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1.If the price of gold increases the demand for cars...........

1.Rise 2.Fall 3.No change 4.indeterminant
2.The degree responsuveness in demand with the change in price of demand determinants is called as…….(ELASTICITY OF DEMAND)
3.The Perfectly inelastic ddmand curve is…………..
1.// to X-axis 2.// ti Y-axis 3.Passes throgh Origin 4.curve
4.In case of Unity elasticity,the elasticity is equal to..........(1)
5.The income elasticity of demand for salt is…………
1.+ve 2.-ve 3.1 4.infinite
6.Welfare concept of economics is presented by..................(MARSHAL)
7.Resources of every economy are...
1.Limited 2.Unlimited 3.Sufficient 4 .Unutilised
8.'Econonics is a science of wealth'is accirding to………….
1.Robbins 2.AdamSmith 3.A.Marshal 4.Brigham
9.Theory of Firm also called as...............Economics (MICRO ECONOMICS)
10.Managerial Economics is close to...............economics
1.Micro 2.Macro 3.Firm 4.National
11.The statements that contain the word 'ought to' are called..........(NORMATIVE )
12.If there is a reduction in the rate of excise duty on cars, then the demand……………
1.Rise 2.Fall 3.Unity 4.indefinite
13.In cross demand function,Q=f(Pr),Pr is the price of..........................goods (RELATIVE)
14.The slope of exceptional demand curve is...............
1.1 2.infinity 3.+ve 4.-ve
15.The goods on which the consumer spends major portion of his income are called... (nORMAL)
16.Which of the following is not a demand determinant..
1.Income 2.Population 3.GDP 4.Price
17.Example for perishable goods...................(MILK)
17.Define demand………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
18.Define elasticity of demand………………………………………………………………………………..

1.'Econonics is a science of wealth'is accirding to………….

1.Robbins 2.AdamSmith 3.A.Marshal 4.Brigham
2.Theory of Firm also called as...............Economics
3.Managerial Economics is close to...............economics
1.Micro 2.Macro 3.Firm 4.National
4.The statements that contain the word 'ougjt to' are called..........
5.If there is a reduction in the rate of excise duty on cars, then the demand……………
1.Rise 2.Fall 3.Unity 4.indefinite
6.In cross demand function,Q=f(Pr),Pr is the price of..........................goods
1.1 2.infinity 3.+ve 4.-ve
7.The goods on which the consumer spends major portion of his income are called...
8.Which of the following is not a demand determinant..
1.Income 2.Population 3.GDP 4.Price
9.Example for perishable goods...................
10.If the price of gold increases the demand for cars...........
1.Rise 2.Fall 3.No change 4.indeterminant
11.The degree responsuveness in demand with the change in price of demand determinants is called as..
12.The Perfectly inelastic ddmand curve is…………..
1.// to X-axis 2.// ti Y-axis 3.Passes throgh Origin 4.curve
13.In case of Unity elasticity,the elasticity is equal to..........
14.The income elasticity of demand for salt is…………
1.+ve 2.-ve 3.1 4.infinite
15.Welfare concept of dconomics is presented by..................
16.Resources of every economy are...
1.Limited 2.Unlimited 3.Sufficient 4 .Unutilised
17.Define demand…………………………………………………………………………
18.The slope of exceptional demand curve is.......................

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