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Advanced Grammar and writing
12:30 – 2:00

P á g i n a 1 | 17

1) UNIT 4
- Wh-questions diagram 4
- Thesis and one sentence summary 5
- Final version – writing 1 7
- Vocabulary log 8
- Types of sentences 9
2) UNIT 5
- Idea web 11
- Writing draft 12
- Final version – writing 2 14
- Vocabulary log 16
- Grammar tip 17

P á g i n a 2 | 17
“Extreme perception and
animal intelligence”

P á g i n a 3 | 17
Wh-question diagram

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Thesis and one sentence

P á g i n a 5 | 17
P á g i n a 6 | 17
Final version – Writing 1

P á g i n a 7 | 17
Vocabulary log (Unit 4)
New word Word form Synonyms Word definition Word in context

(One or two words) (In your own words) (a sentence applied to your life)

Controversy noun Argument Controversy is a debate, a This current electoral

discussion of opposing controversy has given me a lot of
opinions. headaches.

Behavior noun Actions The way in which one acts My behavior has changed during
or behaves, especially in the pandemic.
front of others.

Apparently Adverb Seemingly is an adverb that means I was punished for apparently not
“with appearance”. doing my homework last week

Viable Adjective Feasible Something that is prone My dream is to be able to create

to success, that can exist a potentially viable digital
and function as intended. production model for the
publishing industry as a whole.

Cognition Noun Understanding Cognition is like the Young children develop their
skills of cognition from their
ability to process
Knowledge childhood experiences and
information from social interactions.
perception and

P á g i n a 8 | 17
Types of sentences




P á g i n a 9 | 17

P á g i n a 10 | 17
Idea web

P á g i n a 11 | 17
Writing draft
Today I woke up tolerably tired, but I saw through the window that all the cars were flying,
there was a lot of traffic so I heard a couple of horns that woke me up completely. But out of
nowhere, it started to smell like delicious hot chocolate, which my robot had prepared for me
when he saw me wake up. My robot is called Mark, he is the only one who has been with me
for 100 years. Mark is a bit stressful, sometimes he shakes me when he sees that I don't wake
up to go to work, but on usual work mornings he wakes me up and after a few minutes I start
to smell something bitter that he prepares me, my usual coffee, coffee wakes me up and
makes me understand that it is a new day somehow. Currently, I live with my husband, he is
tall, vigorous, and a little bit presumptuous, now he is on a work trip. I have been with him
since I started my process, in fact, we started it together, we have many children and
grandchildren, and we have also been able to study many careers and have many luxury
homes all over the world. After 100 years I have learned to be responsible, emphatic, in
general, I have completely changed in many positive aspects, which before seemed impossible
to me. It is absolutely amazing how the process has given me time to improve many more
things than I thought in my life. My life is like a ladder, although bad things have happened to
me, I have always been able to keep climbing and progressing.

Although my husband and I have a long and beautiful marriage, we have also had silly thoughts
as not everything has been rosy. Marriage is a long journey and without love, it can be
concluded in the best way. My husband and I have gone through many problems, we have
seen together how many of our couple friends have separated and have continued their lives.
Some years before, I met a boy much younger physically than my husband, he was fun and
loving while my husband seemed to only care about work, our marriage was falling apart, but
we had an important conversation that made us understand that we did not need anyone
more than us. And although we try to separate and look for new people, we have returned to
ourselves. We were able to separate as spouses many times, but somehow, we think we are
made for ourselves.

When it comes to work, I have managed many to exceed my expectations. I am a successful

woman. Currently, I have my own robot company, my company is known around the world
because now, almost everyone has one like I have Mark. I have been able to get millions of
dollars with my company, but I have also worked very hard to make it grow, since I started

P á g i n a 12 | 17
with this company more than 70 years ago and I was in college at the same time, I thought I
couldn´t do both at the same time, but over time I was able to move the company forward
with my husband. It has not been easy to get my company forward, but with a lot of hard
work, our robots have become one of the best-selling objects in the world.

The relationship with my family is good, but having so many children is complicated. I have 50
children, and the age difference was a problem when we lived together since the minors used
to do mischief with their other siblings' things, which caused a fight between them. Currently,
all my children are over 23 years old so each one has their own life; they are happy because
each one has their own career and they are capable of creating the future that they want for
themselves. We all love each other very much and try to see each other from time to time. It
has not been easy to deal with so many children, but it has been worth it since they are my
family and I would not change them for anything.

I have lived for more than 150 years, and although there are some things that I have had to
deal with, everything has worked out and continues to work out in the best way, I think
everything is due to hope and the desire to get ahead since I was a little girl. The other week I
will go to buy a luxurious house in Miami and I am very excited because with that house, I will
already have houses in all the countries of the world. Hopefully everything goes the best way.

P á g i n a 13 | 17
Fin al version – writing 2

P á g i n a 14 | 17
P á g i n a 15 | 17
Vocabulary log (Unit 5)
New word Word form Synonyms Word definition Word in context

(One or two words) (In your own words) (a sentence applied to your life)

Presumptuous adjective Arrogant Is a person who has little I don't like presumptuous people.
respect for others by
doing things that they
have no right to do.

Immeasurably Adverb Enormously something so big that it In avengers infinitive war, thanos
cannot be measured or was immeasurably superior to
known exactly. all superheroes.

Utterly Adverb Absolutely It´s like saying absolutely Yesterday I fell in public. I found
or completely, it is used to the experience utterly
an absolute or extreme humiliating

Vigorous Adjective Vital defines a person who My friend has a vigorous

does things with great personality.
energy and enthusiasm.

Impetuous Adjective Impulsive act or do it quickly and My friend is characterized by

without thinking or being fiery and impetuous in
worrying. character and style.

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Grammar tip
(Supposedly I am the person who wrote my writing)





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