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P Siddhartha Institute of Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Mid Term Examinations – 2 Regulation: PVP14
Programme: B.Tech Year: IV Semester: II Descriptive A.Y:2021:22
Course Code:CS8T1 Course Name: Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis Section: 1 &2
Duration:1 hr 30 min Maximum Marks:15 Session: F.N
Answer all the Questions. Each Question carries 5 Marks. 3X5= 15M

1. From the following data find out (i) BEP (in units) (ii) Break Even Sales (in rupees) (iii) P/V ratio (iv)
How many number of units sold to earn a profit of Rs.1,20,000/-. Number of units sold is 20,000 units,
selling price per unit Rs.30/-, variable cost per unit is Rs. 15/- and fixed cost is Rs.80,000/-. (CO3 & L3) (5M)
2. Define perfect competition. What is meant by monopolistic competition? Explain its features. (CO4 & L1) (5M)
3. Journalise the following transactions for a company create ledger accounts:
May 1 : Business starts with cash of Rs.500000 put in as capital by person A
May 2 : Purchased machinery worth Rs 400000 with cash received earlier
May 3 : Purchased goods worth Rs 20000 from supplier ABC on credit
May 4 : Purchased goods worth Rs 20000 from supplier DEF on cash
May 5 : Sold goods worth Rs. 60000 to client GHI on cash
May 6 : Made a payment of Rs.20000 to supplier ABC. (CO5 & L3) (5M)

P.V.P Siddhartha Institute of Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Mid Term Examinations – 2 Regulation: PVP14
Programme: B.Tech Year: IV Semester: II Descriptive A.Y:2021:22
Course Code:CS8T1 Course Name: Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis Section: 1 &2
Duration:1 hr 30 min Maximum Marks:15 Session: F.N
Answer all the Questions. Each Question carries 5 Marks. 3X5= 15M

1. From the following data find out (i) BEP (in units) (ii) Break Even Sales (in rupees) (iii) P/V ratio (iv)
How many number of units sold to earn a profit of Rs.1,20,000/-. Number of units sold is 20,000 units,
selling price per unit Rs.30/-, variable cost per unit is Rs. 15/- and fixed cost is Rs.80,000/-. (CO3 & L3) (5M)
2. Define perfect competition. What is meant by monopolistic competition? Explain its features .(CO4 & L1) (5M)
3. Journalise the following transactions for a company create ledger accounts:
May 1 : Business starts with cash of Rs.500000 put in as capital by person A
May 2 : Purchased machinery worth Rs 400000 with cash received earlier
May 3 : Purchased goods worth Rs 20000 from supplier ABC on credit
May 4 : Purchased goods worth Rs 20000 from supplier DEF on cash
May 5 : Sold goods worth Rs. 60000 to client GHI on cash
May 6 : Made a payment of Rs.20000 to supplier ABC. (CO5 & L3) (5M)
P.V.P Siddhartha Institute of Technology Signature of Invigilator with Marks
date: Obtained:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Course: B.Tech Year: IV Semester: II Objective: 2
Regulation:PVP14 Maximum Marks:10Marks Session: F.N
A.Y:2021-22 Date:16/05/2022 Duration: 20 min
Registered Number: Name:
Answer all the Questions. Each Question carries ½ Mark 20×½ M =10M
(Mark your answers in the boxes provided at the end)
(Note: Q.No. 1 to 10 – CO3 & L1; Q.No. 11 to 16 – CO4 & L1; Q.No. 17 to 20 – CO5 & L1)
1. . How many stages are there in „Law of Variable Proportions‟?
(a) Five (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
2. Congregation of body of persons assembling together to work at a certain Time and place is called
(a) Firm (b) Industry (c) Size (d) Plant
3. When a firm expands its Size of production by increasing all factors, It secures certain advantages, known as
(a) Optimum Size (b) Diseconomies of Scale (c) Economies of Scale (d) None
4. When producer secures maximum output with the least cost combination Of factors of production, it is known as_...
(a) Consumer‟s Equilibrium (b) Price Equilibrium (c) Firm‟s Equilibrium (d) Producer‟s Equilibrium
5. The „Law of Variable Proportions‟ is also called as …..
(a) Law of variable proportions (b) Law of returns to scale (c) Law of fixed proportions (d) None
6….Is a „group of firms producing the same are slightly different products for the same market or using same raw material‟.
(a) Firm (b) Industry (c) Plant (d) Size
7. When proportionate increase in all inputs results in an equal proportionate increase in output, then we call……
a) Constant Returns to Scale (b) Decreasing Returns to (c) Increasing Returns to Scale (d) None
8. When different combinations of inputs yield the same level of output known as ….
(a) Different Quants (b) Isoquants(c) Output differentiation (d) Production differentiation
9. Conversion of inputs in to output is called as… (a) Production (b) Income (c) Sales (d) Expenditure
10. Contribution” is the excess amount of Actual Sales over .
(a) Fixed cost (b) Sales (c) Total cost (d) Variable cost
11.Exchange value of a unit of good expressed in terms of money is called
(a) Cost (b) Capital (c) Price (d) Expenditure
12. The price of a product is determined by the of that product
(a) Place and time (b) Production and sales(c) Cost and income (d) Demand and supply
13. The price at which demand and supply of a commodity equal is Known as
(a) High price (b) Low price (c) Equilibrium price (d) Marginal price
14. A market where large number of buyers and sellers dealing in
Homogeneous product with perfect knowledge is called
(a) Imperfect competition (b) Monopoly (c) Monopolistic competition (d) Perfect competition
15. In which market, single market price prevails for the commodity
(a) Perfect competition market (b) Oligopoly market(c) Monopoly market (d) Duopoly market
16. The Price determined in the very short period is known as ..(a) Secular price (b) Market price (c) Normal price (d) Short run
17. … holders have preference over dividends. (a) Equity share (b) Debenture (c) Preference share (d) Ordinary share
18. … holders are the real owners of the company. (a) Debenture (b) Preference share (c) Liability (d) Equity share
19. Interest is paid on loan and dividend is paid for .. (a) Debenture (b) Public deposits (c) Shares (d) Securities
20. …. are deducted from Current Assets, while calculating Working Capital.
(a) Fixed Assets (b) Fixed Liabilities (c) Fictious Assets (d) Current Liabilities


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