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The microbiomes of deep-​sea

hydrothermal vents: distributed
globally, shaped locally
Gregory J. Dick   
Abstract | The discovery of chemosynthetic ecosystems at deep-​sea hydrothermal vents in
1977 changed our view of biology. Chemosynthetic bacteria and archaea form the foundation
of vent ecosystems by exploiting the chemical disequilibrium between reducing hydrothermal
fluids and oxidizing seawater, harnessing this energy to fix inorganic carbon into biomass.
Recent research has uncovered fundamental aspects of these microbial communities, including
their relationships with underlying geology and hydrothermal geochemistry , interactions with
animals via symbiosis and distribution both locally in various habitats within vent fields and
globally across hydrothermal systems in diverse settings. Although ‘black smokers’ and symbioses
between microorganisms and macrofauna attract much attention owing to their novelty and
the insights they provide into life under extreme conditions, habitats such as regions of diffuse
flow , subseafloor aquifers and hydrothermal plumes have important roles in the global cycling
of elements through hydrothermal systems. Owing to sharp contrasts in physical and chemical
conditions between these various habitats and their dynamic, extreme and geographically
isolated nature, hydrothermal vents provide a valuable window into the environmental and
ecological forces that shape microbial communities and insights into the limits, origins
and evolution of microbial life.

Deep-​sea hydrothermal vents are regions of the sea floor The rapid discovery and exploration of vents world-
The use of chemical energy at which hot, anoxic, chemical-​rich water is released into wide over the past few decades1 (Box 1) have revealed a
to fix inorganic carbon into the cold, oxic, deep ocean. Discrete clusters of vent fields range of geologically distinct vent types and associated
organic carbon for microbial exist globally, especially at seafloor-​spreading centres not biological communities, providing new opportunities to
only along mid-​ocean ridges but also, as only recently understand the relationships between geology, fluid geo-
Microbial mats appreciated, in several other geological settings (Fig. 1). chemistry, biology and biogeography (Box 2). In paral-
Dense, macroscopic Hydrothermal vents are formed when seawater perco- lel, next-​generation sequencing methods have provided
communities of microorganisms lates through cracks in the ocean crust into the subsur- new insights into the energy metabolism of uncultured
attached to a solid surface.
face. During this process, the water heats up and reacts microorganisms2, opening windows into how vent-​
with hot rocks, enriching it with a variety of chemicals derived energy sources fuel microbial primary produc-
and volatile gases. This buoyant hydrothermal fluid tion3 and how microorganisms and their animal hosts
rises and emerges from orifices in the sea floor, rapidly interact in symbiotic relationships.
mixing with cold seawater and providing a redox inter- This article reviews our current knowledge on the
face at which chemical sources of energy support vent microorganisms that inhabit deep-​sea hydrothermal
ecosystems. In contrast to most ecosystems, which are vents. We first survey the different habitats at vents,
fuelled by photosynthesis, vent communities depend on the dominant microorganisms that inhabit them and the
chemosynthesis. Vent microorganisms, including animal challenges and opportunities for organisms living in
symbionts, members of microbial mats and free-​living such extreme environments. This provides the basis
Department of Earth and cells, use the energy produced by oxidation of sulfur, for considering controls on the composition of micro-
Environmental Sciences,
University of Michigan,
hydrogen, methane and iron to fix carbon. In turn, this bial communities, drawing on the growing data on how
Ann Arbor, MI, USA. organic carbon supports dense animal communities microbial taxa are distributed within and between vent
e-​mail: largely through symbiotic relationships with bacteria but sites. The emerging perspective is that geology and geo- also via grazing or suspension feeding and subsequent chemistry have important roles in shaping communities
s41579-019-0160-2 trophic transfer. both within and between vent fields. Whereas dispersal

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


Juan de Fuca
Ridge Mid-Atlantic

East Pacific Rise

Ultraslow Slow Intermediate Fast Superfast

b c d e

f g

Fig. 1 | global distribution of hydrothermal-​vent systems. a | The map shows locations of confirmed and inferred active
deep-​sea hydrothermal-​vent fields (water depths >200 m). Ridge axes are coloured according to spreading rate: ultraslow
(dark blue; <20 mm per year), slow (light blue; 20–50 mm per year), intermediate (green; 50–80 mm per year), fast (orange;
80–140 mm per year) and superfast (red; >140 mm per year). b | The image shows Riftia pachyptila tube worms at a black
smoker on the East Pacific Rise; these animals are important models for studying symbiotic relationships. c | Swarming
Rimicaris hybisae shrimp at the Beebe Woods vent, Mid-​Cayman Rise, graze on vent microorganisms. d | The image shows
snails (Alviniconcha spp. and Ifremeria nautilei) and bythograeid crabs (Austinograea alayseae) at the Tu’i Malila vent field,
Lau Basin. e | The image shows a 10 m-​tall carbonate chimney at Lost City in the mid-​Atlantic. f | The image shows a black
smoker and the chimney habitat. g | The image shows microbial mats growing on rocks. Part a is reproduced from ref.171,
CC-​BY-4.0. Part b is adapted with permission from ref.172: Adams, D. K., Arellano, S. M. & Govenar, B., Oceanography, 25,
1, 256–268, Parts c and d are reproduced with permission from ref.154,
Elsevier. Part e is reproduced with permission from ref.119, AAAS. Parts f and g are courtesy of C. German, Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution, USA.

Box 1 | Milestones and impacts of hydrothermal-​vent discovery

in 1977, dense communities of novel and endemic animal species156 were found thousands of metres below the ocean surface, in complete darkness,
where photosynthesis could not possibly be the source of metabolic energy and organic carbon. this discovery of deep-​sea hydrothermal-​vent
ecosystems114,157,158 changed our views of biology and ecology in several ways (see the figure). it was the first example of a rich animal ecosystem driven
primarily by chemosynthesis. the energetic foundation of these dense communities of bizarre animal species was quickly identified: microorganisms
couple the oxidation of reduced inorganic compounds in hydrothermal fluids to the fixation of carbon dioxide into organic carbon, which supports the
rest of the food chain. sulfur was first implicated as an energy source159, and the implication of hydrogen, methane and iron as energy sources quickly
followed160. a second key biological insight was the mode of energy transfer between trophic levels; symbiosis, in which animals depend on symbiotic
chemosynthetic bacteria, is a pervasive mechanism for transferring the geochemical energy from bacteria to animals69,161.
Deep-​sea hydrothermal vents also redefined the upper temperature limit for life on earth16, yielded new resources for medicine and biotechnology162
and had an immediate and enduring impact on theories for the origin and evolution of life on earth and beyond163. they are an appealing cradle for
the origin of life owing to their chemically reducing conditions, potential for abiotic synthesis of organic carbon, reactive surfaces for polymerization
of macromolecules and location beneath the oceans, protected from violent impacts of meteorites and volcanism at the earth’s surface164–166.
recent phylogenetic studies167 and geological evidence168 support hydrothermal vents as important habitats for the origin and early evolution of life.
The biodiversity at deep-​sea hydrothermal vents continues to yield surprises; archaea discovered in deep marine sediments influenced by hydrothermal
activity display eukaryotic features, forcing reconsideration of the origin and evolution of eukaryotes and the topology of the tree of life169.

Suggestion of Heat flow measurements, Description of Lost City, a vent Realization that Direct evidence
hot springs due temperature anomalies symbiosis as a major field hosted on thermoacidophilic Discovery that H2 for life in ~4,000-
to volcanism and seafloor geology pathway for energy serpentinite Euryarchaeota are is widely used as years-old seafloor
at seafloor suggest hydrothermal transfer from rocks, is widespread at an energy source hydrothermal
spreading zones activity bacteria to animals discovered vents by symbionts vents

1965 1974 1977 1979 1981 1998 2000 2003 2006 2010 2011 2015 2017

TowCam images and Alvin Identification of Vents are The upper Deepest vents Discovery of
dives in the Galapagos chemosynthesis as recognized as temperature (~5,000 m depth) Lokiarchaeota spurs
Rift reveal spectacular the main energy a window into limit for life is are discovered reconsideration of
animal communities at source for vent the subsurface extended to at Cayman Rise the tree of life
vent sites communities biosphere >120 °C

limitation between vent fields that are separated by vast which limits our knowledge of their metabolism and
habitat-​free distances shapes the global distribution physiology7. Insights from cultivation continue to be
of vent animals, it remains difficult to evaluate the role of invaluable9, but advances are too slow to close the wid-
isolation and dispersal limitation in shaping the bio­ ening gap between sequence-​based and physiological or
geography of microorganisms owing to relatively sparse biochemical data.
sampling across time and space. If anything, accumu- Despite these challenges, advances in modelling,
lating evidence supports the hypothesis that ‘everything in situ biogeochemistry and omics approaches have
is everywhere and the environment selects’4. Finally, enabled deeper studies of more samples, providing more
we consider the importance of ecological and biogeo- complete pictures of the biology of deep-​sea hydro­
chemical interactions at vents and their impact on the thermal vents. Although the various habitats within vent
broader ocean. fields are physically and ecologically connected (Fig. 2),
their microbial communities are distinct10,11, testifying
Vent habitats and microorganisms to the importance of distinct environmental conditions
Deep-​sea hydrothermal-​vent habitats are defined by and selective forces in each habitat. Biological commu-
physical, chemical and biological characteristics and nities within each habitat of deep-​sea hydrothermal
occur along thermal and chemical gradients between vents are shaped by both fluid chemistry and physical
anoxic, hydrothermal fluids and oxic, cold seawater5–7. characteristics12,13.
Mixing between these fluids occurs in various ways and
at various scales, generating a diversity of habitats with Opportunities and challenges. Fluid chemistry and
gradients of temperature and chemistry, which strongly physical characteristics present both opportunities
influences the organisms present and their metabolic and lethal challenges to hydrothermal-​vent organisms.
activities. The main habitats are hydrothermal chimneys, High temperature sets a hard limit on life owing to
the subsurface surrounding vents, animals at vents and the biochemical constraints of membranes, proteins
hydrothermal plumes (Fig. 2). and nucleic acids14. The highest temperature at which
Sampling deep-​sea hydrothermal vents is challeng- microbial growth has been observed is 122 °C, a record
ing owing to their remote and inaccessible location. set by deep-​sea hydrothermal-​vent archaea including
Thus, knowledge of these ecosystems is largely limited Methanopyrus kandleri15 and strain 121, which is most-​
to snapshots, and their extensive spatial and tempo- closely related to Pyrodictium16. Some hyperthermo-
ral diversity is poorly studied8,9. Further complicating philes use flagella to move towards heat sources, to avoid
efforts to synthesize data into understanding are biases lethally high temperature and to adhere to chimney
and lack of standardization of methods. Finally, many of surfaces17. Temperature has a central role in determin-
the organisms identified in vent habitats are uncultured, ing ‘who is where’ along the thermal gradient between

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


Box 2 | Diversity and biogeography of deep-​sea hydrothermal vents of substrates for energy metabolism at a given point in
space and time owing to consumption of chemicals by
since their initial discovery over 40 years ago, deep-​sea hydrothermal vents have now micro­organisms, limiting reactants and/or nutrients and
been found in a variety of settings around the world (Fig. 1). these vents are diverse in kinetic limitations13.
terms of their large-​scale geological setting (mid-​ocean ridges, back-​arc spreading Pathways for carbon fixation are also distributed
centres, hotspot volcanoes and seamounts), the host rock (for example, basalt versus
according to geochemistry and temperature 29. The
ultramafic rock, such as peridotite) and the rate of seafloor spreading at which tectonic
plates diverge (ultraslow to fast). these factors shape the chemical and physical aspects energy-​efficient yet oxygen-​sensitive reductive tricarboxylic
of microbial habitats7,9,18,170 (see the table, which presents a simplified summary of the acid cycle (rTCA), which runs the TCA cycle in reverse
relationships between these characteristics). the geological setting can be further by substituting three key enzymes, often predominates
modified by sediment cover52. at 20–90 °C, where oxygen levels are sufficiently low
in turn, this newly recognized variety of geological settings for deep-​sea (yet potentially high enough to support microaerobic
hydrothermal vents has expanded our understanding of the range of different physical growth with oxygen as an electron acceptor). The TCA
and geochemical conditions that support biological communities and the relationships cycle can be run in reverse via bidirectional enzymes
between geochemistry and microbiology22,25. whereas sulfur oxidation is prevalent (as opposed to specific rTCA cycle enzymes), and the
and often a dominant electron donor in basalt-​hosted systems at fast-​spreading ridges,
directionality (heterotrophic versus autotrophic) likely
hydrogen gas and methane are abundant constituents of hydrothermal fluids and key
depends on environmental conditions30. The energeti-
electron sources for microbial metabolism at ultramafic systems at slow and ultraslow
spreading ridges. cally costly yet oxygen-​tolerant Calvin–Benson–Bassham
cycle predominates at temperatures <20 °C. Above
Spreading Host rock Setting Fluid 90 °C, most growing microorganisms are hyperthermo-
rate chemistry philic archaea that perform methanogenesis or sulfate
Fast to Mafic (high MgO and Mid-​ocean ridge-​spreading H2S rich reduction using the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway and the
superfast FeO and Si >45%) centres dicarboxylate–4- ​ hydroxybutyrate pathway for carbon
Slow to Mafic and ultramafic Mid-​ocean ridge-​spreading H2 and CH4 rich fixation, respectively29.
ultraslow (high MgO and FeO centres and ocean core (for ultramafic) Vent fluids range from acidic to highly alkaline,
and Si <45%) complexes not only demanding capacity for pH homeostasis but
Various Felsic, dacitic or Volcanic arcs at convergent Low pH, H2 and also shaping the availability of dissolved inorganic car-
andesitic (Si >65%) plate boundaries CH4, and metal bon (concentrations are higher at lower pH), which
rich is required in excess for the rapid chemoautotrophic
growth exhibited by bacteria–animal consortia such
hot fluids and cold seawater because microorganisms as the giant tubeworm Riftia pachyptila31. Hot, acidic
are adapted to specific temperature ranges and have fluids often hold sufficient carbon dioxide, which is
thermal-​growth optima (Fig. 3), although they have strat- obtained directly by animals31, whereas carbon dioxide
egies to survive fluctuating temperatures18. Pressure also may be limiting in cold, neutral or basic fluids32, thus
presents challenges19 but is not a primary stressor at the requiring mechanisms for carbon uptake and con-
depth of most deep-sea vents on mid-ocean ridges20,21. centration33. Hydrothermal fluids also contain several
Microorganisms inhabiting the deepest known hydro- toxic compounds, such as heavy metals (copper, cad-
thermal vents at the Mid-​Cayman Rise at nearly 5,000 m mium and lead) and hydrogen sulfide, that require
The growth of bacteria or water depth must be adapted to high pressure, but the specific adaptations6,9.
archaea using an inorganic, presence of species that are also found at shallower vents Owing to rapid cooling and dynamic chemistry, the
chemical source of energy suggests that these pressure adaptations are encoded at temporal and spatial window in which microorganisms
(for example, reduced forms fine taxonomic scales22. can exploit their preferred physical and chemical niches
of iron, sulfur, hydrogen and
ammonia) to fix inorganic
Hydrothermal geochemistry also strongly influences may be narrow. This situation is particularly challenging
carbon into organic carbon. the composition and metabolism of microbial commu- for free-living organisms that are carried along in fluids
nities along mixing gradients (Fig. 3); fluids emerging in the subsurface, diffuse flow and in rising plumes12,13,28.
Reductive tricarboxylic from vents carry reduced chemical species (for exam- Some organisms maintain their position in the thermo-
acid cycle
ple, hydrogen sulfide, Fe2+, hydrogen gas and methane) chemical gradient by attaching to surfaces as biofilms9,18
(rTCA). A metabolic pathway
for carbon fixation in which two that are electron sources for chemolithoautotrophic growth. or finding refuge within animal hosts, although even
molecules of carbon dioxide The free energy available from each metabolic reaction here temperature and chemistry fluctuate substantially34.
are converted into acetyl can be estimated from the concentration of reactants Adaptations to such dynamic conditions include motility
coenzyme A; it uses most of and products and is a function of the chemical com- and metabolic versatility, which provide the ability to
the same enzymes as the
oxidative tricarboxylic acid
position of the hydrothermal fluid, which depends on find preferred environments and to use multiple electron
cycle but runs it in reverse the geology of the local rock6,23–25 (Box 2); the degree acceptors, such as oxygen, nitrate and sulfur18,35.
by using three alternative of mixing and dilution with seawater; and biotic and
enzymes: fumarate reductase, abiotic chemical reactions that modify water chemistry Hydrothermal chimneys. At areas of hot, focused vent-
2-oxoglutarate synthase and
along the water flow path26,27. Although there are still ing, hydrothermal fluids (up to at least 407 °C (ref.36) and
ATP citrate lyase.
relatively few comparisons of such predictions to empir- perhaps near 500 °C (ref.37) mix with seawater (2–4 °C)
Calvin–Benson–Bassham ical data, such estimates of free energy generally match over short spatial scales of just a few centimetres6.
cycle well with the abundance of metabolic pathways observed Minerals precipitate and often deposit structures such as
A carbon fixation pathway through metagenomic and metatranscriptomic meth- chimneys. The temperature and chemistry of these vent
in which carbon dioxide is
converted into glyceraldehyde-
ods3,12,22,28. However, the biomass of microorganisms fluids and mineral deposits depend on the temperature
3-phosphate using the key that are capable of each type of metabolism does not and geology of the local rock, duration of water–rock
enzyme Rubisco. necessarily correlate well with observed concentrations reactions and degree of subsequent mixing with cooler

Rising plume

Key microorganisms: Neutrally buoyant plume

Biotic metal oxidation
• Epsilonproteobacteria and mineral precipitation
• SUP05 (Gammaproteobacteria) Key microorganisms:
• SAR324 (Deltaproteobacteria) • SUP05 (Gammaproteobacteria) Mn2+
• Alteromonas (Gammaproteobacteria) • SAR324 (Deltaproteobacteria)
• SAR11 (Alphaproteobacteria) MnO2
• MGI Archaea (Crenarchaeota) O2

Animal symbionts
Recruitment of
Riftia pachyptila symbionts from
Entrainment Bivalves
of seawater
Key microorganisms:
• Gammaproteobacteria
• Epsilonproteobacteria
Free-living • Alphaproteobacteria
bottom water
Chimney microorganisms
Colonization surfaces
by dispersing and pores Release of symbionts
hyperthermophiles into environment
Diffuse flow

Chimneys Microbial mat

Key microorganisms: sediment
• Methanococcales • Thermococci Subsurface biosphere
• Methanosarcinales • Deltaproteobacteria Key microorganisms:
• Aquificae • Epsilonproteobacteria
• Epsilonproteobacteria
• Archaeoglobi • Gammaproteobacteria
• Aquificales
• Methanogens
• Archaeoglobaceae
Seawater flux
Hydrothermal fluid flux
Microbial connections
Thermochemical gradient

Fig. 2 | Microbial habitats at deep-​sea hydrothermal vents. The main habitats at hydrothermal vents are chimneys,
the surrounding subsurface, animals and rising plumes. Hydrothermal fluids move between habitats and mix with cold
seawater. Key microorganisms for each habitat represent abundant taxa observed across multiple vent fields by various
cultivation-​independent approaches. The red–blue rectangle indicates a thermochemical gradient between anoxic,
chemically reducing, hot hydrothermal fluids and oxic, cold seawater and is detailed further in Fig. 3. Note that this
illustration is generalized, not comprehensive, and it does not represent any particular vent field.

fluids in the subsurface. This results in a variety of vent Dominant organisms include thermophiles and hyper­
types and fluids (black smokers, white smokers and alka- thermo­philes from Methanococcales, Methanosarcinales,
line and carbonate vents), mineral deposits (sulfides and Aqui­ficae, Archaeoglobi, Thermococci, Deltaproteo­
carbonates) and vent structures (for example, chimneys, bacteria, Epsilonproteobacteria and Gammaproteo­
beehives, flanges and mounds)7. Thermophiles and bacteria7,22,25,40,41 (Fig.  2). Ultramafic-hosted chimneys
hyperthermophiles thrive on the surfaces and within harbour anaerobic methanotrophic archaea 32 and
pore spaces of these mineral deposits38 (Fig. 2). Hot flu- hydrogen-gas-oxidizing Betaproteobacteria and Clos­
Wood–Ljungdahl pathway
A metabolic pathway for ids lack oxygen, and thus the energy metabolisms of tridiales42. Microbial colonization of freshly formed
carbon fixation in which two organisms in the near-​vent environment are typically hydrothermal structures such as chimneys remains
molecules of carbon dioxide anaerobic and lithoautotrophic. However, fluid mixing poorly understood but presumably involves hyper-
are converted into acetyl and thus the transition to microaerobic and aerobic thermophiles that can disperse in cold seawater43.
coenzyme A by the key
enzyme carbon monoxide
processes occur over short spatial scales39. This scenario is supported by observations that hyper-
dehydrogenase–acetyl The steep thermal and chemical gradients at active thermophiles are present in cold plumes44 and that
coenzyme A synthase. hydrothermal chimneys create a diversity of niches5,25. endemic vent taxa can be found in ambient seawater45.

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


Temperature (°C) Taxa Energy metabolism

e− donor e− acceptor e− donor/e− acceptor
2 Seawater
2–10 Gammaproteobacteria S, H2 O2 Oxidizing
(SUP05 and Beggiatoa) CH2O/O2
Psychrophiles HS–/O2
Epsilonproteobacteria (Arcobacter) S O2
10–40 Epsilonproteobacteria S NO3– H2/O2
20 (Sulfurimonas and Sulfurovum)
Mesophiles 20–60 Aquaficales: Aquificae H2 O2
40–70 Epsilonproteobacteria S, H2 NO3–
(Caminibacter and Nautila) Anaerobic
Methanosarcinales CH4 SO42–*
Thermophiles 60–80 Aquaficales: Desufurobacteriaceae H2 NO3–, S
Thermococcus Corg, CH4 S H2/SO42–

80 Various archaea (DHVE2; Corg, H2 SO42–, S,

Archaeoglobus) and bacteria Fe(III)
Hyperthermophiles Methanococcus, Methanocaldococcus H2 CO2 H2/CO2
and Methanosarcinales
121 Thermal fluid >90 Methanopyri H2 CO2

Fig. 3 | generalized characteristics of vents. The figure presents a simplified view of how temperature and quantitatively
dominant taxa and metabolisms vary across the chemical and thermal gradient from hydrothermal fluids to seawater.
These characteristics are generalized for all vent habitats (see Fig. 2) and do not represent any particular vent location.
Temperature zones on the left panel are coarse and encompass a wide range of taxa, whereas the thermal-​growth ranges
for particular families and genera are shown in the middle panel. See Nakagawa and Takai173 and Sievert and Vetriani9 for
details on particular species. *Sulfate reduction is carried out by syntrophic partners.

Although hyperthermophiles such as Thermococcus spp. organic carbon58, are among the most abundant archaea
require high temperatures for growth, they can survive in diffuse flow22.
Dicarboxylate– for months in cold conditions and then quickly respond Warm subsurface fluids (from near ambient tem-
4-hydroxybutyrate pathway when the temperature increases17. perature up to ~100 °C) re-​emerge from the sea floor
A recently described carbon
fixation pathway in archaea
at diffuse-​flow vents, which provide windows into the
in which a molecule of Subseafloor and diffuse flow. Mixing of hydrothermal subseafloor biosphere47,59. Further, as these diffuse flows
bicarbonate (HCO3−) is fixed fluids and seawater also occurs below the sea floor, over mix with oxygenated bottom water, they provide habi-
onto acetyl coenzyme A via much larger distances, as seawater circulates through the tats for aerobic and denitrifying chemolithoautotrophic
a combination of enzymes
ocean crust on the flanks of the mid-​ocean ridge sys- organisms, including dense microbial mats47 and animal
from the reductive tricarboxylic
acid cycle and the tem46 (Fig. 2). This subsurface water constitutes the larg­ symbionts. Microbial mats and mineral flocs in the subsur-
4-hydroxybutyrate part est aquifer system on Earth. Porous subseafloor basalts face or at the sea floor are composed of Methanococcales,
of the 3-hydroxypropionate– and chemical and thermal gradients between the hydro- Gammaproteobacteria and Epsilonproteobacteria, espe-
4-hydroxybutyrate cycle. thermal fields on spreading centres and the cool ocean cially filamentous sulfur-​oxidizing bacteria such as
Black smokers
crust on ridge flanks (hundreds of kilometres away) Beggiatoa and Arcobacter60–64, or Zetaproteobacteria in
Hydrothermal vents that eject provide vast habitats, nutrients and energy sources for Fe(II)-rich fluids65. The relative importance of diffuse ver-
plumes of black suspended microorganisms10,47,48. The recognition that these subsea- sus high-​temperature flow varies from field to field, but
particles, chiefly iron sulfide floor communities are biologically diverse, metabolically diffuse flow may account for the majority of heat flux47.
active and important for deep-​ocean biogeochemistry
White smokers was a major advance10,49–53. Symbioses with animals
Hydrothermal vents that eject Subsurface habitats near active hydrothermal vents Vent animals, mainly tubeworms, shrimp, crabs,
plumes of white suspended host regions of hot, anoxic hydrothermal fluids that mix bivalves and snails, are excluded from high-​temperature
mineral particles composed to varying extents with cold, oxic seawater, producing zones because they are unable to tolerate sustained
mainly of calcium, barium
and silica.
different thermal and metabolic zones54 (Fig. 2). The temperatures above 55 °C (ref. 66,67) ; they thrive in
associated microbial communities are highly produc- lower temperature habitats either on the periphery of
Ultramafic tive and diverse55 and can be accessed via diffuse flow47. high-​temperature zones or in diffuse flow. Many vent
Relating to igneous rocks that Dominant groups in diffuse flow and subsurface fluids animals depend on chemosynthetic symbiotic bacteria
have a very low silica content
include Epsilon­proteobacteria and Aquificales, which as a source of energy and organic carbon, which is pro-
and very high content of
magnesium and iron. use mainly sulfur and hydrogen gas as electron donors duced by the bacterial coupling of vent-​derived electron
and elemental sulfur and nitrate as electron acceptors for donors with seawater-​derived electron acceptors via
Denitrifying lithotrophic growth5,9,13,22,54,56,57, as well as methanogens lithoautotrophic metabolism68. Thus, these animals must
A type of process in which and heterotrophs7,22. Anaerobic oxidation of methane is deal with a trade-​off between obtaining reducing chem-
nitrate is used as an electron
acceptor for energy metabolism
favourable in ultramafic habitats22,24 and hydrothermal icals (mainly sulfide, hydrogen gas and methane) from
and is reduced to di-​nitrogen sediments7. Members of the Archaeoglobaceae, which hydrothermal fluids for their chemosynthetic symbi-
gas (denitrification). are sulfur reducers that can use hydrogen gas and/or onts while facing physiological challenges ranging from

thermal stress to low-​oxygen levels and high levels of impacts on broader deep-​sea microbial communities
toxic sulfide and heavy metals69. The microbial symbi- and biogeochemistry28. Plumes also function as vectors
onts benefit from a relatively stable habitat at the interface for dispersing vent microorganisms and animal larvae
of electron donors and acceptors for energy meta­ throughout the deep oceans95.
bolism and, in return, provide organic carbon to their Hydrothermal plumes undergo rapid cooling and
animal hosts70. Symbiont physiology can be somewhat geochemical changes during the turbulent mixing
flexible in order to adapt to the local environment71. between hydrothermal fluids and seawater, making for
Symbiotic bacteria are selected not only by the a dynamic habitat11,28 (Fig. 2). The distribution and source
physical and chemical characteristics of the vent envi- of microbial communities within plumes, especially the
ronment but also by their animal hosts, which them- rising portion, were long elusive owing to sampling
selves have adaptations to their symbionts and the challenges that were resolved by recent technological
environment72 and display strong biogeography1,73. advances96. Plumes are composed primarily of organ-
Across their various hosts, symbionts occupy different isms derived from the water column, such as SUP05
animal tissues ranging from specialized organs such (Gammaproteobacteria), SAR324 (Deltaproteobacteria),
as the trophosome of tubeworms, gills of bivalves and SAR11 (Alphaproteobacteria) and Marine Group I
oesophageal glands of gastropods to the external sur- archaea97–99. Sea floor and/or subsurface organisms such
faces of shrimp, crabs and mollusks68. Endosymbionts as Epsilonproteobacteria can be present in plumes98,99 but
are typically Gammaproteobacteria and use either sulfur are quickly diluted owing to the massive entrainment of
or methane as energy sources, but in some cases, they background seawater28. Microorganisms spend just a few
are Alphaproteobacteria or Epsilonproteobacteria74,75. hours in the rising portion of the plume; thus, the vast
Symbionts can also use hydrogen gas as an energy majority of growth takes place in the horizontally dispers-
source, and the common occurrence of hydrogenase ing, neutrally buoyant (nonrising) plume, and depletion
genes suggests that this capability is widespread among of electron donors for lithotrophy leads to a spatio­
hydrothermal-​vent symbionts76,77. Endosymbionts can temporal succession over the course of weeks and across
switch between different carbon fixation pathways77,78 tens of kilometres28,100. Voluminous ‘megaplumes’ result-
and even between autotrophy and heterotrophy79. This ing from seafloor eruptions are an exception to the above
mixotrophy may be an adaptation to changing conditions principles, as they contain abundant microorganisms
and/or a free-​living life stage and may help explain why from seafloor and subseafloor habitats6,44,101.
symbionts appear to be abundant in the environment80.
Animals are highly selective of their lineages of Connections between vent habitats. Vent habitats are
endosymbionts68,81. When multiple lineages are present physically connected to each other, with transfer of water,
within one host, they may use different energy sources82, chemicals and organisms between them, enabling migra-
and these lineages can change with geography and geo- tion between habitats (Fig. 2). Indeed, some taxonomic
chemistry83. Even within a single animal genus, there are groups occur in multiple habitats; mussel symbionts are
systematically varying host-​symbiont associations, with closely related to free-​living populations (including the
symbionts being shaped by both environmental chem- SUP05 group)74. Direct release of heavy loads of endo-
istry and host phylogeny84. Reciprocally, symbionts may symbiotic bacteria from dead animals into the surround-
mediate how their animal hosts interact with their envi- ing environment can enrich free-​living populations
ronments75,84. Endosymbiosis appears to have evolved with endosymbionts that are available to colonize new
convergently multiple times74. hosts102. However, closer examination often reveals that
Although chemosynthesis-​based transfer of energy close relatives in different habitats are distinct species
from endosymbiotic bacteria to animals was the first or strains with traits that reflect their different niches,
and most spectacular example of symbiotic relation- as exemplified by the presence of distinct Thermococcus
Mineral flocs ships, subsequent discoveries revealed diverse symbiotic strains on chimneys versus diffuse flow103. Although
Flocculent materials relationships and functions85. Bacteria colonizing exter- physiological and highly resolved genetic data are not
sometimes emitted from
nal animal surfaces (epibionts) are cultivated and har- yet sufficient to draw universal conclusions, results to
hydrothermal vents, composed
of fine mineral particles and vested by their hosts as sources of carbon and energy86,87. date indicate that high similarity in organisms between
often microbial biomass. Epibionts on the foot of gastropods are also involved in different habitats within a vent field is often due to evo-
deposition of mineralized scales, presumably as a pro- lutionary linkages rather than direct migration between
Trophosome tective armor88. In other cases, symbionts may produce habitats. Phylogenetic studies suggest that symbiosis has
An internal organ in tubeworms
used to host chemosynthetic
natural products to protect their hosts from parasites89. evolved multiple times in multiple bacterial lineages74.
symbiotic bacteria.
Hydrothermal plumes. Hot hydrothermal fluids mix Biogeography of vent communities
Autotrophy with seawater, forming hydrothermal plumes, which rise Local scales (within a single vent field). Different vents
The growth of an organism
up to hundreds of metres off the sea floor and disperse within the same vent field often have different microbial
through the fixation of
inorganic carbon into organic thousands of kilometres off the ridge axis. Plumes pro- communities13,104–107. The rich body of data now available
carbon. vide a habitat for lithotrophs90–92 that have key roles in provides a foundation to determine factors that shape the
determining the fate and impact of hydrothermal inputs composition of these microbial communities. As described
Heterotrophy into the oceans11,93,94. Although hydrothermal fluids are above, temperature is an important determinant of the
A mode of organism growth
in which exogenous organic
highly diluted in plumes (~1:10,000), concentrations of distribution of organisms at vents. For example, many
carbon functions as the source reduced chemicals remain sufficient to support the con- members of the Epsilonproteobacteria and Aquificales
of carbon. siderable lithotrophic growth that may have substantial use the same electron donors (hydrogen gas and different

Nature Reviews | Microbiology


Allopatric speciation
forms of sulfur) and acceptors (nitrate and oxygen), but Global-​scale biogeography. Deep-​sea hydrothermal-​
The evolutionary divergence of they are adapted to different temperatures9 (Fig. 3). vent provinces around the world have strikingly different
a population into distinct Variation in fluid chemistry, which defines the energy fauna1,73. This large-​scale biogeography of animals is due,
species due to geographic available to lithotrophs, has emerged as another key in part, to limited dispersal of larvae, resulting in isolated
control. It varies according not only to the chemistry populations and allopatric speciation. The composition
Thermohaline conveyor of nascent hydrothermal fluids but also to the physi- of microbial communities also varies across large scales
The global circulation of water cal aspects such as fluid flow rate and residence time, between vent fields, especially between vents of differ-
in the oceans, driven by degree of mixing, the chemical form and bioavailabil- ent types and ridge-​spreading rates6,18,40. The substantial
density gradients due to
ity of chemical compounds108 and the physical forms of distances (~100 km) and differences between microbial
differences in the temperature
and salinity of water masses.
vents13,109. For example, within Axial Seamount, diffuse-​ populations and communities of different vent fields
flow microbial communities at individual vent sites and the apparent endemism of some vent taxa9,35,106
are both taxonomically and functionally distinct from have been taken as evidence that geographic isola-
one another owing to local subseafloor geochemical tion and limited dispersal also shape microbial popu­
and physical characteristics13. On one hand, in this and lations and communities at vents117. Indeed, extensive
other diverse hydrothermal-​vent ecosystems, the avail- evidence supports the existence of biogeographic pat-
ability of hydrogen gas, an energy-​rich electron donor terns of microorganisms, and these patterns are thought
for microbial metabolism, has a key role in structuring to be governed by the same processes (selection, drift,
microbial communities22,24,41,42,110,111. On the other hand, dispersal and mutation) that shape the biogeography of
hydrogen sulfide, which is abundantly used as an elec- larger organisms118. However, the relative importance
tron donor, is not usually limiting, and thus, variation in of these factors in shaping microbial biogeography, both
its concentration may not often limit the abundance of in general and specifically at deep-​sea hydrothermal
sulfur-​oxidizing microorganisms3. vents, remains unclear.
At finer taxonomic scales, niches are partitioned on Available evidence suggests a strong role for the
the basis of the concentration of substrates for energy selection in shaping microbial biogeography at deep-​
metabolism. The distribution of sulfur oxidizing sea vents. As in vents within the same site, physical and
Epsilonproteobacteria, Sulfurovum and Sulfurimonas, is geochemical characteristics drive differences between
determined by the concentrations of sulfur and oxygen112. microbial communities across vent sites8,22,27,32,41,110,119.
Members of the SUP05 group of Gammaproteobacteria The role of geochemistry in shaping microbial commu-
occupy yet another niche at even lower oxygen and nities is particularly noticeable when comparing sites
sulfur levels. Two groups of Aquificales differ in their with different host rock geology. Sulfur oxidation and
tolerance of oxygen13. Thus, variation in temperature hydrogen oxidation are prevalent in nearly all hydro-
and the concentration of electron donors and accep- thermal systems, but sulfur oxidation is generally more
tors are likely responsible for the diversity of bacterial important at basalt-​hosted systems. Methanogenesis and
families, genera, species and genotypes within species22. oxidation of hydrogen gas and methane are often more
This likely explains, in part, the functional redundancy prevalent at ultramafic systems owing to the availabil-
observed within plume communities, which receive ity of carbon dioxide32 and the production of hydrogen
microorganisms from multiple habitats12. By analogy to gas and methane during hydrothermal reactions with
environmental drivers that shape the diversity of photo- rocks such as peridotite6,18,111,120,121. Mineralogy also
synthetic organisms such as Prochlorococcus113, we can has a direct role in shaping chimney communities121.
expect that deeper lineages share adaptations to physical Finally, variation in water column seawater chemistry
and chemical conditions (for example, in temperature (for example, pH) in different settings and along the
optima and central energy metabolism), whereas viral thermohaline conveyor also affects microbially mediated
predation and grazing pressure promote diversity at biogeochemical reactions122,123 and thus may influence
finer scales. However, temperature may also differentiate microbial- community composition.
closely related organisms, as suggested for SUP05 (ref.13). Few studies have attempted to directly quantify the
Finally, as in other ecosystems, the degree of environ- relative importance of environmental selection versus
mental variability likely influences the richness of vent geographic distance in shaping microbial biogeog-
microbial communities112. raphy at vents. At both the levels of whole microbial-​
Early descriptions of vent fauna interpreted differ- community composition and within species, patterns
ences in biological communities between vents as dif- of biogeography have been found to correlate more
ferent successional stages114. Indeed, succession and strongly with geographic distance than with environ-
other temporal effects have been shown to function mental factors106,117,124,125. However, given the challenge
alongside geochemical and physical forces in shaping of exhaustively measuring and testing all environmental
microbial-​community composition18. Destruction of factors that could contribute, the role of selective forces
extant communities and formation of new fields lead is often underestimated118.
to colonization and ecological succession6. Microbial The case for geographic isolation and limited dis-
communities on rock surfaces change over time, for persal having a primary role in shaping microbial com-
example, as basalts are altered50,115 and when venting munities is weakened by several recent findings. First,
ceases100,116. However, the year-​to-year temporal con- microorganisms thought to be endemic to vents are pres-
sistency observed in diffuse flows of Axial Seamount13 ent in ambient deep seawater, suggesting the presence
suggests that vent microbial communities can stabilize of a ‘seed bank’ of microorganisms that are transported
on intermediate timescales. between distant vent sites via thermohaline circulation45.

Second, closely related organisms have been found at for oxidation of elemental sulfur, suggesting a direct role
vents across ocean basins12,13 and even in different ocean in the biogeochemistry and horizontal transfer of genes
basins22. A critical question regarding the close relation- that are central to energy metabolism137. Evidence for
ships of these organisms from distant vents as well as viral participation in a wide variety of different pathways
those found at whale falls7, at other nonvent environ- through such auxiliary metabolic genes135 has also been
ments11 and in background seawater45 is whether they shown in hydrothermal sediments138.
reflect current ecological connectivity (for example,
migration of organisms between sites) or merely shared The broader impact of vent microbiology on biogeo-
evolutionary ancestry; even organisms that share >99% chemistry. Deep-​sea hydrothermal ecosystems have an
sequence identity of 16S rRNA genes may have a com- impact on the broader oceans that reaches far beyond
mon ancestor millions of years in the past126. Questions the regions immediately surrounding vent fields.
regarding the viability and functional equivalence of Hydrothermal fluids contain elements such as iron and
purported vent microorganisms in the open ocean also manganese at concentrations up to a million times that
remain open127. of background seawater. In vent fields around the world,
Disentangling the relative strengths of the different this ‘tap’ is always on; thus, vents are a substantial source
forces shaping microbial biogeography at vents will of oceanic iron and manganese139,140. These elements can
require deeper sampling, quantitative methods that be dispersed on an ocean-​basin scale141, aided by micro-
are rooted in ecological theory and the use of genetic bial production of organic chelators including sidero-
markers that are more sensitive128 and more suitable phores that solubilize metals94,142 (Fig. 4). Microorganisms
for detecting the neutral genetical variation associated can also influence the fate of hydrothermal elements by
with drift than are 16S rRNA genes118. We should also catalysing the formation of particulate iron and manga­
keep in mind that different organisms display different nese minerals through enzymatic oxidation or cell
biogeographic patterns and may have different dispersal surface catalysis93,143 (Fig. 4). These chemically reactive
capabilities and drivers of biogeography125. If evidence minerals participate in scavenging reactions that are a
emerging from multiple independent approaches con- substantial sink for biologically critical elements such
tinues to converge on the conclusion that geographic as phosphorous144,145. Because a volume of water equal
distance is not a primary determinant of microbial-​ to that of the entire ocean cycles through hydrother-
community assembly at deep-​sea hydrothermal vents, mal plumes on timescales (2.4 × 105 years) comparable
it would be consistent with results from other micro- to residence times of critical micronutrients such as
bial ecosystems indicating that selection has a stronger phosphorus and vanadium, plumes and their associ-
influence than dispersal limitation118. The strong envi- ated microorganisms and biogenic minerals function as
ronmental gradients between deep-​sea hydrothermal chemical filters for the global oceans146. Similarly, micro-
vents and their geographic separation at various scales bial biogeochemistry in the igneous subsurface, where
provide valuable opportunities for studying microbial there are large fluid fluxes, substantially affects marine
biogeography and how it compares with that of animals. biogeochemical cycles51,147.
Interactions with ecosystems surrounding deep-​sea
Wider interactions vents also extend to trophic interactions and exports
Metabolic and ecological interactions. The microbial of microorganisms and larvae95. Microbial growth in
portion of the food web at deep-​sea hydrothermal vents hydrothermal plumes occurs tens of kilometres away
remains poorly characterized, but the framework for from the vent source, and these lithotrophy-​enriched
how carbon and nutrients flow and how microorganisms communities are likely transported for at least hun-
fit into the broader food web is now apparent129 (Fig. 4). dreds of kilometres28. Given the availability of electron
Lithoautotrophs fix inorganic carbon into biomass, donors for lithotrophy in marine particles148,149, oxy-
which can then be released through cell death and/or gen minimum zones and oil spills and that microbial
viral lysis or transferred directly into the food web via communities found in these habitats have similarities
protists, zooplankton and filter-​feeding or mineral-​ to hydrothermal plumes11, there may be interactions
grazing invertebrates7,86. This biomass may also contrib- between vent and nonvent communities28.
ute to the pool of dissolved organic matter, thus fuelling
heterotrophic bacterial production130. Animals also har- Conclusions
vest organic carbon from their symbionts and take up Since the startling discovery of deep-​sea hydrothermal
and release partially oxidized sulfur compounds such as vents four decades ago, their microbiology has been a
thiosulfate and polysulfides, which can be used by other frontier for fruitful exploration, discovery and research.
microorganisms and/or animals131. These ventures have transformed our views of ecology
The enrichment of viruses in deep-​sea hydrothermal and the origin and evolution of life and have yielded val-
vents132,133 compared with surrounding seawater suggests uable products for biotechnology. Combined microbio-
that viruses exert a strong influence on microbial vent logical and geochemical studies have revealed the energy
communities and biogeochemical cycles, similar to sources that fuel these chemosynthetic ecosystems and
their role in the broader oceans134,135. The limited data the microbial players and pathways that harness them.
available suggest that temperate, lysogenic phages are Although these microorganisms are distributed glob-
favoured in diffuse flow, where they may enhance host ally in the same geography and spatial isolation that
fitness and mediate horizontal gene transfer136. In hydro- strongly impact animal communities, growing evidence
thermal plumes, viruses have been found to carry genes suggests that microbiomes of deep-​sea hydrothermal

Nature Reviews | Microbiology



Fe(OH)3 Siderophore

Fe2+ Siderophore Siderophore

Export of microorganisms,
primary production, hydrothermal
Fe(OH)3 Fe(III) Siderophore
inputs and larvae to other vent
MnO2 fields and to the broader ocean

Zooplankton DOM

Protists bacteria

microorganisms Viruses
Viral infection Viral lysis
and replication
Chemoautotrophs DIC RNA

DNA Protein

Viral infection Viral lysis; less S0?

S0 globule DNA
Protein Protein
Viral AMGs enhance
CH2O S0 oxidation

Fig. 4 | Ecological and biogeochemical interactions at deep-​sea hydrothermal vents from a microbial perspective.
Primary production by chemolithoautotrophy occurs in free-​living planktonic microorganisms, microbial mats (not shown)
and symbionts of animals, which can release and utilize partially oxidized sulfur compounds (POSCs). Iron and manganese-​
oxidizing microorganisms catalyse the precipitation of iron and manganese oxide minerals, which may sink and contribute
to metalliferous sediments, whereas siderophore-​producing microorganisms may solubilize and enhance the mobility
of hydrothermal metals such as iron. AMGs, auxiliary metabolic genes; DIC, dissolved inorganic carbon; DOM, dissolved
organic matter; DSR , dissimilatory sulfite reductase. The summary of trophic interactions is based on information in
Bennett et al.130.

vents are largely shaped by local geochemical, physical the gap between rapidly accumulating sequences of
and geological conditions. More quantitative studies macro­molecules (DNA, RNA and protein) and know­
that incorporate ecological theory and leverage high-​ ledge about physiological, ecological and biogeochemi-
resolution genetic data are required to determine the cal functions continues to widen and to inhibit scientific
relative importance of environmental selection versus progress 2. Thus, high-​t hroughput methods to link
dispersal limitation in structuring hydrothermal-​vent sequence to function will be critical. Modelling provides
microbial communities. a path to synthesizing diverse data streams and testing
Deep-​sea hydrothermal vents are difficult to sam- our understanding of vent ecosystems. Modelling has
ple and study, but technological innovations are ena- long been used for the study of energetics of vent ecosys-
bling a new wave of experiments and monitoring. The tems and has demonstrated its value as a theoretical and
integration of different approaches, including culture-​ quantitative framework for understanding microbial–
dependent and culture-​independent tools, geochemical geochemical interactions and as a window into inacces­
rate measurements147 and molecular methods, provides sible environments. Thanks to the advent of models
great promise9. As in the research of other microbiomes, that quantitatively integrate microbial biogeochemistry

with the growing volume of genetic data28,150–152, exciting we seek to uncover the principles of microbial ecology
opportunities abound. and look towards potentially habitable worlds beyond
We are only just beginning to understand the intri- our own. These spectacular ecosystems are now threat-
cate relationships between different hydrothermal-​vent ened by human activities153 such as deep-​sea mining;
organisms, their interactions with the chemical and thus, research and exploration of deep-​sea hydrother-
physical environment and the links and impacts of vent mal vents take on new urgency in light of the need for
ecosystems on the broader system of Earth. However, science-​driven conservation and restoration1,154,155.
it is clear that hydrothermal-​vent biomes have a role in
global biogeochemistry and have much to teach us as Published online xx xx xxxx

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