = Statement is true. (iif) Just Uke (), CO.1 BC 2am 2a 2s = Statement is true. (iv) Midpoint of ac : aye = foe 242, = hte 2 +24 > Statement is true. Let A=z,;B=2,;C =z, are three complex numbers denoting the vertices of an acute angled triangle. If the origin ‘0” is the orthocentre of the triangle, then prove that ZZ, + Br, = 248 + Zz, = 24%, +72, hence show that the ABC is aright andiea triangle. Od, Ez, = 22, +7, = Sol. on=2Rcosa 0B = 2RcosB OC = Reosc ZAOB=4-C LAC = 2-8 £B0C = 2-A Now, let z, = (2RcosA)e™ 2 = (2RcosB)ee"*™) = -2Rcos Bel 2, = (2RcosC)e%e'®™ = -aRcosC el) 21% + 22, = (2RcosAe”)(-2Rcos Be” “)) + (2Rcos Ae)(-2Rcos Bel”) 32%, +2,%, = ~4R? cos acosa[e® + 2°] = -8R’ cos AcosBcosC Similarly, 2,25 + 23 = (-2RcosB)e! (-2R cosC) eM + (-2cosC)el"®) (-2AeosByew = AR? cosBcos (et) + eH") = 8R cosBeosC cos(8+C) -8R’ cosAcosBcosC Similarly, 2,2, +2,2, = -8R? cos AcosBcosC aly + Da2q = Zak + Ze2, Now , 8R* cosAcosBcosC = 0 = cos or cosB or cosC = 0 32% +n% =A or Bor C must be 90°. 2 DABCis right angle triangle <2 2%) +22, = 0= 2:2; +232) = 22% +Bzy Hence proved. The points A, B, C depict the complex numbers z,,7,,z, respectively on a complex plane & the angle B & C of the triangle ABC are each equal to ) (24-22) sin? (x-a). show that (z,-2,)?=4(2, - Q. Sol. Qa (Using sine law) Ala) a) = (7a) ayes > (2) - 25)" = (2-2: )(2, -%) Asin? $ Hence proved. If the area of the triangle formed by z, iz and z + iz is 8 sq. unit then find |z|. iz=ze? wr, B(z + iz) z+iz=2(1+i) = V2 i) From above figure, OABC is a square with side length = [2 ‘Area of AABC = 1(area of square OABC) 2 o (ZA =1bf = 8= Sh 2,s2;»2, are the vertices of an equilateral triangle taken anti-clockwise with circumeentre at (1-21). Find z, and 2, if z,=2+1. 62. Sol. 2 =2+i Let z =1-2i 2, -2 = (2, ~20)€ 23 = (1-21) + (143i) (38) _(¥347) “a ye DEMOIVRE’S THEOREM(DMT) Case-l: Statement: If n is any integer then @ (os0 +isin oy" = cosnd +isinnd (ii) (cos@, +isin®,)(cos®, + isin9,)(cos®, +ising,)......(cos®, +isin®,) = 605(0, +05 +05 4 21..0,) +i1SiM(O, +05 +09 +...0.0,) Case-It: Statement: If p,q Zand q+ then (6050 +isinoy"* = co{ MP2) in Where k = 0,1, 2, 3, 1-1 Nott When index ‘n’ is integer then (cos@+isin6)*has exactly one value which is cosn0+isinnd but when n is rational number (say p/a, a0) other than integer then (cos0 +isind”*has different values. 1+sin0-icos8 Sol. (+H + sine) OQ. Prove that (Hseestcosay’ =eosn($-0)-+Isina(4-0) een) where a T+cosa-isina 2 29 ~coan( #-0) +isinn( Z-0) QL z= (1 +iy8)§ + (1-1¥3)° then find fal. Sol. 1+W = 2(cos +1sin2) 3. oleae ® sein va =2{cos isin) ‘ (1+ iv) + 1-1 =2| (cong +ising) +(cos4 ising} ] = 2[cos2n +isin2n +cos2n-isin2n] = 2" ze? Application of Demoivre's Theorem: To find roots of a complex quantity is the main application of DMT. Working rule for finding roots of a complex quantity : Q. Find all the roots of the equation 2* - (1+) = 0. Sol. eet+i = 2-049" Step-1: Express 1+i in the polar form ie 2-(a{cos2s1203)) = (cos +isin2) Step-2: Add 2me in he principal argument. ve i at «2.x {ame 2} sisn (ame) Step-3: Apply OMT ze ¢0s(2ma~4) Sisin( ams a} a 4 Put m = 0;,2,3 to get all four roots of the equation = 170 { cos” + isin 2% 3), ana t2s = 2 (con® sis) 8 cos m= 0,2, =2 (cost + m= 2,2; 9 (c08 2 nin ZE), m-3,2, ~ 20 (coe 258 «isin 282 16 16 1 76 Q. Find 2 if 2 = (1+1y3)"* Also find the area bounded by figure joining all such z. Sol. z=(1+i3)* Aes de® =7 3 ABCD is a square with diagonal length = 2x2 2 2x24 2 37 3 24 = Area of square=|24| = 2? « 2v2. = Length of side = 6s. >k=2>2 (GP) sz-B zat. 22 ()” 2 otk = 0,1,2,3,4 k=0=2)-e7 k=132,-03 k=2>2, 50° an keso2, ed) fs) koa cd) Where zo.2),..24 are roots of given equation. Sol. Let Z= 18+ 26i where Zz, = x, +ly,(Xos¥o ER) is the cube root of Z having least positive argument . Find the value of x,y, (x. +¥o)- 20 = (18 + 26i)5 2(1e 26) Zp =|10?| + Si 10? 10? 1 i 22 = 0 18 26i_)3 (Least positive argument) +26, TOAD * 700) => 2 = f10(cosa +sina)> 18 Where cosa = 1010 = 20 = ¥i0( cos 4 sia If 25 = xy + iyo. a a 18 = 710 Yo = VIO oy = xg Vid cos S Yo Vid sine con 67, a af, a. a = Xoo (Xo = 10/10 sin £cos2/sin£+cos* Yo a +¥o) = ND sin cos 2(sin + cos $] ¥ a 1 a 3 Now, from hit and trial, sin: —= and cos— = —— 3 10 3 10 1 3 mtn (BI le )™ * -992 = 0 with real part -ve. Q. Find the number of roots of the equation 2” - z' Sol. 2®-25-992-0 = (2° - 32)(z° +31) -0 =7°=32 or 2 =-31 kx 7 x f (any z=2e § or = z=(31)5e ee >2-(3Fe8, ole = (aie = Gi e, ole = (ase, ot s = (ike = 2 with negative real values are: are tk 2e 5,228 ,(31)ee 5 ,(31)b © § ,(31)s &* = Total § roots with real part negative. Cube Roots of unity: 23-1=0=2-=(1)" = (cosO+isino)"? = (cos 2mr +isin2ma)’> = cos 2 +i sin2™ m=0,1.2 3 3 m=0, z,=cosO+isino=1 2n 5 2t m=1,2, = cos + isin = a 3 m=2,2; = cos, sisin = “ 3° 3 wi) . Find the sum of seri =1nel 1+a407=0 Tro to" = [> Oifris not a multiple of 3 L, 3ifris a multiple of 3 Representation of cube roots of unity on argand plane. Cube roots of unity form an equilateral A whose side is V3 units. Some important facts a? +b? =(a+b)(a? ~ab +b?) =(a+b)(a? +(0+0?)ab +b?) (a+ b)[a? +abo + abo? + bu?) (a+ b)[a(a+ be) +bw?(a +bo) | = (a+b)(a + bo”) (a +bo) a? -b? = (a-b)(a-ba”)(a-bo) a? +b? +c? - abe = (a+b+c)(a+bo+ cu’) (a+ ba? +co) 1-(2-@)(2- 0) +2. (3-0) (3- 0”) +......+4(n-1)(1- @)(n- 0”) where © is one of the imaginary cube root of unity. Sol. 1, -(@-1(n-«)(n- 0?) =(9-0(n? -n(o+07) + 0°) =(n-1(n? +n +1) n(n +1))? 2 } “ if x=1-iJ3,y =1+iJ3 and z= 2 then prove that x? + y? = 2? where pis a prime number > 3. Sol. 1-13) = Lx? = (20 yatini=-a i a coy? = (-20?)? = (290 xP +y? =-2 (a +07?) = -(2)°(-1) = 2 O. if @ sey +(e) +(c+0y" =20" and (a+ 07) +(b+0") +(e +07) = 207 where « is the complex cube root of unity then show that (asp a(oe pr ece4t -@,beeR) Sol. te ++ atx” bex then 4 1 atx box x = x8 —x(ac-+be + ab) - abe = 0 (Let the roots cf the equation are o,,02 and a) If equation has three roots, then sum of roots = 0 oto 4+a=00ra=1 1 1 12 avi’ bet evi 1 Let x, and x, be the roots of the equation x? - x +1=0. Compute 20° 5. 2000 (to t* Gil) <2 +4 for allnen Q Sol. For equation - x+1=0 Solutions are -w and -w? x; =-@ and x, =? 70. x00? 9g = s-(o+0)=4 Gil) 38 +55 = Col + (-0)' nen n=Saat(it+)= n=3A41= 4(0+4 07) = #1 depending on if n is even or odd 2. depending on if n is even or odd n= 9442 => (0? +0) =41 depending on if n is even or odd ©. 140,07 are cube roots of unity. Find least possible degree of polynomial with real coefficient having 207,3 + 40,3+ 40",5-o-o" as roots. Sol. 3+40+3+30+0= 0-307 3+ 407 = 0? - 30 5-w-0' =6 Now @ - 30? = 0? - 30 .. @= 30? and 7 - 30 will have their product and sum real. So, only '2?' is left. So to neutralize it, there must be another root ‘207 or 20 ‘foots are 20,207, @ - 307,07 - 30 and 6. Since there are 5 roots, least possible degree of polynomial will also be 5. Previous Year's Question e@ Let z, be a root of the quadratic equation x7+m+1=0. If 2=3+ Giz - 3iz®, then arg z is equal to: (JEE Main 2019) x (2 @= oo (2 Previous Year's Question Qe Let @ #1 be a cube root of unify. Then the minimum of the set {a +bo+co*f :a,b,e distinet non-zero int ogers} equals__. _ (JEE Advance 2019) mh Previous Year’s Question e Z - 2Re(z) and z- 2Re(z) represents the vertices of a square of side 4 units in the Argand plane, then |2| is equal to: (JEE Advanced 2019) If the four complex numbers 2, 2 @4 (©) ay2 (0) 242 If the area of the triangle in the Argand diagram, formed by z,0z and 2+0z where is the complex cube root of unity is 16/3 square units, then [2| is (a6 (B)4 ©s (0) 3 Sol. z+02=(1+0)2= In figure OA = OB =BC = AC =| = OABC is a rhombus z an => ZACB= 3 Area of AARC = elses sin ae - HES = bf =64 =hl=8 n* root of unity: 2-120 > z=(1)"" =(cos0+ isin)" = (cos 2m + isin2mx)”" sin( 228), = 0,1,2,.3peces(= 1 7 72. man tz,=c05{20—2) isn( 20D) or oe M) Ya,o7,a? + a" are n,n roots of unity which are in G.P. with common ratio ie a where a=e" (2) Sum of n, n™ roots of unity is always zero Teatattar ta =O tea" ~a as my a=-e" >a"=/e" eat Proof: S a (n., if p is an integral multiple of n fp” fn, i £2); Sumit p? powers of n,n" roots of unity Ae ine not an integral multiple of n Proof: PCat +(2f +(a) + Case-l: When ‘p' is an integral multiple of p=n2,4 €1 o® Siettitteudten Case-ll: When p Is not an integral multiple of n: > 140% +a? 40% + +e 1-(#) HET ry paueey 1-0? =a? If a1,0,04a,04 and as are 5, 5 roots of unity then find the value of @ af +af +a$ +a$ +0$ Gi) 0° +0 +a +02 +02? 73. Sol. Sol. © Sol. @ 4 is not a multiple of § 5 svt a Gi) 20 is multiple of § i Evaluate: — 3 {sin 2 -1cos 22) ¢ a 13 13 a ae ae > Cet wafead i SciCnsi If c,0,,045,-"-O,, Fe non-real n* roots of unity, then prove that OH a)(0~ a5) ey) onen l= Og) = Gi) (14 e4)(14 06) 14 an) +r gn) -[ nee 21H 204) (2-04) 2 Jones) BN (a ai)(@~a5)(2= ag) onnnee(2= Get) 2-1 Tezezte = (2-6, )(2~ Oy) oeese(2~Oq-4) Putz=1 = Let T= (1- ce, )(1- Gg) -ssesseeee(1= Oper) Alternative method: = (1-0,)(1-09)..(1- apn lim 2 = (1-04) (= ty) (1s) = (1-4) (1-0)... (1 Oys) 7. Sol. = (1-a))(1- a9), G) 21. @-a)e-a)le-es).- (1 Ges) = Put z = -1 (41-a,)(-1=a5)(-4~ a5) = AM [(14 an) (1+ 0 4 1 0, if nis even 2 Cra) (14 82) (14 Oe) = yt = ifn is odd If 2,,22.25,24 & 2, are roots of the equation 2° +z‘ +7 +7 +z+1=0 then find them and also evaluate . i : ‘ oy di) zt Gai) Sz)? dw) [] (2-2) fn a a 4 (Se etezieztsz?ez4i}@-=0 ‘ame sO>z=( > zee © m=01,2......,.5 az Let roots of the equation are 1,2,2»,24,- ‘ae ie de ie z,5e® =e?, z,=e8 =e?, z,=0° * @ 142, 42,425) +2%4 425205 04241 Gi) Hazen es Oo 2 2 miezrez?+, 1. 4 is not a mutliple of 6} tee =6 {12 is a mutliple of 6} sztarte & [[@-z) (2 1) (2 - 21) (2 - 22) (2-23) (2-24) (2-25) Put z=2 ws(2=25) = T] (2-2) = 63 Representation of all the roots of the equation on argand plane: Sol. Factorize z’ +1 into linear and quadratic factors with real coefficients. 274120 = 25 (-1)" = (cosn+tisinn)” = (cos(2mn +x) +isin(2mn +n)” = cos( 2 #8) sin 288) $(5)-Raar i). em Different forms of equation of a straight line: a Equation of straight line with the help of coordinate geometry: w r i t i n g zt z-z = ete. in 2 2 x-% x= = Ya-Va Xa—% and re-arranging terms, we find that the equation of the line through z, and z, is given by ns je z 2 or f, % 1-0 2-2 Be zd Equation of a straight line with the help of rotation formula: Let A(z,) and B(2z,) be any two points lying on any line and we have to obtain the equation of this line. For this purpose, let us take any point P(z) lying on this line. Since A(z) B(z2) z-2 ae J-00rn, Pz) 23, z- is purely real. 72, Condition for which two lines which are parallel or perpendicular: (a) For parallel: Since AB and CD lines are parallel ACs) B(z2) %=% —— is purely real = les) Dea (b) For perpendicular: Since AB and CD lines are perpendicular (c) General equation of the line: From equation (i) we get, 2(% -%) - 2% +H, = F(Z -2)- Boa +H, = 2(Z-2)+2(%-2)+ 4% -2% =0 Here Zz, ~ z,Z;is a purely imaginary number asZz, -2,2, = 2im(z2,) Let 22) -2,2 = ib, beR = 2(Z, -2,)+2(z,-2,)+ib=0 = 2i(Z, -2,) + -2,)+b= This is the general equation of a line in the complex plane. Complex slope of a lin (a) Complex slope of a line az+azZ+b=0 is defined as (b) Complex slope of a line passing through A(z,) & 8(z,)is given by o = 272 4-2 Note: Let ©, and @, be the complex slopes of two lines. @ if @, =o, then lines are parallel Gi) if ©, +e, =0 then lines are perpendicular Reflection Points for A Line (Image of a point in a tino): Two given points P & Q denoted by complex numbers 2, and z, respectively are the image of each other in given straight line G2+aZ+r=0 the given line is the right bisector of the line segment PQ. Two points P(z,) &Q(zs) will be the reflection points of each other in the given straight line, iff G2, + 0%, +6 = Owhere ‘ris real and ais non- zero complex constant. Proof: M is the mid-point of PQ which lies on the line mirror * a(2422)+o(25%)}+1=0 2 2 Gz, + Gz, +0z, +z +2r=0 =i) Line PQ and the given line both are perpendicular. From (1) & Gi) 2(Gz, + a3) +2r=0 = a% +z 46-0 Q. Find the image of the point P(1—i) in the line mirror (1+ )2 - (1-i)Z+2i= 0 Sol. The given tine mirror is (1+i2~(1-92+21=0 (A+92-(01492-2-0 Let 2, be the image of the given point P(1-i) > (1-1, +04004)42=0 > Cie, +1-14242-0 W204i) | 20-142) 1- 2 > ue Equation of perpendicular bisector: Consider a line segment joining A(z.) and B(2,). Let the line ‘L’ be its perpendicular bisector. If P(z) be any point on the ‘L. we have PA=PB=[e-2\|= 12-241 k-z2f? = (@-2)(@-%)+(@-2,)(-%) => 22-22, -2,2 +22, = 22-22, - 2,2 +2,%, > 1(%-%)+2(e2-2)+ =k 2-n% =0 Distance of a given point from a given line: ee Let the given line be z@+Za+b=Oand the & given point be z, Say 2, =X, +1Ye Replacing z by x + iy, in the given equation, we get, x(a +3) +iy@-a)+b=0 Wi +Za+b=-0 Distance of (x..¥e) from this line is, \xe(a+a)+iy@-a)+b] za + Za +b} a+Z,a +b] Va+a¥-@-ayr — FaRe(ayy + aime) 2lal Consider a line (1+ i)2- (1-2 +21 = 0. Find the distance of a point 2 from the above line. Sol. Sol. oO Sol. Sol. The given line can be written as Pz.) (1-2 +G4024+2=0 Applying distance formula = Pedr Za rb) +— 0 2lal ——— az+az+b=0 _|e1=02i+ 1+ 9-29 +2) _fri42- 24242) 3 wa aa ae id the equation of a line on complex plane which passes through a point A denoted by complex number a and is perpendicular to the vector OA. Vector perpendicular to OA = ae? = ai Since it passes through «and equation of line is : 2= a+2(ai- a) (parametric form) Find the area bounded by the curves Argz =~, arg: 2 garg(z -2-2Y 31) = x on the complex plane. = Liney = ¥5x in I" quadrant (228 Be Liney = -Vx in 11° quadrant Also 2+ 2V3i lies on y = 3x Area = 3x (248) x4 45 Find all the points in the complex plane which satisfy the equations tog, ([z|+3)-Log ,|z|-1]=1 and arg(z-1-i) == arg(2-1-i)== Ai) Let xtyi 2-1-1=(x-1)4[y-1i 82. Different forms of equation of a circl @ ii) Gil) pxey So 2=x(14i),x>1 = Vix logs ([a| + 3) - log. 2] = logs (2x + 3) - 2tog5 |V2x- N2x+3 (a) = Vix +3 = 8(2x? - 22x +1) = 10x? - 11/2x+2=0 = 10x? = 10V2x - V2 +2=0 3 (10 -A)(«-2)=0 2 =x (rejected) or x = J2 10 axeW =z=2(1+i) [zr, reR" then locus of z represents a circle whose center is the origin and radius is equal to r. fz-2|=", reR* then locus of 2 represents a circle whose center is z, and radius is equal tor Equation zz+az+az+b=0 represent a circle whose center is -a and radius is equal var Equation of the circle with center z, and (from (i) a radius z~29] 2 =-20] 3 (2-20)(2-%) =" = 2% -2%, - 22, +[2,/' -? =0 = a and fz? - Putting - =b equation becomes wZ+az+aZ+b Center z) = -a and radius r= afeok -b= var ©. Find the center and radius of the circle. 2Z-@- 4i)z- (3+ 4)Z2+9=0 Sol. 22+(-3+4)2+(-3-4)z+9-0 (iv) Diametric form of equation of (b) © Here, a= -3-4i,b=9 center = -a= 3+ 4i or (3, 4) tadius r= ViaP -b = f3+4iP -9 = V25-9 = 4 le: Let A(z,) and B(z,) are the extremities of diameter of a circle and P(2) be a variable point then cp Pee) 1 (c= radius of the circle) C2 \ 2+2)|_|a-z \ Le N Sy =S as 22) AP & BP are perpendicular AP? + BP? = p-2f +e-2f =. -2P 84. () Equation of circle passing through three non-collinear points: Let A(z,),B(z,) and C(23)be three given non-collinear points and P(z) be a variable point. Angle subtended by the arc AP at B and C are equal (say ‘a’) Using rotation theorem: fi) ii) 2 —23 @+(i) 2-% 217-23 9s - purely real Bn 2-2 Ay _ (2-2 )(21-23)_[Z “\2-2 Jla-m) \Z The above equation represents a circle passing through A(z,),B(z,) and C(z,) important Note: Let z, and 2, be two given complex numbers and 2 be any complex number such that ae(2=) = a, where a € (0,n) Then ‘2’ would lie on an arc of segment of a circle on z,2,, containing angle a. Clearly if ae(a3), z would lie on the major arc u (excluding the points z, and z,) and if ac(Z.a). ‘z' would lie on the minor arc (excluding the points z, and z,). cay 8(z,) AQ, P(z) P(2) Az Ble) 85. 2V3i then which of the following is true? (23) — are 22 zs) _ Z-2 maul) dont) Sol. (¢ 4 (6-24) 24(2,3) Note that Hence z,, z,, 2, lies on a circle with centre (0,0) and r= 13 as shown now ArgZ = 2arg 22— 2(3,-2) z 2572, OR Fayeats Arg? 22 Arg2—% % m2 Condition of concyclic of four points: Four points A(z,),B(z,),C(z,) and 0(z,) taken in order are concyclic then Fin 22 =a, (i) 2-2 FOB 2a, i) 24-23 From (i) & (ii) Zn 2p ZyZo mm =Purely real (which is the 7 3 required condition) Inverse Point wrt. a circle: Two points P(z,)& Q(z») are said to be the P(z) s(Z) 8,(z,) inverse point of each other w.rt. the circle if @ _0,2Q are collinear and lie on the same side of the center ‘0’ and (i (OP) (00)= p? where p is the radius of the circle. The points z, and z,, will be the inverse point, of each other wart the circle 22 + Gz+0Z+r=0 if 2.2, +z, +0%,+r=0 General loeii on complex p @) then locus of z is a parabola whose focus is z, and directrix is the line @z+az+b=0 provided Gz, +0%+b40 (i) if @- 2)? +8az+D = represents a parabola whose focus is (a, 0), vertex is (0,0) and real axis is the axis of parabola. , the locus of z Proof: Put z= x + ly => (jay) +8a.2x =0 => —4y? +16ax=0 = y =4ax @) 2-2 +/2-2, (i) k > fz, -2,| then locus of z represents an ellipse whose foci are 2, and 2, (ii) k= [z, ~ 2,] then locus of z is line segment Joining z, and 2, PS, +PS, =S,S,=,-2,|3Plies on the line segement joining §, (2,) and S; (2,) (©) IN z-2,1-1 2-29ll=k () k <[2,-z)|then locus of 2 represents a hyperbola whose foci are z, and z,. 2-2, 1-12-2 42-21 ee.) P(2) S(2o) focus Bre 4d-b 0 [Oieeti) “ (@,0) axis P(z) 5,2) Seyanis 87, k=[2,-2,|then locus of 2 is union of __P(2) Pa) a, two rays emanating from z, and z, Siz) Sta Number of complex numbers satisfying the relation |z+Z|+|z- Z| 2and [z+il+le-i {A)1 (3 0) 4 Sol. we have 2+3| aixi+lykt Also [2-il#{24ile2 = Aline segment between (0) and (0-1) So, number of solution is 2 ive z= hand -i LOGARITHM OF COMPLEX QUANTITY Let u and z be two complex number such that _u=e* where u=a+if and 2 =x +iy ora+ip =e" then z is called the logarithm of u to the base e 2 = log.u or x + iy = log, (a + ip) Now a+if =e =e ev =e"(cosy tisiny) Hence corresponding to some values of x and y there is one and only one value of a+if. Now we will prove that for a given value of u, there can be infinite values of z. Here 2 = logu Or x + iy = logta+ip) 10g (r(cos8+isiné)) [where «= =rsi dr = 2 4p?),e=tan’ & h @=rcos®,Bp=rsing andr fe’ +8?),8= tan al = logr{cos(@ + 2nx) +i sin(@ + 2nn)} =logre'“?) , where ne! = log(r+i(6 + 2nz)) =log (9 +B?) +i(ann+ tan” B/a} (1) From (1) it is clear that for different values of n, we have different values of xtiy Hence logarithim of a complex quantity is a multi-valued function and it is expressed as log vie, logu = log(a +p) Flog (a? + 9?)+ tare’ p /a + andi If we put n=0, we obtain the principal value of u Hence the principal value of logu = Flee (a? +p2)+i0 and 0(= tan /a) should be such that -1<05m Separate into real and imaginary parts the following: @ log +i) Gi) tog(-5) Sol. @ tett=rcos@and1=rsine then r= V4? = 2 and tan =1 or0=n/4 g(rcos0 +isind) =logv2(cosn/4+isinn/4) =log(2e""*) slog v2 +loge* 1 uy = jlog2+ tin Here log(t +i) = Mog 2+ Lin-+ 2nzi = Flog2 ann +n 1 4).0 el Gi). log(-5) = log(-S) + 2nni Now log(-§) = log(-5 + 1.0) = logircos0 +irsin0) a Sol. Q. Sol. Where rcos@ = -§,rsiné =O . log(-5) = log 5(cosa + = log (5e") = log5+in log(-S) = log 5 + in + 2oni = log 5 +i(2n+1)n If tanlog(x +iy) = a +ib and a? +b? #1, then prove that 2a tanlog (x? + y¥) "Wor Here tanlog(x +iy) = a+ib fan""(a + ib) (1) = tan”'(a-ib) (2) log(x + iy) + log(x ~ iy) = tar(a + ib) + tana - ib) - Logix + i and log(x- Or Log f(x +iy)(x— iy)} = tan” { or tog (x? +y?)= tan Or tanlog(x? +y") = a Prove that : i = exp{—-(4n + 1)x / 2} # = expfilogi) = expf(logi + 2nxi)} = expfi{2nai + log(0 +1.)}] = exp[i{2nai + log(cos x /2+isinx/ 2)}] = exp[i(ansi+ loge] = expfi(anai + ix / 2)} = exp(-2na—x/2) = exp{-(4n + 1)x/ 2} Where n € | Sol. 7 if i* = A+iB (Principal values only being considered) then prove that tan( $2) - Sand At +B =e 2)"A Here i! =A+i8 S=A+iB = (A+iB)log{cos(n / 2) +isin(x / 2)} = log(A + iB) = (A+iB)loge"” = Slog(A’ +8") +itan(@/ A) = (A+iB)in/2)= Floe(a? +8") +itan(8/ A) Equating real and imaginary parts of both sides (B= foe +) = AP +B? =e And Ax/2= tan"(B/A) > B/A= tan(An/2) Honce proved. if sin(A+iB)=x-+iy, where A,B, pi prove teat == yy (aoa) : A,B, YER pr el Adee sin(A +i8) A) = sin(A~iB) xO) @+Gi) x = 2sinAcos(iB)=2x => = = cos (ie) @- is isin (iB) cosa 2 wae a = (cos (i8))’ - ? (sin (iB) = cos? (iB) + sin? (iB) = 1 Hence proved. Sol. Find the ampz if z= (1+1). z=(1+i) — (s"] 22-(Be szeete) 32-6 * (cos(énv2) +isin( cas) => Amp(z) = (nv2 = era Miscellaneous Questions 2 Sol. © sol. Tho complex number sinx + icos 2x and cosx -isin2x are conjugate to each other, for (A) x= ne (@)x=0 (c) xe[n9 i. (0) no value of x (where n ¢ |) Since, both complex numbers are same, sinx = cosx and cos2x = ~(-sin2x) = sin2x Solving both equation, tanx =1 and tan2x = 1 at the same time which is not possible. axed The equation 2* + oz + {i = 0, where a, {} are complex numbers has a (A) real root, if (&- a)(ch - &) = (8 - BY? (B) real root if (@ - «)(af + GP) = (6 - fy’ (C) a purely imaginary root if (a - &)(af + ap) +(B- BY =O (D) a purely imaginary root if (a + G)(aB - GB) + (B- BF =0 (a) If 2 is real, z+az+p=0 ot) 92. 2 Sol. © Sol. B+az+p=0 2+oz+H=0 2) @-@ 224 ana Put in (1) we get (8 - 8)” = (@- a)(af - ap) (C) If z is purely imaginary, Z+az+p=0 tl) 2- G2+8=0 2) @-@ = 2=F-8 ata I> Put in (1) (B-B)* + o(B - B)(a +) + Ba + G)* = 0 = G-B) +(a+ a(af + af) =0 If the imaginary part of the expression “—" be zero, 2 < C,0.¢ R, then é z-1 @)121,,=1 (8) 121. = 3 (¢) I21,,,= 0 (0) [21 = 2 (Given) > [2-51 It represents a circle with center at (1,0) and radius 1. If z, = a+ ib and z, = ¢ + id are complex number such that [2 = [z,| = 1and Re(z,22) = 0, then the pair of complex numbers o, = a + ic and o, = b+ id satisfies: @) lo (®)lol=1 (C) Re(o5,)=0 — (D) Im(oH,) = 0 z,=e%,z, af = 3, 30, 30” (a+) = 3 (a4) of = 10 Let atf=t => P- 9t-10=0= (t+ 2) (t? - 2t-5) = aipe-2,14 V6 OL Let A(z), B(2,), C(z,) are points in complex plane such that 2 z,-z,|-z,[2,-2,1-2,1z,-z,1 = 0, then which of the following may be correct? (A) A, B, C are collinear such that A lies between B And C (8) A, B, C are collinear such that B lies between A and C (C) A, B, C are collinear such that C lies between A and B (D) 0(0) is the centre of circle which touches the sides of triangle ABC. Soll. ifAlies between B and [2-2a} lzzal i——___—__. . a zi Zs Hence, option (A) 's correct. B25] if A, 8, C are non collinear, then excentre 0. _ __ Hence, option (0) is also correct. Comprehension (Q. 1 to Q.3) Suppose A, B, C are three collinear points corresponding complex numbers 2, = ai, Lie i . ‘ 2, = 7 tbiz, = 1+cl(a, b, ¢ being real numbers), respectively, consider a curve 'C’ whose equation is given by z = int + z, sintt, te R. , cost + 27, cos’ ‘C’ in argand plane represents (A) Straight line (8) Circle (©) Parabola (0) Ellipse &: Aline bisecting AB and parallel to AC meets curve ‘C’ in point P, then point P cw (2,288 1 ate+2b Oia Ans. Sol. Point P les (A) Inside AABC (B) Outside AABC (C) On the side of aaBC (0) Nothing can be said A Curve ‘C’is_ x + iy = (acos't)i + (1 + 2bi) cos’tsin’t + [1+ ci) sin x= sin*t + int cos*t = sintt y= acos't + 2bsin*teas‘t + csin‘t sy = at-x)? + 2bx(1-x) + ex? which represents a parabola. Equation of line through mid point of AB and parallel to AC is “C3) ‘acos* t + 2bsin’ tcos*t +csin‘ t)+sin't 3 = S-2sin't =a 37 2sin and 222), (52) = acos‘t + 2bsin*t cos't +csin't 2 3a+2b-¢ 4 = 0 = (2b -a-c) (4sin’ tcos’t-1) bie «(Basi JS) = acos't + 2bsin’t cos't + csintt + (c -a)sin't = (2b ~a-c)sin'cos*t + acos't + csin*t = 4sintt - 4 sin't +1=0 1 = sint=2 sas 2 2 b+a+c 4 Comprehension (Q. 4 to Q. wt ato b+e 1 + and ? are imaginary cube roots of unity, then Q.4 Ans. Q5 Ans. Q.6 Ans. atbtctd= ao (®) abed (C) -2abed (D) 2abed abe + abd + acd + bed = (ayo @)1 (c)2 (4 c 1 1 1 4 avi bet ert dat {Ao (8)1 (2 (D2) 4 c 1 1 i 1 a+x b+x ctx d+x IN 4 ~N 2 = Ox" + (a+ b +c + d)x’-(abe + abd + acd + bed)x-2abed=0 Put x = @, (2 -Eabc) w + Za - 2abed = 0 Put x = @? (2 -Zabe) w? + La - 2abed = 0 Subtracting, we get (2- Zabe) (0 - ©) = 0 = Labo =2 = Ya =2abed Now, using these values, we can see that x = 1, satisfy the equation Sol. © Sol. Sol. a If 0, B, y are cube roots of unity, thon the value of |e! ¢# ¢* _ | is equal to: let ea] h et e*-e% et eet Azertth & o0%]a(—er)(er—e|[0 1 of set seret he ee" lo 1 e'+et+ever A=(e? -e*)(e"-e*)(e' - &)(1- er") -0 Let L be any line not passing through origin and P(z) be the foot of perpendic- ular from origin to the line. Let Q(z,) be any point different from P on L. Then Ptz) (22)Q 2. Zz, ‘0(0) ©9 04 0,04 ©, be complex numbers. A line Lin the argand plane is called a mean line for the points ©, 0,,.+» ©, if L contains points (complex numbers) z,, z,, 2, such that 5° (2, - 0) = 0. For the numbers o,= 32 + 170i, 0,=—7 + 64i,0,=-9 + 200i, o, = 1+ 27i and w, = —14 + 43i, there is a unique mean line with y-inter- cept 3 . Then the slope of this mean line is equal to Let the line be y = mx +3 Put z, = x, + ly, = y= mx,+3 = Eyemba 8 => Ly, =504% Fx =3 = 50¢=m(3)=15 = >= m=163 Previous Year's Question Qe If z,,z, are complex numbers such that Re(z,) = z,-1l, Re(2,) = [z,-1| and arg(z,-z, then Im(z, +z,) is equal to: (JEE Main 2020) 2 @) 23 OF OR 2 Previous Year’s Question e Let u= BA, = x-+iy and k > 0. If the curve represented by Re(u) + (m(u) =1 z- intersects the y-axis at the points P and Q where PQ = 5, then the value of k is: (JEE Main 2020) a4 (8) v2 (ce) 2 (0) 3/2 100.

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