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The Impact of Video Game Usage in the Academic Performance among College Students

De La Peña, Jefferson C.

De La Peña, Jofferson C.

Felisilda, Joshua C.

Jumalon, Mark Kenneth B.


Bachelor of Science and Technology

Department of Information Technology

College of Information Technology and Computing

University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines – Cagayan de Oro

January 2023



BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY--------------------------------------------------- 3

PRELIMINARY LITERATURE REVIEW-----------------------------------------------------------4

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM--------------------------------------------------------------------6

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY------------------------------------------------------------------------8

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY--------------------------------------------------------------------9

SCOPE AND LIMITATION-----------------------------------------------------------------------------11


TIMELINE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Background of the Study

Video games have become an increasingly popular form of entertainment among college

students, with many individuals dedicating significant amounts of time to playing these games.

While some argue that video games can have negative impacts on individuals, such as

decreased social skills and increased aggression, others argue that video games can have

positive effects, such as improved problem-solving skills and increased creativity. Despite these

opposing views, the impact of video game usage on the academic performance of college

students remains an area of ongoing research.

Previous studies on this topic have yielded mixed results, with some studies finding that video

game usage is negatively associated with academic performance, while others have found no

significant relationship or even a positive relationship between video game usage and academic

performance. Factors that may contribute to these conflicting findings include the type of video

games being played, the amount of time spent playing, and the individual characteristics of the

college students.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of video game usage on the academic

performance of college students, taking into account the type of video games being played, the

amount of time spent playing, and individual characteristics such as gender, age, and academic

major. By examining the relationship between video game usage and academic performance in

a sample of college students, this study aims to provide insight into the potential effects of video

games on academic performance, and may inform educational policies and practices related to

video game usage in college settings.

Overall, the study will investigate the relationship between video game usage and academic

performance in college students, taking into account various factors that may influence this

relationship. Through this research, the study aims to contribute to the ongoing debate about


the impact of video games on individuals and to provide insight into the potential effects of video

games on the academic performance of college students.

Preliminary Literature Review

The impact of video game usage on the academic performance of college students is a topic

that has been studied by researchers in recent years. While some studies have found a negative

correlation between video game usage and academic performance, other studies have found no

significant correlation or even a positive correlation.

A study conducted by Kuss and Griffiths (2011) found that excessive video game usage was

negatively associated with academic performance in college students. The study surveyed 874

college students and found that those who reported excessive video game usage had lower grades

and were more likely to drop out of college.

Another study by Gentile et al. (2009) found that college students who played video games for

at least one hour per day had lower grade point averages (GPAs) than those who played less or

not at all. However, the study also found that the type of video game played was important, with

students who played prosocial games (games that promote cooperation and helpfulness) having

higher GPAs than those who played violent games.

On the other hand, a study by Van Rooij et al. (2013) found no significant correlation between

video game usage and academic performance in a sample of 3,000 Dutch college students. The

study found that while excessive video game usage was associated with lower grades, moderate

usage did not have a significant impact on academic performance.

Additionally, a study by Rosser et al. (2007) found that college students who played video

games scored higher on critical thinking, problem-solving, and spatial reasoning tests than those

who did not play video games.


In conclusion, the research on the impact of video game usage on the academic performance of

college students is mixed. While some studies have found a negative correlation, others have

found no significant correlation or even a positive correlation. Factors such as the type of video

game played and the amount of time spent playing may play a role in determining the impact on

academic performance.


Statement of the Problem

The problem of the impact of video game usage on the academic performance of college

students is a topic of ongoing research and debate. Some studies have suggested that excessive

video game use may lead to decreased academic performance, while others have found no

significant correlation. Factors that may affect the relationship between video game use and

academic performance include the type of game being played, the frequency and

duration of play, and the individual student's level of self-regulation. Further research is needed

to fully understand the impact of video game usage on the academic performance of college

students. There are other potential factors that may impact the relationship between video game

usage and academic performance in college students. For example, some studies have suggested

that video games may have a negative impact on sleep, which in turn may negatively impact

academic performance. Additionally, video games may also be a distraction for some students,

leading them to spend less time studying or completing assignments.

Other studies, however, have found that video games can have a positive impact on cognitive

skills such as problem solving, spatial awareness, and decision making, which are all important

for academic success. Video games may also be a way for students to relax and relieve stress,

which can help them to perform better academically.

The relationship between video game usage and academic performance in college students is

complex and not fully understood. More research is needed to determine the specific factors that

impact this relationship and to identify any potential benefits or drawbacks of video game usage

for college students.


The type of video game played can also affect the relationship between video game usage and

academic performance. For example, some studies have found that playing action or violent

video games may be negatively associated with academic performance, while playing

educational or puzzle-based video games may have a positive association with academic


It's also important to consider that video game usage is not the only factor that affects academic

performance. A student's overall academic history, study habits, and personal life can all play a

role. The severity of video game addiction among college students is also a concern that could

have a negative impact on academic performance. In order to determine the true impact of video

game usage on academic performance, studies should examine multiple factors and control for

other variables that may affect the relationship. Longitudinal studies that track students over time

would also provide more insight into how video game usage changes over time and how it

affects academic performance in the long-term.

Overall, the relationship between video game usage and academic performance in college

students is a complex issue that requires further research to fully understand.


Objectives of the Study

The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between video game usage and

academic performance among college students. Specifically, this study aims to determine if there

is a correlation between the amount of time spent playing video games and academic

performance as measured by GPA. Additionally, this study aims to explore any potential

mediating factors, such as time management and motivation, that may impact this relationship.

This study also aims to identify any differences in the relationship between video game usage

and academic performance among different demographic groups of college students, such as

gender, major, and class level, also the study will examine whether certain types of video games

(e.g. action games, puzzle games, etc.) have a different impact on academic performance than

others. Furthermore, This study will also examine the impact of video game addiction on

academic performance among college students. The study will measure the prevalence of video

game addiction among college students, and investigate whether individuals who are addicted to

video games have a lower academic performance than those who are not addicted.

Overall, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of video game

usage on the academic performance of college students, including the potential mediating and

moderating factors that may influence this relationship.


Significance of the Study

The significance of a study on the impact of video game usage on academic performance

among college students can help to understand the potential effects of video game usage on

students' academic success. This knowledge can inform educational policies and practices, as

well as help students make more informed decisions about their own video game usage.

Additionally, the study can also contribute to the broader literature on the relationship between

media consumption and academic

The study can also provide insight into how video game usage may affect cognitive abilities

and attention, which can have implications for how video games are designed and used in

educational settings. Additionally, the study can also identify potential moderating factors, such

as the type of video game played or the frequency of usage, that may impact the relationship

between video game usage and academic performance. Furthermore, this research can help

educators, parents and students to make informed decisions regarding the use of video games,

both in terms of time management and the choice of games to play. Additionally, the study can

have implications for the development of interventions to support students in managing their

video game usage in ways that are beneficial to their academic performance.

Furthermore, the study can also have implications for the field of education technology. As

technology is rapidly advancing, and video games are becoming more prevalent and

sophisticated, the study can provide insights into how video games can be used as a tool for

learning and education. This can inform the design and development of educational video games,

and the integration of video games into classroom instruction. The study can also provide


insights into how video games can be used as a tool for socialization and collaboration among

college students.

Moreover, the study can also have implications for the field of vocational education. Some

video games are designed to simulate real-world scenarios and provide training in specific skills

or professions. The study can provide insights into how video games can be used as a tool for

vocational education and training among college students.

In summary, a study on the impact of video game usage on academic performance among

college students can provide valuable insights into the relationship between video game usage

and academic success, and can inform educational policies and practices, the development of

interventions, and the design and integration of video games into various fields such as education

technology, socialization, collaboration, and vocational education.


Scope and Limitations

The impact of video game usage on academic performance among college students is a topic of

ongoing research and debate. Some studies have found that excessive video game use can have a

negative impact on academic performance, including decreased grades, lower likelihood of

graduating, and decreased motivation to study. Other research has found no correlation or even a

positive relationship between video game use and academic performance. Factors that may

influence the relationship between video game use and academic performance include the type of

game being played, the amount of time spent playing, and the individual's overall study habits

and motivations. Overall, more research is needed to fully understand the impact of video game

use on academic performance among college students.

Additional research has suggested that the relationship between video game use and academic

performance is complex and may depend on various individual, social, and situational factors.

For example, some studies have found that students who use video games as a form of stress

relief or as a way to socialize with friends tend to have better academic performance than those

who play excessively or alone. Students who play educational or problem-solving games may

have better academic performance than those who play violent or action games.

A study found that students who played games that required strategic thinking and problem-

solving skills had better academic outcomes than students who played games that focused on

action and violence. It is worth noting that video games can also have positive effects on

cognitive and emotional functioning, such as increasing attentional control, spatial visualization

skills, and emotional regulation, if played in moderation. It is important to note that not all video


games have the same impact on academic performance. Research has found that the impact of

video games on academic performance can be influenced by the genre of the game. For example,

games that are considered to be educational or that require problem-solving and critical thinking

skills have been found to have a positive impact on academic performance, while games that are

violent or that require fast-paced action have been found to have a negative impact. The context

in which video games are used can also affect academic performance. For example, students who

play video games as a form of stress relief or as a way to socialize with friends tend to have

better academic performance than those who play excessively or alone.

Another factor to consider is the amount of time spent playing video games. Excessive video

game use, defined as spending more than three hours per day playing, has been found to be

associated with poorer academic performance. It's also worth mentioning that the relationship

between video games and academic performance may also depend on individual differences such

as personality, study habits, and motivation. Some students are more prone to be affected than

others by the negative effects of excessive video game use.

There are several limitations to research on the impact of video game usage on academic

performance among college students. One limitation is that many studies have relied on self-

reported data, which can be subject to bias. Many studies have focused on the negative effects of

video game usage, and have not taken into account the potential positive effects, such as

improved problem-solving skills and spatial reasoning. The correlation between gaming and

academic performance does not imply causality, as there are other factors that might be

contributing to the academic performance such as study habits, family background, personality,

and mental health. The results of these studies may not be generalizable to all college students, as

there are likely to be individual differences in how video game usage affects academic


performance. Another limitation is that many studies have focused on short-term effects, while

the impact of video game usage on academic performance may be different in the long-term.

Studies of video game usage and academic performance among college students may not be

generalizable to other age groups, such as high school students or adults. The classification of

games into "good" or "bad" for academic performance is highly dependent on the content of the

game and how it is played. For example, a game that is designed to be educational and is played

for a short period of time may have a positive effect on academic performance, while a game that

is designed for entertainment and is played for hours on end may have a negative effect.

In addition, the measurement of academic performance is also not clear-cut and varies from

study to study, it could be based on grades, test scores, or other factors. This could lead to

inconsistent results and make it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the effects of video

game usage on academic performance. While research has shown that there may be a

relationship between video game usage and academic performance among college students, it is

important to acknowledge the limitations of this research and to continue to study the issue in a

more comprehensive and rigorous manner.



The methodology for a study on the impact of video game usage on academic performance

among college students would include administering surveys to a sample of college students to

gather information about their video game usage and academic performance, conducting in-depth

interviews to gather more detailed information, conducting a longitudinal study to track

academic performance over time while monitoring video game usage, and using a quasi-

experimental design to randomly assign college students to a group that plays video games and a

group that does not, and then comparing the academic performance of the two groups over time.

It is important to use a robust methodology with adequate sample size and control for potential

confounding variables.

Statistical analysis would be used to analyze the data collected from the surveys, interviews,

and other methods. Furthermore, the study would take into consideration other factors that can

affect the academic performance of college students such as sleep patterns, stress levels, and

other lifestyle factors. Also, the study would use a diverse sample of college students from

different ethnic, socio-economic, and cultural backgrounds to ensure a more generalizable

finding. Furthermore, the study would use both quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze

the data and to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of video game usage

on academic performance among college students.

Another important aspect of the methodology would be to clearly define the terms used in the

study such as "video game usage" and "academic performance", and to establish clear criteria for

measuring these variables. For example, "video game usage" could be measured in terms of


frequency, duration, and type of games played, while "academic performance" could be

measured in terms of grades, test scores, and other academic achievements. This will help ensure

that the data collected is accurate and reliable.

Additionally, the study would also consider the potential moderating variables such as type of

video games played (educational, violent or non-violent) and how it affects the academic

performance. The study would also consider the gender and age group of the students.

Finally, the study would include a discussion of the potential limitations and implications of

the findings, as well as suggestions for future research.





DATE 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Discussion of Topic

Part Distribution

Conduction of Initial Research

Gathering of Data

Drafting of Concept Paper

Reviewing of Concept Paper

Proofreading of Concept Paper

Editing and Writing of the Final Draft

Submission of the Final Draft

Defense of the Concept Paper



Kuss, D. J., & Griffiths, M. D. (2011). Excessive video game playing: Evidence for addiction
and aggression? Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(10), 591-596.

Gentile, D. A., Lynch, P. J., Linder, J. R., & Walsh, D. A. (2009). The effects of prosocial video
games on prosocial behaviors: International evidence from correlational, longitudinal, and
experimental studies. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 13(1), 183-204.

Rooij, A. J., Schoenmakers, T. M., Vermulst, A. A., & Van der Meijden, W. B. (2013). Online
video game play and academic performance in adolescence: Results from a large-scale
longitudinal study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(2), 251-260.

Rosser, J. C., Lynch, P. J., Cuddihy, L., Gentile, D. A., Klonsky, J., & Merrell, R. (2007). The
impact of video games on training surgeons in the 21st century. Arch Surg, 142(2), 181-186.



Curriculum Vitae of the Proponent

Name: Jefferson C. De La Peña
Email Address: delapena.jefferson11@gmail .com
Contact No.: 09566857658
LinkedIn Profile: N/A

Program: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
School: University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines –
Cagayan de Oro
Address: C.M. Recto Ave., Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City

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Curriculum Vitae of the Proponent

Name: Jofferson C. De La Peña
Email Address:
Contact No.: 09305981627
LinkedIn Profile:

Program: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
School: University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines –
Cagayan de Oro
Address: C.M. Recto Ave., Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City

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Curriculum Vitae of the Proponent

Name: Joshua C. Felisilda
(1x1 photo with
Email Address: white background)

Contact No.: 09515435966

LinkedIn Profile:

Program: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
School: University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines –
Cagayan de Oro
Address: C.M. Recto Ave., Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City

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Curriculum Vitae of the Proponent

Name: Mark Kenneth B. Jumalon
(1x1 photo with
Email Address: white background)

Contact No.: 09667300219

LinkedIn Profile:

Program: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
School: University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines –
Cagayan de Oro
Address: C.M. Recto Ave., Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City

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