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Email and Messaging

English for Software Engineering
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, students will be able to:

• apply appropriate learned words and grammar rule in discussing topic surrounding email;
• identify information based on provided texts correctly;
• Practice pronouncing words associated with email writing correctly;
• practice writing emails contextually; and
• recognize basic email etiquette correctly;

2 English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging

Warm Up
Write five words or phrases that come in your mind upon hearing the word “email”

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Discussion Points
Discuss the questions.

• How important is email for you?

• How often do you write and read emails? Are they
business or personal?

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Vocabulary Focus
Read the phrases usually written in an email and put them in the correct group.

All the best!

Formal Neutral Informal

Best regards,

Hi Juan!

Yours sincerely

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Looking forward to your

confirmation soon.

I very much look forward to hearing

from you soon.

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Answer Key
Compare your answers to the following.

Formal Neutral Informal

• Hi, Juan!
• Dear Sir/ Madam,
• Looking forward to your
• I very much look forward to
• Best regards, confirmation soon.
hearing from you soon.
• All the best!
• Yours sincerely,
• Cheers!

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Read the following email, identify whether it is formal or informal and
mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. ______ The email is written for a customer.

2. ______ Paul Rossini sends the email for confirming an order
made by a customer.
3. ______ The order includes monitors in two different sizes.
4. ______ Some of the optical mice are not wireless.
5. ______ The customer requested an extra package of flash
6. ______ The flash drives are sent along with the order.

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Answer Key
Check your answers below.

It is an example of formal email, written for business context.

T The email is written for a customer.
1. ______
T Paul Rossini sends the email for confirming an order
2. ______
made by a customer.
3. ______ The order includes monitors in two different sizes.
4. ______ Some of the optical mice are not wireless.
5. ______ The customer requested an extra package of flash
T The flash drives are sent along with the order.
6. ______

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Vocabulary Focus
Use the words in the box to complete the sentences correctly.

1. The mouse is ______ so the user doesn’t have to plug it in.

2. If the ______ breaks, it’s difficult to move up and down on the a. wireless
screen. b. flat panel
3. Today’s ______ monitors are much more popular than the old, c. laser printer
rounded ones. d. peripherals
4. The student types fifty words per minute on his ______ e. keyboard
5. The new ______ produces clear, precise text on each page. f. scroll wheel
6. A monitor and a mouse are types of ______

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Answer Key
Check your answers below.

1. The mouse is wireless so the user doesn’t have to plug it in.

2. If the scroll wheel breaks, it’s difficult to move up and down on a. wireless
the screen. b. flat panel
3. Today’s flat panel monitors are much more popular than the old, c. laser printer
rounded ones. d. peripherals
4. The student types fifty words per minute on his keyboard. e. keyboard
5. The new laser printer produces clear, precise text on each page. f. scroll wheel
6. A monitor and a mouse are types of peripherals.

10 English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging

Language Function
Study the identification of email elements below and label the email on the next page correctly.



body detail



11 English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging

Label each element of the following email invitation

12 English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging

Answer Key
Compare your labeling to the following.






English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Useful Expressions
Study the following useful expression in writing an email.

Elements Formal Neutral to Informal

Greeting Dear Sir/ Madam, Hi, Juan,
Dear Mr. Tom, Hello team!
Inviting I would like to invite you to…. I want you to come to …
I would like to inform you that the meeting

Detail info (if you attach I have enclosed additional documents … The meeting agenda is attached.
document) I have attached files/ documents for your Please find the files/ documents attached.
Phrases before closing Please let me know if you are available/ need Let me know if it OK for you/ need to
to reschedule. reschedule.

I very look forward to hearing from you soon. Look forward to meeting you.
I look forward to meeting you.

Closing greeting Yours sincerely, Best regards,

Best regards, Regards,

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Study the following Email dos and don'ts.

• Always check you've got the right name in the 'To' box. And make sure
your email only goes to the people who need to read it.
• Attach the file you want to send before you start writing.
• Keep emails short, but remember to be polite and friendly, too.
• Don’t write every letter in capital. That’s rude.
• Don’t write every letter in capital. That’s rude.
• Always check everything carefully. Ask a colleague to read and check it
before you hit 'Send'.

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Writing Exercise
Use proper phrases or expressions in the box to complete the email invitation.

a. Should you have any

b. I would like you to prepare
the meeting
c. I would like to invite you to
the meeting
d. Cheers,
e. The meeting will be on
Monday, 11 January 2021
at 10 a.m.

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Answer Key
Compare your answers to the following and discuss them with the teacher or other participants.

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Discussion Points
Discuss the questions.

• How polite are you in writing and answering emails

and why do you think so?
• What would you do if you pressed ‘send’ that wish
you hadn’t?

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Grammar Focus 1
Read the description below to learn how to use “in, on, or at” as a preposition that refers to place.
❑Location within a larger area (in the room)
❑Workplace as physical location (in an office)
in ❑Class (in class)

Example: The meeting will be held in my room.

➢Floor (on the 15th floor)
➢Public transport (on a train)
on ➢Along a road or river or by the sea or by a lake (along the east coast of Ireland)

Example: As a software engineer, your office will be on the 15th floor of this building.
✓Shops (at a computer shop)
✓Locations at companies or workplace as a place of activity (at Cakap)
at ✓Location which we see as a point (at a station)

Example: He works as a UX designer at Cakap.

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Grammar Focus 2
Read the description below to learn how to use “look forward to” in a sentence appropriately.

• Look forward to something means to be pleased or excited that it is going to happen.

I’m looking forward to your reply soon.

look forward to noun or noun phrase

• Look forward to can also be followed by the –ing form as the examples below.

I’m looking forward to seeing you in the next two days.

+ the –ing form

look forward to
+ object preposition + ing- form

We’re looking forward to him arriving next week.

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Grammar Exercise
Read the sentences and identify if they use the prepositions and ‘look forward to’ correctly.
Fix any errors you find.

1. I look forward to hearing from you.

2. We look forward to you coming tonight.
3. We look forward to meeting them in our house tonight.
4. I am looking forward to our meeting on the office soon.
5. We look forward to receiving payment for the services detailed above.
6. How many people are working on Cakap?
7. Their office is at number 12 South George’s Street.

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Answer Key
Check your answers below.

✓ 1. I look forward to hearing from you.

2. We look forward to your coming tonight.
✓ 3. We look forward to meeting them in our house tonight.
4. I am looking forward to our meeting in the office soon.
✓ 5. We look forward to receiving payment for the services detailed above.
6. How many people are working at Cakap?
✓ 7. Their office is at number 12 South George’s Street.

English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging
Pronunciation Drill
Practice speaking these following words with clear enunciation.

• attach /əˈtætʃ/
• enclose /ɪnˈkləʊz/
• peripherals /pəˈrɪfərəl/
• recipients /rɪˈsɪpiənt/
• regards /rɪˈɡɑːdz/
• sincerely /sɪnˈsɪəli/
• scroll wheel /skrəʊl wiːl/

23 English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging

Learning Reflection
Think of today’s learning session and answer the following questions

What new knowledge have you obtained today?

(Could be a new concept(s) or new vocabulary items)
Own your
learning! What do you think you can do with what you have learnt today?

What’s your favorite part of today’s learning topic?

24 English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging

• BBC Learning English. n.d. Email etiquette. Retrieved from
etiquette on January 27, 2022
• Evans, Virginia, et al. 2014. Career Paths: Software Engineering. Newbury: Express Publishing

25 English for Software Engineering - Email and Messaging

Thank you.
the kloe theme.

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