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Do different colours of jade hold different meanings in Chinese culture?

I love questions like this because I’m able to learn more interesting things about Chinese culture. So let’s dig
into the meanings and colors of jade! I’ll share pictures of each color in its raw form, polished form, and then
either as carved or jewelry. Most people assume jade comes only in green colors, but jade encompasses the
colors of the rainbow!

Green jade represents Heaven, Bold. Refined. Captivating. Abundance of peace, prosperity and wealth.
Youthfulness, freshness and the Eastern direction. Wellbeing. It helps with the Heart chakra. It is an abundance
stone, representing the flow of Divine energy into the reality of one's life. It brings harmony and happiness in
business and family relationships, as well material abundance.
Yellow jade represents Earth. Represents cheerfulness and joy. Heightens assimilations and comprehension.
Can help the solar plexus chakra. In China, yellow jade symbolizes wealth, good fortune, friendship, and loyalty.
It is considered to promote emotional stability, balance, loving relationships, luck, wisdom, protection and a
long life.
Black jade represents the North. Protection and support. It wards off negative energies. Mystic Black, The
Monarch Jade. Mysterious. Poised. The meaning of Black Jade is creativity. The meaning of Black Jade also
includes success and fame. Black Jade symbolizes prosperity and the stone has been cherished among people in
power since ancient times. Black Jade is sometimes found in ancient ruins. Black Jade is cherished due to its
sacred power.
Red jade represents the Southern direction. It strengthens the spiritual life force, and reduces fear while
encouraging action and initiation. It deals with the Root chakra. Red Jade is the chi stone, bringing forward the
energy of the warrior. It is a talisman of individual power and will, dispelling the fear, worry and doubt that
holds one back, and urges one to take action. It is a stone of physical vitality, strength and passion. It will
effectively stimulate your life force energies. It's a valuable stone because of the insights, wisdom, knowledge,
and creativity that you can get from it. It's also considered a protective talisman that will assure you of a great
Pink jade represents a healing stone that can eliminate toxins from the body, and it has been said that simply
holding this stone has an amazing calming effect on the nervous system. Pink jade also is said to have powerful
effects on the heart chakra and love. It encourages the strengthening and growth of relationships and romance.
This stone is also used to purify and cleanse the body, specifically helping to detoxify the liver and adrenal
glands, relaxing your body's muscles, and speeding the healing of injuries.
Orange jade represents Nourishing joy through connections with all living beings. It provides quiet stimulation
of the mind. It helps the Sacral chakra. Orange Jade brings joy and teaches the interconnectedness of all beings.
It is energetic and quietly stimulating.
Purple jade represents Spiritual support. Strengthens your emotional body. Lavender jade vibrates at the highest
ethereal level. Dainty Lavender, The Duchess Jade. Soft and feminine, purple jade encourages mirth and
happiness, and purifies one's aura. It dispels the negative and increases one's level of discernment. It allows for
the spontaneous joy of life to fill the soul and spill over to others. The humor evoked by this stone enhances
appreciation of the divine order in all things. By simply dispersing negative attitudes and feelings and cleansing
the aura, the stone allows natural joy to fill in your soul. Purple jade is rare. It is related to the Third-Eye chakra.
Blue jade represents calming the mind, creating inner peace and self reflection. Useful for encouraging dreams
and visions. It helps the throat chakra. Blue jade is a talisman of peace and serenity. It calms and restores. It is
spiritual. It ranges in color from pale to mid-blue, sometimes a pale bluish-green, and is widely used to temper
emotional upheaval and to restore equilibrium. It is rare.
Brown jade represents help with grounding the mind. Strengthens your connection with the Earth. Creates
comfort and a sense of reliability. It is a stone of life-force energy, dispelling fear that holds. one back, and
urges one to action.
White jade represents calming, grounding. Nephrite jade also protects the wearer from negative energies. It
brings peace, harmony and luck. White Jade has the ability to mellow down your thoughts, emotions, and
actions. It will also help you rid yourself of negative energies and negative thoughts. It's a stone that will bring
serenity. It will also aid in your decision-making process. It is related to the Crown chakra.
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