Most Repeated Questions - Maths Class 10 by Padhle

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CLASS 10 | MATHS Padhle
Note - Finding sum and product of zeroes & forming equation
from given zeroes wale sawaal, acche se practice karne hai!

x2 -(sum of zeroes)x + product of zeroes ---> general format of

writing an equation directly from sum and product of zeroes

Q1) If the sum of the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = (k2- 14) x2 -
2x - 12
p(x) = (k2- 14) x2 - 2x - 12
Here a = k2-14, b = -2, c = -12
Sum of the zeroes, (α + ß) = 1 ...[Given]
-b/a = 1
-(-2)/k2-14 = 1
K2-14 = 2
K2 = 16
K = +4,-4

Q2) If the sum of zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 3x2 — kx + 6

is 3, then find the value of k. (2012)
Here a = 3, b = -k, c = 6
Sum of the zeroes , (α + ß) = -b / a = 3……[Given]

Q3) Form a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 3 + √2 and 3 –

√2. (2015,16,12,20)
Solution: Sum of zeroes,
S = (3 + √2) + (3 – √2) = 6
Product of zeroes,
P = (3 + √2) x (3 – √2) = (3)2 – (√2)2 = 9 – 2 = 7
Quadratic polynomial = x2 – Sx + P = x2 – 6x + 7

Q4) Find a quadratic polynomial, the sum and product of whose

zeroes are √3 and 1√3 respectively. (2014)
Sum of zeroes, (S) = √3
Product of zeroes, (P) = 1√3
Quadratic polynomial = x2 – Sx + P
x2 — √3x + 1/√3 =
(√3x2 - √3. √3x + 1)/√3 = 0
(√3x2 - 3x + 1)
(write final equation without the denominator)

Q5) Find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes

are 3+√5/5 and 3−√5/5. (2015,16,12,20)
Solution: Sum of the zeroes , (α + ß)
S = (3 + √5)/5 + (3 - √5)/5
(3 + √5 + 3 - √5)/5
Product of Zeroes (α * ß)
P = (3 + √5)/5 * (3 - √5)/5 = (9-5)/25 = 4/25
Quadratic Polynomial is x2 – Sx + P = 0
= x2 – (6/5)x + 4/25 = 25x2 – 30x + 4/25
= 1/25 (25x2 – 30x +4)
Or k(25x2 – 30x +4)…. Where [k € R]

Q6) Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 6x2 – 3 – 7x and

verify the relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients of
the polynomial. (2015,16,12,20)
We have, 6x2 – 3 – 7x
= 6x2 – 7x – 3
= 6x2 – 9x + 2x – 3
= 3x(2x – 3) + 1(2x – 3)
= (2x – 3) (3x + 1)

Zeroes are:
2x – 3 = 0 or 3x + 1 = 0
Therefore x = 3/2 or x = -1/3

Here a = 6, b = -7 , c = -3
Sum of the zeroes , (α + ß) = 3/2 + (-1/3) = (9 – 2)/6 = 7/6
7/6 = - (coefficient of x)/(Coefficient of x2) = -b/a
Product of Zeroes (α * ß) = 3/2 * (-1/3) = -3/6
-3/6 = Constant term / Coefficient of x2 = c/a
Therefore, Relationship holds

Real Numbers

1. There are 104 students in class 10 and 96 students in class 9

in a school. In a house examination the students are to be
evenly seated in parallel rows such that no 2 adjacent rows
are of the same class. Find the maximum number of parallel
rows of each class for the seating arrangement. Also find the
number of students in class 9 and also class 10 in a row.


The main challenge is to identify ki HCF nikalna hai ya LCM,

in most questions, you will see the use of HCF


HCF of 104 and 96 = 8

Thus, the number of students of class IX and X in a row = 8
Maximum number of rows for class X = 104/8 = 13
Maximum number of rows for class IX = 96/8 = 12
Q2 . Prove that 5 + √7 is irrational

Ans : Let us assume that √7 is rational.

then it must in the form of p / q [q ≠ 0] [p and q are co-prime]
√7 = p / q
=> √7 x q = p
squaring on both sides
=> 7q2= p2 ------ (1)
p2 is divisible by 7
p is divisible by 7
p = 7c [c is a positive integer] [squaring on both sides ]
p2 = 49 c2 --------- (2)
Substitute p2 in equation (1) we get
7q2 = 49 c2
q2 = 7c2
=> q is divisible by 7

THUS q and p have a common factor 7.

there is a contradiction
as our assumption p & q are co prime but it has a common factor.
So that √7 is irrational.

Let, 5+2√7 be rational.

Therefore, 5+2√7 =a/b where a and b are integers having no common

factors other than 1.

Now, 5+2√7=a/b



Since, a and b are integers, therefore, √7 is rational. This contradicts

the fact that √7 is irrational. Therefore, our assumption was wrong.
Hence, 5+2√7 is irrational.

(All ‘prove irrational’ questions are similar, so practice them

accordingly! )

Linear Equations in 2 Variables

Note : Word problems related to age, taxi & finding area of

triangle are quite popular questions

Q1. For what value of k, the pair of equations 4x – 3y = 9, 2x + ky

= 11 has no solution? (2011,12,14)
(Questions 'for what value of k' are very common and famous)

We have, 4x – 3y = 9 and 2x + ky = 11
A1/a2 = b1/b2 ≠ c1/c2 (No Solution)
4/2 = -3/k ≠ 9/11
2 = -3/k
Therefore, k = -3/2
Q2) Represent the following pair of equations graphically and
write the coordinates of points where the lines intersect the y-axis.

X+3y = 6
x = 6—3y

x 6 3 0
y 0 1 2

2x -3y = 12
2x = 12 + 3y
X = 12 + 3y/2

x 0 6 3
y -4 0 -2

By plotting the points and joining them, the lines intersect at A (6, 0).
Line x + 3y = 6 intersects y-axis at B(0, 2) and Line 2x – 3y = 12
intersects y-axis at C(0, -4).
Q3) Solve the following pair of equations for x and y: (2012)
a2/x−b2/y = 0; a2b/x+b2a/y = a + b, x ≠ 0; y ≠ 0
a2/x−b2/y = 0………………(i)
a2b/x−b2a/y = a+b………….(ii)

Multiplying (1) by a and (it) by 1,

A3/x−b2a/y = 0
a2b/x−b2a/y = a+b
By adding these 2 eqns we get

A3/x + a2b/x = a+b

x(a + b) = a2(a + b)……………….Therefore x = a2
Putting the value of x in (t), we get
A2/a2 – b2/y = 0
1 = b2/y
Therefore y = b2

Q4) Solve for x and y:

15/x+y−5/x−y=−2 : (x + y ≠ 0 x – y ≠ 0 ) (2012, 2017D)

Multiplying (i) by 5 and (ii) by 2, we get

50/(x-y) + 10/(x-y) = 20

30/(x-y) - 10/(x-y) = -4

80/(x+y) = 16…………..By adding these 2 eqns

16(x+y) = 80

Putting the value of (x + y) in (i), we get
10/5 + 2 /(x – y) = 4
2 + 2/(x-y) = 4
2(x – y) = 2….therefore x – y = 1
Solving (iii) and (iv), we get
2x = 6……….By adding
Putting the value of x in (iii), we get
Therefore x =3 , y=2

Q5) Solve the following pair of linear equations for x and y:

141x + 93y = 189;
93x + 141y = 45 (2013)
141x + 93y = 189
93x + 141y = 45
234x + 234y = 234……………….By adding

X + y = 1………………(i)
141x + 93y = 189
93x - 141 y = 45
48x - 48y = 144…………….By subtracting
X – y = 3…………………….(ii)

By adding (i) & (ii) we get

2x = 4
Therefore x =2

Put value of x in (i), we get

Therefore y = -1
X = 2, y = -1

Q6) The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 8 and the
difference between the number and that formed by reversing the
digits is 18. Find the number. (2015)
Let unit and tens digit be x and y.
∴ Original number = 1x + 10y …(i)
Reversed number = 10x + 1y
According to question,
⇒ y = 8 – x …(ii)
Also, 1x + 10Oy – (10x + y) = 18
⇒ x + 10y – 10x – y = 18
⇒ 9y – 9x = 18
⇒ y – x = 2 …[Dividing both sides by 9
⇒ 8 – x – x = 2 …[From (it)
⇒ 8 – 2 = 2x
⇒ 2x = 6
From (it), y = 8 – 3 = 5
From (i), Original number = 3 + 10(5) = 53

Q7) The age of the father is twice the sum of the ages of his 2
children. After 20 years, his age will be equal to the sum of the ages
of his children. Find the age of the father. (2012)
Consider the present age of the father as x years.
Let the present age of his two children be y and z years.
From the question,
x = 2(y + z)-----------------(1)
After 20 years,
(x + 20) = (y + 20) + (z + 20)
y + z + 40 = x + 20
y + z = x - 20.
Substitute the value of (y + z) in(1), we get

x = 2(x - 20)
x = 2x - 40
x = 40.
Therefore, the father’s age is 40 years.

Q8) The owner of a taxi company decides to run all the taxis on
CNG fuel instead of petrol/diesel. The taxi charges in city
comprises of fixed charges together with the charge for the distance
covered. For a journey of 12 km, the charge paid is 789 and for
journey of 20 km, the charge paid is ₹145.
What will a person have to pay for travelling a distance of 30 km?
Let the fixed charges = 7x
and the charge per km = ₹y
According to the Question,
x + 12y = 89…………………….(i)
x + 20y = 145……………………(ii)
8y = 56………………………….By subtracting

Putting the value of y in 1 we get

x + 12(7) = 89
x + 84 = 89 ⇒ x = 89 – 84 = 5
Total fare for 30 km = x + 30y = 5 + 30(7)
= 5 + 210 = ₹215

Q9) A boat takes 4 hours to go 44 km downstream and it can go

20 km upstream in the same time. Find the speed of the stream
and that of the boat in still water. (2015)
Let the speed of the stream = y km/hr
Let the speed of boat in still water = x km/hr
then, the speed of the boat in downstream = (x + y) km/hr
and, the speed of the boat in upstream = (x – y) km/hr

44 /(x+y) = 4
4(x+y) = 44
X + y = 11
X = 11 – y………..(i)
20/(x – y) = 4……..Time = Distance / speed
(x – y) = 20/4
11 – y – y = 5…….from (i)
11 – 2y = 5
- 2y = -6
From (i), x = 11 – 3 = 8
∴ Speed of the stream, y =3 km/hr
Speed of the boat in still water, x = 8 km/hr

( Questions related to shaded area are asked repeatedly! Please

practice them as much as possible)

Note : Word problems related to age, taxi & finding area of

triangle are quite popular questions
Coordinate Geometry

Q1) Find the ratio in which y-axis divides the line segment joining
the points A(5, -6), and B(-1, -4). Also find the coordinates of the
point of division. (2016D)

Let AC: CB = m : n = k : 1.
Coordinates of C = (mx2 + nx1/m+n , my2+ny1/m+n)
= ( -k+5/k+1 , -4k-6/k+1 )
Point C lies on y-axis, therefore (-m + 5)/(m+1) = 0
= -k + 5 = 0 or k = 5
Required ratio = k : 1 = 5 : I
From (I) required point C,
= ( -5+5/5+1 , -20-6/5+1 )
= ( 0 , -26/6) = (0 , -13/3)

Q2) The points A(4, 7), B(p, 3) and C(7, 3) are the vertices of a
right triangle, right-angled at B. Find the value of p. (2015OD)
A(4,7), B(p,3) & c (7,3) are vertices of right angle triangle then
using Pythagoras theorem
(AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2
9 + 16 = (p - 4)2 + 16 + (p - 7)2
2p2 - 22p + 56 = O
p2- l1p +28 = O
p2-7p-4p+28 = o
Hence p-4=0 & p-7=0
p = 4,7


Q3) If A(4, 3), B(-1, y) and C(3, 4) are the vertices of a right
triangle ABC, right-angled at A, then find the value of y.
We have A(4, 3), B(-1, y) and C(3, 4). In right angled triangle ABC,
(BC)2 = (AB)2 + (AC)…. [Pythagoras theorem
⇒ (-1 – 3)2 + (y – 4)2 = (4 + 1)2 + (3 – y)2 + (4 – 3)2 + (3 –
4)2 …(using distance formula
⇒ (-4)2 + (y2 – 8y + 16)
⇒ (5)2 + (9 – 6y + y2) + (1)2 + (-1)2
⇒ y2 – 8y + 32 = y2 – 6y + 36 = 0
⇒ -8y + 6y + 32 – 36
⇒ -2y – 4 = 0 ⇒ -2y = 4
∴ y = -2

Q4) If the point P(k – 1, 2) is equidistant from the points A(3, k)

and B(k, 5), find the values of k. (2014OD)

PA = PB …Given
PA2 = PB2 … [Squaring both sides
⇒ (k – 1 – 3)2 + (2 – k)2 = (k – 1 – k)2 + (2 – 5)2
⇒ (k – 4)2 + (2 – k)2 = (-1)2 + (-3)2
k2 – 8k + 16 + 4 + k2 – 4k = 1 + 9
2k2 – 12k + 20 – 10 = 0
2k2 – 12k + 10 = 0
⇒ k2 – 6k + 5 = 0 …[Dividing by
⇒ k2 – 5k – k + 5 = 0
⇒ k(k – 5) – 1(k – 5) = 0
⇒ (k – 5) (k – 1) = 0
⇒ k – 5 = 0 or k – 1 = 0
∴ k = 5 or k = 1

Q5) Find a point P on the y-axis which is equidistant from the

points A(4, 8) and B(-6, 6). Also find the distance AP. (2014OD)
Let P(0, y) be any point on y-axis.
PA = PB … [Given
PA2 = PB2 … [Squaring both sides
⇒ (4 – 0)2 + (8 – y)2 = (-6 – 0)2 + (6 – y)2
16 + 64 – 16y + y2 = 36 + 36 + y2 – 12y
80 – 72 = -12y + 16y
8 = 4y ⇒ y = 2
∴ Point P (0, 2)
Now, AP = √ (4 – 0)2 + (8 – 2)2
Distance AP = √52

Q6) If the points A(x, y), B(3, 6) and C(-3, 4) are collinear, show
that x – 3y + 15 = 0. (2012 OD)
Pts. A(x, y), B(3, 6), C(-3, 4) are collinear.
∴ Area of ∆ = 0
As area of ∆
= 12[x1(y2 – y3) + x2(y3 – y1) + x3(y1 – y2)]
∴Area of ∆ABC
= x(6 – 4) + 3(4 – y) + (-3) (y – 6) = 0
= 2x + 12 – 3y – 3y + 18 = 0
= 2x – 6y + 30 = 0
∴ x – 3y + 15 = 0 … [Dividing both sides by 2]

(rest, please solve the important questions from NCERT - PDF

available on telegram)

Some applications of Trigonometry

Q1) As observed from the top of a 100 m high light house from
the sea-level, the angles of depression of two ships are 300 and 450.
If one ship is exactly behind the other on the same side of the light
house, find the distance between the two ships. [Use √3=1.732]

Let, height of light house from sea level (AB)=100m

Let, two ships be at the positions be C and D

In △ABC,

tan 450=AB/BC



In △ABD,

tan 300=AB/BD






∴ the distance between two ships 73.2 m


Q2) The angle of elevation of the top of a vertical tower from a

point on the ground is 60°. From another point 10 m vertically
above the first, its angle of elevation is 30°. Find the height of the
tower. (2011OD)
Let AC be the tower
Let AC = y m
Let DC = EB = x m
In rt. ∆ABE

tan 300 = AB/BE

1/√3 = y – 10/x
X = √3 (y – 10)--------------frm i
In rt. Triangle ACD

Tan 600 = AC/DC

√3 x = y
√3. √3 (y-10) = y………………From i
3(y – 10) = y ⇒ 3y – 30 = y
3y – y = 30 ⇒ 2y = 30
∴ Height of the tower, y = 15 m
Q3) From a point on the ground, the angles of elevation of the
bottom and top of a transmission tower fixed at the top of a 10 m
high building are 30° and 60° respectively. Find the height of the
tower. (2011D)

Let BC be the building and CD be the transmission tower. A be the
point on the ground.
Let CD = y m
In rt. ∆ABC,

tan 300 = BC/AB

1/√3 = 10/AB
AB = 10√3m
In rt. AABD, tan 600 = BD/AB

√3 = 10 + y/10√3
10 + y = 30
Y = 30 – 10 = 20
Height of transmission tower = 20 m

Q4) From the top of a vertical tower, the angles of depression of

two cars, in the same straight line with the base of the tower, at an
instant are found to be 45° and 60°. If the cars are 100 m apart
and are on the same side of the tower, find the height of the tower.
[Use –√3 = 1.732] (2011OD)
Let AB be the tower
Let AB = h m,
and BC = x m
In rt. ∆ABC,

tan 600 = AB/BC

√3 = h/x
√3 x = h
X = h /√3

In rt. AABD
tan 450 = AB/BD
1 = h/ (x + 100)
H = x + 100
h = h/√3 + 100
H = h + 100√3 /√3
√3 h = h + 100√3
√3 h – h = 100√3
H (√3 - 1) = 100√3
H = 100√3 / (√3 - 1) * (√3 +1/√3 +1)
H = 50 * 4.73 = 236.5
∴ Height of the tower, h = 236.5 m

Q5) The angles of depression of the top and bottom of a 12 m tall

building, from the top of a multi-storeyed building are 30° and
60° respectively. Find the height of the multistoreyed building.
Let AC be the multi-storeyed building and DE be the other building.
Let AC = y m,
DC = EB = x m
In rt. ∆ABE,

tan 30° = AB/BE

x = √3– (y – 12)
In rt. ∆ACD,
tan60° = AC/DC
⇒ √3/1=y/x
⇒ √3.√3 (y – 12) = y … [From (i)
⇒ 3 (y – 12) = y
⇒ 3y – 36 = y
⇒ 3y – y = 36
⇒ 2y = 36
⇒ y = 18
∴ Height of the multi-storeyed building, y = 18 m

Q6) The angle of elevation of the top of a hill at the foot of a tower
is 60° and the angle of depression from the top of the tower of the
foot of the hill is 30°. If the tower is 50 m high, find the height of
the hill. (2012D)
Let CD = H m, be the height of the hill
AB = 50 be the tower
and Distance between them, BC = x m
In rt. ∆ABC,
tan 30° = AB/BC
1/√3 = 50/x
X = 50√3
In rt. ∆BCD,
tan 60° = CD/BC
√3 = H/50√3 ⇒ H = 50√3 × √3 = 150
∴ Height of the hill = 150 m

Q1) PQ is a chord of length 8 cm of a circle of radius 5 cm. The

tangents at P and Q intersect at a point T (see figure). Find the
length TP.

Join OT.
Let OT intersect PQ at R
From theorem 10.2,
Lengths of tangents from external point are equal
so, TP = TQ
In Triangle TPQ,
TP = TQ, i.e. two sides are equal,
So, Triangle TPQ is an isosceles triangle
Here, OT is bisector of angle PTQ,
so OT perpendicular PQ (Angle bisector and altitude of isosceles
triangle are same)

Since OT perpendicular PQ
so, PR = RQ (Perpendicular from center to a chord, bisects the chord)
so, PR = QR = ½ PQ = 8/2 = 4cm

In right triangle ORP

By Pythagoras theorem
(Hypotenuse)2 = (Height)2 + (Base)2
(op)2 = (PR)2 + (OR)2
52 = 42 + OR2
25 = 16 + OR2
25-16 = OR2
9 = OR2
OR2 = 9
OR = 3 cm
Let TP = x
By Pythagoras theorem,
(Hypotenuse)2 = (Height)2 + (Base)2
In right triangle PRT
(TP)2 = (PR)2 + (RT)2
x2 = 42 + RT2
x2 = 16 + RT2...(1)
Since TP is a tangent,
OP perpendicular TP
Angle OPT = 90

In right triangle OPT

(OT)2 = (op)2 + (TP)2
(OT)2 = 52 + x2
(OR + RT)2 = 52 + x2
(3 + RT)2 = 52 + x2
9 + RT2 + 6RT= 25 + x2
9 + RT2 + 6RT= 25 + 16 + RT2
RT2+6RT-RT2=25 +16-9
6RT = 32
RT = 16/3

From (1)
x2 = 16 + RT2
Putting value of RT
X2 = 16 + (16/3)2
X2 = 16 * 9 + 256/9
X2 = 400/9
X = √400/9
Hence, TP = x = 20/3

Q2) A triangle ABC is drawn to circumscribe a circle of radius 4

cm such that the segments BD and DC into which BC is divided by
the point of contact D are of lengths 8 cm and 6 cm respectively (see
figure). Find the sides AB and AC.

Given: A circle with centre O

with OD = radius = 4 cm
Let A ABC circumscribe the circle
Also, BD = 8 cm

To find:
Join OA, OC& 0B
Let AC, AB intersect circle at E & F respectively

From theorem 10.2, lengths of tangents drawn from external point are


CE = CD = 6cm
BF = BD = 8 cm
AE = AF = x

Now, our three sides are

CB = CD + DB = 6 + 8 = 14 cm
AC = AE + EC = (x + 6) cm
AB = AF + FC = (x+8) cm

we find Area of triangle ABC using Herons formula
Area of triangle = √s(s — a)(s — b)(s — c)
Here, AC = a = (x + 6) cm
AB = b = (x + 8) cm
BC = c = 6+8 = 14 cm.

S = (a+b+c)/2 = (x+6)+(x+8)+14/2 = 2x+28/2 = (x+14)

Area of Triangle ABC = √s(s — a)(s — b)(s — c)

Putting values
√(x+14) (x+14 – (x+6))(x+14 – (x+8))(x+14 – 14)

√(x+14) 8.6.x
√(x+4). 48x
√48 x2 + 672x
Area Triangle ABC = √48 x2 + 672x
Join OE & OF
Here, OD = OF = OE = radius = 4 cm
Also, we know that
tangent is perpendicular to the radius,
so, OD ⟂ BC , OF ⟂ AB & OE ⟂ AC
Area of △ ABC = Area △ AOC + Area △ AOB + Area △ BOC

We find Area △ AOC, Area of △ AOB, & Area of △ BOC

Area of △ AOC = ½ * base * height
= ½ * OE * AC
= ½ * 4 * (x+6)
= 2(x+6)
= 2x + 12

Area of △ AOB

= ½ * base * height
= ½ * OF * AB
= ½ * 4 * (x+8)
= 2(x+8)
= 2x + 16

Area of △ BOC
= ½ * base * height
= ½ * OD * BC
= ½ * 4 * (14)
= 2 * 14
= 28

Area of △ ABC = Area △ AOC + Area △ AOB + Area △BOC
Putting values

√48 x2 + 672x = (2x + 12) + (2x + 16) + 28

√48 x2 + 672x = 4x + 56
Squaring both sides
(√48x2 + 672x)2 = (4x +56)2
48x2 + 672x= (4x)2 + 562 +2*4x*56
48x2 + 672x= 16x2 + 3136 + 448x
48x2 - 16x2 + 672x - 448x - 3136 = 0
32x2 + 224x - 3136 = 0
x2 + 7x — 98 = 0
x2 + 14x- 7x- 98 = 0

x(X+ 14) -7(x + 14) = O

(x -7) (x + 14) = 0

so, x = 7 & x = -14

Since x cannot be negative,
so, x = 7
AC = x+6 = 7+6 =13 cm
& AB = x+8 = 7+8 = 15cm

In the figure XY and X'Y' are two parallel tangents to a circle with
centre O and and another tangent AB with point of contact C
interesting XY at A and X'Y' at B prove that ∠AOB=900

Consider the problem

Let us join point O to C


OP=OC (Radii of the same circle)

AP=AC (Tangent from point A)

AO=AO (Common side)

ΔOPA≅ΔOCA (SSS congruence criterion)

Therefore, P↔C,A↔A,O↔O





Since,POQ is a diameter of the circle, it is a straight line.

Therefore, ∠POA+∠COA+∠COB+∠QOB=180∘

So, from equation (1) and equation (2)




Q4) In Figure, a right triangle ABC, circumscribes a circle of

radius r. If AB and BC are of lengths 8 cm and 6 cm respectively,
find the value of r. (2012OD)

Proof: area of ∆ABC
= ½ * AB * AC
= 24 sqcm

Again ar ∆ABC
= ar(∆AOB) + ar(∆BOC) + ar(∆AOC)
= ½ * r * AB + ½ * r * BC + ½ * r * AC………[since OD = OE = OF
= r]
= ½ r [AB + BC + AC]
= ½ r [6 + 10 + 8]
= ½ * r * 24 = 12r
From (i) and (ii), we get 12r = 24
∴ r = 2 cm
Q5) In the figure, from an external point P, two tangents PT and
PS are drawn to a circle with centre O and radius r. If OP = 2r,
show that ∠OTS = ∠OST = 30°. (2016OD)

Let ∠TOP = θ …[Tangent is ⊥ to the radius through the point of contact
∠OTP = 90°
OT = OS = r … [Given
In rt. ∆OTP, cos θ = OTOP
⇒ cos θ = r2r ⇒ cos θ = 12
⇒ cos θ = cos 60° ⇒ θ = 60°
∴ ∠TOS = 60° + 60° = 120°
∠OTS = ∠OST …[Angles opposite to equal sides
In ∠TOS,
∠TOS + ∠OTS + ∠OST = 180° … [Angle-sum-property of a ∆
120° + ∠OTS + ∠OTS = 180° … [From (i)
2∠OTS = 180° – 120°
∠OTS = 60°/2 = 30°
∴ ∠OTS = ∠OST = 30°

Q6) In the given figure, PA and PB are tangents to the circle with
centre O such that ∠APB = 50°. Write the measure of ∠OAB.

PA = PB …[∵ Tangents drawn from external point are equal
∠OAP = ∠OBP = 90°
∠OAB = ∠OBA … [Angles opposite equal sides
∠OAP + ∠AOB + ∠OBP + ∠APB = 360° … [Quadratic rule

90° + ∠AOB + 90° + 50° = 360°

∠AOB = 360° – 230°
= 130°
∠AOB + ∠OAB + ∠OBA = 180° … [∆ rule
130° + 2∠OAB = 180° … [From (i)
2∠OAB = 50°
⇒ ∠OAB = 25°
Q7) In the figure, O is the centre of a circle of radius 5 cm. T is a
point such that OT = 13 cm and OT intersects circle at E. If AB is
a tangent to the circle at E, find the length of AB, where TP and
TQ are two tangents to the circle. (2016D)

∠OPT = 90° …[Tangent is ⊥ to the radius through the point of contact
We have, OP = 5 cm, OT = 13 cm
In rt. ∆OPT,
OP2 + PT2 = OT? …[Pythagoras’ theorem]
⇒ (5)2 + PT2 = (13)2
⇒ PT2 = 169 – 25 = 144 cm
⇒ PT = √144
= 12 cm
OP = OQ = OE = 5 cm … [Radius of the circle
ET = OT – OE
= 13 – 5 = 8 cm
Let, PA = x cm, then AT = (12 – x) cm
PA = AE = x cm …[Tangent drawn from an external point
In rt. ∆AET,
AE2 + ET2 = AT2 …(Pythagoras’ theorem
⇒ x2 + (8)2 = (12 – x)2
⇒ x2 + 64 = 144 + x2 – 24x
⇒ 24x = 144 – 64
x = 8024=103 cm
AB = AE + EB = AE + AE = 2AE = 2x :
∴ AB = 2(10/3)=20/3cm=6*2/3 cm
or 6.67 cm or 6.6 cm

Q8) In the figure, two equal circles, with centres 0 and O’, touch
each other A at X. OO’ produced meets the circle with centre O’ at
A. AC is tangent to the circle with centre O, at the point C. O’D is
perpendicular to AC. Find the value of DO′CO. (2016OD)

Given: Two equal circles, with centres O and O’, touch each other at
point X. OO’ is produced to meet the circle with centre (at A. AC is
tangent to the circle with centre O, at the point C. OʻD is perpendicular
to AC.
To find: = DO′CO
Proof: ∠ACO = 90° … [Tangent is ⊥ to the radius through the point of
In ∆AO’D and ∆AOC
∠O’AD = ∠OAC …(Common
∴ ∠ADO = ∠ACO …[Each 90°
∴ ∆AO’D ~ ∴AOC …(AA similarity
AO′/AO=DO′/CO … [In ~ As corresponding sides are proportional
r/3r=DO′/CO …[Let AO’ = O’X = OX = r ⇒ AO = r +r+ r = 3r
∴ DO′/CO=1/3

Q9) In the figure, the sides AB, BC and CA of triangle ABC touch
a circle with centre o and radius r at P, Q and R. respectively.
Prove that:
(i) AB + CQ = AC + BQ
(ii) Area (AABC) = 1/2 (Perimeter of ∆ABC ) × r


Part I:
Proof: AP = AR …(i)
BP = BQ … (ii)
CQ = CR … (iii)
Adding (i), (ii) & (iii)
AP + BP + CQ
= AR + BQ + CR
AB + CQ = AC + BQ
Part II: Join OP, OR, OQ, OA, OB and OC
Proof: OQ ⊥ BC; OR ⊥ AC; OP ⊥ AB
ar(∆ABC) = ar(∆AOB) + ar(∆BOC) + ar (∆AOC)
Area of (∆ABC)
= (AB * OP/2) + (BC * OQ/2) + (AC * OR/2) ……..[Area of triangle
= ½ * b * h]
Ar(∆ ABC) = AB * r/2 + BC * r/2 + AC * r/2……….[OP = OQ = OR
= r]
Ar((∆ ABC) = ½ (AB + BC + AC) * r
Ar((∆ ABC) = ½ (Perimeter of ∆ ABC) * r

Q10. In Fig. 3, two tangents TP and TQ are drawn to a circle with

centre O from an external point T. Prove that Angle PTQ = 2 Angle
We know that length of taughts drawn from an external point to a
circle are equal

∴ TP=TQ−−−(1)

4∴ ∠TQP=∠TPQ (angles of equal sides are equal)−−−(2)

Now, PT is tangent and OP is radius.

∴ OP⊥TP (Tangent at any point pf circle is perpendicular to the radius

through point of cant act)

∴ ∠OPT=900

or, ∠OPQ+∠TPQ=900

or, ∠TPQ=900−∠OPQ−−−(3)


∠TPQ+∠PQT+∠QTP=1800 (∴ Sum of angles triangle is 1800)

or, 900−∠OPQ+∠TPQ+∠QTP=1800

or, 2(900−∠OPQ)+∠QTP=1800 [from (2) and (3)]

or, 1800−2∠OPQ+∠PTQ=1800

∴ 2∠OPQ=∠PTQ−−−− proved

Note: Practice rest of the questions from NCERT, very important

for this chapter


From a thin metallic piece, in the shape of a trapezium ABCD in
which AB ¦¦ CD and ∠BCD = 90°, a quarter circle BFEC is
removed (See figure). Given AB = BC = 3.5 cm and DE = 2 cm,
calculate the area of the remaining (shaded) part of the metal

AB = 3.5 cm

DC = 2 + 3.5 = 5.5 cm
Area of shaded region = area of trapezium ABCD — area of quarter

= ½ (sum of II lines] x h — ¼ πr2

= ½ [3.5 + 5.5] * 3.5 – ¼ * 22/7 * 3.5 * 3.5

= ½ * 9 * 3.5 – (11*0.5*3.5)/2

= 315/20 – 1925/200 = 3150 – 1925/200 = 1225/200

= 245/40 = 49/8 = 6.125 cm2


Q2) In figure, ABCD is a square of side 7 cm. DPBA and DQBC

are quadrants of circles, each of radius 7 cm. Find the area of the
shaded region.

side of square=7cm

radius of circle=7cm

Shaded area is the common region between two sector DQBC and

Area of sector

= θ/360 * πr2
900/3600 * 22/7 * (7)2

= ½ * 11 * 7 = 77/2 cm2

Area of Triangle = ½ * base * height

Area of Triangle DCB = ½ * 7 * 7 = 49/2 cm2

Area of the shaded region = 2 * (Area of sector DQBC – area of

triangle DBC)

= 2 * (77/2 – 49/2)

= 2 * (77 – 49/2)
= 28 cm2

Q3) In figure, ABDC is a quadrant of a circle of radius 28 cm and

a semicircle BEC is drawn with BC as diameter. Find B the area
of the shaded region.



BC2 = AC2 + AB2 = 282 + 282* BC = = 28v'ä cm

Diameter of semicircle = 280T cm

Radius of semicircle = 140T cm

Shaded region = Area of semicircle — Area Of segment BCD

= Area Of semicircle — (Area of sector ABDC— Area of triangle


= ½ π (14√2)2 = 900/3600 * π(28)2 + ½ * 28 * 28

= ½ * 22/7 * 196 * 2 – ¼ * 22/7 * 28 * 28 + 14 * 28

= 22 * 28 – 22 * 28 + 14 * 28 = 392 cm2

Q4) In figure, a circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle ABC

of side 12 cm. Find the radius of inscribed circle and the area of
the shaded region

Given: ABC is an equilateral triangle of side 12 cm.

Let radius of incircle be r. Join OA, 0B and OC. Also, join

01), OE and OF

Here, AB, BC and AC are the tangents for the circle.

OD perpendicular to BC, OE perpendicular to AC and OF

perpendicular to AB.

Now ar(AABC) = ar(∆ AOB) + ar(∆ BOC) + ar(∆ COA)

√3/4 (12)2 = ½ * 12 * r + ½ * 12 * r + ½ * 12 * r

√3/4 12 * 12 = ½ * 12 * r + ½ * 12 * r + ½ * 12 * r

Therefore…. r = 2√3 = 2 * 1.73 = 3.46 cm

Area of shaded portion = Area of Equilateral Triangle – Area of

= √3/4 12 * 12 – π(2√3)2 = 36√3 - 12π

= 12(3 * 1.73 – 3.14) = 12 (5.19 – 3.14)

= 24.60 cm2

Q5) Find the area of the shaded region in figure, where APD,
AQB, BRC and CSD are semi-circles of diameter
14 cm, 3.5 cm, 7 cm and 3.5 cm respectively


Area of shaded region

= Area of semicircle APD + Area of semicircle BRC – 2 x Area of
semicircle AQB

= ½ π (7)2 + ½ π (7/2)2 – 2*1/2 * π * (7/4)2

= ½ * 22/7 * (392 + 98 – 49/8) = 11/7 * 441/8

= 693/8 = 86.625 cm2


Q6) An elastic belt is placed around the rim of a pulley of

radius 5 cm. From one point C on the belt, the elastic belt is
pulled directly away from the centre O of the pulley until it is
at P, 10 cm from the point O. Find the length of the belt that
is still in contact with the pulley.Also find the shaded area,
(use π = 3.14 and √3 = 1.73)


In right AAOP,

AO = 5 cm and OP = 10 cm

cos θ = Base/ Hypotenuse

AO/OP = 5/10 = ½
Θ = 600

Angle AOB = θ` = 2 * 60 = 1200

Length of ADB = 360 - θ`/ 3600 * 2 π r

= 2/3 * 10 * 3.14 = 20.93 cm

Hence, length of belt in contact = 20.93 cm

Now, in right AOAP, we have

Tan θ = AP/PO

Tan 600 = AP/5 = AP = 5√3 cm

Area of (Triangle OAP + Triangle OBP) = ½ * AO * AP + ½ * OP *


= ½ * 5 * 5 √3 + ½ * 5 * 5√3 (since AP = BP and OA = OB)

= 25√3 cm2 = 25 * 1.73 cm2

= 43.25 cm2

Area of sector OACB = θ`/360 * π r2

= 120/360 * 3.14 * 5 * 5

= 1/3 * 3.14 * 25 = 26.16 cm2

Shaded Area = Area of (Triangle OAP + Triangle OBP) – Area of


= 43.25 – 26.16 = 17.09 cm2

Surface Areas & Volumes

Q1) In a rain-water harvesting system, the rain water from a roof

of 22 m × 20 m drains into a cylindrical tank having diameter of
base 2 m and height 3.5 m. If the tank is full, find the rainfull in
cm. (2017OD)

Let the rainfall be x m.
Volume of water on the roof = Volume of cylindrical tank

l * b * h = π x r2 x h

22 * 20 * x = 22/7 * 1 * 1 * 3.5

Therefore, x = 22/7 * 3.5/ 22 * 20 = 1/40 m

The rainfall = 1/40 * 100 cm = 2.5 cm [ since 1 m = 100 cm]

Q2) The dimensions of a solid iron cuboid are 4.4 m × 2.6 m × 1.0
m. It is melted and recast into a hollow cylindrical pipe of 30 cm
inner radius and thickness 5 cm. Find the length of the pipe.

Inner radius, r = 30 cm = 0.30 m

Outer radius, R = (30 + 5) cm = 35 cm or 0.35 m
As per the question: (Volume of hollow Cylindrical pipe) = (Volume
of solid iron cuboid)

Since, π (R2 – r2)h = l * b * h

22/7 * (0.352 – 0.302) * h = 4.4 * 2.6 * 1

22/7 (0.35 + 0.30) (0.35 - 0.30) * h = 4.4 * 2.6

22/7 * 0.65 * 0.05 * h = 4.4 * 2.6

H = 4.4 * 2.6 * 7/22 * 0.65 * 0.05 = 112m

Therefore, The length of pipe = 112m


Q3) Sushant has a vessel, of the form of an inverted cone, open at

the top, of height 11 cm and radius of top as 2.5 cm and is full of
water. Metallic spherical balls each of diameter 0.5 cm are put in
the vessel due to which 25 th of the water in the vessel flows out.
Find how many balls were put in the vessel. Sushant made the
arrangement so that the water that flows out irrigates the flower
beds. (2014D)

Numbers of spherical balls

= 2/5 (Vol. of conical vessel)/ Vol. of 1 sph. Ball = 2/5(1/3 * π

r2h)/4/3 * π r3

= 2/5 * 1/3 * 25/4 * 11 * ¾ * 4 * 4 * 4 = 440 balls

Q4) Water in a canal, 6 m wide and 1.5 m deep, is flowing with a
speed of 10 km/hr. How 3 much area will it irrigate in 30 minutes,
if 8 cm of standing water is needed?

Canal is in the shape of cuboid , where,

Breadth =6 m

Height =1.5 m

Speed of canal =10 km/hr

Length of canal in 1 hour =10 km

Length of canal in 60 minutes =10 km

Length of canal in 1 minute = 1/60×10 km

Length of canal in 30 minute = 30/60×10=5km=5000 m


Volume of canal = length×breadth×height

= 5000×6×1.5 m3


Volume of water in canal = Volume of area irrigated

Volume of water in canal = Area irrigated × Height

5000×6×1.5 = Area irrigated ×1008

Area irrigated = 5000×6×1.5×100/8

Area irrigated = 562500 m2

Area irrigated = 562500/10000 hectares

Area irrigated = 56.25 hectares


Q5) A cone of height 24 cm and radius of base 6 cm is made up of

modelling clay. A child reshapes it in the form of a sphere. Find
the radius of the sphere and hence find the surface area of this


Given that, the child reshapes cone with a sphere.

So, the volume of sphere=Volume of cone.

Height of cone h=24cm and radius of cone =r=6cm

⇒4/3 πr3=1/3 πr2h

⇒4/3 πr3=1×62×24/3

⇒r3=1/4×864 cm3




Hence, radius of the sphere=6cm


Q6) A farmer connects a pipe of internal diameter 20 cm from a

canal into a cylindrical tank in his field which is 10 m in diameter
and 2 m deep. If water flows through the pipe at the rate of 3
km/hr, in how much time will the tank be filled ?
A figure is drawn to visualize the shapes according to the given

From the above figure, it can be seen that the shape of the cross-
section of the pipe is cylindrical. So, the volume of the water, flowing

at the speed of 3 km/h through the pipe to fill the tank will be the

same as the volume of water in the cylindrical tank.

To find the volume of the water we need to find the length of the
water flowing through the pipe at the speed of 3 km/h.

Let us find the volume of the water by using the formula;

Volume of the cylinder = πr2h, where r and h are the radius and height

of the cylinder respectively.

Therefore, the volume of water flowing through the pipe = volume of

water in the cylindrical tank.

Radius of the cylindrical tank, R = 10 / 2 m = 5 m

Depth of the cylindrical tank, H = 2 m

Radius of the cylindrical pipe, r = 20/2 cm = 10/100 m = 0.1 m

Length of the water flowing through the pipe in 1 hour (60 minutes) =
3 km

Length of the water flowing through the pipe in 1 minute, h = 3 km/60

= (3 × 1000 m) /60 = 50 m

Volume of water flowing through pipe in 't' minutes = volume of

water in cylindrical tank

t × πr2h = πR2H

t = R2H / r2h

= (5 m × 5 m × 2 m) / (0.1 m × 0.1 m × 50 m)

= 100

Therefore, the cylindrical tank will be filled in 100 minutes.


Q7) A juice seller was serving his customers using glasses as

shown in Figure 3. The inner diameter of the cylindrical glass was
5 cm but bottom of the glass had a hemispherical raised portion
which reduced the capacity of the glass. If the height of a glass
was 10 cm, find the apparent and actual capacity of the glass.
(Use π = 3·14)
Actual capacity of Glass= Volume of cylinder - Volume of

⇒ volume of cylinder=πr2h

where r=D/2=5/2 cm;

h=10cm; D=3.14




Volume of Hemisphere ⇒2πr3/3




∴ Actual capacity 196.25−32.7=163.55cm3

and apparent capacity ⇒196.25cm3


Q8) A girl empties a cylindrical bucket full of sand, of base radius

18 cm and height 32 cm on the floor to form a conical heap of
sand. If the height of this conical heap is 24 cm, then find its slant
height correct to one place of decimal.

Volume of sand in Cylindrical bullet = volume of conical head of



r1=18cm h1=32cm
r2= ?




Slant height=r22+h22=(36)2+(24)2=43.2cm


Q9) In Figure 3, a decorative block is shown which is made of two

solids, a and a hemisphere. The base of the block is a cube with
edge 6 cm and the hemisphere fixed on the top has a diameter of
cm. Find

(a) the total surface area of the block.

(b) the volume of the block formed.


(a) We need to find the total surface area of the block

Block excludes the base area of hemisphere

The surface area of the block =

total surface area of cube + curved surface area of the hemisphere - a

base area of hemisphere
total surface area of a cube= 6a2 ; a is a side of a cube

total surface area of cube = 6 x 62 = 216

Base area of hemisphere πr2 ; base is circular in shape

And curved surface area of hemisphere = 2πr2

Total surface area of the block

= 216 - πr2 + 2πr2

= 216 + 22/7 * (4.2/2)2

= 216 + 22/7 * 17.64/4

= 216 + 388.08/28

= 229.86 cm2

(b) The volume of the block formed = volume of hemisphere volume

of a cube

= 2/3 πr3 + a3216

= 2/3 * 22/7 * 4.41 + 216

= 194.04/21 + 216

= 225.24 cm2



Q10) A right cylindrical container of radius 6 cm and height 15

cm is full of ice-cream, which has to be distributed to 10 children
in equal cones having hemispherical shape on the top. If the
height of the conical portion is four times its base radius, find the
radius of the ice-cream cone.

Given, Radius of cylindrical container =6 cm

Height of cylindrical container =15 cm

Volume of cylinder =πr2h

Now, as it has to be divided among 10 children
∴ Dividing volume by 10=540/10=54πcm3

Volume of cone + Volume of hemispherical top = Volume of ice-

cream in it.

1/3 πr2h + 2/3 πr3 = πr2h

1/3 πr3 (4+2) = 54π

2r3 = 54


Hence, the radius of icecream cone = 3cm


Q11) Two water taps together can fill a tank in 1(7/8) hours. The
tap with longer diameter takes 2 hours less than the tap with
smaller one to fill the tank separately. Find the time in which each
tap can fill the tank separately.


Given two taps can fill a tank in 1(7/8)=15/8 hours

Amount of water filled by two taps in 1 hour is /1/(15/8)= 8/15

Let the time taken by longer diameter tap to fill the tank be x hrs

the time taken by other tap to fill the tank be y hrs

from the given condition


Amount of water filled by longer diameter tap in 1 hour is 1/ x

= 1/ y−2

Amount of water filled by longer diameter tap in 1 hour is 1/y

⟹ 1/ y−2 + 1/ y = 8/15
⟹4y2 − 23y+15=0

⟹x=−5/4 ,3 but x=5/−4 is not possible

So x=3,y=5

the time taken by longer diameter tap to fill the tank be 3 hrs

the time taken by other tap to fill the tank be 5 hrs

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