Rbi Aiche 2005

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Learnings from completing Risk

based assessments on 8
ammonia plants and downstream
urea, nitric acid and fertilizer
As owners of plant, risk management of assets is something we do as part of our day-to-day business,
regardless of whether you are the Manager, plant engineer or a maintenance technician. A RBI (risk
based inspection) approach to management of assets systematizes this thinking and doing action into
a formal, logical and auditable process.

Risk based management is as much about managing people and processes as managing assets. A
RBI program should be the starting point in setting up a management program for all critical and
non-critical equipment on ammonia and downstream plants.

Asset types found to be most at risk of failure and the damage mechanisms applicable to these were:

• Primary Reformer outlet manifolds: creep-fatigue, creep cracking in Inconel 182 welds

• Mixed Feed Coils (part of Reformer waste heat recovery section): creep damage

• Reformed Gas Waste Heat Boilers: Localised overheating of tubes, crevice corrosion

• HT Shifts, Methanators and other hydrogen equipment fabricated from C 0.5Mo steel:
H2 assisted cracking and Hydrogen damage

• Ammonia Converters / Syn-loop boilers and exchangers: H2 assisted cracking and

Hydrogen damage

• Stainless steel vessels: chloride induced stress corrosion cracking beneath lagging

• Carbon steel equipment in CO2 removal section: carbonic acid attack

• Cooling water exchangers: pitting corrosion from inadequate water treatment

• Inconel 600 bellows: hydrogen damage, cracking

RBI should be harnessed to provide opportunities for significant improvement in business

performance by improving equipment reliability and integrity. An important outcome of these
improvements is the safety performance of the business.

D.J. Keen, D. M. Firth, C.W. Thomas

MPT Solutions, PO Box 4551, Eight Mile Plains, Queensland, Australia, 4113


Introduction What asset types are more at risk?
What are the key damage

A s owners of plant, risk management of

assets is something we do as part of
our day-to-day business, regardless of
whether you are the Manager, an
engineer or a technician. A risk-based approach
mechanisms to look out for? What
failures have been prevented
through the application of a RBI
to management of assets, systematizes this
thinking and doing action into a formal, logical The RBI programs conducted on the eight
and auditable process. ammonia plants revealed that the following
asset types were most at risk of suffering a
failure event.
Risk based management is as much about
managing people and processes as managing
assets. • Primary Reformer outlet manifolds –
creep fatigue cracking from system
generated bending loads
An RBI (Risk Based Inspection) program
should be the starting point in setting up a • Primary Reformer outlet manifolds -
management program for all critical and non- accelerated creep damage to Inconel
critical equipment on ammonia and 182 weld metal.
downstream plants. Answers to the following • Primary Reformer Effluent Duct coils –
questions were derived from completing RBI end of creep life / localised hot areas.
assessments on 8 ammonia plants as well as • Reformed Gas Waste Heat Boilers –
their downstream production facilities include: Crevice corrosion (tube to tubesheet).
• Reformed Gas Waste Heat Boilers –
• What asset types are more at risk of Long term / short term overheating
failure? resulting from excessive waterside
• What are the key damage mechanisms deposition leading to tube failures from
to look out for? hydrogen damage, creep and tensile
• What failures were prevented through overload.
the application of a risk based • C 0.5 Mo steel manufactured vessels
assessment process? and piping systems in pre 1980 plants –
• What are the primary factors which HTHA from operation above CS
contribute to the likelihood of Nelson Curve.
equipment failures? • C 0.5 Mo steel manufactured vessels in
• RBI is only one process in the effective pre 1970 plants – H2 Assisted Cracking
management of pressure equipment; of excessively hard welds (PWHT soak
what are the others and where does RBI temperature too low).
fit? • Synloop alloy steel (P22 CrMo)
• What pressure equipment management vessels/exchangers in hydrogen service
processes are important and how did – Cracking of incorrectly post weld
the 8 facilities shape up? heat treated welds.
• How to establish a schedule for • Ammonia Converters – H2 assisted
inspection and condition monitoring thermal fatigue cracking (material
tasks? properties, poor welding, cyclic
• What funds, resources, expertise and operation and start-up procedure).
information are required to implement • Low temperature vessels in back end of
a successful RBI program? plant – risk of brittle fracture in the
• Improved management of available event of a low temperature excursion
maintenance funds; will a RBI program followed by sudden re-pressure.
reduce inspection/maintenance spend? • Stainless Steel vessels and exchangers
• What are the real drivers for – Chloride Induced Stress Corrosion
implementing an RBI program? Cracking; external surface (under
lagging) and internal surface (chloride
levels concentrate over many years
• Carbon steel equipment in CO2 Case 1
removal section (KO Pots, Stripper,
Absorber) where there is a risk of ‘wet The RBI assessment indicated that there
CO2’ pitting attack. was a high potential for cracking in a ‘closing
• Cooling water heat exchangers – tube seam’ weld in a syn-loop boiler feedwater
failures resulting from poorly managed heater exchanger. The primary contributing
water treatment program or excessively factor was considered to be the application of
low water velocities (Under-deposit an inadequate localised post weld heat
Corrosion, Microbial Induced treatment procedure which promoted high
Corrosion). residual tensile stresses and a crack susceptible
• Cracking of non-annealed Inconel 600 microstructure. Other key factors were the close
expansion bellows and exchanger tubes proximity of inlet/outlet nozzles, location of the
in hydrogen service. thick walled tubesheet and the operating
temperature and service environment.
The damage mechanisms varied
considerably with pitting corrosion, creep, Inspection of the exchanger during the
localised corrosion, general corrosion, following shutdown found six significant
hydrogen damage mechanisms, fatigue and cracks; five of which had propagated entirely
stress corrosion cracking being the more through the 108mm wall thickness channel
common problems found. after only 4 years service. An ‘Engineering
Criticality Assessment’ confirmed that a
A random sample of 3000 plant items was catastrophic failure was highly unlikely (leak
selected from the eight facilities assessed. As before break). As this exchanger was one of
shown below, nearly 80% of this equipment three identical units in series it could be
was assessed to have no noteworthy damage removed from service with minimal impact on
mechanisms acting on them; i.e. 80% of the plant performance.
static plant assessed has a very low likelihood
of failing from service induced problems.

Out of 3000 items assessed:

Pitting corrosion: 5.0%

Creep, creep-fatigue: 4.0%
Localised corrosion: 3.7%
General corrosion: 3.0%
Hydrogen related mechanisms.: 1.7%
Fatigue: 1.6%
Stress corrosion cracking: 1.2%
Other mechanisms: 1.0%
No degradation mechanisms: 78.8%
Figure 1: Through wall cracking in a syn-loop
boiler feedwater exchanger. Location of cracks
Many equipment failures have been is depicted by the arrows.
prevented through the application of risk based
assessment programs, as detailed in Table 1.
The following is a brief summary of how two
potentially serious failure events were avoided.
In both cases an on-stream failure would have
had significant business ramifications from
both a personnel safety and property damage
Case 2 What are the primary factors which
contribute to the likelihood of
The RBI assessment indicated that there equipment failures?
was a high potential for high temperature
hydrogen attack (HTHA) of the piping system
between the ammonia converter and the When establishing the likelihood (LoF)
downstream heat exchanger. The pipeline had several factors need to be taken in to
been fabricated from a ‘C 0.5Mo steel’ and had consideration, namely
been in service for about 30 years. Plotting the
operating conditions on to the latest edition of Damage Factor
API941 (Nelson Curves) placed this pipeline at
150F below the redundant C 0.5Mo curve. A The potential mode(s) of degradation and
planned outage was taken to assess this pipeline failure mechanisms; corrosion, elevated
as well as other C 0.5Mo steel vessels and temperature, mechanical.
pipelines highlighted in the risk assessment.
Condition assessment findings confirmed the Inspection Factor
The effectiveness, frequency and method of
• Very advanced HTHA in this ammonia inspection / condition assessment; the static
converter exit pipeline, plant management process.
• Advanced HTHA in one heat
exchanger, Process Factor
• Early stages to moderately advanced
Operating factors which may contribute to
HTHA in the Methanator plus one
promoting equipment damage.
other heat exchanger,
• Early stages to moderately advanced
Maintenance Factor
HTHA in 33% of the pipes assessed.
Maintenance factors (or absence of) which may
The ammonia converter exit pipeline was
contribute to promoting equipment damage.
replaced and one heat exchanger was subjected
to major repairs prior to returning to service.
Design / Construction
The plant was off-line for approximately 3
weeks. The Methanator, two heat exchangers
Factors arising during design and construction
and all C0.5Mo steel piping systems were
which may have contributed to promoting
replaced during the following shutdown.
equipment damage

Each of these factors is assessed and

weighted for an individual component. They
are then combined in an additive manner to
give an overall likelihood factor.

Figure 2: Hydrogen fissuring (HTHA) in a

converter exit pipeline. Fissuring was 50%
through the wall of the pipe.
improving this deficiency. Inspection records
were often scattered around the plant, hidden in
Failure Likelihood engineer’s filing cabinets. Too many plants
relied on ‘organisation memory’ rather than
Total LoF formalised ‘equipment life plans’. In the
modern generation plants some equipment in
the high pressure synthesis loop area had
restricted or in some cases no access for
LoF End of life failures internal inspection. Therefore it is difficult to
establish the condition of this equipment with
any degree of certainty. A key shortfall in some
Event driven failures of the plants was the presence of a formal
‘remnant life program’ for aged plant.
Fabrication error failures
In summary, inspection effectiveness was
Equipment Life Cycle frequently a cause for concern. The disturbing
conclusion is that many plant owners really do
Figure 3: The LoF is often a summation of not have a good understanding of the condition
many factors. of their plant.

Equipment on the 8 ammonia plants which Process factor

was assessed to have moderate to high LoFs
invariably had one or more of the following Two critical processes in ammonia plants
shortfalls. are boiler water management and cooling water
management. Most of the plants had suffered
Damage factor cooling water related failures and roughly half
the plants had suffered boiler water related
Clearly all equipment assessed to have a failures. Most of these failures were related to
moderate to high LoF either suffered from or the presence of ‘deposits’, i.e. there were
had a high potential to suffer from a known shortfalls with the equipment cleaning
active damage mechanism. However, the programs. Although most plants had fairly
primary issue was that in many cases, the ‘plant robust systems in place for managing both
owner’ was either not aware that a damage processes there was a distinct lack of basic
mechanism existed or the mode of degradation ‘process condition monitoring’ practices
was not well understood. None of the plants throughout. All plants occasionally experienced
assessed had a ‘materials specialist’ on staff; abnormal operating conditions; some of these
they either relied on external consultants or did were considered detrimental to the health of the
not routinely seek materials advice. equipment. In some cases, process alarm and
trip settings were found to be incorrect. Process
Inspection factor Operator competence varied from poor to
excellent; despite this there were only a few
There was an alarmingly high population of major failures which had occurred as a result of
equipment which was assessed to have not been operator error.
effectively inspected. In most cases, the
inspection method was not aligned with the Maintenance factor
damage mechanism, eg magnetic particle
examination is not an appropriate inspection In most cases the maintenance factor did
method for HTHA. The inspection frequencies not contribute significantly to the LoF. Pressure
varied from too short to too long; most of the equipment generally does not require much on-
plants were considered to be over-inspecting going maintenance per se; the exception here is
equipment; a sign of conservatism! The process pressure safety devices. These were generally
for managing pressure equipment in some cases well managed.
was very poor however in all 8 cases
considerable effort was being put in to


Design and Construction factor way that the maintenance management system
(CMMS) provides planning and scheduling
The key deficiencies here were: discipline.

• Material inadequate for service How did the eight plants shape up? Table 3
• No post weld heat treatment / incorrect summarises how each plant ranked in some of
post weld heat treatment the key performance areas of manufacturing.
• Welding process not optimal Two of the plants failed to achieve a 50%
• Quality control during fabrication was score. Key shortfalls were found in the areas of:
• Information management
• Human Resource Development (skills,
training, competence)
Where does RBI fit in the overall • Data analysis and reporting
management of pressure • Corrective actioning
equipment? What pressure • Non Conformance management
equipment management processes • Root cause analysis
are important and how did the eight
facilities shape up? Less notable shortfalls were in the areas of:

• Risk assessment; LoF, CoF

Let’s consider eight key plant • Condition monitoring tasking and
manufacturing processes; i.e. the things we frequency setting
have to do well, namely: • Remnant life management; defect size
• Maintenance Systems and Practices analysis, remaining life assessment and
• Risk Based Management of Assets life cycle planning.
• Condition Assessment of Process and
• Remnant Life Management of Aged
• Production and Process Control
• Engineering and Process Design
• Root Cause Analysis of Lost
Production and Failure
• Shutdown / Turnaround Management

Where does RBI fit in? RBI is a critical

tool used either directly or indirectly in many of
these processes, in particular risk based
management, condition assessment and
remnant life management. This is illustrated in
table 2.
Figure 4: Risk profile change with inspection
For an RBI process to be effective, it must with/without RBI
be managed as an integral component of the
pressure equipment management program. It
needs to become an on-going process and
should not be regarded as a one-of project. It
needs to become ‘a way of doing business’.

The pressure equipment management

system must be designed in such a way that it
provides the discipline for integrity
management of pressure equipment in the same
How to establish a schedule for take a day or two each whereas the
inspection and condition monitoring basic low risk items can be done much
tasks? more quickly.

• Allow roughly US$225-250 average

Inspection tasks and schedules should be per each item of plant for a full
prepared at the completion of each risk qualitative assessment and
assessment. These inspection tasks and establishment of inspection programs.
schedules should be aligned with and reflect: Additional funds should be allowed for
• The mode of failure, the damage quantitative analysis of remnant life
mechanism(s) where required.
• The damage mechanism life cycle
(creep life, crack growth rate, corrosion Implementing an RBI program for piping
rate, pit growth rate, etc) systems is notably more complicated and time
• The Risk Exposure, RE consuming as compared with pressure vessels.
• The Likelihood of Failure, LoF Time and funds could be as much as 50%
higher than that allocated for the pressure
• The Consequence of Failure, CoF
vessels on a particular plant.

As with most reliability improvement

What funds, resources, expertise processes the success of an RBI program is
and information are required to largely dependant on the level of expertise
implement a successful RBI utilised. In most cases the most effective team
program? consists of a blend of 1-2 key industry expert
consultants to facilitate the program working
closely with key plant inspection, operations
The data discussed in section 2.0 showed and maintenance personnel. In all cases,
that only about 20% of the static plant in the utilisation of an ammonia industry expert is a
eight ammonia plants assessed had a notable very wise investment. The benefits will be:
probability of failure. This being the case then
two simple rules can be applied to improve the
management of time, funds and resources • good blend of industry/materials
allocated to static plant, namely: experience and local knowledge
• very good in-house and cross learning
• 80% of time, resources and funds • good return on investment dollars
should be allocated to the 20% of plant • getting it right the first time
which has a moderate to high
likelihood of failure.
What information and data is needed? The
• 20% of time, resources and funds old adage ‘rubbish in rubbish out’ is very true
should be allocated to the other 80% of for RBI programs. Access to and utilisation of
plant which has a very low likelihood historical data which is accurate and valid is
of failure. imperative to establishing a clear understanding
of the condition of each item of plant, what
In simplistic terms, the 80:20 rule applies. damage mechanisms are applicable and
if/when/how it is likely to fail. A list of key
The cost of implementing an RBI program information and data required is as follows:
will vary from plant to plant however the
following can be used as a general guide: • All inspection reports /records from
plant commissioning to present
• 5 pressure vessels / heat exchangers • All maintenance reports / records from
should be able to be completed on plant commissioning to present
average per day. The more complicated • All process incident reports of
ones such as primary reformers may abnormal condition operation
• Process flow diagrams, P and IDs In the majority of plant, risk is concentrated
• Manufacturers data reports in a relatively small percentage of the
• Drawings of each item of plant equipment items. These potential high-risk
assessed items may require greater attention, generally
• Equipment modifications and upgrades through a revised inspection test plan. The cost
• Plant shutdown/turnaround reports of the increased inspection effort can
• Future operating philosophies; timing sometimes be offset by reducing excessive
of next two shutdowns inspection efforts in the areas identified as
having lower risk.
• Business impact guidance; cost of
equipment failure
Having ‘reduced expenditure’ as a key
objective of an RBI program is thwart with
danger. A more appropriate objective would be
Improved management of available to ‘optimise’ expenditure and resources through
maintenance funds; will a RBI fine tuning the inspection program.
program reduce inspection /
maintenance spend? What are the RBI should be harnessed to provide
opportunities for significant improvement in
real drivers for implementing an RBI
business performance by improving
program? equipment reliability and integrity. An
important outcome of these improvements is
Reduction in inspection / maintenance the safety performance of the business.
expenditure was achieved in only one of the
eight plants. The primary reason for this was ‘These are the real drivers for
that this particular plant was basically over- implementing an RBI program.’
inspecting their pressure equipment. Plants
which were under-inspecting went through a
period of increased expenditure for a few years
until a suitable level of confidence in
equipment condition was achieved.


Table 1: Summary of problems found on 8 ammonia and downstream plants through a risk based assessment analysis.

Plant Process type Age Equipment type Damage mechanism highlighted On-stream failure prevented
A1 Ammonia 35 Reformer outlet Creep fatigue cracking – bending moments Leaking reformed gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
manifold tee-cone in manifold arms personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
Mixed feed coil Creep - localised damage due to coil design Potential for equipment damage, 2-3 weeks lost
(reformer effluent) (hot spots) production
Reformed Gas Hydrogen damage / creep – long term Potential for tube failures, 1-2 weeks to plug failed
WHB localised overheating of tubes tubes / 6 weeks to re-tube boiler
HT Shift Converter H2 Assisted Cracking – Post weld heat Leaking process gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
treatment soak temperature too low, HAZ personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
too hard

Mixed Feed Stress corrosion cracking of expansion Leaking process gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
Preheater bellows – low level chlorides in steam personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
Sulfinol Cooler Microbial Induced Corrosion – cooling Tube failure; 2-3 days to plug failed tubes / 6 weeks to
water velocities too low re-tube exchanger.
Methanator H2 Assisted Cracking – PWHT soak Leaking process gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
temperature too low, HAZ too hard personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
Ammonia H2 Assisted Thermal Fatigue Cracking – Leaking process gas to atmosphere, risk of fire,
Converters S/up procedure and material properties explosion and personnel injury; >3 weeks lost
A2 Urea 35 Urea Reactor Localised corrosion of liner – operational Corrosion damage to shell; plant off line for 2-3
problems with purge water weeks to repair.


Plant Process type Age Equipment type Damage mechanism highlighted On-stream failure prevented
Ammonia Collector Potential for brittle fracture during low Potential for catastrophic failure of pressure vessel,
temperature/re-pressure excursion severe property damage, high personnel safety and
environment risk.
MEA Coolers Localised corrosion adjacent baffles – Perforation of shell; cooler off line for 1-2 days to
stainless steel baffles, steel shell repair.


B1 Ammonia 35 HT S/H Steam Coil Carbon steel sections - end of creep life, Potential for equipment damage, 2-3 weeks lost
- Reformer CrMo sections - OK production
Reformer Outlet Localised creep fatigue damage due to Leaking reformed gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
Manifold manifold design. personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
Reformed Gas Hydrogen damage / creep – long term Potential for tube failures, 1-2 weeks to plug failed

WHB localised overheating of tubes tubes / 6 weeks to re-tube boiler
Purge Gas Potential for brittle fracture during low Potential for catastrophic failure of pressure vessel,
Separator temperature/re-pressure excursion severe property damage, high personnel safety and
environment risk.
Auxiliary Boiler Creep - localised damage due to coil design Potential for equipment damage, 2-3 weeks lost
(hot spots) production
Methanator Hydrogen damage of C 0.5Mo steel Potential for catastrophic failure of pressure vessel,
operating above CS Nelson Curve. severe property damage, high personnel safety and
environment risk.

Plant Process type Age Equipment type Damage mechanism highlighted On-stream failure prevented
NH3 Converter Hydrogen damage of C 0.5Mo steel Potential for catastrophic failure of pressure vessel,
Effluent Exch. operating above CS Nelson Curve. severe property damage, high personnel safety and
environment risk.
NH3 Converter Hydrogen damage of C 0.5Mo steel Potential for catastrophic failure of pressure system,
Effluent piping operating above CS Nelson Curve. severe property damage, high personnel safety and
environment risk.
CO2 Stripper Gas Chloride induced stress corrosion cracking Leaking process gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
Re-boiler beneath lagging personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
Shift Effluent BFW Chloride induced stress corrosion cracking Leaking process gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
Heater beneath lagging personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production

Transition section – Potential for hydrogen damage due to on- Potential for catastrophic failure of pressure system,
Sec Reformer going refractory problems severe property damage, high personnel safety and
environment risk.
Steam Drum Thermal fatigue cracking due to fast start-up Leaking HP steam to atmosphere; >3 weeks lost
procedure (heavy wall drum) production, potential for personnel injury
B2 Nitric Acid 35 Cooler Condenser Localised corrosion from poor cooling Tube failure; 2-3 days to plug failed tubes / 10 weeks
water treatment (scaling leading to high to re-tube exchanger.
tube wall temperatures).
Waste Heat Boiler Tubes at end of life due to prolonged Tube failure; 2-3 days to plug failed tubes / 6 weeks to
operation 450 embrittlement range. re-tube boiler.


Plant Process type Age Equipment type Damage mechanism highlighted On-stream failure prevented
C Ammonia 30 Reformer Outlet Localised creep fatigue damage due to Leaking reformed gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
Manifold manifold sag. personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
Primary to Sec Localised creep fatigue damage of Inconel Leaking reformed gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
Reformer Pipe 182 welds personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
Reformed Gas Localised corrosion of tubes in tube to Tube failure; 1 week to plug failed tubes / 4 weeks to


WHB tubesheet crevice re-tube boiler.
Reformed Gas Hydrogen damage / creep – long term Potential for tube failures, 1-2 weeks to plug failed
WHB localised overheating of tubes tubes / 6 weeks to re-tube boiler
D Ammonia 35 HT Shift HTHA of C 0.5Mo steel operating above Potential for catastrophic failure of pressure vessel,
CS Nelson Curve. severe property damage, high personnel safety and

environment risk.
Reformed Gas Localised corrosion of tubes in tube to Tube failure; 1 week to plug failed tubes / 4 weeks to
WHB tubesheet crevice re-tube boiler.
Reformed Gas Hydrogen damage / creep – long term Potential for tube failures, 1-2 weeks to plug failed
WHB localised overheating of tubes tubes / 6 weeks to re-tube boiler
Sec Process Steam Coils approaching end of creep life Potential for equipment damage, 2-3 weeks lost
S/H production
Knock-out Pot Localised pitting from carbonic acid attack Perforation of shell, process gas to atmosphere; 1
in high impingement areas week lost production to repair, potential fire risk

Plant Process type Age Equipment type Damage mechanism highlighted On-stream failure prevented
Syn Loop Piping HTHA of C 0.5Mo steel operating above Potential for catastrophic failure of pressure system,
CS Nelson Curve. severe property damage, high personnel safety and
environment risk.
E Ammonia 20 Reformer Outlet Localised creep fatigue damage due to Leaking reformed gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
Manifold manifold sag. personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
Ref Product / Feed Hydrogen embrittlement of Inconel 600 Leaking reformed gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
Gas Exch bellows. personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
F Ammonia 2 Syn Loop BFW Hydrogen assisted cracking of channel to Leaking reformed gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
Pre-heater tubesheet weld (PWHT inadequate) personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
Syn Loop WHB Risk of tube to tubesheet weld cracking – Tube failure; 2 weeks to repair/plug cracked welds / 6

weld procedure inadequate weeks to re-tube boiler.
Reformed Gas Hydrogen damage / creep – long term Potential for tube failures, 1-2 weeks to plug failed
WHB localised overheating of tubes tubes / 6 weeks to re-tube boiler
Sec Reformer Creep fatigue cracking at dissimilar metal Burner failure; plant off line for 1-2 weeks to repair
Burner weld existing / install new burner
Purge Gas Potential for brittle fracture during low Potential for catastrophic failure of pressure vessel,
Separator temperature/re-pressure excursion severe property damage, high personnel safety and
environment risk.
Separator Vessel Localised pitting corrosion from carbonic Potential for perforation of pressure containing shell
acid attack of carbon steel vessel leading to plant shutdown to repair


Plant Process type Age Equipment type Damage mechanism highlighted On-stream failure prevented
Steam Pre Super- Cracking of non annealed Inconel 600 Tube failure; 2 weeks to plug failed tubes / 6 weeks to
heater exchanger tube return bends re-tube boiler.
G Ammonia 2 MP Reformed Gas Stress Corrosion Cracking of tube to Tube failure; 2 weeks to repair/plug cracked welds / 6
Cooler tubesheet welds – caustic wash during weeks to re-tube boiler.


Reformed Gas Hydrogen damage / creep – long term Potential for tube failures, 1-2 weeks to plug failed
WHB localised overheating of tubes tubes / 6 weeks to re-tube boiler
Reformer Creep fatigue cracking of outlet manifold Leaking reformed gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
tee to cone weld personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
MP Flash Drum Potential for brittle fracture during low Potential for catastrophic failure of pressure vessel,

temperature/re-pressure excursion severe property damage, high personnel safety and
environment risk.
H1 Ammonia 2 Reformer Creep fatigue cracking of outlet manifold Leaking reformed gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
tee to cone weld personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
Reformed Gas Hydrogen damage / creep – long term Potential for tube failures, 1-2 weeks to plug failed
WHB localised overheating of tubes tubes / 6 weeks to re-tube boiler
Reformed Gas H2 assisted cracking of inlet nozzle to Leaking reformed gas to atmosphere, risk of fire and
WHB channel weld; inadequate post weld heat personnel injury; 2-3 weeks lost production
Syn Loop Microbial Induced Corrosion – cooling Tube failure; 2-3 days to plug failed tubes / 4 weeks to
Intercoolers water velocities too low re-tube exchanger.

Plant Process type Age Equipment type Damage mechanism highlighted On-stream failure prevented
MP Flash Drum Potential for brittle fracture during low Potential for catastrophic failure of pressure vessel,
temperature/re-pressure excursion severe property damage, high personnel safety and
environment risk.
H2 Nitric Acid 2 Cooler Condenser Stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel Plant off line for 5-7 days to repair.
inlet nozzle in cooling water jacket
Economiser Potential for localised pitting corrosion - Tube failure; 2-3 days to plug failed tubes / 6 weeks to
condensing droplets of nitric acid re-tube exchanger.
H3 Ammonium 2 Pipe Reactor Localised corrosion (3mm/yr); material Plant off line for 1-2 days, potential for personnel
Nitrate Separator inadequate for duty injury.

Table 2: Reliability management of production facilities through the application of critical manufacturing processes.

Primary Process Key Performance Areas Asset Group

Static Plant Rotating Plant Inst / Elect. Infrastructure
Maintenance Systems Planning and Scheduling CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP)
and Practices Information Management CMMS / RMS CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP)
Maintenance Methods – PMs, PDM, RBI (RMS) RCM RCM RCM
Proactive maint.


Maintenance procedures CMMS / RMS CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP)
Maintenance standards CMMS / RMS CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP)
Spares / Materials Mgt CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP)
Human Resource Development HR Plan HR Plan HR Plan HR Plan
Risk based management Qualitative risk assessment RBI (RMS) RCM RCM RCM
Likelihood of Failure (LoF) RBI (RMS) RCM RCM RCM
Consequence of Failure (CoF) RBI (RMS) RCM RCM RCM
Condition assessment of Condition monitoring tasking RBI (RMS) RCM RCM RCM

process and plant CM task frequency RBI (RMS) RCM RCM RCM
Data Analysis and Reporting RBI (RMS) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP)
Corrective actioning RBI (RMS) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP)
Non Conformance Mgt RBI (RMS) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP)
Remnant Life Quantitative risk assessment RBI (RMS) RCM N/A N/A
management Critical defect size analysis Fracture Mech. Fracture Mech. N/A N/A
Remaining Life Assess FM/life model FM/life model N/A N/A
Life Cycle Planning CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP)
Production and Process Process management (production / Process Mgt PMS PMS N/A
Control efficiency) System (PMS)
Information management PMS PMS PMS N/A
Critical Alarm/Trip Systems PMS PMS PMS N/A
Process Procedures PMS PMS PMS N/A
Abnormal Condition Mgt PMS PMS PMS N/A
Human Resource Development HR Plan HR Plan HR Plan HR Plan
Engineering and Process Engineering standards Codes of practice Codes of practice Codes of practice Codes of practice
Design Engineering specifications Process design OEM specs OEM specs Man. Spec.

Primary Process Key Performance Areas Asset Group
Static Plant Rotating Plant Inst / Elect. Infrastructure
Root Cause Analysis of RCA lost production PMS PMS PMS N/A
lost production and
failure RCA lost efficiency PMS PMS PMS N/A

RCA equipment failure RCA / FMEA RCA / FMEA RCA / FMEA RCA / FMEA
Shutdown / Turnaround Work scoping RBI (RMS) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP) CMMS (SAP)
management Planning and Scheduling Planning system Planning system Planning system Planning system
Project Mgt Project Mgt Project Mgt Project Mgt Project Mgt

Table 3: Summary of findings of an audit completed on the eight ammonia facilities based on ‘best practice management of pressure equipment’.

Primary Process Key Performance Areas Plant ID / Static Plant Management Rating
A B C D E F G H Your facility
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling 9 7 5 5 7 9 8 8
Systems and Information Management 5 7 3 3 8 8 8 8
Practices Maint Methods – PMs, PDM, Proactive 8 8 5 7 8 8 9 8
Maintenance procedures 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Maintenance standards 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8
Spares / Materials Mgt 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8


Human Resource Development 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7
Risk based Risk / criticality assessment 9 8 5 6 9 7 8 9
management Likelihood of Failure (LoF) 9 8 4 4 9 7 8 9
Consequence of Failure (CoF) 9 8 4 4 9 7 8 9
Condition Condition monitoring tasking 10 8 5 4 10 9 9 10
assessment of CM task frequency 10 8 4 4 10 8 8 8
process and plant Data Analysis and Reporting 5 6 4 5 8 9 5 9
Corrective actioning 5 6 5 4 8 9 7 9

Non Conformance Mgt 2 5 2 2 7 7 7 7
Remnant Life Critical defect size analysis 9 9 6 3 5 9 9 9
management Remaining Life Assess 9 9 4 3 5 9 9 9
Life Cycle Planning 7 7 4 3 7 7 7 8
Eng / Process Engineering standards 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8
Design Engineering specifications 7 8 7 8 8 8 8 8
RCA of lost RCA lost production 7 7 4 4 7 7 7 7
production and RCA lost efficiency 7 7 4 4 7 7 7 7
failure RCA equipment failure 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6
Shutdown / Work scoping 9 9 5 7 8 9 8 9
Turnaround Planning and Scheduling 9 9 6 7 8 9 8 9
management Project Mgt 8 9 7 7 8 9 8 9
Totals Max possible score = 270 187 187 126 128 195 205 209 212


RE = Risk exposure
LoF = Likelihood of failure
CoF = Consequence of failure
RBI = Risk based inspection
RMS = Reliability management system
RCM = Reliability centred maintenance
RCA = Root cause analysis
PMS = Process management system
CMMS = computerised maintenance system
SAP = a brand of CMMS
FMEA = Failure modes and effects analysis


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